Embarking on this journey, this quest,
I look to the stars to try my best.
A journey every man must take
Each to what he chooses to make.
A journey in the sense of time,
A journey without any true crime.
A quest in the sense of glory,
A quest without any fairytale story.
All emotions confronted, extremities and apathies,
A new world discovered, an old world locked with keys,
All imaginations unlocked,
Everything real docked.
Beautiful to some, ugly to some
Each to his own crumb...
What one man dreams is what another sees,
One man with the birds, the other with the bees,
How this journey comes to an end,
All depends on what one sends.
So as I begin my lifelong journey
I look to the stars to see what I can be,
The stars light my path and guide my way
Through many bright and dreary days.
Astray they will never lead,
As they give life to my newly planted seed,
Completion of this drastic quest
Depends on them and their best,
And thus I give my props to the stars
And begin my journey towards the seas afar.
Seven seas to cross to reach the end
And all of this without the help of a friend,
Persistance and courage, only two necessaties,
Along the way there will be so many other fees.
Before I become discouraged beyond help,
I climb aboard my ship and hear the dogs ashore yelp...