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When you purchase tickets, you are automatically invited to join this guild.

WTF? Why would I join this guild?

In the Guild, we:

1. Have more contests and vote on them.
2. Have regular updates and announcements.
3. Enjoy a private place where we can enjoy other gaians participating in the lotto.
4. Its free to join the guild, because you purchased tickets!

Okay, Okay, I'll join. Do I have to check the guild daily for updates?

Not really. As contests arise, I'll send an announcement to your PM box. When we need voting on contests, I'll do the same thing. But, the more you participate in the guild, the better. Its wildly encouraged to do so. Also, if you have an idea for a contest that you believe people would participate in, let me know! I'm always open to suggestions.

Alright, give me the stuff I need to read but dont necessarily want to read...

Rules for the Guild:
1. Read the first three posts on the Lotto Thread, Here.
2. Participate in the lotto. Even if its just 1 ticket, but know that you can't participate in the contests without purchasing 5 tickets.
3. Follow the TOS.
4. No Trolling.
5. If people want to roleplay, that's okay. But please refrain from cybering.

If you do not follow the rules, you will be banned from the guild and blacklisted on the main thread.

Love the Lotto? Adopt a Banner to put in your Siggy!!

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