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Naruto rp.
Character List
Profile Skeletons


This story begins with the fox demon seled inside a baby called Naruto. Naruto went to the ninja academy. There he met his Jonin friend (who buys his favorite food (ramen noodles)...). His name is Iruka. When the class was taking a test to find out who their groups would be, Naruto failed. He was determined to show Iruka that he coul move on sohe stole a secret scroll and learned a forbidden jutsu: shadow clones. By be successful with this jutsu he was able to pass.

Time passed and he found that his group was with, Sakura (who he loved), and Sasuke (from the Uchiha clan and had he famous Sharingans). Naruto may have loved Sakura but the feelings were not shared. Sakura had loved Sasuke. (Their sensei was Kakashi (with his famous Sharingan (learn more w/ my (Kakashi Hatake 0052) profile).

On their first mission to the land of waters they had to bring the bridge builder their safer. Along the way Naruto and Sasuke had killed a kid named Haku (who was very attache to Zabuza) and Kakashi had killed Zabuza ( the demon of the mist). After returning from a successful mission time passed.

A few years after the attack of Orochimaru, Naruto's group paired up with Hinata, Ino, and Tenten's group. Hinata was from the Hyuga clan. She was very famous because of her Byacugan. She was also with Kiba and his dog Akamaru and also Shino. Ino's group had Shikamaru and Chouji. Tenten's group had Neji and Rock Lee (who did not participate in ths mission).

They were to follow Guy sensei and Kakashi to the Land of the Sound to complete their mission...will they
die or will they complete their mission? You decide!
Character List
Profile Skeletons
RULES: You Must READ Them.
1.) I am God.
2.) Obey me!
3.) No cybering
4.) Keep cursing to a minimum
5.) Romance is encouraged
6.) Violence is alright.
7.) Use " " when speaking. Use (( )) for OCC.
10.) You must be able to post at least 4 or 3 or 2 or 1 times a week. Do NOT just start Rping and then leave! If you want out, PM me. If you do not keep your character active, I WILL give the role to someone else! (Sickness and vacations are understandable)
11.) Be at least semi-literate. I'm not a very good speller, so I won't go crazy if you misspell something, just try not to.
12.) No Godmodding
13.) PM ME YOUR PROFILES. Do NOT post them! Put "naruto rp" subject to show that you have read the rules. 14.) Made up characters are allowed.
15.) No one-liners. Write at least 4-5 good long sentences!
16.) This is not a chat forum, it is an RP. Take personal conversations to PMs.
17.) Keep it PG-13
18.) You can only play a maximum of 1 main character and 2 made-up characters unless I say oterwise, please ask if you would like more than 1 main. Please try to have the boys playing boys and girls playing girls if possible...
19.) Have fun! This is a rule!
Character List
Profile Skeletons

Akamaru arrow
Anko Mitarashi arrow
Asuma Sarutobi arrow NarutoUzumaki75
Choji Akimichi arrow
Dosu Kinuta arrow
First Hokage arrow
First Kazekage arrow
Fourth Hokage arrow
Fourth Kazekage arrow
Gaara arrow crazy-q11
Haku arrow Dr Abominable
Hinata Hyuga arrow Hiyono_lol
Ino Yamanaka arrow
Iruka Umino arrow
Itachi Uchiha arrow NarutoUzumaki75
Jiraiya arrow
Kabuto Yakushi arrow
Kakashi Hatake arrow Kakashi Hatake 0052
Kankuro arrow
Kiba Inuzuka arrow
Konohamaru arrow
Might Guy arrow DeAndre/ Dozan
Naruto Uzumaki arrow LordMiroku
Neji Hyuga arrow
Nine-Tailed Demon Fox arrow
Orochimaru arrow
Rock Lee arrow Bloodfire275
Sakumo Hatake arrow
Sakura Haruno arrow
Sasuke Uchiha arrow
Second Hokage-
Second Kazekage-
Shikamaru Nara-
Shino Aburame-
Tenten- Tenten1113
Third Hokage-
Third Kazekage-
Zabuza Momochi-
Hishido Akari - The_Un-Dead_General
Kagome- Kagome_the_half_demon
Czack Uchiha-Nexis_winston
Kain the Crimson- Kain the Crimson
Mesume Mikawa-Mesume the Blood Ninja

and if i'm miss an one tell

made up or main:
Character Name-
Character's Age-
Character List
Profile Skeletons(boys)

Username- Kakashi Hatake 0052
Character Name- Kakashi Hatake
Character's Age- ?
Race- Human/ Jonin
Personality- awesome
Bio- (on proile)
Appearance- User Image
Abilities- Sharingan (the power to copy a ninja's jutsu)

Username- Kakashi Hatake 0052
Character Name- Draco
Race- Human/Jonin
Personality- Evil, Devious
Bio- As a child he was abandoned. He survived by killing anything he saw. He only lives for bloodshed.
Appearance-User Image
Crush- None
Abilities- Controls the water and wind. Carries nunchucks that is speacil and given to him when his parents were still alive. Able to summon a hawk.

Username- Kain The Crimson
Character Name- Kain The Crimson
Character's Age- unknown
Race- half demon
Personality- evil
Bio- A powerful Warrior who kills without mercy
I will fight any 1 who wishes to face me in my quest to test my skills
Appearance- User Image
Crush(optional)- n/a
Abilities- jutsus/power of darkness/also I carry a blade known as the soul reaver

Username- Mesume the Blood Ninja
Character Name- Mesume Mikawa
Character's Age- unknown
Race- immortal/missing nin-rank S
Personality-he is calm many times and acts rather stupid. his personality matches Tobi's a lot.
Bio- He was born out of a small village that now is erased from the map due to it being destroyed by bandits. When Mesume was young he discovered his bizzare ability to manipulate blood. due to this strange occurance he accidentally killed his friend using his power causing the village to throw him out. as he grew up he longed for an answer of why to live so he joined the religion Jashin(Hidan's religion) for a while and was bestowed with the same immortality as him. but Mesume found it to be meaningless killing and quit the religion, but still kept the immortality.
Appearance- User Image
Crush(optional)- none at moment
Abilities- blood manipulation, medical jutsu, standard ninja techniques, and many more.

Username- Dr Abominable
Character Name- Haku
Character's Age- 14
Race- Human...
Personality- Reserved, merciful.
Bio- Haku was born in a perpetually snowy village in the Land of Water at a time where those with a kekkei genkai were irrationally feared. Haku's mother was one of those with a kekkei genkai, and attempted to hide that fact, eventually marrying and giving birth to Haku. While they were able to live in peace for a time, Haku eventually discovered that he had inherited his mother's gift, and accidentally revealed their secret to his father while toying with his newfound power.

Haku's father rallied a small mob and had his wife murdered. He would have done the same to Haku, but Haku inadvertently created a field of icicles through the house in a panic, killing both the mob and his father. Orphaned, Haku wandered the Land of Water as a beggar child until he was found by Zabuza Momochi, who agreed to take him in, warning Haku not to expect any companionship. Haku, for his part, accepted this readily, devoting his life to becoming the ultimate weapon for Zabuza.
Appearance- User Image
Abilities- Hyouton. Great speed.

Username- LordMiroku
Character Name- Naruto
Character's Age- 16 (I'm changing stuff to make him my own...)
Race- Half-Demon
Personality- Loud, and not afraid to speak the truth. Tries to remain calm but can never hold back excitement.
Bio- (I've never been good at bio's...)
Appearance- Like the Naruto on TV XP
Crush(optional)- Hinata
Abilities- Sexy Jutsu, Clone Jutsu, and is now learning on different ways to control the Element Lightning

Username- NarutoUzumaki75
Character Name- Asuma Sarutobi
Character's Age- ???
Race- Human/Jonin
Personality- Awesomeness
Bio- Asuma is typically a laid-back individual, and does not get himself involved in things unless necessary. He is often seen smoking a cigarette, and smokes about two packs of cigarettes a day. Despite this, he will break the habit when something is bothering him, such as when the Third Hokage died. Asuma has a very close relationship with his team, even though he believes it to consist of a "glutton" (Choji), a "loud mouth" (Ino), and a "slacker" (Shikamaru). To help them overcome their underachieving natures, he attempts to use bribery and outright trickery to manipulate them into doing what he wants. Of his students, Shikamaru seems to spend the most time with Asuma and the two play Shogi or Go in their free time, though Asuma has never been able to beat Shikamaru.

In battle, Asuma uses trench knives (brass knuckles with a blade on one end) that are capable of being infused with chakra. Once infused with his wind-based chakra, Asuma can use the blades to easily pierce through rock. With his Flying Swallow, he can extend the blades with his chakra to injure an enemy several feet out of the physical blade's range. In addition to his blades Asuma can use Fire Release: Ash Product Burning, to breathe out a cloud of superheated ash capable of causing third-degree burns. Because it is ash and not flame, the attack remains in the air around the target, and therefore remains potent for a longer period of time.

Appearance- User Image
Crush(optional)- N/A
Abilities- Wind Infinity/ trench knives

Appearance- User Image
Bio: Itachi has been considered a genius since a young age, graduating at the top of his Academy class at age 7, attaining initial activation and mastery of the Sharingan by age 8, and becoming a Chunin at age 10. These accomplishments led the members of the Uchiha clan to think of Itachi as the clan's strongest member and, in turn, the clan's future. Itachi's father, Fugaku Uchiha, was the biggest proponent of this idea and focused much of his effort into bettering Itachi's career and status within Konohagakure. Because of his focused attention on Itachi, Fugaku paid little attention to his other son, Sasuke Uchiha. As a result of this neglect, Sasuke attempted to win his father's attention by somehow outdoing Itachi. Itachi would often offer to help Sasuke train to accomplish this goal, though he never lived up to his promises. To compensate for this, Itachi tried to force their father to spend time with Sasuke by refusing to carry out his other tasks unless his father complied. While Fugaku did so, much of the time he spent with Sasuke was still focused around Itachi, and Sasuke continued to desire his father's attention.
At the age of 13, Itachi became a squadron leader of the ANBU. After joining the ANBU, however, Itachi began to ignore his assignments and at the same time became a prime suspect in the death of Shisui Uchiha. While Shisui had been a good friend of Itachi and had appeared to commit suicide, the clan began to suspect the suicide was faked and that Itachi killed Shisui. As this lack of faith began to spread, Itachi began to distance himself from the clan, attacking its members when provoked and voicing his opinion that the clan itself was hopeless. As a result, the relationship between Fugaku and Itachi became estranged, and Fugaku started spending his time training Sasuke in an attempt to steer him away from following in Itachi's footsteps. Just as Sasuke began to receive the attention he so yearned for, he returned home one day to find that Itachi had killed every member of the clan. When questioned why he murdered their entire family, Itachi replied that it was "to test [his] ability", though he felt that Sasuke was not worth killing. Before leaving he encouraged Sasuke to live a life of hate and get strong enough to defeat him and avenge the clan. To help in this regard, Itachi told Sasuke of how to gain the Mangekyo Sharingan: one must simply kill his or her closest friend, just as he had done to Shisui.
At some point in time Itachi joined Akatsuki. While it stands to reason that he joined after massacring the Uchiha clan, the timeline that has been given throughout the series (coupled with his age) suggests that he joined the organization prior to killing his clan. As a result, the exact time at which Itachi joined is as of yet uncertain. After joining Akatsuki, Itachi was confronted by Orochimaru who attempted to steal his body for his own use. With his Sharingan, Itachi was able to negate Orochimaru's efforts and sever his left hand, forcing him to flee the organization. He later proves instrumental in recruiting Deidara to Akatsuki, forcing him to join by defeating him in battle.
Itachi is a relatively emotionless character, rarely becoming troubled by anything and finding the goings on in the world around him to be of little significance. When put into a battle situation he dislikes wasting time or making the fight more complicated than necessary, instead finishing it or accomplishing his business as soon as possible. During the battle itself he finds little interest in his opponent, instead regarding them as a mere inconvenience. When he returns to Konoha for the first time after killing his clan, however, he expresses his wishes to not fight the village's ninja, instead hoping to avoid a needless and drawn out battle.Itachi's only noticeable interest is in Akatsuki's goals, putting the organization's success and secrecy before everything else.As such, Itachi gets along with his partner, Kisame, much better than most other Akatsuki members do with their own partners. Kisame, in fact, has a deep loyalty to Itachi, immediately doing as he instructs and constantly looking out for his well-being. Itachi treats all of his fellow Akatsuki members to this same, more respectful and agreeable personality, though his courtesy is rarely returned by the other members.
In the few battles he has been seen in, Itachi has done little in terms of fighting, primarily remaining stationary and only attacking in defense. This tactic is made particularly easy with his Sharingan, which allows him to properly assess an opponent's actions and respond accordingly. When faced with a genjutsu, Itachi can use his Sharingan to perform "Demonic Illusion: Mirror Heaven and Earth Change"and turn the genjutsu against its user.[4] His prowess with genjutsu is one of his few recurring abilities, and he can catch someone in an illusion by merely pointing at them.
Itachi's Mangekyo Sharingan.Itachi's Mangekyo Sharingan enables him to use some of the Uchiha clan's most powerful techniques. With Tsukuyomi, he can trap an opponent in an illusionary world where he can seem to torture them for days on end in only a matter of seconds.Amaterasu allows him to create a black flame that is capable of burning through the strongest of materials. Despite his mastery of the Mangekyo Sharingan, Itachi seems to be falling prey to its side effects. In addition to being left fatigued after each usage, it has been suggested that his eyesight is getting increasingly worse as well, though this has never been addressed in full.
In terms of standard ninjutsu, Itachi can create shadow clones to carry out the close-combat that he seems to avoid. These clones can also be commanded to explode with "Clone Great Explosion", which is easily capable of killing those caught in the blast.As a member of the Uchiha clan he can perform "Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique" to catch opponents in a blast of fire, and in the anime can breathe multiple fireballs with Fire Release: Phoenix Immortal Fire Technique. With "Water Release: Water Fang Bullet" he can also catch unwary targets in a circle of crushing water.Itachi is also noted to be very fast with his techniques.
Plot overview:
In Akatsuki's goal of acquiring all of the tailed beasts, Itachi is assigned to capture the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox sealed within Naruto Uzumaki. After going to Konoha with Kisame in search of Naruto, Itachi is forced into battle with the village's elite ninja, whose numbers grow as the fight continues. Uninterested in starting a war, Itachi orders Kisame to retreat.[10] When they later find Naruto and try to kidnap him, Sasuke shows up in an attempt to kill Itachi. Uninterested in their brotherly quarrel, Itachi quickly defeats him by breaking his wrist, and is disappointed to see that Sasuke still isn't strong enough to defeat him. After Jiraiya arrives, Itachi and Kisame are driven off. After this event Itachi makes very few appearances, only being seen during Akatsuki's meetings and for short periods of time before and afterwards. After news of Orochimaru's defeat by Sasuke reaches his ears, Itachi is put on alert by Pein, the Akatsuki leader, in case Sasuke uses this opportunity to try and kill him. Once word of Orochimaru's defeat reaches Konoha, Naruto sets out to find Sasuke and Itachi as well. As either him or one of his shadow clones follows Sasuke's scent he runs into Itachi, wandering through a forest alone.
Crush: N/A

Gaianame: DeAndre
Name: Maito Gai
Personality: Weird, but awesome
Rank: Jounin
Crush: N/A
Appearance:User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
Abilities: Master at taijutsu (Most likely greatest before lee), Ability to Counter the Sharingan.

Username- crazy-q11
Character Name- Gaara of the desert
Character's Age- 15
Race- human
Personality- quiet mysterious(maybe deadly)
Bio- ever since his bout with rock lee and saskue hes trained harder to become kazekage
User Image
Crush(optional)- Anyone girl who likes him...
Abilities-desert coffin,sand jutsu

Username-Panda King1
Character Name-Satoshi Shinji
Character's Age-18
Personality-evil and
Bio-became part of the akatsuki when he was only 12
wich they trained him until he was 18 and now wants revenge for his parents death which was done by the leaf village
Appearance-User Image
Abilities-clay bombs,summons wolf demon,carries puppets made by sasori
and sadingon which he stole from a uchia clan member

Username- Bloodfire275
Character Name- Rock lee
Character's Age- 13
Race- Human/Genji
Personality- Funny, strong, and trains in the atr or taijutsu and i like sakura *but hinatas better*
Appearnance: User Image
Bio- To show everyone i can become a splendid ninja even if i dont ahve ninjutsu of genjutsu...

Username- vandelbuster
Character Name-Desdemona Senzairu
Character's Age- 18
Race- human/Jinchuuriki /kumo missing nin
Personality-fools around alot but knows when to be serious
Bio- senzairu was abandoned by his parents after he was used to be a demon container. soon afterwards he was found by a man that thought him the way of the ninja. and became a kumo genin under this man. after becoming a genin the man died and he was left to care for himself. but without the protection of his sensei the villagers beat him and treated him coldly. than one day while running from the villagers he ran into a female named yugito another jinchuuriki. they became really good friends and trained together. shortly after the became chunnin and a year after that they became jonin. after he came back from a mission he learned that yugito was captured by akasutki, so he ran from the village to try and save her, without the permission from the raikage they had no other choice but to label him as a high a, to low s rank missing nin.
Appearance- User Image
Abilities- the pentacle eye( appears only on the left eye, grants the user the ability to see at a slower pace than others and can see the oppents weakness and strengths, other ability's unknown at the moment). encase his left arm with ice to form one of four forms. alpha, beta, gamma, and omega.

Username- B_sislo
Character Name-Braxton Sislo
Character's Age- 12
Race- Humon
Personality- Cool, Funny, Derterminded, head strong and out going
Bio- None?
Appearance-User Image
Crush(optional)- Ino
Abilities- Ice and water contal

Username- xemnas devil
Character Name- forth hokage/Yondiame
Character's Age- sry idk
Race- human
Personality- idk he was hokage
Bio- He dissapeard a years later he sealed the kyubbi in naruto. They say that he died, but no one really described how. Rumors have it that he's the leader of Akuistki(idk how to spell it).
Appearance- Yellow hair, wears hokage jacket over chunnin vest. blackish dark blue pants. normal naruto shoes.
Crush(optional)- ...he had a wife...so......
Abilities- able to seal demons inside people. i think he was the 1st to do Resangen.

Username- Naruto the Dragon
Character Name- Xero Xan-Xai
Character's Age- 24
Race- Human/kyoukan (Means Assassin. This alright?)
Personality- Keeps cool in any situation, Laid back, Careless
Bio- He doesn't know anything about his past, and he is happy with that cause he could care less. Usually before he kills some one, which is kinda part of his job, he acts friendly to them. He met his bird companion, Kurayami (Meaning shadow, seen on his shoulder in the appearance picture), when he was lost in part of a forest, Kurayami led him to safety. They just stuck together after that.
Appearance- User Image
Crush(optional)- N/A or Not Yet
Abilities- Wind Jutsus:
Ea-shuriken (Air Shuriken): Creates Shurikens out of wind, and sends them flying.
Teikiatsu Kyouran (Cyclone Fury): His body becomes visible air, with the help of Kurayami, and is able to do pretty much anything that has to do with wind, but could kill him if he stays like this too long.
And many other Wind Jutsus that already exist.

Username- Chaos Spring
Character Name- Kyuubi
Character's Age-????
Race- Fox demon
Personality- haughty, proud, wise, smart, quick to anger, cruel, defensive and stubborn
Bio- The Kyuubi disappeared inside Naruto after Arashi [-Yondaime-] sealed him in. He really doesn't like talking about it, but he claims he didn't attack Kohana of his own will. He was forced apparently
Appearance- Kyuubi-demon
Crush(optional)- No one
Abilities- He's the kyuubi. Power over fire

Username- Nicholas Wyrm Fang
Character Name- Nicholas Wyrm Fang
Character's Age- Unknown, apears to be around 17
Race- Forsaken Deity
Personality- Cold, distant, and cruel. But he is kind when the time is right.
Bio- UNKNOWN. He speks of it to no one. (Kept secret for plot, my apologies. ^_^)
Appearance- User Image
Crush(optional)- None, as of yet.
Abilities- UNKNOWN.
Character List
Profile Skeletons(girls)

Character Name-
Character's Age-

Username- The_Un-Dead_General
Character Name- Hishido Akari
Character's Age- 18
Race- Human / Jounin?
Personality- An all aroudn nice person , out of battle, she can be very serious and intense, though mostly just your everyday average kunoichi.
Bio- SHe comes from one of the smaller clans in Konoha, they have no really special kekei genkai[sp], as far as she knows, but that would be because both ehr mother and father have died in battle, she was raised up by her grandparents.
Appearance- User Image
Crush(optional)- None at the moment
Abilities- None in particular.

Username- The_Un-Dead_General
Character Name- Hishido Amaru
Character's Age- 13
Race- Human
Rank - S-rank Missing Nin.
Personality- COld, cruel sence of humour, alittle insane at times.
Bio- She's the one who gave the Hishdo clan a bad name,you could say she's taken the place of itachi tryng to kill off her entire clan and many others in secret.She was considered a ordigy from birth, and still is considered a genius, especailly for her age. SHe was an ANBU, yes at her age, until some how someone found out about what she was doing. THey thought her love for human anatomy was quite odd. She loved knowing how things worked and taking them apart, no matter what they were, and still does.
She fled to the sound village and there was allied with Orochimaru, she now works under him. THough most of her clan believes he killed her. SHe's also the younger sister of Hishido Akari.
Appearance- User Image
Crush(optional)- Kabuto.....sort of....
Abilities- Master medical ninja and excels with sound techniques.

Username- kagome_the_half_demon
Character Name-Kagome
Character's Age-16
Personality-all ways happy so can be
Appearance- User Image
Crush(optional)- she has no time for one

Username- kagome_the_half_demon
Character Name- Dawn
Character's Age- 16
Race- humun/pricess
Personality- evil
Bio- Dawn is kagome evil half sister
Appearance- User Image
Crush(optional)- n/a
Abilities- use her sword and call the dead by her side

Username- hiyono_lol
Character Name- Hinata Hyuga
Character's Age- 13
Race- human
Personality- shy and sweet
Bio- Hyuga Hinita is part of the family branch of the Hyuga clan, and is the daughter of Hyuga Hiashi Nejis uncle. She is very shy towards people and has a very low self esteem. She has a huge crush on Naruto in the anime and is pretty much always Secretly encouraging him through his trials when she witnesses him.
Hinita also seems to not really want to be a ninja at all but she goes along and is very obedient to people. She would seem better off doing home type of activities then fighting and in time the show may put her in a more of a 'house’ wife position

Appearance- User Image
Crush(optional)- naruto and kiba
Abilities- Byakugan and other jutsus

Username- Nexis_winston
Character Name- Czach Uchiha
Character's Age- 17
Race- Human/Genin
Personality- She is nice to visiters but energetic when fighting and mean.
Bio- Master Uchiha wasn't always rainbows and sugarplums. He hated Czach. She is from the main line of the Uchiha branch. Her father wished her dead. She was placed in a orphange in the Leaf village and then adopted into the Sound village and that is where she dwells. So there for she has no parents.
Appearance- User Image
Crush(optional)- N/A
Abilities- Sharingan and many different Sound moves.

Username- dreamless fayth
Character Name- Kira Uchiha
Character's Age- 15
Race- Demon vessle
Personality- She's a bit shy though at times can be a foul loud mouth
Bio- She is the sister of Sasuke and Itachi. Though most people never knew that because one she didn't want to be compaired to her brothers and two she didn't want to be told that either she was a discrace to the name Uchiha or a godsend. When Itachi murdered everyone but her and Sasuke, he took her to Suna so she could be raise and taught the way of the shinobi with out the family influance on her. He felt, when she had found a letter in a box she sent her on her thirteenth birthday, that she was the be the one to break the mold of the purffect Uchiha. Sadly she didn't see it like that but took it apon herself to stop Sasuke at all cost.
Appearance-User Image
Crush(optional)- Kira has a small crush on one person.. but he shall not be named.
Abilities- All that of the Uchihas and a few Sand jutsus

Username- hanaisamazing
Character Name- Hana
Character's Age- 16
Race- human
Personality- ditzy,klutzy,loud mouth-ish
Bio- she comes from a strick family, and she is not one the enjoys rules. do to this she often rebels.
Appearance- User Image
Crush(optional)- shikamaru (i am sorry, i love that guy)
Abilities- she can summon two kittens name teiz and putten who can submerge into one giant neko (cat) demon with two heads

Username- Ceohku Hatake(OA)
Character Name- Ceohku
Character's Age- 14
Race- Human/Lycan halfbreed.
Personality- Ceohku's usualy layed back and easy going. She prefer's not to fight, but if a friend is threatened,or her own life she will not hesitate to attack. She's a bit troubled and prefer's to not talk about her past. She can get extreamly emotional if the wrong things are brought out, or extreamly violent. But it's rare. She get's random mood swing's at times
Bio- Since day one, her life's been an emotional rollercoaster. Born in Otogakure, her path was set for disaster. Spawn of Orochimaru, or so he claimed.Ceohku went a-wall at the age of five,slaughtering her family,why? To avoid abuse. How'd she get this insane power to do it? Simple, She had been plagued with a Curse. The curse of the wolf like beast.. She fled Otogakure, in fear of what would happen. To escape the hell hole she was born into. Kakashi Hatake, the copy-cat Ninja came across her and took her home,to Konohagakure. Her new life began. He had adopted her. She quickly be-friended Itachi and Sasuke Uchiha. Now hoping to live a better life- but will it happen?
Appearance- User Image
Crush(optional)- Kiba Inuzuka, Sasuke Uchiha.
Abilities- She's able to manipulate her chakra, to change her right arm into a wepon,though-this drains her Chakra, she'll eventually pass out.

Username- Puppy Twin Clover
Character Name- Yukumi Haragashi
Character's Age- 13
Race- Human
Personality- Yukumi is rather bashful sometimes, along with funny. She can be clumsy, but is a good fighter. One thing she isn't good for is sneaking up, she somehow finds a way to be really really loud. Though she is kind and warm hearted.
Bio- Yukumi grew up a normal life in Konoha until she noticed she had a different kind of Chakara. When she found out she couldn't use regular jutsu, she thought she would never become a ninja. Until she learned that she could still do jutsu except in a different style. She then learned the ability of using an umbrella as her weapon.
Appearance- User Image
Crush(optional)- None Yet
Abilities- She uses a special umbrella that has a few tricks up its sleeve.

Name: (last, first)Yoshi Yoko

age : 21

Village: was from the leaf

gender :female

Appearance: (Pics are ok too) User Image

her pet User Image

Rank: (missing nin, AMBU etc) SS rank missing nin

Personalty: Yoko is not the best person to be around. she is evil and will fight to the death. When she knows she has lost a fight and she doesn't want to keep fighting Yoko will admit her loss. Now she has a commanding persomality and likes things done her way.

History: Yoko was always quiet and didn't like to talk much She had a wolf partner named Okami. She was always strongbut didn't become a genin untill age 12. she knew that she should have passed before that but the teached just didn't like her. this made Yoko mad. SHe became a Chuunin at age 16 and again she should ahve passed before that but no they just had to hold her back.at age 16 she was a jonin because the Hokage thought that she was strong. Yoko was happy about this but not the other Jonin. they always bugged her about being a jonin and saying that she shouldent have even been one yet. Yoko got mad and killed many people.

Username- Chaos Spring
Character Name- Luxuria Nevelle Ivra
Character's Age-17
Race- Jonin/ Demi-goddess [-means half-goddess -]
Personality- kind, happy, easy-going yet smart. She shows less of her intelligence than she actually has making her enemies underestimate her. Quick to anger, smart mouthed and sharp
Bio- Luxuria refuses to talk of her past, expect that she had a brother named Erhen and, she & the man she falls in love with will live an unnaturally long life. (Keeping it short so I have room to work)
Appearance- User Image
Crush- No one really. She's admired Yondaime and is interesting in the Kyuubi
Abilities- She can talk to animals but only those who wish to talk with her. She also has a Blood line trait similar to the Byakugan but not quite. It can only see through things and far distances, which is why her eyes are red.
Looks like everyone is here....let's start the mission
What's our mission you ask?
The mission is to deliver the Orb of Kikyo to the hokage of the land of sound. It is an C rank mission. R u guys up to the challenge?

mistress booty's Significant Otter

Tipsy Bunny

11,290 Points
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[[soooo, should I start now???]]
[[soooo, should I start now???]]

[sure...start anytime u want]

mistress booty's Significant Otter

Tipsy Bunny

11,290 Points
  • Citizen 200
  • Millionaire 200
  • First step to fame 200
Akari walked near the gate of the village. She had nothing to do, no missions for her, lately.
Akari walked near the gate of the village. She had nothing to do, no missions for her, lately.

-before the mission kakashi roamed around-
hello miss wut's ur name? my name is kakashi.

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