A curious sparkle momentarily appeared and twinkled in her eyes. Something along the lines of a question asking if this child before her also was suddenly visited in these seconds in time by the wondering about the rising and falling of one's chest with breathes like she had experienced not long ago ran through Alery's mind before she followed suit and similarly lifted one of her own hands from where it was just an instant before at the corresponding one of her sides. This lifted hand landed on the front of her dress between her shoulders. Then, her smile widened. His name? She wordlessly repeated his and happily gave hers, too, as she replied, "I'm Alery. Nice to meet you, Slven." Her gaze then moved to the child she presumed was Slven's twin brother before, in the same characteristic manner, inquiring with her use of words and knowledge she wasn't sure how she'd known to be able to wield or speak, "And may I please ask what's your name?"