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IRL Hellraiser

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                                                        tab Lola was about to get up and go fetch herself some dinner of her own, but she heard Kenley call for her. She would have gone to meet him, but she heard his footsteps approaching. All she did was stand up and take a few steps towards the doorway, happy smile on her face. Kenley's expression, however, caused her smile to melt away. Oh, dear. Bad news already? Hadn't there been enough bad news today? Lola was still hurting over Virginie's tragedy, and Kenley's proposal was what brightened the entire day. She was trying to hang onto that happiness, that light, and the last thing she wanted was to fall back into the dark without a spark to light her way. It would crush her. Was he... already having second thoughts? Did he decide he didn't want to marry her after all? Oh, lord...

                                                        What came out of Kenley's mouth wasn't nearly as devastating as Lola had anticipated. In fact, she was relieved. It wasn't anything serious, not really. It just meant... no winter wedding. It would have to be spring. No fur muffler or collar. Maybe she was a wee bit disappointed, but it wasn't anything she couldn't get over. Sure, it was irritating that their happiness and their lives had to be postponed because Alexander so wished it, but what could be done? Alexander was the King, and kings did what they wanted. It was likely for Anna, anyway. Lola would do anything for Anna. The problem wasn't waiting, the problem was that Alexander was throwing his power around. Nobody liked a king who did that. His subjects should have free will, within reason, of course.

                                                        Lola offered Kenley a faint smile and reached out to touch his arm. "I have no issue with it, Kenley. While I would have preferred getting married sooner... we aren't given the choice. I feel like the King is abusing his power by dictating what we do with our lives, but... what can be done? We'll marry when we can, and that's all there is to it."

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Kenley breathed out a relieved breath. She wasn't angry or upset about the delay. Perhaps, it would be good for the both of them. It would give them more time to grow to know one another.. perhaps even fall in love. It wasn't impossible, really. Love wasn't what Kenley felt for Lola, though. He cared for her, of course, but it wasn't this strong devotion.

“I wouldn't call it an.. abuse of power,” Kenley began quietly. It was never quite a good idea to criticize a monarch with such loaded language. Even if Alexander wasn't the tyrant his father had been, it wasn't a good idea to say such things. “He's just concerned about.. Annalise. And the stress our leaving will have on her. Once the baby is born, we'll get married. By then I'll have the land and the title and.. everything will be perfect.”

- - - -

Carlotta was very tired all of the time. Ruth didn't have any children of her own, though she and her husband tried. It was likely bound to happen eventually, they just didn't seem to have the same sexual appetite that Carlotta and Theodore had. That was the only reason Carlotta was sure that she was pregnant at the moment. If they'd been prudes like the Walkers, Carlotta and Theo would likely still be back in Penwood, ignoring one another.

This morning, she didn't want to get out of her bed. She was stretched out under the thick blankets, staring at the canopy above her. The curtains around the bed were closed tightly to keep in the warmth, and to keep out that pesky sun. Still, in the darkness of her bed, she could still see the portrait of Theodore. Sometimes, she wished she hadn't requested the painting to be done. It would be easier to forget what she'd had, if she didn't have an opportunity to constantly look upon it and remember the man.

It was a poor likeness. That wasn't exactly true, though, it looked a good deal like her husband. But those eyes on the canvass didn't have the same spark of life and hint of mischief that Theodore had. It didn't make her heart soar, it pained her greatly. With a frustrated huff, she turned on her side and stuffed the portrait under the pillow beside her. She couldn't look at him right now. That fool had left her here alone with nearly complete strangers.. and for what? To kill himself out on the sea just to see Italy. It was stupid.

The door to her room creaked open, and Ruth popped her head in, “Lotty,” she called in a sing song voice, “Are you awake, darling? I'm dreadfully bored without you.”

Carlotta resisted the urge to groan in irritation. She didn't want to get out of bed, she didn't feel well today. She was tired and moody and.. she was sick of being around Ruth and her husband. Ruth was like a little girl, always wanting companionship.. and her husband, oh god, the way he looked at Carlotta sometimes. Oh, but she put up with it because she had no where to go. The house wasn't finished just yet. Even if it was, it would still need to be furnished and servants would need to be hired. And winter was coming on fast.. they would need to finish before the snow came.

“Ruth.. I don't feel well, go away, please..” Carlotta answered.

The curtains by Carlotta's bedside opened and Ruth beamed brightly, “Then I shall play nurse for you today. I'll have hot soup brought up for you. That will help. I'll be back in just a moment!” she announced, turning away and hurrying out of the room. In her haste, she left the bedcurtains and the door open. With a huff, Carlotta closed the curtains quickly and then collapsed back into the pillows. Frustrating.

IRL Hellraiser

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тнεσ∂σяε яσтнεмвυяg ||| αηηαℓιsε ℓσcкε∂αу

                                                        tab It was the second major event Annalise attended since being at court. Only hours ago she had her coronation. Aye. That meant she was now crowned the Queen Consort of England. It had felt so surreal, but it was reality. If she was the Queen now, then that meant she was also Alexander's wife, right? Yes. Their wedding had been a month or so ago, and what a splendid day that had been. Her dress had been perfect, and she knew Alexander loved it. Her pregnancy had been viewable to all the world, and she'd not been able to wipe the smug smirk off of her face during the feast that followed. Ah, and her dancing lessons with Lola and Kenley had paid off well enough that she was able to have a dance with her husband. Oh, but she quite enjoyed the dance that came after the feast... if you catch my drift. And as much as Alexander liked her dress, he probably enjoyed taking it off of her even more.

                                                        Being about six months pregnant now, Annalise was beginning to feel the fatigue more often. Her child was moving more often, and it was kicking enough to where Alexander could feel it now. Today had been a very tiring day, of course, and Annalise opted out of any dancing at tonight's feast. She sat in her chair and picked at her food just watching the dancers and the mingling. She spotted her two new ladies, Bernice and Rori, flirting with a few lords. It was sickening because both ladies were married and mothers, just as Alexander had requested. Bernice had a three year old daughter, and Rori had a seven year old son. Both were around Annalise's age also. Bernice was twenty-four exactly, and Rori was twenty-six. While they were beautiful, accomplished ladies, they were dreadful. They were lazy and frivolous, and Annalise was going to rue the day Lola left. Thank God Lola was still around.

                                                        Speaking of Lola, Annalise didn't see either Lola or Kenley. They had been at the feast, but now they were gone. Ah. Well, Annalise had a feeling she knew why. Those two had grown much closer over the past month or so, and they spent a great deal of time together. They'd likely gone off to have some alone time, seeing as it was the opportune time for it. Neither were really needed, and they wouldn't be needed for a long while. If Annalise needed anything, there was always Hindley and Bernice and Rori. If she really needed something, she would be taken care of, though none of the above listed were ever jumping to be of assistance. Really? These were the idiots she was to be left with once her child was born? God help her.

                                                        Franco emerged from the crowd to approach Annalise, his smile always a warm welcome. Annalise perked up and smiled widely, allowing the French Ambassador to take her hand and place a kiss upon it.

                                                        "Your majesty," Franco purred, bowing his head. "I want to congratulate you on your crowning, as well as tell you how happy I am to see you as this great country's Queen. I feel you will be exactly what England needs as Queen, and I say this not as flattery but as truth, mademoiselle. Thank God for you," he subjoined.

                                                        "Thank you, your excellency," Annalise replied giddily. "Your faith in me gives me such courage. Are you enjoying yourself? I digress."

                                                        "Oui, I am most entertained, your majesty. English events are some of the best I've attended."

                                                        "How glad I am," Anna laughed.

                                                        Lola and Kenley had indeed escaped the festivities in hopes of finding a more private location to be alone. Lola had her own apartments in the castle, though they were significantly smaller than Anna's. Lola had only a bedroom and a small sitting room. There was a washroom, of course, but that was given. It was a lovely room, though, as were most of the rooms in the castle. Her bed was outfitted in pale green, and the accents were royal blue. The walls were the same blue, and there were hints of gold here and there. The color scheme was wonderful, and Lola rather enjoyed her chambers, though the Queen's were far lovelier. Ah, well. When she was married to Kenley and they had their own home, she could make her chambers as lovely as possible.

                                                        Over the past month or so, Lola found herself quite attached to Kenley. Not in the physical, clingy way, but emotionally. She no longer looked at him as a castle guard but as the man she was consigning her life to. Maybe she loved him, maybe she wasn't there yet, but she such tenderness for him, such care. She worried about him when he was away hunting or what have you. It was to the point that if he were to die, Lola would be devastated. She wouldn't know how to continue. It would feel like losing a husband, even though he was not yet her husband. Oh, she couldn't wait to marry him! He made her life so much brighter, and each day proved to her that he was everything she could ever ask for. He had, quite simply, gone and stolen her fragile little heart.

                                                        The hearth was blazing, for winter was upon them now. The room was dimly lit, flickering light casting dancing shadows upon every surface. Lola's cream gown was strewn on the floor along with her corset, and she was clothed still in her chemise, stockings, and necklace. Why? Because she was still in the process of undressing, or rather letting Kenley do the honors. She'd gotten him to his bare torso, and she was trying to focus on his breeches but the distraction known as his lips kept her much too occupied. It was both frustrating and wonderful all at once. They'd not yet crossed this line in their relationship, but Lola had no qualms in going forth. After all, she was no stranger to being naughty. And! Kenley was to be her husband anyway, so, what's the harm?

                                                        The house on the cliffs had been finished by now, and there was furniture being moved there nearly everyday. The landscaping hadn't been done yet, but it was in progress. Donovan Walker, Ruth's husband, was seeing to that himself, for Mr. Rothemburg was not in the country. Donovan had the best landscapers hired, with Rothemburg money, of course, and he made sure to stop by every so often to see how it was coming along. Carlotta would be moving into it within the next few days, certainly, and she'd already done her selection of the staff. That handful of people were already living in the house and making it ready for their new mistress. Speaking of the new mistress...

                                                        Donovan had never been faithful to Ruth. He was superb at hiding it, of course, and he was still doing it to this day without suspicion. Ruth had been the best wife for him because she'd been the wealthiest. That's the only reason why he married her. There was no love, though he could play the part well. Donovan was your grade A scoundrel. He lived for his own gain and pleasure, cared very little for anyone around him, but stole everyone's heart with his facade of good natured wholesomeness. Nobody would ever suspect Donovan of being an a**. He lied so good that sometimes he even believed himself. It was his business, and he was a good businessman. His next business venture was, of course, Carlotta.

                                                        Today was a day Ruth was out at the market. Carlotta had opted to stay home, and Donovan was lounging around playing the part of innocent and quiet husband. Ah, he was just a predator waiting for the opportune moment to strike his prey. His prey, however, seemed to have noticed the way he looked at her often. Could a man help it? Carlotta Rothemburg was one of the most beautiful women eyes had beheld. Donovan was quite attracted to her, and he was soon going to see how far he could get with her. It was rare for women to deny him, so he had the confidence of a lion. Carlotta was likely lonely and wanting without her husband, so she was easy to prey upon. She'd want the touch of an experienced man. Or so Donovan thought.

                                                        The moment came when Carlotta took herself to the kitchen for something or other. Donovan watched her come down the stairs and slip away. He waited a few moments, the ticking of the clock as loud as drums. When he felt it was good, he took himself from his chair and wandered into the kitchen, hands stuffed in his pockets. His dark eyes were locked onto Carlotta, and he didn't make any move to conceal his intentions. He wanted her, and he felt he had a right to her. He housed her all this time, didn't he? He let her stay under his roof and eat his food, didn't he? Was it wrong to want repayment? No. Not in his eyes it wasn't.

                                                        "I like you, Carlotta," Donovan began, running a few fingers over the counter, "quite a lot. You're a gorgeous woman. Any man with his todger on straight would want you," he told her in his lewd fashion. "Maybe not your runaway husband, seeing as he just... up and deserted you without even a goodbye. What kind of man is he? What man leaves his pregnant wife to go frolicking on a ship? One you don't need," he said firmly.

                                                        Donovan was quick to grab Carlotta's arms and push her into a corner, closing her in with his own massive frame. There was no kindness in his eyes, no softness in his grip. "Now, I'm going to be a considerate man and take you upstairs to slake the thirst I know you have. If you fight me... I can't guarantee that rat growing in your womb will survive the encounter. I have heavy fists, so don't say I didn't warn you. You'll be a good girl for me, Carlotta. It's the least you could do after I've housed and fed you for a month. Oh... and if you think to scream, I can't guarantee you'll survive. Are we clear?"

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Alexander would have liked to be dancing with his wife and Queen, but she was too tired and pregnant for such activities. Besides, he was supposed to be above such things, wasn't he? He was supposed to sit here at the high table beside his wife and watched everyone else enjoy themselves. It was just as well, this was fulfilling on a different level. It gave him the opportunity to feel better than other people because, well, he was. Even if he wasn't a more noble or honorable sort of person (which he surely felt he was), he was the King, and he'd been born into this life. And how many people could say that?

Just as there had been for their wedding, there was a large array of foods, exotic fruits, sweet deserts, spiced meats, and of course, ample amounts of liquor. He'd already had several large glasses full, and he motioned for the footman beside him to fill his cup up again. How many times did you get married? Well, once, really. And your wife would only be crowned once. He was in a jolly sort of mood these past few months, and today was no different. Unlike most people, alcohol didn't cause him to turn into some monster. It loosened his tongue a good deal and relaxed him.

Franco had appeared, as usual, and presented himself to the Queen. Alexander tried not to get annoyed at the attention his wife received. She was the Queen and he wanted her to be loved by everyone in the Kingdom, that included Franco. The two shared a few passing comments and Anna laughed at something the man had said. It was just friendly banter, he knew. Let it go, Alex.

“Your excellency,” Alexander said, leaning over towards the man, his elbow on his wife's armrest, that hand holding his chin, and a wide smile on his face. “These nasty rumors of some..” he waved his free hand around in search of the word, “Impending Spanish war I've been hearing these rumors of. If it came to such a thing.. what would it take for France's assistance, hm?” Pointing down at Annalise's growing stomach, he smirked, “I've a little Prince who will be in need of a Princess one day, you know..”

- - - -

Kenley felt his heart thudding in his chest as he kissed his fiance. It felt as if it had been ages since he'd properly been with a woman. There had been stolen moments with maids or that one kitchen woman. Nothing meaningful. All base pleasure. He'd, of course, abstained from anything since he'd returned to Court with Annalise. He'd not really had the time to steal away to find some improper lady to screw somewhere. But ever since he'd met Lola, he'd been faithful out of choice.

The two had never really discussed plans to stay 'pure' until their marriage, but Kenley assumed that was to be the decision. He'd been with other women, and Lola had been previously married and pregnant. But.. clearly that was not to be the way of things. At least, they'd stolen away to Lola's personal chambers, and Kenley had assumed at that moment that it was not to 'read'.

And here they were. Lola was down to her thin chemise (it hardly hid anything at all), her stockings and her necklace. She was breathtakingly divine. Kenley could see her nude form through the thin fabric, and he broke the kiss long enough to lift it over her head, revealing her to him. Perfect. He began kissing her again, allowing his hands to roam her freshly unveiled flesh, before his hands went to the stay of his breeches and he made to assist her with undoing them.

Honestly, Kenley was satisfied with her state of undress. There was something about having her in only her stockings and jewelry that just.. intensified her appearance to him. Of course, his mind briefly thought of Anna. Not that he would rather have her here with him than Lola, but because Alexander had gloated once or twice about how frequently he would gift Annalise with a new jeweled necklace, just to make love to her in nothing but the piece. Perhaps it was an odd thing for a King to tell a guard, but such comments weren't uncommon between friends. Kenley didn't think it odd to talk about such things at all. The strange part came later.. when he would see Annalise playing the harp or sewing and wonder if that necklace she wore had been the only thing on her body when her husband had been making love to her. He thought of the painting that Alexander had in his bedchambers and wondered.

Oh, god, but those weren't the thoughts to be having now. Not now when he had Lola with him. The beautiful stunning Lola. His breeches were off and he was holding her close as he kissed her again. Then, he carefully lifted her off her feet, her legs around him, his hands resting on her bottom, and he carried her towards the bed. “You're sure?” he asked Lola, a whisper against her lips. It was the last moment she would be allowed to turn him away.

- - - -

Carlotta was staving. It wasn't uncommon, of course, for her to be so hungry. It was impolite to devour her food at the dining table like some mad man, so she would often sneak away to the kitchens to steal a bit of buttered bread or cheese, or perhaps some fruit. Today was no different, of course. Well, not at first.

She'd heard the footsteps of Mr. Walker entering the kitchen, and she saw his form out of the corner of her eye. There was something about his stance that sent warnings bells ringing in her mind. Ruth was gone, so the man had no reasons to hide his stares. Oh, he'd not done much hiding of it before. Carlotta had grown accustomed to the hungry look in the eyes of men. She had enjoyed seeing it from Theodore, since it usually meant that pleasure was soon to follow. But with men afterwords, it made her uncomfortable. Theo wasn't there to keep her bed warm or to keep the wolves at bay. One day, she'd feared she might be devoured.

Donovan began speaking, something about how gorgeous she was and any man with a todger properly attached would want her. Naturally. It was more lewd than something a friend's husband should say, of course, but it wasn't anything she hadn't heard before. It was the next part of his statement that bothered her. That Theodore hadn't wanted her, because he'd run off without a goodbye. And that no sort of man that she needed would leave his pregnant with to go exploring on a ship.

Carlotta turned towards him, brow furrowed, her mouth open to give him a proper scolding. She'd wanted to ask what sort of man would proposition his wife's friend? What sort of a man would talk poorly about a woman's husband who had gone? Not any sort of man that anyone needed. But that wasn't what happened, because no sooner had she turned towards him, that Donovan had grabbed her arms and pushed her into a corner.

Oh, screaming and kicking and fighting were on her mind, and she struggled a bit until he started to squeeze her arms tightly and speak. He was warning her that if she fought or screamed, he would kill the child within her or at worst.. kill Carlotta. Carlotta froze. What was she supposed to do? Was she supposed to deny this man and risk her and her child's life? Did she give him what he wanted, in hopes that he left her be and unharmed? Did she sleep with this man, knowing full and well he wouldn't let it be the last time, while her husband was abroad?

Carlotta wanted to cry. This wasn't how things were supposed to be. Mr. Walker was supposed to take care of her until her husband returned. Ruth Walker was the only real friend she had in this whole god-forsaken town.. and her husband was a monster. Oh, god above. She begged forgiveness for what she was about to do.

“Yes. We're clear..” she whispered quietly. Carlotta swallowed the lump of fear in her throat and shook her head slightly. “I'll.. I'll be good, Donovan. I swear. Just.. promise you won't hurt me.. or the child. Please.. it's all I have..”

IRL Hellraiser

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тнεσ∂σяε яσтнεмвυяg ||| αηηαℓιsε ℓσcкε∂αу

                                                        tab Annalise could see that her husband was clearly in his cups, and she looked disapprovingly at him as he leaned on her chair to speak to Franco. Franco was a respectable man, and the poor Frenchman had to be subjected to an English king's drunken attempt at conversation. As a human being, Franco was expected to remain as courteous and humble as ever, even when the monarch before him was less than savory conversation. Annalise could tell Franco was not at all interested in discussing the war with Spain, and she knew that any questions Alexander asked would force Franco to take leave of the English court and go back to France to discuss things with his own king. Especially if he was to ask about arranging a marriage or securing alliances.

                                                        Franco gave a small bow of his head and offered a polite smile. "His majesty, King Leopold rather hates the Spanish, your majesty. I do not feel it would take much to make an ally out of him. He has sired three daughters and two sons, so your heir should not go wanting for a spouse if my King wishes to arrange a marriage."

                                                        Annalise looked back and forth between Franco and Alexander before she gave a scoff and nudged Alexander off of her chair. "I'll be damned if I arrange me child in a loveless marriage," she snapped. "It is not even born yet, so stop it." Her voice was firm and harsh, her hands smoothing over her stomach.

                                                        The air in the room was warm, thanks to the blazing hearth, but Lola got chills when Kenley removed her chemise. Only seconds later, his trousers were done away with, and there was nothing left between their skin. Lola felt hot and cold at the same time, and the could think of nothing more she'd rather be doing than this. Kenley was bare beneath her hands, and she was bare beneath his. It was a wonderful feeling, better than any prior feelings she'd ever had. Other men had just been for sport, for pleasure, but Kenley was to be her husband, and she cared for him deeply. She wasn't just using him for a night. They were almost making love. Love was still and iffy thing between them, an uncertainty, but there was truth in their feelings.

                                                        Lola gladly hooked her legs around Kenley's waist, her arms winding around his neck. His warm hands were resting against her bottom, and she smiled faintly against his lips. As he carted her to the bed, he asked if she was sure about this. How considerate. The men she was with in the past never thought to ask, not that they would; she'd seduced them quite obviously. Still, it was a gesture that Lola appreciated. Kenley was simply the most perfect man she'd ever known, and she was the lucky woman getting to be his wife. Oh, she had no doubts she'd love him greatly. She would be so happy.

                                                        "I'm quite positive," Lola replied. "If I wasn't, I wouldn't have lured you here," she purred with a throaty little laugh.

                                                        Donovan smirked triumphantly as Carlotta fearfully agreed. He was a sadist, did I mention? No? Well, he was. Striking fear and pain into his prey was part of the fun. Poor little Carlotta was frightened, and Donovan garnered sick pleasure from that. He fed off of fear, and he caused plenty of it. Women feared him, shrank back from him, but always did exactly what he told them too. Otherwise... he would do his worst. Donovan was a smooth criminal, to be sure. He had everyone around him fooled into thinking he was a humble, loving, and innocent man with a big heart. Lies were his specialty. Beneath all of it, he was a sick and sadistic, cruel and cowardly fool who deserved to be killed and thrown violently into the sea off the cliffs. But who would ever find out what he did? Nobody. He was too good.

                                                        "Oh, I promise no harm will come to you at all, Carlotta. If you're good for me, I will leave you quite safe," Donovan whispered, yanking her away from the corner and hastily pulling her out of the kitchen and upstairs.

                                                        Donovan led her to her own room and kicked the door closed with a slam. Dragging her over towards her bed, he shoved her over the side onto her stomach. He gave her a firm, yet quiet command to stay there while he unfastened his breeches. Once that was done, he knocked her legs apart and fumbled with her skirts ere he gripped her thighs.

                                                        "Not a peep, now," he reminded her with a snarl.

                                                        - - -

                                                        Donovan straightened out his breeches and smoothed his hands over his vest as he walked towards the bedroom door. He was quite satisfied with his conquest, and he'd done it all before his wife was even back. You see, fear was the best leash. You could control anyone with fear. Carlotta didn't fight him, didn't argue, didn't cause any time to be wasted, and that's because Donovan had an efficient system that worked like a charm. He got what he wanted in a timely manner because he was big, intimidating, and frightful. One threat from him could make any woman submit, and that was the beauty of his crime.

                                                        "Oh, Carlotta," he said, holding a finger up, "if you mention this to anyone... you'll regret it. I guarantee it. Now, fix yourself up and be presentable for when my wife returns. Just do what I say, sweetie."

                                                        Donovan left the room and closed the door with a soft click. Now that he had gotten what he wanted, he was in a better mood. Not that his better was any, well, better than his bad. Donovan Walker was just rotten to the core. Ain't no salvation for him. He was too far gone.

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Alexander gave the French ambassador a wide, albeit rather silly looking, grin. It wouldn't take much to make France an ally. Well, that was awfully good, because it seemed as if his wife was not quite keen on making an alliance via marriage. As she nudged his elbow off of her chair, he feigned a bit of a slip and then laughed.

“My dear, I wouldn't dream of a loveless marriage for my children.” Then, moving towards Annalise, he placed a chaste peck on her cheek, “We'll simply.. have King Leopold send us one of his darling girl for our little Prince to fall in love with. Or, perhaps, send our Princess to go fall in love with the Dauphin?” Alexander let out a quiet chuckle and settled back into his chair, lifting his cup to his lips. There was a muffled titter from behind the glass. “A little frog Prince for my Princess.. that sounds about right.”

“Though..” Tapping his lips with his finger, he looked back over to Annalise and Franco, “I believe King Leopold tried to arrange a marriage between myself and his oldest girl at one point. I have a rather picky heart, you know, your excellency, surely he doesn't hold that against me, does he? Mm.. we'd be celebrating the crowning of a Spanish Queen if that weren't the case, you know.” Grinning, he looked over to Annalise again, “I much prefer my English bride. I think everyone does. She'll be wonderful for the country, I say. Already has been.” Lifting Anna's hand, he pressed his lips to it. “My beautiful Queen.”

- - - -

Carlotta was terrified. She'd expected Donovan to provide some sort of opportunity for her to run away. That he'd back away and give her enough room to spring out of the house. That Ruth would come home and catch her husband too close to her friend. That a maid or servant would intervene. But nothing happened. It was as if Carlotta was an voyeur on the scene, powerless to step in and stop what was happening. Inside, she was frozen. Dead.

Mr. Walker had the decency to not soil his marriage bed with the deed, instead choosing Carlotta's own bed. That was worse. For Carlotta, at least. Now she wouldn't be able to sleep in this bed without being reminded of what was happening. It wasn't happening, though. It was happening to someone else. Someone who was weak. It certainly wasn't Carlotta who laid there like some rag doll, silently crying.

It was over quick, though to Carlotta it seemed to last a lifetime. A lifetime in which her husband should have been there to stop it. If only he'd stayed with her.. none of this would have happened. Donovan was straightening himself up, speaking to her, but Carlotta didn't move a muscle. Not until the door clicked shut behind him did she come to life. Slowly but surely, she regained control of her body. She felt stiff and sore. It was terrible. Horrifying.

Now, she knew, she had to clean herself up. Ruth couldn't know. If Ruth knew then.. it somehow made this whole ordeal real. Right? She should tell Ruth, though. Ruth needed to know what sort of husband she had. This whole ordeal was made worse by the fact that Donovan was an attractive man. He wasn't attractive any longer, of course, but he was the sort of man who would never have to coerce a woman into his bed. Which meant he found sick excitement out of forcing women to do something they didn't want to do, because Carlotta had certainly given him no physical pleasure in return. Why did people do such horrible things to other people? Had it.. been rape? Carlotta had willingly submitted to him, though it was in exchange for her and her child's safety. Blackmail, that's what it was.

Somehow, she'd managed to her feet and shakily made her way to the door. She needed a bath. A scalding hot bath. One so hot it would singe all of her nerve endings so she couldn't feel anything any more. As she opened the door, Carlotta looked down the hall in hopes of seeing a servant or maid. No one. Oh god, she didn't want to walk anywhere like this. Her face was teary and her nose was stopped. She was a mess. And then, as she went to retreat in her room again, Ruth appeared at the top of the steps.

The poor darling was all smiles, and it made Carlotta feel sick and dirty. At first, Ruth seemed to have plans on what she wanted to discuss. But the look on Carlotta's face erased any question, “Lotty, darling, what happened?”

“I.. I just need a bath..” Carlotta shakily answered. If Donovan found out she hadn't been presentable before Ruth returned.. would he come back? Would he beat her? God, what if he'd never intended to physically harm her in the first place? Had this all been for nothing? What would Theodore say...?

“Oh, no, darling, you need to lie down. It's that babe, isn't it? Making his poor mother sick? Go on and lie down and I'll bring you a cool rag,” Ruth ordered kindly.

“No. No, Ruth, please, a bath.. call for a bath, please..” Carlotta begged. The woman apprehensively nodded and turned away, moving down the hall and looking over her shoulder briefly before disappearing down the stairs. Carlotta closed the door, fell to the ground and just cried.

- - - -

“You lured me here?” Kenley answered in mock surprise and a teasing tone, “You little tart.” With a quiet laugh, he leaned in and kissed her, feeling quite at ease with himself.

Could things have been any more perfect? If they'd both been shy virgins and Lola had never been married before, this whole thing would have been quite awkward. But it wasn't. They were both adults who had experience. Who cared for one another. Who were going to get married as soon as they had the opportunity. No, it had been perfect.

The feast was still going on. There was likely a good deal of dancing and celebrating, not to mention music. But this.. this was where Kenley wanted to be right at this moment. Hopefully, neither one of them would be missed for the rest of the evening, and they would be able to stay here.. just like this. Sharing one another's warmth beneath the warm blankets.

Kenley scratched his scraggly beard and looked around Lola's chambers.. for once. “I believe your quarters are nicer than mine, Lola. I'd be quite ashamed to show them to you. We'll simply have to stay here, instead.”

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                                                        tab Annalise was not in the mood for drunken Alexander. Maybe it was because she was tired, maybe the child was making her ill tempered, or maybe she just didn't like everything her husband was saying. Perhaps it was all of the above. Either way, Annalise was not enjoying herself, and she gave a somewhat disgusted look towards her husband. Drunk. Drunk and loquacious. If only she could have Franco's stolidity. Then again, he was leagues older than she was, had likely been in this line of life for longer than she'd been alive, and was conditioned to be as impassive and polite as he was. Annalise was still new to all of this, and drunk men had never been in her good graces. Even Theodore. Whenever he got drunk and chatty, Annalise would just shove him away and desert him. He'd sometimes even try and kiss her and get feely. That's when he got slapped. Oh, but Anna couldn't do those things to Alexander. He just wasn't Theodore.

                                                        After Alexander kissed her hand and made his sweet little drunken comment, Annalise pushed herself up from her seat, and held a hand out towards Franco. The ambassador took it without really thinking why, for his attention was still on the King. "I am sure King Leopold remembers not that you rejected his daughter. His eldest is already married now, so I would not trouble your mind with such history, your majesty," he said with a faint smile, now turning his attention to the Queen. "Your majesty, to what circumstance do I owe this pleasure of holding your petite main?" he asked gently.

                                                        "I should like to go back to my chambers, your excellency. Hindley is a dolt, so I'd rather you escort me. He will follow anyway. I've grown tired, and it has grown late," Annalise replied.

                                                        "Of course, your majesty," Franco agreed, pressing a kiss to her soft hand. "I bid you a good night, your majesty," he said to Alexander with a short bow.

                                                        Annalise smiled fleetingly towards her husband before turning away with Franco. The Frenchman led her out of the banqueting hall, and soon Hindley fell behind. There were other footsteps, as well, lighter ones that were skittering: Bernice and Rori. They likely didn't want to leave the party, and Annalise knew they would only purse their lips and cause her grief if they came back with her, so she stopped and turned around to shoot them a glare.

                                                        "Go back. I want neither of you in my presence tonight. Get out of my sight and stay out until tomorrow," Anna said firmly.

                                                        Both ladies curtsied and mumbled "majesty" before turning and going back to the fun. Onwards Annalise went down the quiet corridors, her arms hooked through Franco's, and Hindley's boots thudding against the floor. It was a quiet trip, for the most part, and when she arrived to her chambers, she bid Franco a goodnight and saw him out. It was empty in her chambers, and only Hindley's silent presence was felt. He stayed in the receiving room while Anna swept into her bedroom and began taking her hair down. Once it was free, she removed her jewelry, her shoes and stockings, and then she was met with a dilemma: her dress laced in the back. Oh, lordy, lordy.

                                                        "Hindley!" Anna called, and soon the guard was standing in her bedroom with a quizzical brow. "Unlace my dress and corset, will you?"

                                                        "Pardon, your majesty...?" he asked, clearly shocked.

                                                        "Are you daft, sir?" Annalise snapped, glaring at him. "I asked you to unlace my stays, so stop gawking like a dummy and do it!"

                                                        Clamping his mouth, Hindley closed the distance between himself and the Queen and made quick work of her laces on both articles of clothing. It felt wrong. He knew it wasn't. She simply needed extra hands, and those two maids of hers were lazy idiots. Hindley didn't like them either. Still, he would have preferred them to be here instead of him. If anyone happened to walk in on him helping the Queen get naked, it would look entirely treasonous. The Queen was a beautiful woman, and many of the guards thought so, Hindley included. It wasn't like he was getting some special look at anything, though. All he saw was her chemise covered back. And that's all he was going to see, for she sent him off to order a bath.

                                                        Lola was propped up on an elbow, her cheek resting in her palm. Her long, straight hair pooled on the sheets around her, and her free hand rested upon Kenley's chest. What a night. What a man. Lola was just... oh, she was so thrilled with how her life was changing. Kenley, for the hundredth time, was perfect. That's all she could ever think whenever she was with him. Tonight most of all. She'd crossed that line with him now, and she was glad that she did. She felt closer to Kenley after making love. It was good love too, she couldn't lie. Some men she'd seduced had been rather terrible, but Kenley was far from it. That was a relief, for he'd be the one she'd be going to for pleasure the rest of her life. He was to be her husband, and she would stay faithful to him until death. She would love him. She would give him beautiful children. Ah, she couldn't wait!

                                                        "You ought to just move in here with me," Lola suggested quietly, offering a wry smile. "I could use the company, and I don't think I'm interested in sleeping alone anymore. You're so warm and safe," she mumbled, snuggling down into his side and closing her eyes. "Why did I ignore you for so long? All of this was under my nose this whole time. I could have been happy years ago..." she sighed.

                                                        Italy had been gorgeous. The women most of all. Theodore didn't, of course, cheat on Carlotta, but he did admire the female beauty that strolled about the city of Venice. There was so much of it once one stepped off the docks and took to the streets and waterways. The women were kissed by the sun, their hair dark and their eyes rich. They spoke in smooth voices, their words rolling right off their pink tongues like wine. Oh, if Theodore was not married... he'd have had so much sex his todger would have fallen off. But he was good. He resisted the temptation, resisted his body's need for release. He'd never gone more than a month without having sex before, and he was going to have to go... who knows how long without it. Ah, if only Carlotta could have come with him. If only he could have stuffed her in his pocket and kept her close.

                                                        He missed her. Terribly.

                                                        Not only because he missed her body, but because he missed her entirety. He wanted to be near to her, feel her warmth, hold her hand, laugh about something only they would understand. He wanted to swim in the ocean with her, toss her about and incur her fleeting wrath. He wanted to trail her as she shopped, wanted to have dinner with her like they did most nights. Theodore just wanted Carlotta. He just wanted his wife. Sure, he felt a little childish for it, seeing as little kids always wanted their mothers, but Carlotta wasn't his mom: she was his beloved wife. It was only right that he felt sick without her like some pitiful boy all lovesick and dour. Everyday he worried about her, worried about the baby. Were they safe? Were they well? Were they happy at all?

                                                        Besides pining for Carlotta, Theodore was enjoying his time on the Italian vessel. He'd already befriended most of the crew, and Caesar and Mario treated him like some old pal because of what he'd done for them. They paid him special attention, and everyone on board was indebted to him. But besides his heroics funding the adventure with a guide, he fit right in with the motley crew. He had sexual tales to tell, tavern brawls to brag about, drunken escapades to embellish. All he was lacking were the stories of his kills... for he didn't have any kills. That would soon change; they all said it would. That frightened Theodore the most. He could get used to working the ship, get used to navigating whenever he was asked to take over, get used to getting drunk more often than he ever did get before, get used to traveling in little coteries and being loud and bothersome, and he could even get used to thieving... but taking human life? It wasn't settling.

                                                        The vessel had departed from Italy only a day or two ago, all stocked and patched and ready to head far north in search of this sought after treasure. It was cold on the sea, now that it was winter, and Theodore had purchased warmer clothes while at port in Venice. Working the ship kept him warm, as well, so he wasn't suffering too much out there. The most suffering was his emotional attachment to his wife.

                                                        There were strong winds blowing towards the north, just what they needed to get towards Iceland. It was colder today, and even scrubbing the deck wasn't doing much for heat this time around. Theodore tried to work up a sweat, but the wind was whipping it away and leaving his mustache coated with ice crystals. This wasn't fun. Oh, yes, sailing the seas and seeing different places was fabulous, but the scrubbing and the hoisting and the fighting the tides and winds... it got tiresome. Even so, Theodore wanted to be his own captain. He would have a crew to do all the unpleasant stuff while he just enjoyed himself. Yes. All of this was for that goal. And... well, he was likely going to be a pirate captain after all the adventures he'd have with Caesar and Mario. It would be his way of life... and he just hoped to God Carlotta would still love him.

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Alexander smiled at his wife as she departed, claiming to be tired as it had gotten late. Perhaps it was getting late in the night, but this celebration was in her honor. What was the point of having a feast if she wasn't going to stay to enjoy it? Well, he couldn't very well send everyone away just because the guest of honor had gone to bed.

At any rate, he'd given her a fond goodnight as Franco led her away towards her chambers, followed by Hindley and the two maids. Then King was left alone. Well, not alone, exactly, there was a room full of guests. But he was seated at the high table by himself, surrounded by no one. Sitting forward in his chair, he picked at his food a bit, watching as the people danced to lively music.

This was the life, wasn't it? This was what every man and woman in England wished they could have? Luxury and riches and a Kingdom at their command? But only those born into this life were allowed to have it, or those strong willed enough to marry into it.

The music and dancing stopped, and everyone began politely clapping in applause. How long had it been since he'd danced at a feast? He'd danced at his wedding once or twice, but Annalise had been tired and sore. Of course, she was carrying his child, she was apt to be exhausted at times. But he wanted to truly dance.

Standing, he made his way around the table and down to the floor. Spotting both Bernice and Rori, he smiled warmly. Annalise must have sent them back to enjoy themselves. She must really be in sour moods, wasn't she? Perhaps she'd want to sleep alone tonight. The way she had responded to him earlier alerted him to the possibility. He'd check later. But first, a dance, “Rori,” he said, holding out his hand to the young woman, “Would you dance with me? My wife was much too tired, and it seems you have no partner either.”

- - - -

Kenley settled back into the pillows at Lola's suggestion, thoughtful for a moment. Why wouldn't he simply stay here? It would likely be where he spent many of his nights regardless, wouldn't it? Even if they never announced that he was moving into her quarters, it was a seemingly good idea that he would.

Before he was given an opportunity to answer her that he would stay here, she was snuggling into his side, resting her head against him. Why had she ignored him? The answer was simple; he was beneath her. Even now, her status was slightly above him. At least, until Alexander bestowed upon him the title he'd promised quite some time ago. Then, the two would be married, and Kenley would be above her only in the fact that he was the husband. And, well, above her in.. other things as well.

But Lola was a Lady of the Court, and she conducted herself as such. Kenley was just a guard, though he was a higher rank member of the guard, he was still just a guard. And people had been trained to ignore them. It was only commonplace. “Well, whatever the reason, my love, we have Annalise to thank for our happiness now.”

- - - -

“What?” Ruth admonished, quite surprised at what was being told to her, “You cannot leave. Where will you go? What would your husband say, Carlotta, if he knew you were going out alone? It's getting dark, you shouldn't be going out without an escort. Let me fetch Donovan, he'll gladly accompany you.”

No!” Carlotta gasped quickly. Oh, god, that would be worse, wouldn't it? If Donovan knew she was running out he would.. god, he'd likely come after her. No, that man would be quite content if she would stay in his house until Theodore returned. He would be able to keep her under his thumb and have his way with her whenever he wanted. After all, how could Carlotta fight him? He was physically stronger than her, and he had already threatened her livelihood, and the life of her child.

This child was the only thing she had of Theodore's. The only thing Theodore had left with her. If her husband perished in this voyage, and the child died.. then she would surely die along with it. She would have nothing left in life, and his family would have no heir to the Rothemburg name. No, she couldn't let that happen.

“No, Ruth, listen,” she said, forcing a smile and taking the woman's hands, “I'll be fine, I want to be in my own home. You understand, don't you? Don't bother your husband, I'll be fine.”

“You don't look fine, Lotty..” Ruth was well aware that Carlotta had been crying a good deal today, but she had no idea as to why. Her face was so red and her eyes puffy. She'd not even taken dinner, claiming to be quite ill. And now this? “Just be careful, please. There's all sorts of unsavory people out there in the dark..”

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                                                        tab Rori was a slut if there ever was one. Her husband wasn't any better, and they were rather in an open relationship. The only reason they were married was for money. Their son, James, was often left with a nanny and neglected. He was nothing but an heir to them, and Rori loved him only basely. She would cry over his death only because it meant she would have to produce another brat, meaning she would have to abstain from all her men to ensure her child was her husband's. Rori was a selfish, no good slut, and Anna dreamed of strangling her. But Rori didn't cause Anna any personal trouble, so Anna had no reason to dismiss her except on accounts of, uh, hating her as a person. Bernice wasn't much better, but at least Bernice genuinely loved her daughter and kept her close at all possible times.

                                                        Alexander's asking Rori to dance would have driven Annalise mad. Not with jealously, but with simple rage. Oh, Rori was a lovely creature in appearance, but her soul was as black as midnight. All she wanted was to have a list of all the influential men she had her legs around so she could gloat about it. Her goal was, of course, Alexander, and she didn't care if that caused Anna harm or not. Rori wanted what Rori wanted, and she couldn't care less about who was affected by her hideous nature. If she could seduce the King, she'd seduced the man at the top. She'd be numero uno in the eyes of her disgusting friends, and that's all she cared about. Plus, if she could get pregnant by the King, she would certainly be elevated, and maybe even usurp Anna as Queen.

                                                        Smiling prettily, Rori gave her hand to Alexander and subtly batted her lashes. "Oh, your majesty, I would absolutely be honored to dance with you. Dancing with the King is every girl's dream, is it not?" she asked, bobbing her belated curtsey. She was too focused on shoving her hand out to him to remember to curtsey. What a sow. Swine.

                                                        Lola only hummed in agreement as Kenley credited their happiness to Anna. It was true. If not for Anna's matchmaking, they would still be brushing past one another like all the years before. But Anna saw their potential, saw how wonderful they would be for each other, and encouraged their union. She did all of that even despite her own unhappiness with her future without them. Their happiness meant more to her than her own happiness, even though she had enough power now to force them to stay. She loved the both of them so much that she was willing to lose them to see them happy. She was willing to suffer Hindley and those two infernal maids from Hell.

                                                        "Oh!" Lola exclaimed, pushing up from Kenley and climbing over him and off the bed. "Anna!" she said, grabbing up her chemise and throwing it on. "I need to go back to see if she needs me. I don't trust those other nitwits," she huffed, stepping into her dress sans corset and lacing up the front. "You can stay here if you'd like. I'll be back soon enough to sleep. I'm sorry, I just forgot... I forgot my duties for a moment."

                                                        Lola moved back to the bed to press a kiss upon Kenley's lips ere she scurried from the room and hitched up her skirts. She knew the corridors like the back of her hand, and after some (dainty) sprinting, she found herself barreling into the Queen's chambers to find Hindley seated in the receiving room looking as dull and dour as ever. Lola was out of breath, and she motioned for Hindley to sit back down as he made to get up in the presence of a lady. He paused and then dropped back down as Lola hurried by him into the bedroom. Anna was not to be seen.

                                                        "Anna?" Lola called, forgetting the formalities in her mild panic.

                                                        "Ah, Lola!" came Anna's voice from the washroom. "I'm here!"

                                                        Relief washed over the elder blonde as she turned into the washroom to find her pregnant Queen soaking in the tub. "Oh, a bath. I'm sorry I wasn't here earlier..." she said breathlessly. "I was..."

                                                        "You were with Kenley, I know," Anna said with a smirk. "It's all right. Hindley took care of things for me."

                                                        "It's no excuse, your majesty. I shouldn't have stayed away so long."

                                                        "Yes, you should have. I can imagine what was happening, and I know how one... loses track of time."

                                                        Lola blushed furiously and sat down on the nearby stool, her long hair hanging over her shoulders and laying in her lap. "I'm so embarrassed."

                                                        "Don't be. You hear Alexander and I making love all the time. Me simply knowing you were with Kenley is nothing. I'm glad you two are so well matched."

                                                        "I think I might love him," Lola admitted. "And I don't know if I should read into it, but... he referred to me as 'my love' tonight."

                                                        "Stop, stop, stop, my cheeks hurt from all this grinning!" Anna laughed, flicking a bit of water at Lola. "Oh, you two will be so happy, and that makes me happy."

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Alexander smiled at the young pretty lass as she said it was every girl's dream to dance with the King. The way she batted her lashes and smiled so prettily, oh.. he knew what she wanted. That's what nearly every young woman seemed to want. Alexander didn't care though, and he tried not to let it phase him. After all, this was the reason he'd fallen in love with Annalise. She didn't want him because she was the King, she wanted him for everything else.

“Most girls, perhaps,” Alexander answered, taking her hand in his and leading her towards the center of the floor. It wasn't every girl's dream, after all.. it hadn't been Anna's. Turning towards the band, he grinned, “Something lively?” The conductor nodded, selected a piece, and the dance number was announced. A group dance. Oh, goody. Alexander didn't want to be the sole couple out on the floor, that would be.. well, Anna wouldn't like hearing about that.

Finally, Alexander turned to Rori with a smile, took both of her hands in his and nodded, “All right, my lady, I hope you're prepared.” Then, the dance began. It was a lively number, involving many different people in the room. He was laughing and grinning the whole time, but it certainly wasn't about Rori. He was happy, and for once in his life, everything seemed like it was falling into place. In a few short months, he'd have a child (hopefully a son), and then everything would be right in the world.

Once the music died off, he let out a breathy laugh, a little winded from the dancing, “Thank you, Rori,” he said giving a bow with a chuckle, “I've wanted to dance all night. And now.. well, now I'm tired and should be getting off to my wife.”

- - - -

Kenley was a little surprised at the sudden movement from Lola, as she pushed off of him and off the bed and hurried to her clothes. He'd thought that, well, the two of them would be able to relax and bask in one another's presence. But it seemed that wasn't to be the case, the two of them were separated all ready. But Lola had duties to tend to, and truthfully, so did Kenley.

As soon as his betrothed was out of the room, he climbed from the bed and began dressing himself as well. What was he going to do instead, lay around and wait for her? No, he would go to the Queen's chambers, sit in the receiving room to practice his Lute which was housed there, and once Lola was done with her duties, the two of them would retire. Together. Once he was dressed, he started down the hall towards his destination, a bit of pep in his step.

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                                                        tab The dance was delightful, to be sure. Rori got many looks, for she was the lady his majesty chose to dance with. Out of all the lovely women standing 'round, she was the one who stood out to him the most. All the eyes on her felt empowering, and she wanted to feel that all the time. She wanted the crown. Oh, she'd murder her own husband if the King showed interest in her. If there was any chance of marriage, she'd go to any length. The King's marriage to the commoner could easily and happily be null and void by a few pulled strings, or the new Queen could meet some accident that Rori could orchestrate. Power and fame was all Rori lived for, wealth too. She wanted to gain the entire world even if it meant losing her soul in the process. A wretched human being. Foul and filthy.

                                                        When the dance ended, Rori curtsied to the King. Her smile faltered ever so slightly as he said he ought to go and retire with his wife. That disgusting wretch wasn't Queen! She was a commoner, a street rat, a travesty! Why the King loved her so much was beyond Rori's understanding. The Queen should be a woman like Rori, not like a country bumpkin from some unheard of ditch in the road. The King deserved better than Annalise, and Rori was exactly what he needed. If she had to frame Annalise or cause an unfortunate accident, she would. Anything to get rid of the little blonde and that nasty child in her womb that belonged in a sewer instead of silk. Alexander loved Anna so much that the only way to get into his bed was probably to kill Anna. Rori needed a plot...

                                                        "Oh, no, your majesty!" Rori lamented. "No, you mustn't leave just yet! Have another dance, another drink, won't you? The Queen will likely already be asleep, and you ought to allow her ample time to fall into her dreams so that your shuffling about doesn't rouse her. Just awhile longer?" she pleaded, her smile coy and her lashes fluttering.

                                                        Annalise was put in her nightgown, her hair plaited with ribbons, and her skin lightly rubbed in rose oil. Oh, how happy she felt when Lola was near and those horrible twits were gone. Hell, she preferred Hindley as a lady's maid, and he was a guard. Speaking of Hindley, it seemed he'd gone, for in his place was Kenley. Lola was a bit blushy around him now, seeing as they'd just been in love's heated passions. They weren't alone now, so it wasn't as comfortable to recall it, especially when the third individual was privy to what happened. Lola sat herself away from Kenley in her usual seat where she and Virginie used to sit together. Right now, it seemed better not to be so near to Kenley, not with Anna around and knowledgeable. Lola did offer her fiance a private little smile though.

                                                        Anna, just to be teasing, walked over to Kenley and situated herself upon his lap, crossing her ankles and draping her arms about his neck. "Oh, Lola, you've caught yourself quite the man," she purred, eyes on Kenley's face. "Oh, but wait..." she half whispered, wry smile on her lips as she flicked her eyes to the amused Lola, "I did the catching, didn't I? I caught you both and threw you in a pen together to see if you'd mate. And it seems you have," she laughed, Lola's cheeks burning despite her own titters. "Since I've had such an accomplishment here, you won't mind if I take a small percentage of the gain?" Anna asked, quirking a brow and brushing her lips over Kenley's temple in a little kiss. "Such a fine, young stag," she cooed, one of her hands ruffling his beard with a grin. "A pity he's all yours."

                                                        "Oh, your majesty, my mother taught me to share," Lola piped up with a smirk. "I will lend you my darling fiance if that would please you."

                                                        "It would please me... greatly" Anna replied, the last word husky and deep. She pressed a kiss to Kenley's cheek and then moved to whisper in his ear, though she spoke loud enough for Lola to hear. "Now, my dear, when I remove myself from your most comfortable lap, I would ask that you take yourself to my bed immediately so that I may have my percentage."

                                                        Lola was grinning. She was so easy about this sort of teasing. It amused her, only because she knew Anna would never be serious about anything like this. Now, if Rori or Bernice tried it, Lola might have to kill a few bitches.

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Alexander turned to look at Rori as she began her plea for him to stay for another drink and another dance. He laughed happily and wagged a finger in her direction, “Ah, now, now, you're plotting against me, I see,” the King began with a grin, “Trying to get me into trouble with my wife, hm?” Oh, he wouldn't be in trouble for staying and having another drink and another dance. After all, Annalise hadn't even mentioned whether or not she was going to wait up for him (though he assumed she wouldn't). And she hadn't set any limits on how many drinks he was allowed or how long he could stay at the feast dancing. Not that she would have had any right or ability to tell him what he was and wasn't allowed to do. Hell, if he'd had it in his mind to sleep with every single Lady in this hall, there wasn't a single thing Annalise could do to stop him. Of course, he wouldn't and had no desire to ever do such a thing, but the fact still remained.

“Alright,” he consented, “One more drink first, because I'm out of breath for the moment. Then I will dance again. Though, it seems only fair that I dance with Bernice, hm? Go and fetch her for me.” Turning away from Rori and the middle of the floor, he started over towards his table where he'd left his glass of wine. Grabbing it up, he motioned for his footman to fill it up again, which he apprehensively did. Then, Alexander made quick work of it, drinking it down quickly and then sitting the glass down on the table with a grin.

- - - -

Kenley wasn't able to look at Lola in quite the same manner now, though it was certainly a positive change. Lola and he had crossed over into territory that was quite.... pleasing. He enjoyed this part, where they would be able to freely make love with one another at night. She would turn pink when she looked at him, and she was a little shy and coy. God, it was adorable. Naturally, by the time he and Lola were dismissed for the night, Kenley would be quite ready for another round.

Apparently, it would seem Anna was in a good mood. She came out to tease him, sitting on his lap and putting her arms around his neck. She did this often, though, this joking. Sometimes it was funny, other times he was irritated with it. Not because he was annoyed at her behavior, but because he felt as if the jokes were at his expense. Unfortunately, it still felt inappropriate for the Queen to make jokes like this, but at this point he'd given up deterring her. Still, to have the Queen of England's bottom on his lap very close to a part of him with only a few pieces of fabric between them... well, it was something he tried to keep his mind off of.

“Ah, well, your majesty, I do hate to disappoint you.. but I'm soon to be a married man. I can't go around pleasing other men's wives, I have my own to think of. And how can I make her happy, if I've spent all my energy pleasing you?” he teased with a grin. Looking over towards Lola now, he smiled happily, “You really shouldn't encourage such behavior, Lola. I never heard the Queen Dowager speak in such a manner.”

- - - -

The house had been finished, it was only in the process of being furnished and prepared to be lived in. There was, after all, more to a home than four walls and a roof. It needed furniture, fixtures, painted walls, doors, panels, and other sundries. Mostly, her home was empty. It was terribly empty. But even if it had been filled to the brim with furniture, it would have still felt empty and lonely. It wasn't home. Carlotta didn't care about all of that, though. She would sleep on the damned floor if it meant she could escape the Walkers.

She felt like some thief in the night, and as she stole away into the front door of her own home, it closed behind her, thudding loudly and echoing ominously through the front room. Empty. Carlotta exhaled and leaned against the door. Although there was nothing truly keeping Donovan from following her and barging into the house, she already felt safe. With a deep breath, she stepped further into the house, “Hello? Is anyone awake? Bethany? Florence?” She'd not remembered any of the other staff. There were several of them, which is what she'd wanted. People to be about her all of the time.. to keep her sane and to keep her company. To keep.. terrible things like what had happened earlier this evening from happening again.

No one answered her call, though, and she picky her way towards the staircase. She knew where the master suite was, and if anything, she would hole herself up there until morning came, when she could properly find her staff. Then, she would make sure someone was with her at all times. She might even go and hire a few more men to keep staff.

Finding the master suite, she opened the doors and entered the room, it was dark, but even in the shadows Carlotta could make out the large bed in the room. There were no drapes on the windows or curtains around the bed or even sheets on the mattress, but that didn't matter. Closing the door behind her, she went to the bed and laid down, curling into a ball. She refused to allow herself to cry anymore. Hopefully, Donovan was in her past... and from here she could move forward and heal. Theodore would want her to be strong.. Oh, god above, she missed him more than anything.

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тнεσ∂σяε яσтнεмвυяg ||| αηηαℓιsε vαη ℓσυιs

                                                        tab As Alexander walked away to grab another drink, Rori's smile fell dead away. Dance with Bernice? Never. This was Rori's game, Rori's hunt, and she wasn't about to let another cat join the hart chase. Bernice was, in the opinions of several men, more beautiful than Rori. Bernice was not English but Italian. Her mother, however, was Spanish. The family was rather estranged from Spain, though, and they spent time in Italy more than anything. Bernice was only in England because her husband was English. She'd lived in the island country for years now, but she often went to Italy to see her grandmother and her aunts and uncles. Only once every few years would she travel to Spain to see those that held true to their heritage. The ties between them were frayed and taut; any day they would snap.

                                                        There were also men who kept the opinion of Rori being the more beautiful one with her odd make up. Her mother was Irish, her father half Chinese and half Italian. Rori got a whole mix of genes from the gene pool. She had her mother's auburn hair, her father's complexion, and she didn't exactly have double eyelids like most European's did, but her eyes were the deep blue of her mother and not the brown of her father and his ancestors. There was much put into Rori, and some men found it unsatisfactory while others praised her unique makeup. As much as Rori hated it, she felt threatened by Bernice, for Bernice was beautiful in her eyes. The King would surely enjoy the brown eyed Italian more than the auburn haired melting pot.

                                                        Rori swept over towards Bernice and grabbed the younger woman's thin arm, pulling her off to the side. Bernice emitted a squeak, her eyes wide on the blue eyed Lady. "Leave," Rori hissed through her teeth. "The King has expressed a desire to dance with you, but I'm not letting that happen. If you get in my way, I swear I'll make you rue the day," Rori threatened. "Get out."

                                                        Bernice snarled and wrenched her arm away from Rori, looking the redhead up and down in contempt. "Who do you think I am? You think I'll take orders from a pezzo di merda? Get over yourself, ragazza, and get out of my way, or else I'll make you cry for death," she growled, shoving past Rori and skirting 'round to wait for the King's offer of dance. Maybe she would like to get in his pants too. Rori wasn't the only one with goals.

                                                        Annalise rolled her eyes and hopped off of Kenley's lap. He was always so quick to dismiss every joke. Yes, Annalise loved him, and she preferred him over any other guard, but he had his negative points like any human being. There was hardly anyone in this place who had a sense of humor, besides Lola. That's something she missed about her family, about Theodore. They were always laughing. Siobhan was a hoot, and many times had Annalise doubled over laughing over something her sister said. Benjamin, if he was comfortable and loosened up enough, could be absolutely hilarious. Theodore, well, Theodore was Theodore. Her father made the occasional comment that got her laughing, and her uncle was that way too. Maybe the sense of humor back in Penwood was a little crude, but it's what Anna grew up on. Here, everyone thought everything was inappropriate.

                                                        "Kenley must think I am Alexander's mother, for he says I am the Queen Dowager," Anna pouted. "Or... no! Could my darling husband be dead!? I saw him but earlier this evening! Drunk as an idiot! Oh, God help me! Am I a widow already?"

                                                        "No, your majesty, I think we must forgive Kenley his blunder. You have befuddled his brain with your mere scent and closeness. The poor man cannot handle your beauty and love. 'Tis why he settles for a maid such as I," Lola answered with a grin.

                                                        "Oh, in that case, I forgive him. I must remember that I am too magnificent for him. It would kill such a plebeian as him to know the smoothness of my thighs," Anna chortled.

                                                        Lola giggled and stood up, reached a hand out for Annalise, and pressed a kiss upon Anna's hand once it was given. "Your majesty, if thou art not opposed to my generosity, I shalt warm thy bed myself," Lola said in a rolling accent thick with haughtiness. "Since our male companion cannot bring himself to thy heel, I shalt take the burden upon my shoulders."

                                                        Laughing, Annalise dipped into a curtsey. "Good lady, I shalt take my cut from thee instead, yea verily. Let us away to the bed, so that thou canst perform what thy lover cannot."

                                                        "Lover? I have no lover but thee," Lola replied dramatically. "Come hither, my sweet lady," she purred, walking backwards into the bedroom and motioning Annalise forwards.

                                                        Anna floated into the bedroom, kicking the door closed behind her. Inside, they silently laughed, and Lola helped Annalise into bed. Anna snuggled down into the blankets and pillows, her hands resting upon her stomach. She was tired. Quite tired. A yawn took hold of her, and she stretched her legs beneath the covers. Lola smiled at the sleepy Queen and moved about the room putting out most of the candles. Today had been a big day for the new Queen, and Lola wished for nothing but a good rest for her.

                                                        "Goodnight, your majesty," Lola whispered, stepping out of the room and gently closing the door.

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Alexander was tempted to have his cup filled one last time, but he decided against it. After all, he wanted to have his wits about him enough to lay with Annalise tonight. What good was he, if he couldn't even do that? After he'd set his cup back down upon the table, he spun around to see Bernice standing there, waiting for him. At first glance, she seemed a little irritated? No, maybe not, still he smiled widely and moved over towards her.

“Bernice,” he said, taking his hand and extending it towards her, “Would you care to dance?” Then, he chuckled lightly, “One dance. Just one. Then I shall go to my waiting wife. Pregnant women don't like to be kept waiting, you know.” Oh, he couldn't be goaded into another dance or another drink. He'd already given in once, but he hadn't taken too much convincing to do it.

- - - -

Kenley watched the exchange between the two women with a wide grin. He laughed at it, of course. This was much more funny to him, of course, than of Anna teasing him in such a manner. Why? Well, because some stranger wouldn't see or hear of it and be able to accuse Kenley of treason. No, he quite liked his head on his shoulders. He wouldn't lie, of course, he found Annalise quite attractive, but not in the sense that he wanted to sleep with her. He had Lola, and Lola was all he needed any more.

The two women disappeared into the bed chambers, and he had to smile to himself. Honestly, he would feel incredibly guilty if he pulled Lola away from the Queen. Not only because the Queen clearly needed some good help, god knew those other two idiots weren't helpful, but because Lola dearly cared for Annalise too. Those two had become quite good friends in the past two months. Perhaps.. he could somehow arrange for Lola and himself to stay at court once they were married? Though, Lola deserved an opportunity to run her own household and have her own staff and to be waited on hand and foot.

After a few minutes, Kenley turned his head to see Lola stepping out of the bedchamber and closing the door behind her. He smiled at her, keeping his voice quiet. “The King is drunk, then? She'll likely want to keep him out of her bed, I imagine? We should stay until he shows himself, just to keep him out of trouble, hm?” Kenley found himself looking at Lola, perhaps a little differently than he should. He smirked a bit, “Then we can go.. pick up where we left off?”

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тнεσ∂σяε яσтнεмвυяg ||| αηηαℓιsε vαη ℓσυιs

                                                        tab Rori watched Bernice dance with the King, a furious gleam in her oceanic eyes. That b***h. Oh, Bernice would regret this. Nobody was going to stand in Rori's way of getting to the King. If Bernice was going to be an obstacle, then Rori would get rid of her somehow, someway. Either by an unfortunate accident or by rumors and lies. Maybe the latter would be the best choice, seeing as Bernice didn't have to die in order to be removed. Annalise, on the other hand, needed to die. Maybe not, but that would be the quickest, simplest way to remove her from Rori's path. Kill the Queen, slide into her spot as Alexander's love interest. Rori would rise or die. And she had already proven herself capable of delivering a healthy boy.

                                                        Angry, Rori marched out of the banquet hall and stormed off to her own chambers. Screw Annalise. Rori didn't feel like playing maid to her tonight. Annalise could deal with things by herself. She was a common wench; she knew how to take care of her own nonsense. Probably knew how to take care of dung heaps and animals too. Her family probably used dung fires instead of wood. Disgusting country wretches!

                                                        Bernice, once the dance was done, curtsied and bid his majesty a goodnight. Unlike Rori, Bernice wasn't pushy. She had ulterior motives, yes, but she would bide her time instead of pleading like a beggar to get what she wanted. Men didn't like pesky women, so Bernice would play the simple Lady instead. Rori could throw herself all over Alexander all she wanted to, but Bernice couldn't see that getting her very far. No, patience was key. Slow and steady wins the race.

                                                        Lola agreed that it would be best to keep Alexander out of Annalise's bedchamber tonight. He wasn't a violent drunk, but he was drunk nonetheless. That sort of inebriation needed to be kept away from the tired, pregnant Queen. Annalise would only scorn him if he came through and woke her up wanting more than she was willing to give him. Hell, she'd scorn him if he woke her up at all. As they say, "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned." Scorning Annalise was only going to bring Hell to Earth, and the last thing anyone wanted was a fight between King and Queen. Alexander had his own kingly chambers he could retire to tonight, and that would be where Lola and Kenley directed him. Yes, he could do what he wanted, but Lola was going to defy him as far as she dared in order to keep her Queen safe.

                                                        Well, it might be some time before Alexander returned for his bride, so Lola moved over to Kenley and placed herself in his lap. She wasn't teasing him like Anna; Kenley was her future husband, so she had every right and desire to sit so intimately with him, and she liked to think he didn't mind. After all, he was looking at her in a suggestive manner, and she was made aware he was interested in doing more than sleeping when they retired for the night. Oh, he had an appetite, did he? It made Lola pink. She wasn't as flirtatious and confident as Annalise was. Anna took everything like a fighter, always absorbing the hits and punching back. Lola crippled beneath any sort of hit, and it was more in her nature to cower. Sexual talk was a hit that staggered her, and she never knew quite how to deal with it. Sure, if she was playing the role of seductress, it was all a different game, but she wasn't doing that: this was serious.

                                                        "We'll see how things play out," she said quietly. "Unlike Anna... I'm not always in the mood."

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