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                                              Gilles P. Coen is in the stables with beautiful people and too friendly for his own good.

                                              If he had been left to his own devices, Gilles could have easily lost track of time once again and spent the rest of his evening flirting with horses in the stables. He could have lived there. It was warm enough. Maybe if he was polite the four-legged creatures would oblige him in sharing a small portion of their oats and carrots. He was a light enough eater. And most horses, in his experience, were quite accommodating if given the chance. But he was interrupted, and in the end it was all for the better. What a fetching creature who stumbled into his attention. Stumbled was a good word. She didn't seem terribly graceful, poor dear, but that didn't particularly matter. Around the same time, the club began to filter into the stables, taking Gilles completely by surprise.

                                              He definitely, definitely forgot that he had come there with any specific sort of purpose. What was a young man to do when so many beauties were capturing his heart and his attention? Gilles blinked, puzzled but unassuming, in the direction of the girl who threw out a comment about girlfriends and condoms. He couldn't possibly know who or what was fraternizing with a significant other, but he looked around himself to be sure he hadn't missed something entirely. Not seeing anyone else, he placed a delicate finger to his lips and hummed thoughtfully. Perhaps she was simply practicing for a play. Or she found it within her heart to bring to light some very sage advice that all young men and women could take to heart. Truly, it was very good to think of the children. And very, very good to practice proper health precautions.

                                              His mission, after all, was to spread love. Not sexually transmitted diseases. Or babies, even if they were soft and fuzzy and sometimes nice.

                                              Remembering himself, Gilles turned his attention back to the shirt-haired photographer. The cute, clumsy one who looked unfortunately famished. He'd hardly even registered the camera in her hands, let alone the fact that she had very obviously been aiming it at him mere moments beforehand. With a soft, wide smile, Gilles approached her and invited himself into her personal bubble, wrapping his arms around her shoulders. "Hello, good afternoon," he greeted easily, his voice light and otherworldly. "Pardon me for eavesdropping, but I couldn't help overhearing that you seem to be about ready to eat a horse." Gilles shook his head sadly, his pink lips pursing with sympathy as he added, "I wouldn't recommend it. I doubt any of them would be particularly taken with the idea. But if you ask nicely I'm sure none of them would mind sharing with you the gifts that have been bestowed upon them."

                                              This, of course, was supposed to be a joke, though it hardly sounded like one. Maybe it would have helped if Gilles had giggled.

                                              He left her just as suddenly as he had descended, flitting in some sprightly manner across the stables to better hear what their instructor had to say. In part, because he was the instructor. In part, because he was handsome. In part, because he had addressed Gilles specifically, if only because he had noticed him upon entering. Formality or not, Gilles couldn't have imagined being rude to such a strapping man. And what a voice he had! What a sense of morality! What love! Gilles placed a hand upon his heart, and by the time Professor Maddox had finished his speech concerning how they 'must and always should strive to know and understand the other inhabitants of this world whether they be two or four legged--or finned' Gilles was clapping as if he had just heard the most riveting public announcement of his young life.

                                              Nobody else was clapping, but why should that have bothered him? It couldn't have, considering he didn't so much as notice. Gilles would have liked to give the Professor his thanks immediately, but it had to wait for after the groups were formed and his instruction for their tasks finished. It wasn't until he had split them off, directed them to their horses, and left them with a violent looking set of tools that Gilles managed to find the time to slide in front of Raphael and effectively deter him from leaving (for at least a second or two).

                                              "Good sir," he began, reaching for the hands that were irrelevantly filled with official documentation, "I wish to express to you how sincerely touched you've left me with such a generous display of goodwill." His eyes shone as a beamed up at Raphael, but his face turned into something almost serious (because being fully serious with the sort of face he had was nearly impossible to actually achieve) as he added, "You are a very attractive person. I thank you."

                                              Alas, though he would have liked to stick around and properly detail his appreciation, there were horses to admire and to spoil, classmates to introduce himself to. He'd have to save his casual flirtation with the older man for another day. Raphael was instead given a quick ta-ta before Gilles was spinning away toward the other students he had been designated to work with. His arms were wrapped around Hazel once again as if he had meant to be there all alone. This time, he followed it up with a kiss on the cheek.

                                              "Lovely to officially meet you, dear. Hammond, was it? His expression bright, he unwound himself from the poor girl and pivoted on his foot to face, instead, the much surlier looking pink-haired girl. "Ah! And you must be Deimante!

                                              His arms opened as he took a step closer, clearly planning on emulating his friendliness with the entirety of his group.




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"Golden smile, You've got style that they can't take away.♪"__xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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                                        It was only just after Hazel found herself nearly on the ground that she looked up to see the pink-haired vixen that had told her off before now discovering a new victim to torment. Maybe this girl wasn't always like this, and maybe her behavior wouldn't last, but for now her mouth (and the words spilling out of it) were enough to distract Hazel from her pain again. The grumble had died down a bit anyway, allowing her to stand. Hazel then saw the instructor (Was he a coach? A professor? A doctor?) start preparing to give a little speech and check role and such, but in her absentmindedness she'd complete missed the approaching figure until she felt a pair of dainty arms squeezing around her torso.

                                        "O-Oh!..." she gasped as the horse fanatic spoke to hear. Her cheeks lit up with a subtle pink hue; both the surprise of the moment and the fear of her condition being noticed had frightened Hazel the tiniest bit. But her assailant came in peace. Now seeing him more closely, she recognized he was a rather beautiful boy. His smile and tone both seemed genuine, and Hazel appreciated that. She nodded and giggled at his jokes, despite them being harmlessly aimed toward her pain. The way this spoke, Hazel felt as if he could say the nastiest, longest run-on sentence and it would somehow turn out pleasant and peaceful. He was polite and proper, it seemed, too.

                                        Two more seconds with him and Hazel might have fallen in love. "Maybe they'll loan me some hay if I'm... lucky," she tried to say. However, the stranger had already started to gallop away from her to hear their instructions for the period and missed her joke. Maybe next time. Yes, definitely next time. Hopefully.

                                        The instructor went on to explain that the club members wouldn't be riding any horses today. Taking care of them and learning their ways were to be their first assignments. "Can I afford to miss that much class and spare homework time?" she asked herself, though it was skipping lunch that she knew she should be concerned with. "No need to trouble yourselves, I have determined the groups ahead of time according to your class schedules and any secondary needs you might have."

                                        It was the "secondary needs" bit that perplexed Hazel the most. Was anorexia listed anywhere in her student files? She never knew whether her parents reported her condition to anyone or not. It took her a short moment to realize he was probably talking about the other students' conditions. The conditions that made them, well, not human. Biting her lip, Hazel forced another smile as she listened to the group assignments. She had been chosen to do her horse-related chores alongside the lovely boy, the pinkheaded rebel, and another boy she didn't remember having met yet.

                                        Mr. Coen seemed rather impressed with the instructor's instructions. Seeing him standing there, alone, giving a one-man applause and blatantly not caring what any of the others thought of him, he intrigued Hazel. It was like everything around him made him happy. She wished she could love anything as much as he seemed to love the world. But maybe this was something they shared. Hazel had a wonderful appreciation for art -- still life, captured screens and viewpoints of the world around her at its most magnificent points. From what she could gather, he seemed to enjoy the world in motion.

                                        Hazel was spending too much time thinking about the boy that, again, she nearly missed his next hug. His lips were soft against her cheek and the brief excitement made her shiver a bit. She put her hands at his waist and gave a gentle squeeze in response. "Hazel, yes," she introduced. "Oh!" Just as quickly as he had approached, he now twirled away. IBy now their instructor had given them a set of tools and led them through the stables to meet a few of the horses they'd be working with starting today.

                                        [********] Hazel couldn't help but smirk, seeing Miss Deimante's dismay. She stepped forward and looked to her partner, finally putting her camera away in her back. Pictures could wait until later."Oh, come now. How bad can it be?"

Whereabouts: Stables
Attire: This
Company: Equestrian Club Members!
Out of Character: After being sick for three weeks, my post has arrived! Plus it was my birthday this past Monday (the 17th) so yay. >w<

Icy Sapphire

Omnipresent Prophet

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                                        He had no intention of wandering into Equestrian club, but there he had ended up. After his spat with Nurse Reed and Elodie, he'd stormed out of the infirmary and made his way out into the open. A breath of fresh air would help him, he thought, but his trembling was hardly over, and all he wanted was to make his way back to the dorm for the night and forget that this day had ever happened. What else was he to do? Caught between the present and his memories of what was his life before Aevum, he couldn't seem to find his head properly. Everything in front of his eyes seemed to be displayed in military pattern; time still seemed to go by in military hour, he still stood too stiff, too tall at times. Relaxation never seemed to be a thing for him. The gunshot was still ringing in his ears when he was stopped by a professor and directed toward his club, apparently it was necessary for him to be social on this campus, as much as he hated the idea. With a huff, the freckled veteran turned away from the professor and sulked toward the stables where he assumed his club would be meeting. Who the hell signed him up for equestrian anyhow? He didn't know a thing about horses, and he sure as hell didn't plan on riding one any time soon, if that was what they were thinking for him.

                                        Charlie entered the stables with a wary look about him, keeping close to the back walls until he was nudged forward by the snout of a rather large looking horse that flared it's nostrils at him. Unsure of himself, he made his way toward a throng of people that had gathered in front of the man he could only assume was the professor. He introduced himself as professor Madox, a young man who looked to be almost the same age as his students, but Charlie had no complaints to give. He stepped closer to the group just in time to hear the man who ran the club announcing what will be done today. "There will be no riding today," he stated firmly, and among the groans and sighs from students who seemed to actually care about the club, Charlie found himself sighing in relief with the other half of the members of the group. He wasn't necessarily afraid of horses, he just didn't trust an animal with his life. Hell, he couldn't trust a human with his life any more, who the hell was to judge him for not being able to trust another person? A scowl settled on his lips at the very thought.

                                        His expression stuck as the man drawled on. Apparently instead of riding, they would be taking care of horses. Scraping up dung, brushing them down, feeding them, taking time out of their daily schedules in order to take care of the animals. He cast an uneasy gaze toward one of the mares that stood behind him and swallowed. He wasn't so comfortable with being around big animals, but he wasn't about to let that show through his exterior at the moment. Instead, he turned his unamused gaze to the professor once more, this time to focus his attention on the group assignments that would be rattled off. The idea of groups made him cringe, but assigned groups seemed to settle his uneasy stomach. Assigned groups kept him from having to try to socialize - or worse - being that student who stands alone at the end and has to be lumped together with some other unfortunate group that refused to take him under their wing. His name was rattled off with three others; Coen, Diemante, and Hammond. His gaze settled on the three who moved together to the side, making up a group, and was relieved to find he wouldn't be the only guy among the four of them. Grudgingly, he shuffled over and waited in tight lipped anticipation for the professor to instruct them. Group two was assigned three horses and left with the equipment he needed.

                                        The members of his group were a mixed bag. One girl looked less enthusiastic than he was; a swearing blonde who he'd sworn he'd seen somewhere on campus before. The second was a bubbly young blonde who seemed to force a smile at the rest of them. The last, the only other male of the four, was an eccentric young man who seemed almost too happy for Charlie's liking. He glanced up at the open-armed young man and cleared his throat.

                                        "Charlie," he introduced, unsure of what else to say. "I've uh -- never been around horses before." he added, frowning at the large creatures. Not a fan of physical interaction, particularly after his war days, he forced a smile and nodded patiently at the others.

                                        Before long, he had noticed hints of tension coming off of the woman he assumed to be Miss Diemante. He glanced her way and moved around her, careful not to make any physical contact. "Look," he stated, eyeing his group members. "I'm not big on animals, but hell, I've been through worse than maintaining stables." Charlie picked a pair of boots off the ground and kicked his shoes aside one at a time, tugging them on. "If that means I'm left to clean the stalls, so be it." he added defiantly, picking up a shovel and looking around at the other three. "I don't know about you guys, but I just want this day to be over," he added, his voice gruff.

                                        Not bothered by the rest of the class chattering loudly around their small group, Charlie made his way toward one of the stables, where the first horse they were supposed to tend to stood with a sleepy look in her eye. "So, uh--" he began, hesitating by the door of her stall and glancing back at his group, clearly uneasy. "Where do we start?"

                                        gah, midterms kill me, but hey, sorry for the lateness, here's charlie!

                                        Charlie is currently hanging around the stables and is with his group at the moment, feeling a bit uncertain.


                                        Icy Sapphire


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