but its not their fault that they dont know it. yes it is a little ignorant but they cant help it. they just dont know. so the only thing to do is to tell them the truth and thats what you did. but i think you over reacted a little bit. you cant expect everyone to everything. people are wrong, not all the time but mostof the time.

]color=indigo] I have tried many a time to educate them on the correct origin. They chose to be trolls... My brother and I just got in to an arguement at our July 4th picnick. He has the Suzuki symbol on his leg, yes it was his first bike, but how much meaning does that truely hold. Then he comented back with "Are you planning on being a witch for the rest of you life?" Motioning to my ankh... I have not told anyone in my family that I am Pagan because they will only harass me. They will not accept my choice of path. My mom doesn't even want me to move out and marry my fiance! She finds anything she can to put me down to try and keep me here at home with her instead of getting out and making my own life for myself...