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N A M E ▪ ▫ ▪

You will call me, Areon. In human language it translates to carnage and slaughter. It will be the last name you ever learn.

A G E ▪ ▫ ▪

I am young, but do not let my appearance deceive you. I am stronger, faster and smarter than any other MOGADORIAN twice my age.

G E N D E R ▪ ▫ ▪

I am a FEMALE. Idiot.

P E R S O N A L I T Y ▪ ▫ ▪

I am your typical MOGADORIAN; vicious, bitter, cruel, judgmental and have your usual psychopathic tendencies. To a human, Garde, or Cepan, I’m delusional and psychotic; one that holds no true emotion or ambition in life other than to kill them. For the most part they are correct. My only ambition in life is to fulfill my purpose and for the time being, it’s to kill the Garde, and the Cepan. Why not share the love and kill the humans too? I am calculating and analytical, I will plot and plan the most sufficient… or the most gruesome way to kill my prey before I do so. Death happens every day, but each kill can be special and unique. Why make each one the same?
That’s boring. Spice things up and take a bite out of life why don’t cha?

S E X U A L I T Y ▪ ▫ ▪

PANSEXUAL. Anybody has the ability to kill anybody...

H I S T O R Y ▪ ▫ ▪

I was given birth to after the war, but my learning’s have taught me much of our victories, for MOGADORIAN’S are much like the human warriors, Spartans. We kill and pillage, scavenge, and hoard. It is a bountiful way of life that is not only successful but powerful…. And just like the Spartans, we have the ability to **** your **** up. I was top of my class when we were traveling to earth and was chosen to track the Garde, who I believe is number four. When I separated from my pack I for the first time felt truly alone. I could always call for help on my communicating device but if something were to happen and nobody was there to see it.. well, let's just say there is a reason we stay in packs. We're not all exactly credible, unfortunately. I mean, as superior beings it's only natural to want whats best for your civilization, to make sure that we succeed and thrive as best as we can. It just seems foolish that some of us would choose to bicker and lie to one another.
Being on my own took a while to get used to. I would get visited often by my superiors which was both a blessing and a curse. Frequent disciplinary actions took place when I spoke out of turn, which happened often. After all, when you don't talk to anybody for days and days and days you come to find out you have quite a bit to say.
When I would not talk and just travel for those days and days and days I would daydream about the one kill that would bring us, as a civilization closer to our goal. Destroying number four. I can recognize her anywhere with her light blonde hair. I just recently picked up her trail again and have been following her for days. Now all I have to do is play the waiting game, and as painful as it may be, it is the most rewarding game to play.

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I’m pretty sure I’m HUMAN, although I have been told otherwise by girl’s in the second grade.

N A M E ▪ ▫ ▪

I’m Julian. Whole name is Julian Guiser. I doubt you’ll need my last name but I figured you’d want it just for good measure.

A G E ▪ ▫ ▪

I just turned seventeen this May. One more year and I’ll be able to sign contracts, go into the military, have sex whenever I want, and kill myself with cigarettes. That’s a lot to look forward to! But who says I don’t do any of that stuff already, heh?

G E N D E R ▪ ▫ ▪

What’s the saying, boys are from Uranus?... or something like that? Uh, I’m a guy.

P E R S O N A L I T Y ▪ ▫ ▪

I like to consider myself a pretty laid back kinda guy. I’m average in both personality and in looks, nothing special about me… except for my genetically altered white hair. Haha, joking. It’s bleach. My sense of humor is dry… like, so dry sometimes my friends don’t even laugh… they just think I’m constipated or I’m in a bad mood or something. Something you probably didn’t want to know about me, I get a little snarky when I’m constipated.
Moving on.
I’m a little awkward when I first start talking to you, but once we get going I’m pretty warm and friendly. I’m a man of few words, don’t really have a lot to say unless it’s important or unless I want to tame that dreaded awkward silence.
I can be a little sassy once I get going. My tongue can be pretty sharp so if I’m a **** to you, it’s probably because you were one to me first.
I stutter a lot, and always say ‘uhm’ or ‘uh’, I know, bad habit. But whatever, I got plenty of bad habits that I can start up, so I doubt that’s the worst.

S E X U A L I T Y ▪ ▫ ▪

I really like girls… because duh, girls are ******* gorgeous and they smell great. Guys on the other hand… smelly, insensitive, and pretty moronic; I dunno, maybe it’s a phase. All I know is when this one guy kissed me, I didn’t exactly pull away…

H I S T O R Y ▪ ▫ ▪

Uhm, I was homeschooled for a while, Mom and Dad were rambunctious Christian zealots who didn’t want their only son growing up to be a free thinker. That plan backfired… a lot. But Mom and Dad had always been over protective, always claiming the world was a strange and dangerous place and that our only salvation was God. Well, that was fine and dandy, but God didn’t necessarily save Grandpa Joseph from getting mushed to bits by a spaceship. Yeah, apparently my Dad saw his Dad get killed by what he claimed to be a spaceship. Always thought my old man was crazy… and then that new girl came to school. Yeah, sure she was cute, every guy liked her… and yeah, okay fine, maybe I liked her too! Big deal! Everybody was doing it! I was minding my own business one day, casually accompanying her, with her knowing, to the football field. Just like that. She vanished. So I flipped my ****. I mean, yeah sure, I smoke pot once in a while… but I’m pretty sure it doesn’t make you hallucinate two weeks after taking it… I mean, pretty girls just don’t VANISH, right? RIGHT?! Of course not. So I started paying more attention to this girl… and had come to find out… maybe she wasn’t just like us. Maybe she wasn’t human. Then I started thinking, maybe my Dad wasn’t so crazy… and maybe there was something bigger, something more intense going on. That’s when I began doing my research, and that’s when I figured out… there are more of them… and there are things out there trying to kill them… and us.

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I AM ▪ ▫ ▪ ▪ ▫ ▪ put desired type here [fire, water, grass, etc.]
Insert your character's role here please.
I AM insert your username in all caps here ▪ ▫ ▪ ▪ ▫ ▪⊱
MY ROLEPLAYS A M P L E S ▪ ▫ ▪ ▪ ▫ ▪ put link to samples here

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⊰ ◆ I AM ◇ ◆ ◇ ღ put character type here ◆ ⊱

❥ N A M E ◇ ◆ ◇

Put your character's name right here.

❥ A G E ◇ ◆ ◇

Character’s age, nothing younger than 13 please.

❥ G E N D E R ◇ ◆ ◇

Male or female. Pretty standard.

❥ C O M P A N I O N ◇ ◆ ◇

Put your companion's image here, please. If no image is available, colorful description is acceptable.

❥ O C C U P A T I O N ◇ ◆ ◇

If your character does have a job, put it here, please.

❥ P E R S O N A L I T Y ◇ ◆ ◇

Who is your character? Describe any characteristics they may have here.

❥ S E X U A L I T Y ◇ ◆ ◇

Heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, pansexual, etc.

❥ H I S T O R Y ◇ ◆ ◇

Your character's past goes here. Make it interesting and awesome. You character has probably had life changing phenomena that have shaped him or her.

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||A|| yaka || S|| iῠ ||S|| asaki

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H umans are as delicate as flowers
W e need constant care and love
A nd one day your devotion will make them blossom



N A M E❥
My name is Ayaka Siu Sasaki. However, you shall address me as, Your Majesty.

A G E❥
A woman must always preserve her element of mystery and grace to those who do not know the truth.

G E N D E R❥
I am a woman.

C O M P A N I O N❥
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My companion is an honorable Venusaur. Her name is Ikio.

O C C U P A T I O N❥
I suppose you could put National Monarch as an occupation, yes?

P E R S O N A L I T Y❥
I have been hardened by the cruel truths of life, so those who do not know me entirely too well would describe me as being cold and unkind. For the most part they’re correct. I can be cold, and extremely unpleasant to those who don’t deserve my affection and praise. Deep at heart though, I am a mother. Like my companion I have bore many young, and for each of them I am patient, understanding, and above all else attentive to what they need. I adore children, which is perhaps why I have so many. In a way, my children are my teachers, and they will remind me that I am not only a mother to them, but to my people as well. I am extremely protective of my children, and if something were to happen to them I would not react harshly and quickly like one would think. No. I would take my time in thinking about the most appropriate, and most painful punishment that could ever be plotted. If you think the wrath of the Fire Kingdom is deadly, you haven’t seen anything, until you’ve picked a fight with the Grass Kingdom. Like snakes we will wait patiently till your guard is off and devour you whole, slipping away into the tall grass, almost as if nothing ever occurred.

S E X U A L I T Y❥
Heterosexual, although a wise leader could persuade anybody into bed with her for the right cause.

H I S T O R Y❥
I come from the most honorable of families. My ancestor was the very founder of this Kingdom, so it gives me great pleasure to serve just as he’s done. When I was brought up as a little girl, I was always told I was going to be the next ruler, which I would become an Empress. With that type of positive upbringing of course my current position shouldn’t be a surprise. My mentality at the time made it seem everything would come easily to me, including love. My heart hardened over the years though, as each and every one of my marriages continued to fail me. My first few husbands, I had actually loved, but their feelings did not match my own. For the good of the Kingdom and for the good of my children, who desperately needed a strong father figure, I wedded my General.

My eldest son, who grew up believing just because he was the oldest believed he would one day become emperor. Leadership, however, shouldn’t come to those so easily. You must work, train, and study for being in a position such as this one. I didn’t want him to grow up thinking that everything would come easily. Because things, especially love, do not come easily. He surprised me, my son. He worked very hard, to try and impress me. But I was sticking to my beliefs, that Leadership should not be handed down to blood just because they are blood. Leadership should be given to those who deserve it.
I was blinded by my cause, so much to see that my decision was hurting my son, breaking his heart.

I remember waking up one day and him not being there. He left when I announced who was going to be my apprentice. As a mother, it breaks my heart that my eldest son left me in such distain. To an Empress, however, his self-dismissal just reminds me of how wrong I was to choose someone else for the apprentice ship.
He tried to prove himself to me and I admittedly dismissed him at every chance he got.
His presence, not being here, it haunts me, to this day.

Patience and wisdom are your teachers::.
Stabilize yourself with tradition and the inner peace it brings you::.
To know that your ancestor’s were the right ones::.

My heart aches for what I’ve done.
if only I listened to what he was trying to tell me
then maybe he would still be here

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⊰ ◆ I AM ◇ ◆ ◇ ღ FIRE ◆ ⊱

N A M E ◇ ◆ ◇

Ayameko Miyazaki. Aya will suffice.

A G E ◇ ◆ ◇

Just turned nineteen this Spring.

G E N D E R ◇ ◆ ◇


C O M P A N I O N ◇ ◆ ◇

This brute's name is, Idiot.... ha, kidding.
That's just what I call him. This is my Arcanine, his name is Blazer. Blaze, for short.
What!? You're afraid of this overgrown fluff ball?
Puh-leeeaase, he makes a better pillowpet than a protector.
I don't think his brain can grasp the concept of ever being violent.
Maybe that's why he's my lover boy. He mellows me out.

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O C C U P A T I O N ◇ ◆ ◇

Me and my brother have been working hard all our lives,
doing anything and everything we can to get enough money
just to make it to the next day... what? Oh, I'm a jack of many trades.
My most recent job was helping the local blacksmith repaint the outside
of her house.

P E R S O N A L I T Y ◇ ◆ ◇

I have great work ethic, no question about that.
I also had to grow up real fast to ensure my little brother stayed safe.
His name is Sion. I love that kid to death. Oh, but back to me.
I guess you could say I have a hard time focusing on myself,
because I'm so used to caring for other people, mainly Sion, Grey and Blazer.

I'm task orientated, why sit and lazy the day away when you can go out and
earn a few hard earned bucks for your dinner?! ... Unless you hate eating.
Whatever the case, I'm on my feet most of the time.
When things are bothering me or when I'm under loads of stress,
that's when I shine the brightest; working and keeping busy is how I relieve stress,
and that's also when my work improves. Workaholic? No, you're crazy. Shut up.

I call Blazer my lover boy, because he is. Who needs an actual man walking around,
bossing you around and telling you what to do when you have that perfect,
unconditional love staring at you in the face every morning?
Yeah, I know I need a boyfriend.
Blazer is pretty dull, I wont try to sugar coat things, very, VERY dull.
But he cheers me up when I'm down, and makes me smile when I need to
the most. I really couldn't ask for a more perfect companion.

Friends? Who needs friends when you're working all the time?
I am a people person though, I can chat somebody till their ears turn blue.
...or any-other unnatural colors. Hahaha. When it comes down to it though,
I prefer to be with the people that are closest to me.

S E X U A L I T Y ◇ ◆ ◇

Guys! Guys are great. Sion is always teasing me how I
need to settle down and get married. Ha, as if that will ever happen.

H I S T O R Y ◇ ◆ ◇

Won't lie, Aya's back story is a little bit of a downer, but then again,
I'm sure other's have had worse. Our Father left in search of work,
and never came back. Guess I can't really blame Mom for taking the highroad too,
after all, now she was a single parent with two kids.
I'm sure I was a handful back then. There is still some bitter resentment
held towards out parents from me. Because of them I got no childhood.
But I guess you can't miss something if you never had it before, right?
Moving on. For a painstaking five years we had to fight our survival.
We would either earn our food or steal it, slept wherever we could..
and through it all, me and Sion never once stopped believing in ourselves.
We never lost hope, even when times did get tough.
The fact that my little brother is working for the Fire Embassy alone is
bragging rights for this big sister!

Sion was summoned as a Scout, and was told to go to some place far away
named Kobe City.
Well of course I'm not going to let him leave by himself!
He's still my little brother. He still needs me... or at least.. I hope he does.

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⊰ ◆ I AM ◇ ◆ ◇ Electric ◆ ⊱

N A M E ◇ ◆ ◇

Keitaro Yakashu

A G E ◇ ◆ ◇


G E N D E R ◇ ◆ ◇


C O M P A N I O N ◇ ◆ ◇

Kei's companion is a male Raichu named, Bolt. User Image
Bolt is almost as stubborn and as pig headed as Kei.
This Raichu is quick on his feet and very, very terrotorial.
So don't expect him to get along with you right away.

O C C U P A T I O N ◇ ◆ ◇


P E R S O N A L I T Y ◇ ◆ ◇

Keitaro, Kei for short, is a con man at heart. Maybe it was because of poor parenting, or maybe it was do to the bad environment, either way, Kei turned out to be a rotten egg.

This isn't to say he's all bad though. So what if he's greedy and conniving?... Kei is still human, he has feelings and emotions, however he might not always make them prominent.

Kei's relationship with Bolt is more of a partner relationship rather than a best friend. Don't get them wrong, they love each other, they just like to show it in a different way. For example, hitting, kicking, biting, punching, shocking(Bolt's way of showing affection). Yeah, no, this isn't how they show affection. But they do kick the s**t out of each other whenever, and I mean, whenever the situation calls for it.

S E X U A L I T Y ◇ ◆ ◇


H I S T O R Y ◇ ◆ ◇

When Kei was five years old his mother gave birth to his little sister, Hana. Since he and his parent's were nomadic, they didn't usually stay in the same place for very long, because their Pokemon were Electric types. When his sister was born they were in the Grass Kingdom at the time, so they gave her the name Hana, which translated into flower.
Kei loved his sister very much and from the first moment he saw her he vowed that he would always take care of her. No matter what.

However, times were tough when it came to being a nomad. Nobody wanted to hire foreigners, so for Kei's father, finding work was hard... very, very hard. Without a job, there would be no money, if there was no money there would be no food, if there was no food, how would they survive? Moving to another Kingdom would not only be foolish but it might even kill them with the condition that they were in already.

Kei feared for himself and his little sister, he had a feeling he knew what would occur within the next few days. While his little sister and her pichu slept peacefully in their crib, Kei and his pichu rose at the sound of talking in the next room. He pressed his ear against the thin wooden door and heard word for word.
"She has a pichu, which could be useful later on, she's worth no more than 360 in Grass currency."
"Can you maybe offer more? We have another kid to feed, our son."
"Not our fault you have so many kids. You electric types breed and don't think of the outcome."
He could hear his mother stifling her sobs and he could hear his father shift uncomfortably.
"360 is fine, then."

Kei, along with his pichu scurried back into bed, just in time to see two strange men, come into the room, take his sister and her companion, and leave.

He never saw her again. But that was all about to change. When Kei turned fifteen he left his parents in search of his little sister. Not knowing where she was or where he would have to go, be he would find her, eventually. He didn't care how long he would have to search. He would find her. You'd think after ten years of getting nowhere he'd quit.
Not even close.

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xxxxxxDon't you worry, b o y, it's a waste of time.

xxxxxxPlace your hand on m i n e, untie your m i n d .

xxxxxxWe'll just f l o a t away into the day.

xxxxxxYou're not the only one who thinks they're falling in l o v e.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxYou m u s t be patient.

                                “Well, if you want to make yourself inconspicuous, I suggest you find this King or Queen, take your hat in your hand and ask humbly for work. Say that you just came to the city with me, your sister, and we wanna sustain a better life for ourselves, yadda yadda.” She suggested, “If I were a royal and saw a cute little thing like you asking for work I’d throw money at you, or at least give you a place to stay… but then again, that’s just me. For all we know this Ruler might be a jerk.” She assessed, shoving her hands in her coat pockets. She was wearing a warm tan overcoat, cargo pants and hiking boots fitting the rest of her traveling attire. Aya was a beautiful woman of nineteen. However, you wouldn't catch her dead in a dress, or anything feminine. Femininity to her was weakness, and if you've been living on your own since you were five, yeah, you have no room for weakness.

                                ”Bird!” a loud bark was heard, as thunder began to rumble against the ground. A shadow cast over Ayameko as a giant Arcanine landed just short of on top of her, sprinting down the trail in front, trying to catch the bird.

                                ”God damn it, Blaze!” Aya snapped, dusting off her head, since the large dog Pokemon kicked up some dirt while he had landed in front of her, ”What did I tell you about chasing birds!?”

                                The Arcanine referred to as Blaze looked over his shoulder at Aya, stopped and just wagged his big pushy tail, panting excitedly, ”Birds, Aya! We don’t get birds at home!”

                                ”Big dope,” Aya shook her head, combing her fingers through her bright crimson hair. She then turned back to her brother, ”We can’t afford to get too chatty with anybody while we are there. That includes Grey and Blaze too. Grey, I’m not worried about. We all know how Blaze is though.” she cast a very serious look towards Blaze, which prompted the Arcanine to pull his ears back in submission.
                                "Either way, we need to take this job very seriously. Not only is this paying for our rent for the next two months, this is also buying new cloths for the next winter that we'll be having. I no it usually doesn't get cold at home, but when it does, it's dangerous."
                                It was true, winters in the Fire Kingdom were very hazardous, especially since a lot of the Pokemon living in the Fire Kingdom depended on the heated environment to survive.

                                "So here are some rules to live by while we're on the road. Number one, don't talk to strangers, but when and if you have to, make it short and sweet. Number two, don't stick out too much. We gotta play it cool and we have to be incognito. Number three, Blaze isn't allowed to run, chase OR pounce on things." she gave Blaze another stern look, which caused the Arcanine to pull his ears back once again.

                                "But I like to Pounce..."

                                "I know, but pouncing doesn't make somebody look inconspicuous.

                                Blaze cocked his head and proptly barked, "Wha?"

                                Aya shook her head looked at her brother. She knew how nervous he was, this was his first real job. To them, this was a lot of money they were getting. They had virtually no room for error. She placed a gloved hand on his shoulder and smiled, "Hey, it's gunna be okay, okay? We'll do fine. We got this."She wrapped her arm around him and gave him a tight squeeze. She loved her brother, she really did. She knew that if he put his mind to something, he would be capable of anything. She just wished he knew that as well as she did.

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≎≎≎≎≎≎≎≎ ≎≎≎≎≎≎≎≎
Hana Yakashu
≎≎≎≎≎≎≎≎ ≎≎≎≎≎≎≎≎

Would you like some pie, Sir?

It was early in the morning, too early for anybody to be up at this hour. However, the one thing you would learn if you were a maid servicing the Shadow King is that you could probably, most likely never wake up early enough. At least, this was what Hana Yakashu learned at a very young age.

You see, Hana was bought and sold as a young child. Her parents literally couldn't afford to keep her and her big brother. So when Hana was still just a baby she was traded like a piece of meat for next month's rent. Hana really doesn't remember who her parents were or how she ended up being one of the many maid's to keep the Shadow King's palace, all she knows now is that she's here for one reason and one reason only: to keep that man's house in tip-top shape.
Because if nobody would, who would?

Her alarm clock shook the dresser as it rang loudly.
The other maid's certainly didn't appreciate being woken up two hours earlier than scheduled. The other maids, or at least those she bunked with, loved sleeping in.
Hana was a early riser, and got up earlier than all the other maids, or at least she thought she did.
Her Raichu didn't share her enthusiasm quite as much.. or at least when it came to waking up so early. It's tail lashed out and struck the alarm clock, until it went flying against one of the walls, breaking.
"Waffles..." a groan came from under the covers as a petite frame slowly rose from the abyss of blankets, "You can't keep breaking those... it's a waste of money.."
Waffles gave a huff of displeasure and rolled over on her own pillow.

While Waffles slept for a few more minutes, Hana got dressed in her uniform. It was short, and got shorter as the years when on. She had her sneaking suspicions that the Shadow King was a perv but she couldn't openly discuss those thoughts. She put on her little black dress, her red bow-tie, her apron.... well, she needed help with that. "Waffles," she turned her back towards the bed and pulled back the fabric of her apron, "Tie me, please?"

Waffles slumped toward and shook herself off, crawling towards the edge of the bed and began tying Hana's apron. When she finished Waffles flopped back down on the bed.

She brushed her hair as quickly as she could, looking at the short brown mop that she had woken up with in the mirror by her bed. Hana then put her stockings on, and lastly her black shoes. Without saying anything she wrapped her arm's under Waffle's and carried her out of the room, leaving the other maids to sleep in.

When Hana walked into the kitchen, she set Waffles by the warm oven, which the Raichu seemed to appreciate. Being yanked from your cozy bed was never fun. Hana then proceeded in making the King's breakfast. Just as he liked it. Now she didn't know much about the King personally, she wasn't really interested in knowing him other than just her employer to tell you the truth, but she knew what the man loved to eat.
Waffles and pancakes sprinkled with powdered sugar and topped with strawberries and syrup, sugared beignets, danish rolls, crapes with blueberries and raspberries. And to top it all off, a giant bowl of sugared rice cereal drowned in chocolate sauce, for the Master's companion, of course. As you can imagine, this was a very heavy order, so Waffles of course helped, by carrying the Master's black coffee.

The duo walked out of the kitchen, down a long and narrow corridor, up a flight of stairs, down another corridor to come to two very large cherry oak doors. Balancing the tray with one hand and her shoulder, Hana opened the door skillfully, allowing Waffle's to enter the room first, looking cheerful and upright as she shuffled into the room. Hana walked in last, leaving the door opened just a crack so she could see her way about the darkened room.

Putting the Master's breakfast on his table, she dusted off her hands on her apron as she made way to the window, opening the curtains. The view outside, was exquisite as the sun just began to peek over the tops of the buildings. She walked to the side of the King's bed and bowed low so that her hair hung with her, "Good Morning your Majesty, your breakfast is ready at your leisure."

"Chu!" Waffles placed the Master's coffee on his night stand and smiled cheerfully.

"Waffles wishes you a good morning as well, Master." Hana stated softly, knowing well that the Master didn't like loud noises too early in the morning. Her green eyes flashed from her Raichu, back to the sleeping lump.


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⊰ ◆ I AM ◇ ◆ ◇ Electric ◆ ⊱

N A M E ◇ ◆ ◇

My name is Hana Yakashu, but Hanna is just fine, thanks.

A G E ◇ ◆ ◇

20 years old. Gosh, I'm getting so old!

G E N D E R ◇ ◆ ◇

I'm a lady!

C O M P A N I O N ◇ ◆ ◇

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My companion is a female Raichu named, Waffles. She's sweet and well tempered most of the time. She'll even help me do most of my chores! I try to take care of her best I can, sometimes I think I would be better off without such a wonderful friend. But everyday she reminds me that we're one in the same. One can't be without the other.

She's got a lot of spunk, I have no idea where she gets it from! I've never known her to bite or lash out at somebody.

How did she get her name? Oh, well my first word was waffles... and I honestly thought that was what she was. So the name just kind of stuck!

O C C U P A T I O N ◇ ◆ ◇

I am a maid, my employer is the Shadow King.

P E R S O N A L I T Y ◇ ◆ ◇

I'm hard working and optimistic, I guess you could say. I would rather be cheerful and do my work rather than be sad or angry while doing my work. I try to get up early every morning before all the other maids just so I can get a head start on everything. The Master's Gengar makes quite a mess of the place, so you can imagine how long it takes to clean up.

I am friendly most of the time, although sometimes I'm too focused on my work to even pay attention to what's going on. This annoys a lot of the other maids. Because whenever they try to tell me a story or a rumor I only hear one part of it! But I love making friends. Whenever I get time off I try to go out to lunch with some of the other maids... if I'm ever invited.

In my spare time I try to get out of the castle as much as humanly possible. I can be seen around town most of the time, in bakeries or bookstores. I love eating and reading.
Oh! You'll also see me regularly down at the local market place. I buy alarm clocks on a regular basis since Waffle's keeps breaking them.

S E X U A L I T Y ◇ ◆ ◇

Boy's are always fun and cute to look at! I don't have time for myself, let alone a boy.

H I S T O R Y ◇ ◆ ◇

I don't really know a lot of my own history, which might sound weird. My parent's sold me when I was just a baby, and when Waffle's was still a Pichu, so I never knew who they were or why they didn't want me. I grew up in an orphanage until I was ten.
Everyday we would go out and would be forced to work in carpet and rug factories where our fingers were used to help machines weave rugs. We were small and young enough, so we could get the work done faster, half the time it would take a grown up to do it.

When I did reach the age of ten me and Waffles stowed away in a milk man's truck and never looked back. It was then that I arrived at a church. Needless to say the local sister's took me in, which much kindness in their hearts and raised both me and Waffles to be the best we could be.

When I turned fourteen I left the church in search of work. Couldn't let the sister's dote on me forever, although Waffles disagrees to this day. I traveled to a new city that was being built. It was thriving with business and new kinds of people. It was all very exciting. I went to the local castle and sought work there. I had read an article that day in the local newspaper saying that the castle was looking for full time maids. I got the job hands down, and have been working here ever since.

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Ⱦori Guerdero

"Sometimes I wish I wasn't so cute..."

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"Life's too short to dance with ugly men."

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||A|| yaka || S|| iῠ ||S|| asaki

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H umans are as delicate as flowers
W e need constant care and love
A nd one day your devotion will make them blossom


                                    The sun shone brightly in the Toyokawa, greeting the people with its warmth.
                                    It was on this day that something amazing would begin, something new and exciting could happen.
                                    Although, mixed in with this feeling of excitement was the possibility of fatal disaster, maybe even war.
                                    The Empress of the Grass Kingdom, Ayaka Siῠ Sasaki, was well aware of the possibilities.
                                    Two maids sat several feet away from the Empress, to her right, shaded by the trees that
                                    enveloped the Empress’s garden, one playing a biwa, the other playing a koto. The Empress was very passionate about her garden;
                                    she made it so she had a very close relationship with her gardener’s;
                                    just like she had a good rapport with all her nannies. If you loved something you made sure the people
                                    watching after it were doing everything in their power to do what was right for it.
                                    The Empress sat by a quaint little koi pond, watching the fish twirl around each other,
                                    like they were dancing for her. She didn’t look up from the fish, but instead spoke softly to the maid’s,
                                    “You two are done today.”
                                    They heard her without skipping a beat, stopping their music to listen for more instruction.
                                    ”My Garden will play its music now.”
                                    The maid’s got up, bowing respectfully to the Empress, and departing shortly after,
                                    with instruments in hand. It was then that the Empress began to enjoy her Garden’s own musical
                                    performance. The way the koi jumped out of the pond occasionally, the birds singing, the insect
                                    chirping. Oh, and probably the most beautiful instrument of them all, Brutus the Ancient’s snoring.

                                    The Empress chortled at the stuffy snore as the extremely large Ancient Venusaur to her right was
                                    curled up by a waterfall, sleeping soundly, uttering the occasional, ‘Saaauuuuur,’ as he slept.
                                    “He completes the symphony, doesn’t he, Ikio?”
                                    The Empress looked behind her. A rather large female Venusaur, youthful and vibrant looking glanced to the Ancient and gave a
                                    rather curt huff, ‘He ruin’s my morning every day with his snoring. Why do you insist on keeping him
                                    Ikio nudged the Empress’s back with her giant nose,‘I say we go stick him in a cabbage patch
                                    This caused both the Empress and Ikio to chuckle to themselves.

                                    The Empress took a decoration out of her hair, letting a long tuff fall against her back.
                                    The Empress was both a beautiful work of art and a deadly weapon capable of destroying.
                                    Her skin was as white as parchment, while her hair was black like ink. Her body was covered by
                                    an expensive silk made kimono, resting against her knee was a green fan with golden embroidery.
                                    “Ikio, could you make it so it doesn’t stick so harshly?” The Empress handed the decoration to her Venusaur, who took the item skillfully with one of her vines.
                                    The other vine plucked the Empress’s loose hair and began to wrap it and tuck it against her skull, sticking the decoration into it, holding the hair better than it did before.
                                    The Empress, turned to her large Venusaur and began to stroke her under her chin,
                                    causing Ikio to slump into a relaxed state.


                                    Ikio perked her head up and glared, ‘What does that old fool want, now?’

                                    The Empress smiled, stifling a chuckle, “Hush, Ikio, it must be important.” In reply, Ikio waved her vines in the air melodramatically,
                                    ‘Somebody stole all the turnips in the Kingdom! What are we going to do without turnips!?’
                                    The Empress laughed, but stifled herself once one of her advisors came
                                    to grace her with his presence in her Garden,
                                    “Shi Fu, what seems to be the emergency?”
                                    ‘I’m telling you Ayaka, turnips.’

                                    “Empress,” her Advisor bowed, accompanied by his sleek looking Leafeon.
                                    “I just got word that the Muroku family is leaving the Kingdom.”
                                    The Empress thought,
                                    “But the Muroku’s are a wealthy merchant family, why would they leave?”
                                    ‘The same why the others left,’ Ikio glanced to Ayaka, knowingly.
                                    “I hate to cause alarm, Empress, but this situation is too close to getting out of hand.
                                    People from all over the Kingdom are leaving to pursue new lives in this… this city.
                                    At this rate we won’t have a Kingdom left to run!”

                                    The Empress smiled, “You over exaggerate.”
                                    She took her fan and began to fan herself idly,
                                    “My people love me, just as I love and appreciate them.
                                    I am no harmful dictator like those of Fire. They are just people being good people.
                                    Who would not want to leave to pursue a better life, maybe earn a little more money?
                                    I’m sure they think this City will offer them just that.”
                                    She then frowned, “Although you are correct in one matter, Shi Fu. This City is new and foreign and poses as a threat until proven otherwise.” She closed her fan and stood up, beginning to walk back to her tall, looming palace, “Just like the other Kingdoms I have selected a person who will pose as a Scout for me. They shall travel to this new city, get what information they can, and come back with a report. Depending on what the report says, then we shall act accordingly.”
                                    The advisor stood up and blinked several times, seeming confused as he was not aware of this situation, “Who did you pick, if your Highness does not mind me asking?”
                                    The Empress smiled as she began to climb some sturdy wooden stairs, “You’ll find out, when he comes back.”
                                    The advisor stormed off, seeming ready to begin pulling his hair out, while Ikio began to laugh heartily, following Ayaka.

                                    The Empress stayed quiet as she traveled back into her palace, wondering exactly when her Scout would return. Just as she was beginning to worry, almost obsessively, the bottom of her kimono got attacked by a monster.
                                    When I say monster, what I really mean is a five year old.
                                    A clumsy little Bulbasaur followed after the child, tripping and scrambling around, trying to follow the active child.

                                    Her children always knew where to find her. She smiled at her son and picked him up, beginning to walk to the nursery. When things got to stressful being the Empress, Ayaka would play her other favorite role, Mom.


Patience and wisdom are your teachers::.
Stabilize yourself with tradition and the inner peace it brings you::.
To know that your ancestors were the right ones::.

My heart aches for what I’ve done.
if only I listened to what he was trying to tell me
then maybe he would still be here

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► ► ► { Little Red Riding Hood }

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                    There is noone who would
                                                    Speak of our story anymore

████████ █████████████████████ BASIC INFORMATIONxxxxx

[ Name ]
        Josephyne Lynn Hayze
[ Age ]
[ Gender ]
[ Sexuality ]
[ Race ]
[ Height ]
        Five feet, eleven inches
[ Weight ]
        One hundred and thirty-five lbs

████████ █████████████████████ ANCIENT HISTORYxxxxx

[ Personality ]
        Red is the type of person to kick a**, take names, and ask questions later. Her superb insight and attention to detail fool even her own subconscious, believing she doesn’t need to ask questions, for she already knows the answers, which can cause many disastrous mistakes. Good thing Red doesn’t make mistakes often. She is quiet and reserved, and often uses her brute strength to get what she wants; rarely will she use kind words to get anything she wants. Red is often straight to the point and doesn’t beat around the bush. She can be cunning and flirtatious, and even carry on small-chat, but only if it will aid her in her ambitions. Red has a horrible temper, that will unfortunately get the better of her if only you know which buttons to push.
[ History ]
        When Josephyne was very young, barley scraping past the early age of ten her Grandmother fell very ill. Josie's mother had a hard enough time running the village bakery while her husband was on business, so she pestered Josie into taking her ailing mother some fresh baked goodies. Reluctantly, Josie agreed, promising her mother that she wouldn't stray from the forest trail that led to her Grandmother's house. Half way to her destination Josie spots some wild flowers not too far off from the trail; thinking it wouldn't cause any harm, Josie stopped to pluck some flowers, thinking the gesture would raise her Grandmother's hopes in getting well again. Unknown to her, Josie had gained the attention of a very hairy, very hungry admirer. A wolf made himself known to Josie and quickly began to badger her, attempting to lure her deeper into the forest. When Josie seemed unwilling to go along with his plans, the Wolf attacked, not only taking Little Red's goodie basket but also taking her left eye for a souvenir, for he had never seen an eye so green before. Battered, bruised and bleeding, Josie struggled against all odds to make it to her Grandmother's house. When she finally arrived, she stumbled into her Grandmother's room, and because of her recent impairment, failed to notice that her Grandmother looked slightly different. Well, it didn't take long for Little Red to figure out why her Grandmother had such great big eyes, paws and teeth. A battle raged between the Wolf and Little Red Riding Hood. Before the Wolf made his hasty retreat Josie managed to scrape together a souvenir of her own, "An eye for an eye seems fair." she said as she jabbed her tiny fist into the wolf's eye socket, taking what belonged to her. Hours later, the friendly old Woodcutter stopped by the Grandmother's cottage, only to find no Grandmother, and Little Red lying in agony, near death. Eight years later, after the horrible incident, and with most of her family gone Josie became consumed with the thought of meeting her other half, her nemesis, the Wolf. As a result of her dwelling, Josie trained with the Woodcutter, going through years of rigorous training that both her body and mind hand to endure. Well, with rumors and mentions of a goose with the ability to lay golden a magical golden egg that could grant wishes Josie set her sights on finding the famous fowl, in hopes of coming face to face with the Big bad Wolf.

████████ █████████████████████ PERSONAL SECRETSxxxxx

[ Crush ]
        Red doesn't like most people
[ Likes ]
        Sparing, cleaning guns, hunting, skinning hunted prey, tracking, ale, apple cider, big meat based meals, steak, cooking gumbo.
[ Dislikes ]
        People, talking, lolly-gaggin', mentioning her Grandmother, the Wolf, kids, sleeping
[ Fears ]
        The Woodcutter's wrath, Death.
[ Weapons ]
        Two Winchester rifles both strapped to her back under her cape.
[ Abilities ]
        Because Red has the Wolf's left eye, she has the ability to see behind disguises and falsehoods, only with that particular eye. Red is also well rounded with guns and other forms of weaponry, with physical combat, survivalist instincts, and making a good pot of gumbo.
[ Username ]

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► ► ► { Big Bad Wolf }

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                    There is noone who would
                                                    Speak of our story anymore

████████ ✮ █████████████████████ BASIC INFORMATIONxxxxx

[ Name ]
        They call me, Wolf.
[ Age ]
        Older than you, my dear.
[ Gender ]
        Does this low, brooding voice sound feminine to you?
[ Sexuality ]
        Little girls in red capes are my favorite..
[ Race ]
        An ordinarily evil wolf.
[ Height ]
        I'm bigger than your ordinary sheepdog. I'm five feet high and seven feet long.
[ Weight ]
        You're going to make me feel fat.

████████ ✮ █████████████████████ ANCIENT HISTORYxxxxx

[ Personality ]
        I've walked these woods longer than you have, and know a lot more. I've observed man and all the cruelty they possess and have therefore developed a passionate hatred for them. Big or small it doesn't matter what size they come in, when they get big enough, they'll learn to enjoy the kill. I will not lie to you, whoever you are, I am not a noble gentle animal. I am a mere shell of what I once was, a vengeful, vindictive, and a sadistically cruel animal. Although I am thoughtful, I might just choose to have a little fun with you before I plan your undoing. I might confuse you, frighten you, make you angry, either way you will die when I say so, you could say that's always why I have a little smile on my snout, as if I know something you don't. Indeed I do.
        Once I'm done killing you I skin your meat suit for my own entertainment. I doubt the grocer would like a daunting figure like myself instead of his neighbor walking into the store to catch up on neighborhood gossip. My disguises are quite good, nobody can tell the difference.
[ History ]
        The only part of my history that is even remotely interesting is when I first stumbled upon, Red. She was a cute little thing when I first laid eyes on her, short, sweet, supple, good enough to eat. I was trying to persuade her to go further into the woods, to try and get her to stray from the path. Not just to corner her and eat her, but to see if her strict upbringing and sturdy morals would allow it. Unfortunately for me, Red refused. Unfortunately for Red, I rebelled. I truly thought the tike was down for the count, especially after I ripped out her left eye. She had the loveliest green eyes I had ever seen, so I had to have one for myself! I went on my way to her Grandmother's house... doing unmentionable things. Needless to say I was a little shocked when Red came to the door, and broke out into the big brawl that we had. It was enough to get me to whine like a pup again. That was the last time I saw her... but since then she's been tracking me, following me. I'm rather flattered that she's devoted her life to becoming my undoing. Fueling the hate inside her heart didn't take much at all. Not at all.

████████ ✮ █████████████████████ PERSONAL SECRETSxxxxx

[ Crush ]
        I suppose you could say I'm crushin' on Red.
[ Likes ]
        Lot's of horrible things. I especially love being the bearer of bad news.
[ Dislikes ]
        Being outwitted, or worse, somebody being one step in front of me.
[ Fears ]
[ Weapons ]
        I have my teeth and claws, and whatever I might have on hand. Human weaponry is so simplistic it's laughable.
[ Abilities ]
        The ability to disguise myself as human. It's so fun to play dress up once in a while.
[ Username ]

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