Posting Guide:

Posting is pretty easy, self-explanatory really. All you need to do is write a reply in the thread, or create a new thread in the subforum. If you choose to do the latter, please set it out as such:
'[*who it includes, characters or users] *title of thread*'
i.e. '[F'erd/Lucy] Mending in the Infirmary'

If it's a role-play in which anyone can post, it's open. You would put:
'[ORP (this is for Open Role-Play) *title of thread*'
example..'[ORP] Mending in the Infirmary'

For the title of the thread, please put the place it is set in your location, or a name corresponding to it, so we know what it's about. For example, you could name it 'Cranky Old Men' if it's a group of old riders in bad moods after some event.

Always post in 3rd person and past-tense. If a dragon is speaking, italicize it and use a color. If a rider is mind-speaking to his dragon, just use italics. Besides that, you may color anything whatever you want (within reason! xD).