Questionable Prophet

That is such a wildly inappropriate way for your brother to act.
I'd call the cops and at least report it, so it's on record.

Other than that I'd let the whole thing blow over. Just drop the idea of getting blue hair right now.
It's hard to get a job with colored hair, but not impossible. It wasn't allowed at my crappy retail job, but at my new job where I get paid more and actually enjoy the work I've had a ton of different colors. Mostly streaks, but when they hired me my whole head was like a gray pastel purple color. (Accidentally died my hair purple instead of a purple brown and it was fading out.)

So, don't feel like you have to rush to get blue hair before it's too late.

Something else to remember is the people of our parents generation are retiring and dying all the time and I think as time progresses, having colored hair and piercing and tattoos will be more acceptable. (Tattoos already are.)