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Sparkly Ladykiller

[color=white]xxxxxxx[/color][img]http://38.media.tumblr.com/713725452ddafc056cbbfe1a2693b83f/tumblr_mzbvkuefFR1rk5vdzo6_r2_250.gif[/img] [img]http://38.media.tumblr.com/603783d434b4b922d73e2dab10d45ca3/tumblr_mzbvkuefFR1rk5vdzo2_r4_250.gif[/img] [img]http://33.media.tumblr.com/0cb1d0a65f777d69c7901e6066e8323e/tumblr_mzbvkuefFR1rk5vdzo5_r2_250.gif[/img]


[color=white]xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx[/color][size=10][color=darkgray]where[/color] [color=#A34747][b]here[/color][b][color=white]xx[/color][color=darkgray]with[/color] [color=#A34747][b]who[/b][/color][color=white]xx[/color][color=darkgray]wearing[/color] [color=#A34747][b]outfit[/color][/b][color=white]xx[/color][color=darkgray]mood[/color] [color=#A34747][b]here[/color][/b][/size]

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            Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec sit amet tortor vehicula, gravida erat vel, fermentum neque. In mollis id leo sit amet imperdiet. Quisque sagittis metus ut turpis ultricies vestibulum. Cras porttitor quis tortor vitae fringilla. Nam euismod in risus quis pretium. Ut in diam non turpis accumsan faucibus id at tortor. Curabitur pretium cursus diam, pellentesque egestas enim tincidunt eget. Ut vitae vestibulum massa. Vivamus tristique suscipit mauris et hendrerit. Vivamus pharetra tincidunt leo, vitae scelerisque lorem mollis ut. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nullam dictum enim ligula, eu mattis urna consequat ac. Pellentesque consequat magna at justo ultrices ornare. Maecenas vel pharetra massa. Quisque sem ipsum, mattis non pharetra vel, euismod ac turpis.

            Pellentesque luctus convallis nunc, sed semper metus vestibulum vel. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Fusce auctor elit tellus, at venenatis lectus dignissim ac. Nam id neque mollis, volutpat eros eget, gravida purus. Aenean augue dolor, vestibulum eu condimentum a, pretium a dui. Quisque viverra rutrum velit eget ullamcorper. In adipiscing risus id bibendum sodales. Donec sodales libero in sem sodales vestibulum. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Cras tempor ligula dignissim placerat blandit. Ut non molestie magna. Praesent cursus velit sed metus elementum lobortis. Nunc congue, tellus sed vestibulum pharetra, odio est vestibulum ligula, eu ornare eros mi eu neque.

            Nullam mi libero, sollicitudin nec ante non, feugiat tincidunt metus. In non feugiat lorem, vel laoreet libero. Aenean id nunc ut nisi pulvinar malesuada. Etiam convallis, mi ut laoreet cursus, mauris nibh pharetra elit, a placerat tellus nunc quis ante. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nunc imperdiet pulvinar dolor eu viverra. c** sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nullam pharetra viverra sagittis. Sed a consectetur justo.

            Vivamus vitae tellus quis est semper viverra eu viverra augue. Nunc pretium commodo ultricies. Ut gravida purus et malesuada condimentum. Cras et ultrices est, vitae aliquam dolor. Ut at nisl sagittis, ornare massa vitae, consequat magna. Proin luctus leo id est volutpat, a condimentum enim auctor. Quisque blandit cursus sem et laoreet. Mauris egestas erat metus, adipiscing porttitor turpis volutpat vitae. Proin id elementum dui, vitae lobortis arcu. Donec molestie fringilla ligula quis condimentum. Sed ac fermentum lorem.

            Etiam pretium convallis nisl porta varius. Vestibulum ac nunc cursus, pellentesque dolor vel, faucibus neque. Duis malesuada erat ut lobortis adipiscing. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Sed scelerisque tellus nec adipiscing aliquam. Aenean vitae sapien tellus. Nam congue odio at dui posuere, tincidunt volutpat eros cursus. Fusce hendrerit dignissim imperdiet. Maecenas sodales, odio vitae mattis varius, purus leo rutrum sem, sit amet egestas nisi lorem ut sem. c** sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Cras ut aliquet nisl, in vestibulum felis. Mauris vehicula porta eros non sodales. Maecenas ut consequat lorem. Nunc placerat metus et justo dignissim, ac adipiscing libero cursus. Praesent justo velit, imperdiet sed porttitor ac, euismod eu mi.

            xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxwhere herexxwith whoxxwearing outfitxxmood here

Sparkly Ladykiller

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User Image
                                        A groan sounded, along with a string of inaudible curse words, as the obnoxious ringing of an alarm clock began echoing around the room. Rolling over onto my side, I strained to slam a hand down on the clock and silence the annoyance. It was a little past seven. Another inaudible curse word was muttered. I could've sworn I changed the alarm to ring at six-thirty last night, but I guess it was just part of my dream. I pressed my back against the bed once more and kicked the sheets off onto the wooden floor as I rubbed at my eyes with the palm of my hands. It took a few seconds to adjust to the sunlight streaming in through the exposed windows. I made the millionth mental note to purchase some blinds or, at least, curtains the next time I went out. Money used to be quite an issue for Mom and I to come by, but we managed. Now, money was more or less handed to us since Mom recently became married to this nicely-waged man, Marcus. Though it was nice, something about it felt wrong, and I had yet to take even a penny from his hands. I preferred to work and earn everything myself; it was probably just a pride thing that most of us men have. With a sign, I decided to get out of bed and start getting ready for the day. "Fun."

                                        I stepped in front of the tall mirror screwed into the wall and ran a hand through my messy, brunette hair. Dabbing some styling gel into the palm of my hand, I smeared it only on the front part, combed it straight out then upwards into the usual style. I moved over to the not-so-large cardboard box in the corner of my room and pulled out whatever clothes were on top. Turned out it was a three/fourth-sleeved baseball tee and dark skinny jeans, or as I preferred to call them, straight-legs. I grabbed a black beanie from the top corner of the mirror and fixed it onto my head. It was rare for me to be seen without a beanie in public. I rushed to the bathroom, brushed my teeth and rushed back to my bedroom to finish getting ready. I pulled on black socks and stepped into one of the few pairs of Vans I owned. Glancing at the clock as I started for the bedroom door, it was now fifteen minutes past seven. Mostly likely, I was going to make my step-sister, Erina, a little delayed with her entrance and big scene at school. I smirked; it was becoming a daily thing, and it pissed her off each time, for it made her "look bad" in front of her "friends". Admittedly, it was entertaining.

                                        Closing the door behind myself, I nearly bumped into Erina when I turned around. Speak of the devil, I thought, attempting to keep a neutral, straight face as she blatantly ignored me by putting her hair up. She knew I definitely didn't enjoy her company, but I did my best to keep that on the down-low around Mom and Marcus. After all, Erina made sure to stress the two of them out enough on her own. I rolled my eyes as I followed behind her down the stairs. I watched my feet at first, but her feet caught my attention, and I knew what was about to happen. Then, it happened; she slipped. Without hesitation, I threw my arms out and caught her by the waist. It was either catch her, or let her fall and take me down with her. The latter didn't seem all that bad, but I'd rather not suffer a head injury in the hospital bed next to hers. Don't get me wrong - if I had a different roomie in the hospital, I would've happily went with the latter. I was brought back to reality when she snapped away from my grasp and muttered a thanks as her face turned red. I couldn't help but smirk. First of all, Erina? Saying thanks? Second of all, blushing? She must've been sick. "Turning red from a little skin-on-skin contact?" I called after her, though she had already disappeared into the kitchen. I shook my head and joined her.

                                        In the kitchen, there was only one missing face, but it wasn't unusual. I wondered if Mom ever got lonely from Marcus working day-in and day-out. Why did she choose him, of all people? It had been some time since my good-for-nothing father and Mom split ways. It's a bit hazy, but she got out and dated a couple times since then. None of the relationships managed to last any longer than four months; even then, it wasn't all that serious. I hoped she hadn't settled because Marcus told her he loved her or some other ridiculous reason. I hoped she truly loved him and felt loved in return. However, there was nothing I could particularly do about it since she's thirty-something years older than I am. Pushing the thoughts aside, I brushed past Erina, who was - as usual - acting like a brat, and hugged the woman. "Mornin', Mom," I said, kissing her cheek as she kissed my forehead. "Good Morning, Aydie Dear, Erina." I pulled away and forced a smile when I actually wanted to turn around and snap at the brat eating her bowl of fruit as if no one was in the room. She acted as if it was only hard on her to adjust to the new living conditions. I grit my teeth, retrieved a carton of strawberry milk from the fridge and poured a glass. I gulped it down within seconds and washed the empty cup when I was done with it.

                                        I hugged Mom once more before heading for the door. "See you later, Marcus," I called back over my shoulder just before closing the front door. I sat in the passenger seat of Erina's car, not even bothering to glance over at her. It was easy to tell she was about to burst, but when was she not? It was easy to see through her; she believed she always appeared to be keeping her composure when, in reality, it was far from that. He made sure to focus his attention out of the window, though he was already used to the new surroundings. The ride to school passed by slowly and, as usual, I climbed out of the car about a block away from the school. Before closing the door, I said "You know, it really wouldn't hurt you to not act like such a b***h towards my mom," My eyes fell dull and stared directly into hers. "Go ahead and punch me like you normally do if it makes you feel more like a human," I hissed. This conversation sounded all too familiar. Oh, that's right; it's because we had already had it several times before, and nothing changed. Closing the door, I patted the hood of the car as a signal for her to drive off, and she did.

                                        Adjusting the beanie atop my head, I pulled the straps of the denim backpack onto either shoulder and started my walk. About two minutes away from the school, a vibration went off against my leg. Reaching into the pocket of my jeans, I pulled out my phone and scanned the new message. It was from Daniel, one of my friends from school. Out of the group of girls and guys I hung out, Daniel was probably the closest at the moment. I answered back: Just got here. Meet you at my locker. And, sure enough, Daniel was propped up against the locker, a tall, dark-haired girl in his arm. The two parted just as I walked up to him. "Did I interrupt something?" I joked, knowing the girl was just another playtoy for his friend. Of course, I wasn't one to talk; I have a couple playtoys too, and I've had tons of them in the past. "Man, you know, you know." Daniel grinned from ear-to-ear as his eyes flicked over, and I decided to follow them. It was Erina and her group, cackling and snickering about something. He turned back around and stuffed his books into his locker before closing and locking it back up.

                                        "Let's go get this day over with."

Sparkly Ladykiller

                    User Image

                                            Berlin Sanders (Lin)

                                            User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show. Misspent Youth (Band)
                                            User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show. Lives in Keywest, Florida
                                            User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show. In a relationship with Michael Davis
                                            User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show. December 20th, 1993
                                            User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show. From Keywest, Florida

                    User Image

                                            Dezme Thorogood (Dez)

                                            User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show. Misspent Youth (Band)
                                            User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show. Lives in Keywest, Florida
                                            User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show. Single
                                            User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show. May 6th, 1995
                                            User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show. From Keywest, Florida

Sparkly Ladykiller


[list][list][list][list][size=10]text goes here[/size][/list][/list][/list][/list]

[align=right][size=10][color=#4D9494]where[/color] [color=#B080B1][b]here[/color][/b][color=white]xx[/color][color=#4D9494]outfit[/color] [color=#B080B1][b]here[/color][/b][color=white]xx[/color][color=#4D9494]mood[/color] [color=#B080B1][b]here[/color][/b][color=white]xx[/color][color=#4D9494]ooc[/color] [color=#B080B1][b]here[/color][/b][color=white]xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx[/color][/align]

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          Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque dictum molestie sapien viverra viverra. Aliquam finibus elementum libero, eu placerat metus auctor at. Vivamus at euismod arcu, consectetur hendrerit lectus. Sed in ornare ante. Phasellus justo quam, vehicula ac purus vel, pulvinar pharetra lectus. Aliquam tincidunt tellus nec imperdiet rutrum. Quisque mi lorem, viverra auctor enim consectetur, interdum tincidunt enim. Duis suscipit eros ut dui maximus, quis auctor nulla ultrices. Praesent at laoreet turpis. Suspendisse in lacus eget lectus sodales facilisis sit amet at dui. Mauris pulvinar dignissim est. Aenean tincidunt orci nunc, at facilisis ipsum fringilla in. Fusce mi nisl, aliquet sed eleifend eu, ultrices id turpis. Nunc rhoncus finibus quam, id facilisis lorem vehicula eget.

          Integer porta dapibus mauris at ornare. Sed lacinia laoreet lectus quis accumsan. Vestibulum arcu quam, rutrum in felis a, molestie ornare felis. Fusce odio ligula, lacinia eget aliquam a, maximus et erat. Praesent pretium varius suscipit. In ipsum sem, commodo in placerat a, malesuada at est. Integer fermentum egestas eros non interdum. Donec et malesuada nulla, vitae fermentum arcu. Pellentesque a convallis nunc, ac accumsan leo. Pellentesque tempor facilisis metus eu sodales. Vestibulum aliquet quam vel auctor cursus. Integer ultrices turpis id massa dignissim, sed ornare arcu interdum. Maecenas at metus mi. Nulla sodales odio risus, nec tempor eros tincidunt a. Fusce magna eros, porttitor sit amet ex efficitur, posuere viverra erat. Curabitur ligula lacus, posuere ac mollis posuere, cursus id orci.

          Etiam tempor, lectus sed bibendum eleifend, orci lacus interdum erat, sed consequat quam eros nec dolor. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; In lorem augue, ornare nec turpis ac, consectetur sagittis ex. Aliquam eleifend dolor et erat tincidunt blandit. Nunc fringilla lacus fringilla nisi commodo, at tristique metus posuere. Mauris aliquam vestibulum lacus, a ultricies purus pulvinar vel. Aliquam erat volutpat. Vestibulum bibendum luctus semper. Curabitur non sollicitudin ipsum. Phasellus interdum, dui eu venenatis porta, sem lacus rutrum ex, et consequat erat velit nec augue. Donec at turpis sapien. Duis et risus sapien. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Phasellus porttitor ultricies euismod. Donec finibus ex eget mi lacinia ultricies. Vestibulum nec purus nec quam efficitur vestibulum et non elit.

          Nunc eget eros dui. Cras sed nunc ut erat cursus eleifend eget a felis. Ut sit amet consectetur mi, vitae venenatis nulla. Vestibulum varius velit eu odio vehicula interdum. Donec vitae maximus diam. Aliquam sem mauris, ornare id dolor efficitur, efficitur suscipit arcu. Donec blandit ipsum in pretium rhoncus. Nulla viverra dapibus velit aliquam cursus. Integer vulputate lobortis tortor.

          Quisque imperdiet malesuada lorem, ut venenatis diam. Donec dapibus rutrum erat, ac tempus odio sodales non. Maecenas sed turpis pulvinar, porttitor metus eget, molestie velit. Quisque ac orci et est scelerisque efficitur. Maecenas porta accumsan pulvinar. Suspendisse felis arcu, rhoncus sit amet mi nec, congue porttitor neque. Nunc sed velit eget libero dictum sodales id id nisi.

where herexxoutfit herexxmood herexxooc herexxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Sparkly Ladykiller

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          "Holy s**t! That was a-m-a-z-i-n-g!"

          Slipping the guitar from around my neck and shoulders, I retrieved a towel and a bottle of water from the band's manager. "Thanks-s," chimed, dabbing at my forehead and pressing the bottle against my lips. The rest of Misspent Youth was just as pumped as I, and that's when the idea hit. "Let's go ******** party!" It was the first day of our first official tour, so why waste it? Going back a year in time, the four of us had become great friends. We'd known each other for quite some time before that, and, ironically, we all played instruments. Actually, that's how we bonded - through music. One day when we sitting around in my garage, I popped out the idea of starting a band. Everyone was a bit hesitant about it, but in the end, we decided to give it our all. Like every other band, we started out playing in my garage, then we migrated around Keywest, Florida, our home. Before we knew it, our name became pretty well-known, and we were asked to tour around the UK. Without a doubt, we took the opportunity.

          After locking up our instruments in the white van, which was our tour bus for now, and changing into more revealing outfits, I grabbed Berlin's hand and signaled for the other two to follow. My father insisted on buying an actual tour bus for us, but I declined; it wouldn't have affected our wealth any, but I wanted to earn it myself, like I did everything else. The black-haired beauty, Berlin, leaned over and planted a kiss on my cheek. Berlin and I were like sisters; we had known each other since we were young. We were both from Miami, and when my family packed up and decided to go to Keywest, Berlin begged to come with us, and she did. We went through everything together - first dates, first enemies, first time with drugs, first time with alcohol. We taught each other to play our instruments. I loved this girl more than anyone and anything. "Dude, did you see how many people were cheering for us? It felt awesome," I said, grinning from ear-to-ear. The crowd of thousands were cheering for us, though they had never heard of us before (most likely). Seeing their smiling and wasted faces made me feel amazing; it was definitely encouraging. Making music was rough, and it had a lot more downs than it did ups. However, I knew we would make it from all of the support shown tonight. I hoped the rest of the tour would go as smoothly as tonight did. Other than a few guys trying to climb onto stage, there was absolutely no trouble, surprisingly enough.

          Stopping in front of the nightclub and bar, which was supposedly one of the best in London, I jumped in front of the rest of the girls. We had already made it to the bouncers outside the doors. "If we somehow split up, let's meet back at the van, alright?" I had always been pretty cautious, especially in areas I didn't know anything about. Only once had I been to the UK, and I was too young to remember anything about it. Smiling, I danced around and pushed the door open. "Thanks," I said to the buff men. A wave of loud music and body heat smacked my exposed skin and ears. I held onto Berlin's hand even tighter as we made our way to the bar and sat down. "One Bloody Mary," I said to the bartender, holding up a finger. After a few seconds, he placed it down in front of me with a smile.

          "I've never seen you around before," he said.

          "I'll be here for a while. Is this s**t good? I've never had it." I held up the drink for examination.

          "It's one of the most requested drinks, if that means anything." He chuckled, beginning on someone's order. I shrugged and took a sip. I shook my head back and fourth as it eased it's way down my throat. He was right - it was good. Handing it over to Berlin, I laughed as she scrunched her nose after taking a sip. I knew it wouldn't be her thing. Finishing off the drink, I slipped the money over to the bartender and led Berlin over to the dance floor. Juliet, Lea, Berlin and I were going to have the time of our lives on this tour, and I couldn't wait.

where backstage > nightclubxxoutfit herexxmood pumpedxxooc sorry for shortness!xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Sparkly Ladykiller

        User Image
        xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx♚❞ jessamy silsbury

                  Applicake marzipan dessert halvah bonbon. Wafer jelly beans fruitcake. Bonbon soufflé chocolate cake gummi bears ice cream sweet dragée pudding macaroon. Cotton candy ice cream cheesecake gummies donut wafer. Bear claw apple pie toffee. Marshmallow chocolate chocolate cake. Marzipan halvah brownie ice cream tootsie roll. Halvah unerdwear.com biscuit muffin. Gingerbread tootsie roll tiramisu. Halvah jelly-o icing tart. Apple pie marshmallow bonbon topping apple pie cheesecake. Jelly beans chocolate cake liquorice.

                  Sugar plum cotton candy applicake caramels. Jelly macaroon tiramisu croissant. Candy canes unerdwear.com donut marshmallow. Muffin chupa chups dragée pie gummi bears applicake. Sugar plum tart sweet jelly-o ice cream liquorice marshmallow bear claw. Biscuit lollipop donut soufflé candy. Dragée cookie jelly beans sweet roll danish. Cheesecake powder danish pudding icing dragée applicake marshmallow sesame snaps. Biscuit tart sugar plum carrot cake pudding pie. Lollipop cotton candy pastry. Tiramisu applicake cake sesame snaps macaroon. Cotton candy chocolate cake chocolate bar pudding unerdwear.com.

                  Tiramisu sesame snaps marshmallow gummi bears oat cake. Carrot cake tiramisu soufflé chocolate bar pastry jelly beans. Dragée jelly beans muffin cotton candy marzipan lollipop chocolate cake pie. Tootsie roll jujubes soufflé. Topping gummies pastry candy canes tiramisu carrot cake tart. Tootsie roll halvah tart fruitcake. Tiramisu halvah halvah candy canes gummies cookie. Marzipan bonbon unerdwear.com. Fruitcake chocolate dessert pastry. Tootsie roll dessert candy canes. Soufflé dessert marzipan jelly beans biscuit jelly-o jelly. Applicake chocolate unerdwear.com. Danish tootsie roll gummi bears marshmallow lemon drops candy canes chocolate bar caramels.

                  Soufflé halvah carrot cake brownie dragée tart ice cream jelly beans bonbon. Dragée toffee marshmallow dragée unerdwear.com marzipan soufflé gummi bears tiramisu. Jujubes jelly-o gummies candy powder macaroon tiramisu chocolate cake brownie. Applicake lollipop topping marzipan gingerbread unerdwear.com lollipop powder danish. Cotton candy bonbon applicake biscuit icing. Topping jelly beans apple pie. Oat cake toffee tiramisu chocolate cake bonbon powder carrot cake. Chocolate cake caramels caramels powder cake jelly-o topping cupcake sugar plum. Chocolate cake wafer caramels. Tiramisu sesame snaps pastry sweet donut jelly beans cheesecake tiramisu soufflé. Unerdwear.com toffee halvah tart. Jelly beans chupa chups dessert soufflé. Jelly-o liquorice liquorice marshmallow.

                  Jelly beans sesame snaps biscuit dragée jujubes jelly dessert candy canes. Tiramisu pie croissant candy. Apple pie croissant tiramisu cupcake danish dessert jelly beans. Chocolate bar gummies tart croissant. Gingerbread chocolate bar halvah. Donut lollipop caramels icing topping. Gummies brownie powder jelly jujubes. Sugar plum cookie fruitcake. Dragée caramels sweet roll wafer candy canes candy brownie liquorice jujubes. Sugar plum donut soufflé candy canes. Sweet roll marzipan oat cake soufflé danish sweet roll ice cream gingerbread. Jelly beans cupcake jujubes wafer gummies sesame snaps liquorice pudding jelly-o.

Sparkly Ladykiller

        User Image
        xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx♚❞ jessamy silsbury

                  Correcting her posture, smoothing down the front of her skirt and fixing the over-sized pale blue ribbon tied into her hair, the blonde closed her eyes and exhaled the air she had been holding for what felt like an hour. Her grip tightened on the strap of the bag she was holding with two frail hands until her fingernails bit into the skin of her palms. When the teacher began silencing the class, which was the signal for her to go in, she opened the door and gathered by the teacher's side. Instantaneously, her cheeks began warming up as a light shade of blush appeared on her cheeks. Choosing to ignore the half pleasant and half displeased whispers, she flashed a charming, sincere smile at all of the new classmates before her. "Hello! I'm Jessamy Silsbury, but feel free to call me Essa. It's nice to meet you all," she spoke in fluent, perfected Japanese.

                  "You may take a seat in the second row, beside Kuruma," the teacher instructed.

                  After a quick glance around the classroom, she started in the direction of the only empty desk. Kuruma. The name sounded familiar to her. She guessed it would hit her a bit later. Hanging her bag on the side of the desk, she sat down, bright blue eyes focusing on the board nailed on the wall in the front of the room. Minutes passed, and the whispers finally ceased, but now, She could a feel a pair of beads stabbing her from behind. That's when two arms made their way around her shoulders and breath was warm against her neck. Gasping, she dared to look behind her; it was a girl with light pink hair and matching glasses. The stranger's hands moved down to her breasts, and Essa could've sworn there was a newly shone glint in the female's eyes.

                  "Ohoho! What do we have here? D's?"

                  "S-stop, please. It's embarrassing," the blonde chirped, and the pink-haired girl let go and sat back in her seat. She was smiling in a rather perverted, somewhat kind way. The boy two seats over was covering his face in hopes of hiding his nosebleed and flustered cheeks. Essa turned back around to face the front. Not long after, the bell rang, and it was time to go home. Grabbing her bag, she stood from her seat and started for the door. A couple of people hounded her down and started asking tons of questions, like her hometown, height, weight, love interests. The groper from before jumped out in front of her just as she was about to walk out of the building.

                  "Sorry about earlier." She rubbed the back of her neck and chuckled nervously. "I'm Kimini Soduho. Call me Kimi," she began, sticking out her hand. "I'm pretty weird, but don't be afraid of me. Do you know where you're going? I can help!"

                  Shaking Kimi's hand, Essa smiled half-heartedly. Honestly, she wasn't entirely sure where she was going. The more she took in the girl's appearance, the more she started to resemble the protagonist of one of her favorite eroge games. Blushing, she said, "I like that you're different!" Reaching into the pocket of her skirt, she pulled out a slip of paper, reading it. "Uh, the Kuruma residence is where I need to go."

                  "Wah! He's a masochist, uh-huh." Kimi tapped her chin repeatedly and nodded.

                  Essa's eyes widened. The big M? Only otaku knew of the big M&S. There was no way she could mention it, though. Not this soon. She didn't want to scare her away already. The two began walking in the direction of the Kuruma residence, and after giving the rest of the directions, Kimi waved and ran off. She had apparently already past the route to her house. She made a note to apologize later for making her tag along. Following the directions given to her, she stared up at the dull, dark sky. Before she knew it, she had bumped into what felt like a tree and fallen backwards. "Ow, ow, ow," she whined, standing up and rubbing her bottom. She opened her eyes and realized that it wasn't a tree she had mindlessly ran into. It was the boy she sat next to in class. "Sorry!"

Sparkly Ladykiller

      User Image

                                              xxxxxxxxxx♚❞ maichi sukibara

                                              Applicake marzipan dessert halvah bonbon. Wafer jelly beans fruitcake. Bonbon soufflé chocolate cake gummi bears ice cream sweet dragée pudding macaroon. Cotton candy ice cream cheesecake gummies donut wafer. Bear claw apple pie toffee. Marshmallow chocolate chocolate cake. Marzipan halvah brownie ice cream tootsie roll. Halvah unerdwear.com biscuit muffin. Gingerbread tootsie roll tiramisu. Halvah jelly-o icing tart. Apple pie marshmallow bonbon topping apple pie cheesecake. Jelly beans chocolate cake liquorice.

                                              Sugar plum cotton candy applicake caramels. Jelly macaroon tiramisu croissant. Candy canes unerdwear.com donut marshmallow. Muffin chupa chups dragée pie gummi bears applicake. Sugar plum tart sweet jelly-o ice cream liquorice marshmallow bear claw. Biscuit lollipop donut soufflé candy. Dragée cookie jelly beans sweet roll danish. Cheesecake powder danish pudding icing dragée applicake marshmallow sesame snaps. Biscuit tart sugar plum carrot cake pudding pie. Lollipop cotton candy pastry. Tiramisu applicake cake sesame snaps macaroon. Cotton candy chocolate cake chocolate bar pudding unerdwear.com.

                                              where; herexxwith; herexxmood; herexxoutfit; herexxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

                                              User Imagexxxxx

Sparkly Ladykiller

      User Image

                                              xxxxxxxxxx♚❞ maichi sukibara

                                              Landing the jump from the tree branch to the ground, the dark haired female raised her hands above her head as an attempt to yawn. Maichi Sukibara had been in the tree since she had woken up earlier this morning. The sky was still dark then, but it was a lighter shade of gray now, signaling the start of the day. Unfortunately. Other students of Bukimina Academy were beginning to pour out of the dormitories and into the cafe on campus for breakfast. Rubbing at her eyes with the back of her hand, she decided to join them; there was nothing better to do.

                                              After purchasing her breakfast, a cinnamon bun and a small bottle of herbal tea, she headed in the direction of her usual sitting spot, the main statue and centerpiece of the campus. That was until spotting a pale girl in a hoodie and a blue-haired male. Suddenly, the pale girl disappeared from sight. Arching an eyebrow, she tilted her head to the side, stepping a tad bit closer to the two. A part of her wanted to strike a conversation, but she had no idea how. On second thought, maybe she should retreat to the status. Instead, she froze, occasionally taking small bites of the cinnamon bun and watching the two in front of her.

                                              where; herexxwith; herexxmood; herexxoutfit; herexxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

                                              User Imagexxxxx

Sparkly Ladykiller

xxxxxxxxxxxxUser Image
xxxxxxxx▇ ▇ ▇ ▇ ▇ ▇ ▇ ▇ ▇ ▇ ▇ ▇ ▇ ▇ ▇ ▇ ▇ ▇ ▇ ▇ ▇ ▇ ▇ ▇ ▇ ▇ ▇ ▇ ▇ ▇ ▇ ▇

                ⋮✦ name jessamy mae silsbury
                ⋮✦ nickname essa, your royal highness, ma'am
                ⋮✦ birthday dec. twenty-fourth
                ⋮✦ age twenty
                ⋮✦ height five foot two
                ⋮✦ weight one-hundred six lbs

                ⋮✦ biography
                Born into a wealthy, well-known and ruling family of England, Essa had always been expected to exceed perfection. Wanting to live up to her parent's expectations, she became playing musical instruments at a young age. Not long after, she masted both the violin and piano and was asked to play various performances around the world, known as a child prodigy. When she became old enough to understand (around the age of seven), her parents explained to her that she was the Silsbury family's Princess. It began to sink in that she not only had to live up to her parent's expectations but everyone's in England. She lived a few years of solitude, only leaving her room when absolutely necessary. She decided to change her ways at the age of fifteen. She asked to be treated as if she was no one special by her family and townspeople. Of course, the request was ignored, and everything was as it had always been. Choosing it was best to look at her life of pure luxury with appreciative eyes rather than sad, she brightened up and accepted her role as Princess of England.

                ⋮✦ likes designer foods, traveling, playing violin and piano, iced coffee, fancy rats, nighttime
                ⋮✦ dislikes flaunting and/or being believed to flaunt, ridicule, troublesome people, humid weather
                ⋮✦ fears becoming and/or feeling unimportant, losing wealth, being unimpressive

Sparkly Ladykiller

xxxxxxxxxxxxUser Image
xxxxxxxx▇ ▇ ▇ ▇ ▇ ▇ ▇ ▇ ▇ ▇ ▇ ▇ ▇ ▇ ▇ ▇ ▇ ▇ ▇ ▇ ▇ ▇ ▇ ▇ ▇ ▇ ▇ ▇ ▇ ▇ ▇ ▇

                ⋮✦ name maichi mae misahara
                ⋮✦ nickname chi
                ⋮✦ birthday december twentieth
                ⋮✦ age seventeen
                ⋮✦ sexuality heterosexual
                ⋮✦ height five foot two
                ⋮✦ weight one-hundred twelve lbs

                ⋮✦ biography
                Chi was raised in the wild, living the life a normal kitsune would live. She fed on animals of the forest, bathed in streams or ponds and was isolated from humans. That was until one happened to stumble upon her existence when she was eleven-years-old. Rather than running away and reporting his discovery, he sat down with her and held a conversation. He explained how humans are afraid of everything that isn't normal, and it was the most pointless thing. He gave her her first shōjo manga (which is where her love for anime/manga came from) and repeated the newly-formed cycle once a week for the next three years. They had finally been discovered by dangerous humans, and her mother had been captured. She and her father managed to get away safely and began their new lives on Dōbutsu, the safe haven for Animal Spirits. She continued to read manga and even began watching weekly anime programs on television, highly fascinated and amused by it. A few years later, Dōbutsu Academy had been built, and she became a student.

                ⋮✦ likes anything involving anime, fancy rats (as pets), cold weather, knitting cute plushies
                ⋮✦ dislikes swimming, missing anime programs, huge egos, falling ill (which happens often)
                ⋮✦ fears being captured by scientists, overbearing men, closed-in areas

                ⋮✦ animal kitsune (fox)
                ⋮✦ username so much nope[/size

Sparkly Ladykiller

User Image
                                          xxxxxxxxx x maichi misahara

                                          Applicake marzipan dessert halvah bonbon. Wafer jelly beans fruitcake. Bonbon soufflé chocolate cake gummi bears ice cream sweet dragée pudding macaroon. Cotton candy ice cream cheesecake gummies donut wafer. Bear claw apple pie toffee. Marshmallow chocolate chocolate cake. Marzipan halvah brownie ice cream tootsie roll. Halvah unerdwear.com biscuit muffin. Gingerbread tootsie roll tiramisu. Halvah jelly-o icing tart. Apple pie marshmallow bonbon topping apple pie cheesecake. Jelly beans chocolate cake liquorice.

                                          Sugar plum cotton candy applicake caramels. Jelly macaroon tiramisu croissant. Candy canes unerdwear.com donut marshmallow. Muffin chupa chups dragée pie gummi bears applicake. Sugar plum tart sweet jelly-o ice cream liquorice marshmallow bear claw. Biscuit lollipop donut soufflé candy. Dragée cookie jelly beans sweet roll danish. Cheesecake powder danish pudding icing dragée applicake marshmallow sesame snaps. Biscuit tart sugar plum carrot cake pudding pie. Lollipop cotton candy pastry. Tiramisu applicake cake sesame snaps macaroon. Cotton candy chocolate cake chocolate bar pudding unerdwear.com.

                                          where; here x with; here x mood; here x ooc; here xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Sparkly Ladykiller

User Image
                                    xxxxxxxxxxxginta isao

                                    Applicake marzipan dessert halvah bonbon. Wafer jelly beans fruitcake. Bonbon soufflé chocolate cake gummi bears ice cream sweet dragée pudding macaroon. Cotton candy ice cream cheesecake gummies donut wafer. Bear claw apple pie toffee. Marshmallow chocolate chocolate cake. Marzipan halvah brownie ice cream tootsie roll. Halvah unerdwear.com biscuit muffin. Gingerbread tootsie roll tiramisu. Halvah jelly-o icing tart. Apple pie marshmallow bonbon topping apple pie cheesecake. Jelly beans chocolate cake liquorice

                                    where; here x with; here x mood; here x ooc; here xxxxxxxx

                                    i am the ghost in the SHADOWS i am the FEAR of the darkxxxxxxxxx
                                    i am the murderer of APATHY an ANGEL that's fallenxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Sparkly Ladykiller

User Image

Ström, Felix's ElectroID

User Image

          Name: Felix Ström
          Nicknames: N/A
          Age: Seventeen
          Birthday: November 6th
          Teacher or Student: Student
          Grade: High school
          Talent: Super High School Level Telekinesis
          Hair Color: Dirty Blonde
          Eye Color: Red
          Height: 5'9"
          Weight: 153lbs

          Personality: Though Felix is hot-headed, it takes a bit to fire him up, and once you get him going, you're going to regret it. However, he's friendly to some degree. He's intelligent and has common sense, but he's dense and simpleminded at the same time. He has a bit of a sharp-tongue, and his words come out rather cold at times. He enjoys teasing and being sarcastic, but once you're his friend, he'll always be there for you and help in any way possible. In large crowds, he becomes socially awkward and exhausted. He does his best to keep a positive attitude and a relaxed composer at all times.

          Biography: With a wealthy father and a nearly non-existent mother, Felix was raised in a mansion. Like most rich kids, he was rather secluded as a child, whereas he was rarely allowed to leave home in fear of something happening. Although his father, Arvid, did his best to keep his son from seeing his mother's nature, he was too busy attending to his work to keep an eye on him most of the time. He knew that his mother, Pernilla, was toying around with several men. Of course, he wasn't exactly old enough to understand and tried accepting that everyone was the same way. Deciding it was best to stay out of father and mother's way, Felix began isolating himself even more, not even bothering to leave his room by the age of ten. The maids brought all of the necessities to him and left, choosing to not pay an ounce of attention to the child.

          Somewhere around this point, Felix's temper and cold personality began developing. He acted out several times, though he now looks back on it and believes it was a cry for affection. Around the age of thirteen, he attended public school for the first time and stuck with it. That same year, his mother left one night and never returned; his father hadn't tried once to search for or contact her. That was the true nature of his father, uncaring and insensitive. At school, he often fought with others and got in trouble with teachers. Eventually, his father had him undergo anger management, where he learned to control himself. The fights with other students and teachers came to an end, but his sarcasm and rather cold words didn't. At the age of sixteen, after going through court to get permission, he moved away from his father and decided to change himself the best he could.

          Likes: Animals, Running, Cold weather, Internet, Anime, Cooking, Giving advice, Rainy days
          Dislikes: Sweating, Arrogance, Sweets, Slimy/Wet textures, Dishonesty, Slutty women, Spicy foods, Being put on spot
          Sexuality: Heterosexual
          Crush: Hm.
          Extra/Species: His ability allows him to control any object, no matter the size or weight, with only his mind.

Sparkly Ladykiller

      User Image▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇
                                  xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx♛❞ felix ström

                                  Applicake marzipan dessert halvah bonbon. Wafer jelly beans fruitcake. Bonbon soufflé chocolate cake gummi bears ice cream sweet dragée pudding macaroon. Cotton candy ice cream cheesecake gummies donut wafer. Bear claw apple pie toffee. Marshmallow chocolate chocolate cake. Marzipan halvah brownie ice cream tootsie roll. Halvah unerdwear.com biscuit muffin. Gingerbread tootsie roll tiramisu. Halvah jelly-o icing tart. Apple pie marshmallow bonbon topping apple pie cheesecake. Jelly beans chocolate cake liquorice.

                                  Sugar plum cotton candy applicake caramels. Jelly macaroon tiramisu croissant. Candy canes unerdwear.com donut marshmallow. Muffin chupa chups dragée pie gummi bears applicake. Sugar plum tart sweet jelly-o ice cream liquorice marshmallow bear claw. Biscuit lollipop donut soufflé candy. Dragée cookie jelly beans sweet roll danish. Cheesecake powder danish pudding icing dragée applicake marshmallow sesame snaps. Biscuit tart sugar plum carrot cake pudding pie. Lollipop cotton candy pastry. Tiramisu applicake cake sesame snaps macaroon. Cotton candy chocolate cake chocolate bar pudding unerdwear.com.

                                  xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxwhere; here with; here mood; here ooc; here

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