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Supernatural beings such as vampires, werewolves and poltergeist have been on earth amongst humans since the dawn of time. They've existed in nightmares and have become mythical, legendary, feared, and now—discriminated. The “Beings of the Night” aren't only part of the night anymore; they are a part of cruel jokes, pranks, and hate crimes. They are different from normal humans as all know, and since they are different they are the newest target of hate. Since the year 1997, they have lived in ghettos, separated, with their own neighborhoods, schools, and businesses. They were all impoverished and hated, all because of the differences that keep them apart from humans. They have been given a name: Nightbeings, or mostly the slur “Nighties”.
--Our Story--
It is the year 2015, and the Rights to All Humanoid Beings Union, or RAHBU, have been pushing and after years of effort they managed to convince a few countries to stop segregation of Nightbeings, letting them into human schools, shops, restaurants, and communities. The countries that have passed the “Melding Act” are Japan, South Korea, Canada, Britain, France, Italy, and the United States.
--Our Main Focus--
A school named “Transworth Academy”, located in central United States, is one of the last schools to allow Nightbeings to attend.
Transworth Academy, two buildings across 2nd street near Downtown Chicago, hosts 6th-12th grade classes within the two buildings. [and surrounding neighborhood]

1. God's out on vacation and I'm filling in. What I say goes—though I'm less fire-and-brimstone.
2. Obey the following Rules--
3. No Godmodding [the biggest RP no-no]
4. Try to keep it clean, so anything over the age of 15-17 in rate of appropriateness will get you kicked out. Basically, this is a T+ rated RP, if that's useful information.
5. Cybering. Is. Yucky. I know, high school tends to get a little...well, past just hug-and-kiss, but skip over the sex, detail is not appropriate; do that in PM's, innocence stays safer that way.
6.I won't enforce a huge 30-paragraph-per-post rule, but please—give us the info we need, if you can. If you write 3 paragraphs...I won't read it. Got lots to do.
7.Be nice, friendly, loving citizens of mother earth, flame will be deleted on site, even if there is RP information in the post as well. I cannot allow emotions to be hurt.
8.Submit your character profiles to me, Keymaster of the Locks, via the PM system Gaiaonline has provided, with the message titled “I don't want your blood”. Posts with profiles will be deleted, as well as posts asking to join. All that may be done in the Private Messaging system to avoid clutter.
9.You may only use a character after I give the okay and your character profile is displayed in the “Accepted Students” post.
10. Have fun, that's what RPing is about. It's not all about gold...right?
11.Obey the preceding rules.
Character Template:

Username: [your username]
My Name: [name of Character]
I'm not old! I'm: [age of character]
What am I? I'm: [human or nightbeing? If nightbeing, specify whether you are a vampire, werewolf, or poltergeist]
This is none of your business but I'm: [sexuality of your character]
Outward Vibe: [what people see at a glance, appearing personality]
Inward Feel: [if they knew you intimately, hidden personality]
Appearance: [pictures or descriptions are fine, but credit original artists or be descriptive]
Backstory: [a summary of the years of your character's life so far]
Accepted Student Profiles:


Username: Keymaster of the Locks
My Name: Claudia Skyave [name of Character]
I'm not old! I'm: 175 [looks 17]
What am I? I'm: Vampire
This is none of your business but I'm: Unsure
Outward Vibe: Claudia is a tough girl, kind of a punk, almost always angry or sarcastic
Inward Feel: They'd learn that Claudia is deeply troubled, she works when she's not at school and her home situation would make anyone cry. She's learned to hide this for fear of attention, for it only makes her home situation worse.
Appearance: Appearance [original artist: Forsakenbloodlust]
Backstory: Well, let's start from the top, when life was good. Claudia was a pretty young child at the age of 20, with two attractive parents and a punk big brother. Things were good....then when she was 75, [looking around 12 years old for vampires] her mother fell victim to a radical human, gunning her down like a dog. Things looked bad for the Skyave's, they lost a mother—but more importantly—a wife. Her father resorted to alcohol, and her brother the same. One night, it happened for the first time—Claudia's father raped her. This was rather traumatizing, and when she cried in her room her brother beat her for “being so weak”. This happened constantly for the next hundred years, over that time she's learned not to cry, to hide her feelings—and be tough.

Username: Bunny J badguy
My Name: Karin Sanctum
I'm not old! I'm: 19
What am I? I'm: Human
This is none of your business but I'm: open
Outward Vibe: Karin comes across, especially at school as a beaten down and distant person. She’s extremely careful to avoid anything that could possibly be considered discrimination against night beings as one false word would cost her her job. Despite her mixed feelings about night beings Karin does accept how ever tentatively that they are equal to humans and here to stay, she doesn’t come off as intolerant but anyone who knows her past will instantly assume so, Karin keeps to herself mostly but isn’t above a friendly conversation how ever rare they may be for her.
Inward Feel: Despite her training to kill Karin is a highly nurturing person and has a large amount of unused caring passion and devotion in her that she cant afford to show. Inwardly Karin is an extremely lonely person who feels (and rightly so) that she’s been wrongly villainized and desperately wants to have some one to confide in.
Appearance: Karin’s looks don’t help the reputation she’s trying to live down, she’s slightly above average height and almost perfectly arian with exceptionally long pin strait blond hair, striking light blue eyes and smooth milky white skin. Karin wears her hair in a bun with strands hanging down her back reaching the shoulder blades with the sides pulled back and a long blond lock falling casually down the right side of her face framing her cheek bone. Her body is curvy with out being to showy and she has a slender, slightly toned form outside of her curves which are just enough to shape her silhouette.
Backstory: Karin’s life was decided at an early age, when she was very young and the discovery of night beings had only recently occurred she was chosen along with the best and brightest of her orphanage to take part in a training program orchestrated in secret by some of the Vatican’s more intolerant arch bishops, one of which an Archbishop Parris chose to adopt her at the age of three giving her the last name of Sanctum. From that point on Karin and many of her friends underwent a highly intense military like training to “purify the earth of all those which live as an affront to god” Suffice to say Karin had an extremely strict fundamentalist christen upbringing. At the age of eighth Karin was inducted in to the holy order of sacred knights division twelve “Judas” along with twelve of her closest friends who were by that point well trained solders believing, as she did at the time that it was their god given mission to eliminate the world of monsters. As Karin was almost ten years younger than most of the members of her division she was not allowed to take part in the actual fighting. Her life was hard but it was all she knew and all she was told she needed to know. One by one Karin had to watch as her squad members, no her friends did not return from missions, that they had fallen to the unholy creatures that plagued the earth masquerading as humans. It was this and the words of Archbishop Parris that planted a burning seed of hatred inside the little girl. As the years passed their numbers got fewer until, at the age of seventeen Karin was the only living member of division twelve. By this point Karin was an expertly trained fighting machine which would have gladly accepted her first mission and stained her pure heart with the blood of another being, anything to get back at them anything to finally fulfill her destiny. However by this time RAHBU had laid waste to the order’s operation and what her entire life had led up to was stripped from her, all her friends, all her hard work, all shed been taught was gone. Worse more the people that she had loved, that had died for humanity were remembered as monsters while the monsters they had been fighting were accepted as people. Finally with the arrest trial and execution of her only guardian Karin was truly alone and in a world where she was the only surviving member of a group who’s very name was now synonymous with hatred violence and killing, she was the monster now. That was when she truly began to break down, all their stares when she walked by, all the things they said about her, the way they celebrated the death of the man she had called father, the fear of angry night beings attacking, the crushing pain of loneliness became to much for her. Breaking down completely and having no one else to blame Karin even prayed that she would lose her sanity before finally turning away from her old ideals and her god if only to keep herself going. Six slow heavy months passed in which Karin simply sleepwalked though life shutting her ears to the calls of fear, resentment and hatred that surrounded her and tried to piece together some sort of new reason for living. Eventually Karin ended up as a student teacher at Transworth if only to show that she wasn’t the hateful monster everyone thought her to be but alas so far it hasn’t been working.

Username: Gael Ranyx
My Name: Ryan Hikari
I'm not old! I'm: 16
What am I? I'm: Human Male
This is none of your business but I'm: Homosexual
Outward Vibe: A very shy, quiet boy, as well as very odd at times.
Inward Feel: Happy and fun-loving, with a great imagination.
Appearance: Medium height and light weight. Ryan has white hair, which is rather short, and blue eyes. He almost never truely smiles, since he doesn't like the look of it. Ryan usually wears a shirt he made himself, with three shades of blue material: dark blue sweat material, medium blue odd material, and blueish white dress material. The dark blue is half of the torso and a sleeve, the medium blue is the other half, and the blueish white is the right hand sleeve. He also wears a 18 karat gold bangle on his right wrist. The pants he wears are also handmade, right hand side being made of dark blue, and the left hand side being medium blue. He wears black Vans sneakers, since he can't make shoes.
Backstory: Ryan was always easily scared, and after hearing of nightbeings, life became a living nightmare. Vampire and poltergeists scared him to death, but werewolves intrigued him. He is very intelligent, graduating as the valedictorian of his elementary school, and in the top ten of his current high school. His parents love him dearly, even after he came out of the closet. His younger brother still annoys him, worse since his brothe is homophobic.

Username:Undisposable Hero
My Name: Odayakana Akkan(lol, google translated cool & badass in Japanese)
I'm not old! I'm: 15
What am I? I'm: human
This is none of your business but I'm: Straight as the straightest straight thing ever to be straight [not gay]
Outward Vibe: Quiet, keeps to himself unless with his close friends
Inward Feel: Wishes he could be more outward, and tends to be a pretty hopeless romantic
Appearance: User Image
Backstory: Used to living just a normal life, but when he got a strange invitation to an academy he had never heard of, he decided the escapade would be fun, now that he's there, He is a bit more intimidated...

Username: Chris Tempra
My Name: Chris Tempra
I'm not old! I'm: 19
What am I? I'm: Human
This is none of your business but I'm: open to everyone
Outward Vibe: People see her as the outcast Druggie. She hangs out with those kids who talk about parties and drugs and she always seems to be out of this world. People tell her to come back to earth since she's always daydreaming. Other than that she's a bit pushy and mean with sarcasim
Inward Feel: She's always a bit depressed and really cares about people who are hurting. she's timid and nervous all the time and uses the drugs to make her the punk she is.
Appearance: User Image
Backstory: Her parents are highly against the way the school is allowing the nightbeings into her school. And they told her that everyday. Even when she wa young, her parents made it clear to her that the nightbeings where just idiots. Chris didn't care. Chris had started drugs at a young age, but now she's slowly leaning away from that. She'll party but that's far and between. Her parents drove her crazy with the constant abuse and the drugs help her cope. She has a constant fear that everyone will always hate her, so she sticks with her "friends"

Character name: Luci Yeung
Age: 317- Looks 13
What am I?: A vampire
Sexual orientation: Straight

Outward vibe- exceptionally cute, and vibrant, people are drawn to her, It makes it easier for her to drink people's blood. She likes to wear loud clothing.. COLOURS ARE SUPPOSED TO MATCH?!

inward feel- Classic vampire- Incredibly lonely, has a bad tendency for falling for human guys and hates her self for it. She never talks about her past> anyone who brings it up she gets pissed at. She's very insecure > She doesn't care about people's pasts as long as they don't ask about hers

Appearance- Tiny in stature., Asiatic features, Long black hair to her waist, but it's always tied up in different ways. She died at 17 but looks like she's 13. She wears children's clothes half the time.
Oh, and she- strangely, has blue eyes, and has had them even before she was changed.
Luci lived in China when she was a child, she was an outcast in her village because of her blue eyes which no one could explain because her parents were well- Chinese. She was picked up by a collector vampire, who changes people based on different anomalies in looks. He took her when she was 9 years old, but could not change her until she was 17 because of the Vampire Code in China at the time.
The Collecter's name was Sirika-> woman who liked to dress Luci up like a little doll. Luci escaped from Sirika and has been wandering around ever since- She's going to school for the 8th time... but her first time in the united states.
I'm still waiting...
I'm still waiting...
Move those hips and--Bump.
[Well I guess we'll get the show on the road] OPEN!!! ^^

The chill of Autumn, the first steps into the school year. A new era has come, an era of equality. Well, on paper at least. The students congregate outside the doors, to the right near the bike racks the humans, to the left by the trash cans, the Nightbeings. Most of the Nightbeings were afraid to even enter the building, some were actually looking forward to a good academic year. The humans all looked in disgust at the sight of the unnatural students. One Girl broke the balance, her name was Claudia Skyave. She rolled her eyes as she walked from the Nightbeings group and to the front door, opening it and walking inside. "Geez, can't everyone just learn?" She said to herself in the empty hallways.
Karin filed in with the crowds of other students and faculty, not seeing the divide in the students as she dared not look up from the space just in front of her feet as she walked along. She winced a little as a student finally noticed her "Isn't that" began one as the murmuring around her grew louder "no, no way they'd let her anywhere near here that cant be the same person" but eventually it caught on like always. They knew who she was and for that she would always be marked. Friends pulled each other away from her, even teachers looked up at her with distrusting, pitiless eyes. Why had she come here? What could she really prove by being here? No door her past had closed was being opened and she knew it. Moving quickly but silently the halls seemed to part and the crowds seemed to shrivel in her wake. Keeping her head down and clutching a notebook to her she walked along to a room ducking in as several students thinking themselves ill fated ducked out after her to get away if only for a few minutes. Karin moved to a small desk in the courner of the room where at least no one would be behind her back. Almost sinking in to the chair she sat down already dirained from their stares and voices.
"What makes you so special?" Claudia asked from the seat next to Karin. "Why the long face? You sit on a pin?" She almost chuckled at her own joke, though held it in for Karin's sake.
Karin's blue eyes moved slowly to meet the pail punk looking girl, her shaggy black hair dyed just about every color under the sun, such a sharp contrast to herself and yet she was the first person to say a word to her since arriving there, unsure of weather this was a night being or not she was amazed to find someone who didn't know. Don't screw this up Karin. She spoke as casualty as she could the heavy emotion withheld from her voice. "well... I guess you could say that I'm not exactly..." she paused "look" she said looking in to where she assumed her eyes were behind her hair "its just that I'm...." this was painful to say, the words felt wrong coming out of her mouth "do you know about archbishop John Paris?" she asked knowing full well she must, how could anyone not know the most infamous hateful fanatic in the past three decades.
Heard of Who? Was the first thing that came to mind. "I haven't actually...I--" She can't tell someone her situation, being locked up in a room except to do every chore imaginable and more. "--don't have a TV. I've never gone to a full church service either." These were not full lies, but they were still as much cover she could muster.

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