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Distinct Lunatic

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        A Nx A Ux-x"O U T L A S T"xR O L E P L A Y
            E D D I ExG L U S K I Nxx/xxA Ux-xW A L R I D E R x[V I N C E N T]


    IzayasFun and unknown BINARY

Wolfs Howl526's Kouhai

Beloved Lunatic

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Wolfs Howl526's Kouhai

Beloved Lunatic

███████████████████████████████x❝Monster I can S E E staring right back at M E ❞.⇊
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                                          There was no place for bravo here.

                                          Vincent had learned that the hard way the first week inside the asylum. In some ways he had thought that he had been spared to live, when the Verdict of his trial had been an insanity plea, and sentencing to a place that they called Mount Massive. It had sounded like a joke. A place that he would be able to live out the rest of his days in relative peace, and playful agitation of whatever staff resided there. Or the casual thought of escaping said Asylum with his childhood friend, Eddie Gluskin. No, Vincent could not have imagined anything of the dark and gloomy atmosphere he had come to know.

                                          He had once thought that he was a nightmare. That he was the kind of person that people ran away from just from one look. And really, that wasn’t that far of a stretch. With his intentional tattoos, the close cut of his hair on one side, the overall piercings, he looked like something a person could only imagine from their nightmares. A kind of person parents always warned their children about, long into their adulthood. He was the Vincent Vanguard. His name had been plastered on every news cast imaginable after he and Eddie had slipped up. He didn’t really remember how it was exactly that they were caught but somehow, a person of theirs had escaped. There were so many flashing lights of various authority officials that flashed in his mind, and once he had saw them, he had thought it was game over. He really had just wanted to die in some police shoot out, but Eddie had had other plans. Maybe Eddie had convinced him not to go outside their doors with a faux weapon of a gun, maybe he had known better himself.

                                          Bah, the details were unfortunately very fuzzy, but what was done, was done. They had been captured, like the animals normal people called them. They were separated for the trial, but once Vincent had caught sight of Eddie, he had flashed a smile to his best friend in court. A happy little smile that had belayed no fear as to their sentencing, because Vincent, once upon a time, hadn’t been afraid of death. He hadn’t been afraid of jails. And he most certainly had not been afraid of asylums.

                                          Did he regret what he had taken part in? No. Never. He had had fun. Watching and participating in Eddie’s murders, he had agreed with them for an entirely different reason than his friend’s. While Eddie was looking for a perfect ‘Bride’, like he often had joked, Vincent had simply liked them for the carnage. For the twisted mutilation of a living thing. Oh yes, he loved the feel of warm blood splattering on him while there was the musical sound of scream in the ear. It was his lullaby. It was what made him happy, something that was much better than the animals he had gutted and pulled apart when he was a child. He, no, they had upgraded to something that could actually express it’s agony past the whines and howls of an animal. Maybe even animals were better than they were, seeing that neither had really cared about the atrocities they had done. It was a wonder they had never turned to cannibalism, but maybe that was only because the thought had never crossed them.

                                          Instead, he remembered the happier times. Times where he would drink wine, put on a little music in the background before descending down to Eddie’s domain. Oh yes, they had been moments that even television could not fully convey. They were of splendor, of a past time only the twisted like himself and Eddie could only enjoy… damn, did he miss Eddie. Was he in the same Asylum he was? He didn’t even know. No matter how much he demanded, no one here would tell him anything. Not the stern lipped doctors, not the stone faced guards. One guard had hinted that if he behaved he might be able to get out of solitary, and go… somewhere else, but that didn’t really make sense for Vincent. In this quiet, dimly lit little room, he was fine. He was safe from the television screens, and their horrors that made what he had Eddie had done seem like a cake walk. It made him feel sick. It made him feel like… he perhaps could have achieved more sickening things in his life. Maybe then they wouldn’t have sent him to the asylum, but killed him by some state mandated death sentence.

                                          “Eddie, I miss you.” He called out into the room that had no one inside, banging his head on the poorly padded room, he could still feel the concrete underneath, so it was no surprise that the room remained permanently chilled. A march of steps was heard down the hallway. There was almost a daily round of guard protected doctors that walked by. Sometimes they stopped back his door only to shake their heads and continue on, sometimes his door flung open for him to be dragged to the television screens. He hated the televisions, he hated the doctors, he wanted to rip out the guards necks out with his bare teeth, but no matter how much he struggled, one against four or more wasn’t enough. He just didn’t have the build, not like Eddie. Now that man was something to be terrified of. “What about him, Dr. Wernicke?” he heard a voice behind the door, after the disjointed set of steps fell in front of his quaint little cell. “Not yet, he’s not ready.” Another voice said, there were sounds of hushed debate before the second voice shouted. “Enough! Take patient #Z307 to the screens.” He ordered, footsteps going down the hall to leave the guards to do what they did best.

                                          Oh, that was enough to make Vincent instantly back into his corner even more.

                                          “No, not again!” he shouted, futilely as his door was swung open. Black eyes, that normally were lifeless and cold, widened in horror. What had only been a couple of weeks inside the asylum, had turned into a nightmare. “Please! Anything but that!” he shouted as he carried his sorry, struggling a** to the place that was starting to haunt his dreams. “Shut up,” one gruff voice said, out of the four that were handling him by his wrists and ankles to the television rooms. “Let me go! Stop! “ he shouted, squirming in their iron clad grasp more than anything. Staring up in horror to the lights that they passed over the ceiling, he was almost starting to memorize how many of those lights were in place before he was in their special kind of hell. “This is cruel and unusual punishment!” he screamed, but who was going to hear him? A murderer? Who would even care about what happened to him, after what he had done, and helped do to so many people? Was this his justice? Was there really a god?

                                          How bleak his thoughts had become, to turn to the musings of religion. When before he would have openly mocked anything that had to do anything with a higher power than humans, maybe they were finally starting to crack the remaining of his sanity. Was it a wonder he was still sane? As he twisted his head, and saw another patient walk by, a docile and giggling creature, he knew that some were not as fortunate as him. Would he turn into a smiling and lost basket case? “Noo!” he screamed, his body bucking futilely against the men that were not about to let him slip away any time soon.

                                          Maybe it was some twisted version of fate, but when Vincent twisted his head, in another attempt to wrench one of his wrists away, he saw him. Eddie. Time slowed down for him, because as happy as he was to see him, it was bittersweet to see him here. Eyes wide, he gritted his teeth as he struggled harder against the men. Finally proving to be a challenge as they had to stop in order to growl at him and reassert their hold.


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Distinct Lunatic

11,450 Points
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                WHENxIxWASxAxBOY xxxxxxxxxxxx
                                  m yx.m o t h e rx.o f t e nx.s a i dx.t ox.m e
                    get married son and seexxhow happy you will be
                    get married son and seexxhow happy you will be
                    get married son and seexxhow happy you will be
                ▌║ IHAVELOOKEDALLOVER↘↘xxxx
                        ////////// Ix.H A V Ex.I Nx.M I N D . . .

                                  Mount Massive Asylum for the Criminally Insane. A dark and terrible place for dark and terrible crimes.

                                  Eddie Gluskin was a very well-known man among both the men and women of the asylum and the orderlies for his violent tendencies and lack of cooperation. His upbringing was a well shrouded mystery but they all knew that it had to have been a terrible one to have been put under such strict measurements by Murkoff. At a single glance Eddie brought fear into the hearts of some of the strongest men. It almost seemed as if he had been brought into the world solely for killing. For the sole purpose of hurting others. His expressions hardly changed, his lack of empathy towards others only furthered by the constant frown. If one caught him, they might notice an air of arrogance about him. It was only when he would be thrown into a fit that he’d show his true nature. A large grin from ear to ear and a menacing laugh that would send chills down anyone’s spine. He was a large man, towering over many others and, due to his size, suffered a slight hunch because of it. Anyone could point and say that he was a killer. That he’d killed those women. That he could continue to do so on his own without any sort of remorse. What little that was known of his childhood and what vast amounts of information was known about his sociopathic killings and misogynist nature showed him in the most terrible light. No one knew the truth behind it. No, he did not regret murdering the women and mutilating them. It was true that he felt no remorse for causing the families of the girls so much pain. In fact, he laughed at the news of the grieving.

                                  The truth was that he never worked alone. He had someone else with him at all times.

                                  Vincent Vanguard was Eddie’s only friend and his lifelong partner-in-crime. The younger man was quite different in appearance compared to Eddie. He represented the darkness in the hearts of even the most innocent and the fear they possessed of people like Vincent and Eddie. Ah, it was a beautiful feeling. Eddie committed the crimes and Vincent watched in joy. The times they worked together was a masterpiece each time. Two conductors working to create a beautiful work of art with blood and screams. A symphony of begs and whimpers. In the end…silence. Eddie enjoyed going out and playing his own games alongside Vincent. He held women to no regard, they were trash in his eyes. If his own mother could turn her back as his father and uncle abused him, then he could turn his back on the women he killed when they needed help. Vincent understood. He helped relinquish the world of its trash and because of this Eddie knew that he could never let him go. Vincent and Eddie were as close as siblings were, maybe even closer, and they went down together. That night, as the sirens blared and the walls danced in blue and red, Eddie convinced his friend to stay. With him. The two went down laughing, smiling and singing as the authorities took them away. It was only when Eddie had been separated from Vincent that he became rampant. During the trial Eddie had been forced to stay away from Vincent to prevent any complications.

                                  Oh, they made a terrible mistake.

                                  The trial led to more than one injury until it was ended abruptly on the ruling of insanity and Murkoff took the two. Eddie expected death, he was sure that their lives would end there. No, they were given a fate much worse.

                                  Eddie sat in a small and dank room, cement walls blocking him off from the rest of the world. Occasionally an armed guard would look into the viewing glass to check if Eddie was being a “good boy” as they said. More than once he’d attempted to either escape or take as many bastards down with him. It only worked in getting him sedated and sent to more and more cells. Now he practically lived in the basement with little to no outside privileges. Whenever he was allowed to head outside it was under heavy surveillance. Many guards just itching for a reason to send him back to his cell bloody and beaten. Eddie was a smart man though, and he knew the oldest tricks in the book when it came to avoiding the orderlies. It was because of the "tricks" that Eddie had made a name for himself in the short amount of time he had been placed under Murkoff’s care inside Mount Massive. His favorites being The Man Below and The Thing Downstairs. What a taste those men and women above had. They feared him and he knew that he could be their king if he wanted to be. If only Vincent could see him. If only he could sit down with him and revel in the time spent before they'd been separated inside the horrible asylum. Eddie would often crack a smile at those who asked his personal opinion about the experiments they conducted for "Project WALRIDER", but in reality it haunted him quite a lot. There wasn’t much that could break Eddie, but that was it.

                                  And he was dreading his time to head out of his cell any minute now.

                                  ”Sons of bitches…all of them…” Eddie rose from the bed (if it could be called such a thing) and paced back and forth. Five steps forward, five steps back and repeat. Wall to wall. He would stop to mumble under his breath, plans to fight back. If he could just prove to them that he really was not improving then maybe they would move on to another patient. Eddie paused. Yes, that was it! If he could cause some sort of mayhem then he’d get off scotch free! No more televisions, no more visions, no more whispers or itches, and no more plastic tubes shoved down every orifice of his body. He could hear shuffling outside of his cell. The walls were thin and privacy was non-existent where he resided. Was it the same for Vincent? He missed him dearly. Without Vincent the days stretched to years and each day lasted an eternity. What were they doing to Vincent? If he heard, or god forbid if he saw, them hurting his friend in even the slightest way Eddie would make sure to mop the floors with their bodies. His head snapped towards the door as he heard a click. They were earlier than usual. He could see his doctor, the man’s presence alone boiling his blood. Maybe if Eddie snapped the man’s neck he’d be kept in his cell and never again picked? ”Time to go, come on Gluskin.”

                                  ”Go get some other pig for your ******** experiments.”

                                  ”Now Eddie,” Oh, he hated his doctor’s voice. He wanted to just rip out his throat. ”You’ve been doing so well lately. You know what will happen if you refuse to cooperate…again.”

                                  ”I already said it.” Eddie’s answer was final and he puffed his chest out with a scowl to further show his defiance. In an instant one of the men was upon him, baton raised and ready to attack. Eddie knew their routine by now. He bent down and wrapped his arms around the much smaller man’s waist, tackling him to the ground. He was outside of his cell and all he would have been able to do was run. He wanted to finish the job though, he wanted them to really fear his power and never again look upon him as lightly as they did. Only then would he be free. So, he delivered three straight punches to the man under him before the second on top of him finally managed to get his baton under his chin. Eddie rose abruptly and turned to face his door, falling on to his back with his entire weight pulling him down. There was a sharp cry in pain as the baton loosened around his neck and he was able to rise once more. His doctor, oh the look on his face. Complete and utter fear. ”Now, Eddie-“

                                  ”Shut up!” His yell erupted through the entire hall and all grew gravely silent. The two men stared at each other before Eddie reached forward to grab his own doctor, ”I’m not going back in there! I won’t go back into that machine!” His hand wrapped around the man’s thin throat and lifted him as high as he could. He loved the way his doctor struggled. The way his cheeks puffed in an attempt to breath. All it took was a little squeeze and-

                                  Something crashed against the back of his head and he saw a flash of light. Another hit just as hard and Eddie dropped the man in his hand. He whirled around to face the one responsible for the assault and was met with a sharp hit the the face by a baton. One of them had gotten up and surprised him. Eddie wobbled, nearly stumbling, and the last guard took full advantage of his counter attack. Eddie was forced on to his stomach by another heavy blow to his side followed by a second at the back of his knees. He could hear the muffled sound of footsteps. He cried rape, abuse, murder. Everything he could possibly think of just to attract attention. No one came. large group came to handle the situation, restraining him and dragging him up the stairs by his arms. He wouldn't go! He wouldn't let them take him! He kicked and he spat. He screamed and he cursed. Still no one came. As he was in the middle of the men he could make out his doctor just outside. If only he could reach between the arms of the guards. His "overseer" wouldn't see the light of day again. "I'll gut you. I'll kill you." he hissed.

                                  "Send him away." came the hoarse voice of the doctor as he barely managed to keep up with the group. "Now. I want this experiment done and over with as quickly as possible. Do whatever it takes."

                                  The trip was shorter than usual and Eddie's hopes rose with each door that did not lead to the horrid containers. At the thought of the laboratory his stomach clenched. He could feel them prying his mouth open and shoving the tubes down his throat. He could still see the remnants of the visions when he looked upon static screens. He could still feel the pains in his back from resting at such an odd angle. It was terrible. Wherever he was being moved to was better than that room. As they grew nearer, however, Eddie realized that things may not have been so bright for him. Multiple rooms separated only by a thin sheet of glass and surrounded on all sides by a thick sheet one would most likely see at a quarantine held an entire wall of televisions. No, he hated those rooms. "You can't make me go in there. No! No, no, no!" He began to kick again. The men shoved him in and two broke off to stand at the room's entrance. The rest forced the frantic man towards the lone chair where a different man waited. He wasn't like the other doctors. Eddie was strapped into the chair, his ankles and wrists bound to its arms and legs. The cool metal seeped through the thin uniform he wore and on to his skin. Eddie pulled against the straps, grunted and snarled as he pulled with all of his might. He wanted to escape.


                                  The voice was all too familiar. Eddie snapped his head to his left and stared through the glass with wild eyes. It was Vincent. And, just like he feared, they had him strapped to a chair like him and were conducting the same hellish experiment. Eddie snapped. He wrenched against the binds that held him, cursing as loud as he could. How dare they hurt him! How dare they hurt Vincent! Eddie spat at the scientist in front of him and received a harsh slap in return. The man's hand caught his chin and he forced him to look into the soulless eyes, "Calm down now. I need you in top shape for this, Gluskin. If you stop being so troublesome it will all be over soon." But Eddie wouldn't stop. He attempted to bite the scientist but ultimately failed. It seemed that he made his abuser angry, for he turned to a tray just out of Eddie's view and came back with another leather strap. He called for another man to hold Eddie down and wrapped it over his mouth. Eddie let out muffled cries as his eyes strained to look towards his friend. The televisions were on and he could feel the buzz instantly. His fingers twitched, nails scratching at the metal. The restraints were tightened and his body stiffened along with them, forcing him to stare at the bright screens. If he closed his eyes he was given a heavy blow to the head. Sweat rolled down the sides of his forehead as his heart raced and his head was filled with the god awful equivalent to bees swarming in someone's head. He bucked and twisted as much as he possibly could in an attempt to look away from the screens but to no avail. Soon he became engulfed in the screens.

                                  "Still a bother I see." It was the man who was in his room. He must have been talking to his doctor.

                                  "Still is. He claimed he saw it during the last test. He says he saw the static everywhere he went and he had been contacted."

                                  Laughter. "He is just telling you what you want to hear. It's a part of his psychosis. He's told us his family never abused him and he never killed those girls. I don't know what he thinks he will gain from it, but it looks like he believes every single one of his own lies."

                                  Eddie tried to turn his head. He could hear everything. He could sense the eyes staring at him. He could no longer see Vincent. All that he could focus on was the screens in front of him. He would have to endure the pain once more. His shoulders slumped and his breathing slowed in a second, his eyelid partially closing. He was frozen just as he was and yet he was perfectly calm. He hated it. He wanted it to stop. He wanted Vincent. He wanted to leave the horrible place. Eddie wished he wouldn't have kept them inside when the police finally caught them. He wished they would have gotten the death penalty. Maybe then they would actually be at peace.

Wolfs Howl526's Kouhai

Beloved Lunatic

███████████████████████████████x❝Monster I can S E E staring right back at M E ❞.⇊
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                                          Seeing his friend, his companion on the other side of the wall was torture in itself.

                                          “Stop!” he shouted as hands moved swiftly to tie him down, while he was still distracted by Eddie. “No! Don’t hurt him!” he screamed, bucking in his own seat as he watched Eddie be forced into the same position he was in. It was all just made worse seeing Eddie alongside him, suffering. He didn’t want this for him, he didn’t want this for himself either. He couldn’t even hear Eddie’s cries clearly, but his mind filled in the blanks. The shouts, the threats he undoubtedly made, it was as if there wasn’t a wall between them. “Stop hurting him!” he shouted even as they strapped a thin leather band into place over his forehead, tearing his sight away from Eddie and finally to the dreaded screens. His stomach dropped at remembering what was about to happen, and he instantly felt nauseous.

                                          “No…stop it!” he screamed as his eyes felt like they were stinging and burning at the same time. That’s always how it started. The pain gradually increasing until his head felt like it would explode at any time from it all. Then..it just stopped. A cool, mind numbing wave hit his mind and he instantly felt lethargic. The buzzing in the back of his skull started, nothing more than the rhythmic hum of a swarm of insects, piercing through his mind. Vincent thought that he felt pain, somewhere in the recesses of his mind, but somehow that seemed silly. There was the slipping grasp over what was happening and what was not as he closed his eyes, shivering when his eyes opened again by an unknown force. Was it himself? Was he willingly staring at the screens now? He didn’t know, but he felt some drool drip down the corner of his mouth in the meanwhile. How long had he been here? Was… was he still here? He? Who was he? Vincent felt like he was trudging through his own mind, looking for something vital in what had become murky water, but not remember exactly what he was looking for. Voices whispered unintelligibly all around him, but he wasn’t focusing on them right now. Even if they seemed to be more pressing to be heard than usual. There was something…something….

                                          Him. A flash of a memory made everything clear again.

                                          Eddie, smiling, smirking in that way of his. And everything was as if a light switch had been turned on at the realization that that’s the memory he had been looking for. Instantly, he was thrown back into the chair, his hands aching for his finger nails had been clenched around the chair’s armrest without reprieve. His head turned into a world of searing pain from its prior calm and relaxed state. It was as if he had the worst hangover in the world, and still the pain was amplified to the tenth. No one could really blame him as he let out a blood curling scream. No one at all as they undid the restraints only to have his hands and body curl up. Unmoving as he just felt as if the world didn’t exist around the pain that radiated from his head. The tips of his fingers feeling as if an angry swarm of ants ran over them and over his face. Instead of being concerned and worried, the guards merely grabbed him from the arms and dragged him out of the room, to bring in the next victim on schedule.

                                          Cries not unlike his own were heard as they crossed past said victim, but somewhere along the way, Vincent blacked out. The pain too great for his mind to handle.

                                          “—Vincent” a voice called, making Vincent groan hoarsely. Head rolling on one side to roll to his right shoulder. “Thirsty.” He whispered out before he was even fully conscious, his eyes barely fluttering open when he saw a cup of water placed in front of him. Not caring about what could be inside the cup, his hands reached out and tossed the cup’s contents onto a tongue that felt as dry as a dessert. Gulping down the water, he licked his lips, but there was no relief yet. “No—not water, milk. I want milk.” He whispered, licking his lips again at the thought of ice cold milk. He didn't even know why the hell he was craving it so badly. Black eyes finally cracking open slightly to see the blurry image of a whitely dressed doctor in front of him. The white florescent lights above them only serving to irritate his stinging eyes further. He groaned again and leaned back into his metal chair. Something that was as comfortable as it looked with its bare and minimalistic design, but held more practical uses than comfort considering it was bolted to the floor.

                                          The entire room left a lot to be desired. Small, enclosed, bleak and desolate. The compact room layered with blocks of concrete and cement, the only way out guarded by one guard, and a second one readily near the doctor for protection. The table in front of them was as mental and cold as the chair. And like the chair it was bolted to the floor. The only things that could move in the room were the people in it, and perhaps the doctor’s chair. Since that s**t looked a lot more comfortable than his own seat with its’ wheeled legs, and lined cushioning. The guards were an entirely different story, because they wore masks of indifference and at times, cruelty. Vincent had a silly little thought that somehow all the guards were manufactured somewhere, considering their eerily similar attitudes and appearances. It really just looked like final destination of a inmate on death row, but somehow that seemed fitting, wasn’t the asylum staff trying to kill them?

                                          “Milk you say?” the doctor hummed in that irritably interested why they had, a pen scribbling over papers on a clipboard and half the time Vincent wondered if they even wrote down anything of importance. “Yes,” he started with an exasperated sigh, combing a hand through back roots, even if his hair was discolored in a reddish brown. Too bad prisons and asylums had no consideration of a person wanting to dye their hair. “I want ******** milk, don’t give me that stupid a** question again because we both know you’re not going to give me any, so why don’t we cut the crap and you just give me more water at least? It’s the least you ******** can do.” He growled when the doctor only gave him an amused smile and gestured for a guard to bring around a paper cup filled with water. Not enough to satisfy a thirst, but it was something. As much as Vincent hated that studying gaze as if he were a guinea pig, he wanted the water more to not give much of a damn.

                                          “More.” He said, setting the paper cup down back on the table. “Not yet Vincent, we have to talk about what happened today,” the doctor started as he pushed the paper cup away with the tip of his pen and smiled pleasantly to him. Oh they were playing that game were they? Vincent growled and frown as he leaned back in his chair. Arms crossing over his chest as he looked the man straight in the eyes. “I got a ******** headache from your damn televisions, not surprising considering there’s nothing good ever on.” He joked in a sarcastic manner that made the doctor smile thinly at his antics. Scribbling yet again on that paper of his, which was seriously starting to put him on edge. Not that he wanted to let any of the sadistic shitheads in here know what his real triggers were. “You saw something, heard something, did you not?” he asked, finger coming to push up the clean and pristine glasses further up the bridge of his nose. “Nope. Nothing. I told you, s**t television.” He insisted, watching as the Doctor only blinked at him with the same plastered smile and clucked his tongue in disapproval. Another scribble. “You were babbling to yourself. At one point you clearly said, “The swarm”. Why is that?” He asked, and Vincent just smirked. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

                                          Finally there was a sigh from the doctor, the smile that had been glued to his face for pleasantries melted away like a human disguise on a monster. “I don’t understand why you’re being so difficult. We can offer certain…pleasantries and luxuries for your cooperation.” He said as he gestured for the guard to refill the paper cup with water when Vincent just lunged at him, the second guard had already moved to tackle him to the ground as the doctor had aptly moved away from them as soon as possible, but that was not Vincent’s intention, instead he grabbed the water filled pitcher, ripped the lid off and tilted it into his mouth. Gulping as if he hadn’t seen a drop of water in days, drowning and making a wet mess of himself as somewhere along the way he quenched the thirst and had had more than his fill. “The thing is, “ Vincent started as he hiccupped a little, giving the other a lazy smile. “You don’t have anything I want, and even if you did, I’m smart enough to know that you wouldn’t give it to me. So…what’s the point?”

                                          Tossing the pitcher to the side and breathing normally again once the guard realized he wasn’t about to attack anyone, he pulled himself into a sitting position. “That is a very bleak view of things Vincent.” The doctor said, as if he cared but it seemed that he was trying to go a different angle now that his first one hadn’t achieved the desired results.

                                          He shrugged as the guard gave him a rough kick to his legs. For what reason, who knew, but he didn’t even flinch.

                                          “What can I say? I’m just a realist.”

                                          The doctor didn’t look amused one bit, and nodded to the guard that had kicked him, Vincent didn’t even turn to see the fist that had been aimed directly to his temple. His mind just blanking out for the second time that day.

                                          “Will you try to behave? At least for tonight?”
                                          “Will a monkey fly out of your a**?” Vincent asked as a new doctor stood at his cell door. Protected by three guards, but Vincent didn’t want to go anywhere else today. Hadn’t they gotten their fill of brutality for the day? He knew he must be sporting a nice, discolored bruise somewhere along his temple, considering he could still feel the dull aching in that area.

                                          “I’m all for you getting a good rest.”
                                          “And hooking me up to a machine, tying me up for the entirety of the night, and drugging me is somehow your idea of me getting a good rest?” he asked bitterly, narrowing his eyes at the man that looked even more tired than he was. “Fine, be an a**, I just want to get this over with as much as you do. “ he said pinching the bridge of his nose tiredly as he vaguely gestured to the set of arms he had to come and manhandle him again. Vincent sighed as the men approached him with precaution, but the man was right. He was too tired today; what the hell would it matter if he was knocked out for the third time today?

                                          Oh right, the dreams. [********] he whispered under his breath, looking up again that the man that had grabbed one of the arms that were locked in his straightjacket. If he was going to go enter those nightmares, might as well give them hell in the meanwhile. His father always said to go for the throat. Growling and opening his mouth, he lunged at the naïve man that had bent down to grab his right arm.

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Distinct Lunatic

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                WHENxIxWASxAxBOY xxxxxxxxxxxx
                                  m yx.m o t h e rx.o f t e nx.s a i dx.t ox.m e
                    get married son and seexxhow happy you will be
                    get married son and seexxhow happy you will be
                    get married son and seexxhow happy you will be
                ▌║ IHAVELOOKEDALLOVER↘↘xxxx
                        ////////// Ix.H A V Ex.I Nx.M I N D . . .

                                  What a terrible fate the two lifelong friends had to suffer through for the rest of their lives. Was this what they were reduced to? Simple animals lined up and ready for slaughter? Abused in just every way imaginable, the patients were hurt far worse in Mount Massive than they ever would have been in prison. A quick death would have been a better end than being patched up and beaten again by the corrupt orderlies. Eddie would have let Vincent run outside and get himself killed if they would have known what was in store for them. He would have heard the gunshots fired and ran out to get himself killed during his own rampage. Then they wouldn’t have had to suffer such unspeakable horrors at the hands of a false corporation. Murkoff wore a well-made mask of compassion and hid their true motives of experimentation for the sole purpose of making profit. Anyone inside of the asylum, whether still sane or not, would agree that the corporation was sick. That they were the true animals and needed to be brought down. Eddie had fought back every single chance he got in hopes of being left alone. Instead, the opposite occurred. He was placed into heavier tests and given pain inducing drugs just so they could watch him cry and scream. The Walrider project was just their cover for torturing the patients and keeping their crimes against humanity a secret. Eddie wished to be able to break free and kill them all. He would make their deaths slow and agonizing, letting their deeds seep into their minds just before their deaths. He would get Vincent and they could be together again.

                                  What where they doing to Vincent? He hadn’t seen him in so long and now…he couldn’t bear the sight of him. He wanted so badly to help him. He wanted to break through the restraints and save Vincent, but he was reduced to nothing in an instant. There was no possible way that he would be able to even acknowledge his dear friend. The television screens in each room never turned off, the experiments lasting every hour every day. Eddie visited the room more than once during his stay in Mount Massive. He knew what they did to him and he despised it with every fiber of his being. As he sat in the chair, his body slowly growing numb with each passing second, flashes of the terror he was seconds from experiencing once more rushed into his head. A flood of grief and agony filled his mind and he let out one final whimper. His fingers relaxed on the arms of the chair and his eyelids halfway covered his hazy eyes. It felt as if his entire being had been sucked from his own body and h could just stare at the empty shell he used to call life. Soon, darkness enveloped around him and the all too familiar world came rushing back to him. He could hear waves crashing through the darkness not too far from him. How could he hear? How could he sense anything in the darkness? The waves grew closer and closer to him. It rang against his ear, nearly rupturing his eardrum. Eddie couldn’t move in the thick darkness around him, his mind trapped in the barren wasteland. He cried out but his voice could not be heard. His skin crawled with a million bugs but he could not scratch at them. The seas of sand roared in his head and yet he couldn’t stop the pain. He had no control over his body. He had no control of his mind. The seas of sand consumed him, drowned him in the grains that would speak to him. He endured the same pain nearly every day of his life and yet his tolerance would never grow to overcome such trauma.

                                  There was a twitch of a finger. Eddie’s lips parted and drool pooled in his mouth. A single strand dripped from his bottom lip and on to his lap followed by another. The doctors stood taking their usual notes, commenting on each of his reactions. His eyes scanned the moving images before him and his shoulders flinched. That was uncommon of him. One scientist glanced up from his clipboard just in time to see another twitch. He nudged his colleague and the two examined the scene before them. Eddie was mumbling incoherently, his once still eyes zipping from one end of the televisions to the next. They knew something wasn’t right. The reaction was not normal for Eddie. They waited, pens ready to write down the next event. ”Let me out! I’ll kill you! I’ll tear you all apart!” Eddie’s voice cut through the dead silence and the men jumped. Eddie pulled against his restraints and writhed about in the small space he could move. His nails scratched at the metal against his skin and his teeth clenched as tightly as they could. Saliva foamed at his lips, dripping as he snarled loudly. He was not angry, no he was experiencing an indescribable pain. He wanted out. He wanted out and fast. Eddie’s bloodshot eyes flicked down to his thighs – all he could manage to see – and then back up at the television as if fighting the urge to look back. He couldn’t look away from the screen. The grains of sand called to him and he would listen.

                                  ”Get him out.” one of the two motioned towards one of the nearby guards. Eddie was through with his experiment at this point, he wasn’t going to go any further than what he had. They needed him alive after all. ”Keep him awake but restrain him. We need the patient’s state intact. If he falls asleep we risk losing the entire experiment.” And every order was followed to the very point. Eddie, once his restraints were loosened, attacked one of the guards who’d entered. He tackled the man before proceeding to beat his fists against the man’s head. It took a great amount of force to pry the crazed patient off of the guard but it worked and Eddie was successfully restrained. He was pulled by two different men screaming and crying all the while. He didn’t want to go anywhere but his cell. His legs flailed as they slid across the floor and his arms tugged against the strong grip of the men. It was no use, he wouldn’t be able to fight back. Vincent was no longer with him by the time he reached the door, and Eddie only realized it when his eyes flicked to the room he was in. ”Vincent! Vincent! Where is he? Where is he you ********] He continued to curse the entire way even through his scratchy throat. Every so often he would hear a ring and see the sand. A face would stare back at him but he could not make it out. The doctors wanted him to see it. They wanted him to see the sand and talk to the demon. If they wanted it so badly, then he’d give it to them.

                                  The journey was short and soon enough Eddie was being strapped into another chair. It wasn’t as uncomfortable as the metal chair he sat in earlier, but it was nothing like the one sitting across the table from him. His wrists and ankles were once against about by to the limbs of the chair and he could only grunt in reply. At least they hadn’t restrained his head. Eddie rolled his neck, listening to each crack his bones made. He blinked rapidly to rid himself of his scratchy eyes. Oh, how red they must have been. Eddie let out a soft groan as he scanned over the room. One door across the table, one window to his right which he could not see into, a television on his right, and files on the desk in front of him. He could make out his name in fine red print and next to it bolded words titled “Project Walrider Patient Status Report of Eddie Gluskin”. He scowled at the sight. By this time Eddie had become rather docile due to his weakness, but the effects of the experiment were still fresh inside of his mind. The door clicked open and Eddie lifted his head only slightly (the pain had yet to subside completely). As the male moved his body grew blurry as if Eddie was trying to focus on everything but him. The action was not his own, the grinding of sand giving it away instantly. As he neared the sound grew and Eddie flinched where he sat, the doctor’s eyebrows raising slightly in question. Once seated, the sand dissipated and revealed the ugly face. He knew the man sitting before him. His eyes shifted down to the table and a smile grew along his face. So that was why the man’s walk had been so familiar. ”I see your recovery is going well.”

                                  There was a deep laugh, sarcastic in every way, and the doctor opened the files presented on the table, ”When a man wants to rip the limb right from your body and nearly manages to do so your recovery tends to last slightly longer than most.”

                                  ”Only for you.”

                                  There was a brief moment of silence as the male raised his head to send a now smiling Eddie a quick warning glance. It was obvious that he wasn’t in the mood for messing around with the patient. Eddie let out a soft huff, winced, and looked elsewhere. He thought over his plan over a million times in his head as the man across from him shuffled through the papers. He could hear the pen scratching against the paper. Just what was he changing or adding? ”I saw it…so clearly now.”

                                  ”You did?” His voice sounded less than impressed. He didn’t even lift his head up to look at Eddie.”Yes, I heard the sand again. It is still in my mind. Gnawing at my brain. Eating away at me from the inside.” Eddie’s brows furrowed as his voice lowered, cracking slightly. The doctor shot him a glance then and Eddie continued on, ”I was in darkness completely void of any sort of feeling. I…I can’t exactly explain it. Waves crashing against my ears, bugs crawling under my skin and eating my brain, and the face.”

                                  "The face?” The doctor was quiet. Eddie nodded. The doctor had stopped writing at that point. He gave Eddie a stern look before closing the files and leaning forward to get closer to him. Eddie did not shift even the slightest. ”So nothing out of the usual experience?” Eddie grumbled and shook his head, obviously irritated at the doctor’s lack of understanding. ”of course there was. I saw it. The Swarm.” The doctor hummed in response and Eddie jerked forward in his seat, ”You’ve got to believe me. I can see it clearly now. It spoke to me. It called me.”

                                  ”Uh-huh.” It was clear that the doctor wasn’t having any of it. Eddie was known for attempting to create false events just to end the current experiments dealt to him. While it had worked at first, his lies had been discovered and now the doctors would simply agree to him, continuing the same treatment as before. They knew from experience that he would never be a suitable host. He thought he could escape the testing by lying to them, but it had only caused it to further his mental deterioration. At times Eddie noticed a change in the experiments. They took advantage of his false information to conduct “advanced” experiments on him. Those left him scarred and unable to forget them no matter how hard he tried. The doctor leaned back into his seat and glanced towards the dark window next to them. The television switched on with a buzz and Eddie raised an eyebrow to observe. His heart sank and he immediately forgot about the fading buzz in his head.Images of the victims played on the tape. Women lined up like cattle, inside ripped from their bodies and expressions frozen in fear and agony. ”Just like how you killed these women, right?”

                                  ”They aren’t dead.” Eddie replied flatly. ”None of that is true.”

                                  ”But we have the proof. It is even right here in front of you. You’re lying, Eddie. Just like you are with these so-called ‘advancements’ you are making in the Engine.” The doctor turned back to face Eddie and the television shut off, Eddie’s attention still directed towards the now blank screen. After a brief pause Eddie lowered his head to face the doctor. ”You won’t get anywhere with that attitude, Eddie. You know that. We have the records here with us and there are no signs of rhythmic REM states.”

                                  Eddie suddenly yanked forward in an attempt to snap at the doctor, who quickly pushed his own chair backwards, and spat in his direction, ”You son of a b***h! How dare you call me a ******** liar!” The doctor rose from his seat and made his way towards the door. He knew better than to remain in the same room as the crazed man. Things would only escalate. Eddie was too damn stubborn and never gave up. He already suffered enough injuries at his hands. So, he sent in the same men to once again grab hold of him and forcefully take him back to his cell. This time Eddie was stronger. The effects of the Engine were wearing off on him until all that was left was a small twitch in his systems at random moments. He could take care of the two men easily. However, when they entered the room Eddie’s previous thoughts were cut short. The men carried firearms with them, aimed directly at him as they rounded each side of the table. They must have known that he was getting stronger as time passed. Smart. Eddie challenged them, smirking in their direction while throwing slurs all the while. He tried everything to get some sort of reaction out of them but received none. Eddie felt one wrist relax as the restraint was loosened and his index finger twitched. Suddenly, a blur caught the corner of his eye but it had been too late to react, the butt of the first guard’s gun striking him right in his temple. Eddie’s head slumped in the opposite direction and his body fell limp. It would be easy to deliver him back to his cell now. And so they did, carelessly dragging the limp body through the halls and down to the lower levels. They didn’t even care that there were steps. In fact, they chose them instead of the elevator just to hear the man’s legs hit each step as they descended. With one last throw Eddie had been locked right up and left to himself. He surely would awaken with the worst headache known to man.

                                  A finger twitched and an eye opened. The world was a blur and his entire body felt like it was nothing but a pile of mush. Another finger twitched and a shoulder cracked with a simple movement. Eddie Gluskin was sore as hell. He’d get the men back for what they did to him. He rose to all fours before pausing once more. The world would not stop spinning around him. A large hand reached for the nearest wall, attempting to grasp the air to his left. This was his daily life. Tortured by his past and beaten for it. Did Vincent fare any better? He and Eddie worked together, the images of sculpting into the garbage still fresh in his mind. At the thought he smiled. That devilish smirk disappeared as quickly as it came when the door to his cell opened once more. How long was he out? No one should have been going anywhere near his cell after his episode. But there they were, and ready to fight again. Eddie had always been resistant, he was always known to be a fighter. It would be no different with the asylum guards. However, his attacks were met with equally as powerful counters and soon enough he was being dragged out in restraints. Hands tied behind his back, shoulders pulled in an odd angle for discomfort and his mouth gagged with a leather strap wrapped all around his jaw. Were they really going to conduct more tests on him? No! He wouldn't allow it!

                                  "You got lucky. Doctors said you needed a break to rehabilitate." At one of the men's voices Eddie tilted his head. They were either taking him to the courtyard or the cafeteria. At least he wouldn't be exposed to the therapy again. He disliked the patients in the asylum. They looked at him in disgust. He would admit, however, that he ate their fear right up. He would snap at others just to watch them jump. It seemed that he wouldn't get that chance as the patients and guard a like were busy with something else. Eddie was dropped off into the cafeteria during some sort of struggle. He heard yelling from the center of the crowd, a man in pain. Once Eddie stood up, he realized who it was. Chris Walker. The man must have attempted to mutilate himself again and thrown a tantrum. The man was a rage filled balloon ready to pop at any second. Eddie put him at the top of his list. Eddie watched as patients were pushed and shoved by a number of armed guards who then battled the large man. The circle closed once more and Eddie snorted. Damn idiot. Eddie wouldn't mind seeing him terminated. Eddie moved towards the near empty line to get food, the three in front of him moving away to allow him past. Chris was feared, but Eddie could control them with it. He was the true king. The king needed his partner to rule together, and Eddie knew that he would be able to come together again soon enough. He'd make sure of that.

Wolfs Howl526's Kouhai

Beloved Lunatic

███████████████████████████████x❝Monster I can S E E staring right back at M E ❞.⇊
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                                          Blood was his favorite liquid. It was incredibly fascinating, and something the average person never really thought about beyond the occasional bumps and scratches. For Vincent, it was something that amused him too no end. He loved the feel of it, he loved the colors it could change into after enough time passed, he loved the taste of it.

                                          When it wasn't his.

                                          As he was backhanded to the ground, on the account that one man was currently screaming and bleeding out, he spit out the skin. Only relishing in the taste of warm blood as he took the chance of them being preoccupied on trying to save their coworker to attack the doctor that had gone pale from the sight, and caught the man effortlessly due to the fact that he had been more concentrated on the murder to realize his own life was at peril. Vincent bared his teeth, opening his mouth with a wild look in his eyes as he rushed the man. There was no running, because even in a straightjacket, Vincent was able to tackle the man to the ground. Holding down the squirming male that once had been so high and mighty underneath the pressure of his knee and leg. One knee driven into the other’s back as his bare foot forced the man’s face down onto the floor. “Who has the upper hand now?” he sneered, about to move and rip his jugular out when one of the guards from before came and ripped him off the stunned and undoubtedly terrified doctor.

                                          Black eyes turned to the guard after he had been tossed aside, face pressed against the floor, on his knees and a** in the air and yet he was the one that posed a bigger threat than the guard. Rolling to push onto his feet, it wasn’t long before the heavy footsteps of reinforcements were heard pounding away towards them. Probably due to all the damn cameras they had. Oh yes, he had noticed the cameras, among other things. “I’ve made a mess..” he whispered, head tilted as he stared at the guard that looked hesitant to just tackle him or protect the doctor that was just making it to his feet again. Turning towards the direction of the cell that had been left open, the second guard staggered out. Drenched in blood and looking somewhat disoriented before setting his eyes on Vincent. Now those were the look of a cold blooded killer. Not like the man that had taken his sweet time in trying to decide what to do, instead of actually attempting to take him down. But then, bleeding to death wasn’t a very pretty way to die, and Vincent was almost masterful at causing lethal damage. Even with his teeth, but it was no surprise to him. Since he had made sure his teeth could rip, tear and make bleed if he willed it so. Anyone could see why by just taking a good look at canines that were as pointed as an animal’s would be.

                                          Looking over to the indecisive guard, he heard that the footsteps originated from his direction of the hallway and decided not to try his chances with armed forces. Instead he went with the lone, revengeful looking guard.

                                          “Didn’t anyone tell you what you were signing up to when they started paying you in blood money?” Vincent said hollowly as the guard only growled and rushed at him. Vincent blinked and ran towards him as well. Looking as if he was willingly about to run into the fist the roaring guard had for him when he turned slightly to the side to avoid the fist, and lifted his knee up, hitting directly into the man’s gut. Falling down to the floor, he scrambled up while the guard groaned in pain. Narrowly missing the hand that had reached out for his ankle. By this point, the reinforcements had arrived, and Vincent pounded down the hallway with a mob of shouts behind him. He really hadn’t thought this through, because as he ran past terrified staff, he realized, he didn’t know where the hell he was going. Let alone be able to make a successful escape with his arms bound behind his back. “s**t.”

                                          And this was why he needed Eddie, he never thought these kinds of things through. More content to try and get through things through stubborn violence than careful planning. Or rather, he could only plan to a point before he started improvising and that’s where things went wrong. The only planning this little dud had had was when he had made the decision to kill one of the guards. Things were made worse when he made too many confusing turns into a dead end, he was about to turn around when the guards appeared. Never having stopped chasing him to aim their guns at him, and give a warning shout for him to fall on his knees. Wait, they couldn’t actually kill him right? As if that was some estranged reassurance that he was valuable enough in some way to not be killed, he smirked at them.

                                          “What are you faggots going to do? Shoot me?” he asked with a laugh, when he felt the first rubber bullet hit him. Man did it hurt like a b***h. It was enough to knock him down to the ground after three more made contact. “You ********] he screamed, snarling in his own saliva as he writhed and contorted in the pain of it all. As the guards approached him, the one that had given him the murderous look shot him once more in the ribs for the hell of it. Raising the butt of his gun, about to knock out his lights gain, the doctor from before rounded the corner at the same time. “No! Don’t knock him out! He needs to be drugged into the sleep for the studies!” he said as the guard from before just looked down at him and spat in his face.

                                          “I hope you remember for the rest of your life how it feels to have someone die in your arms.” Vincent sneered up to the man that looked like he wished he had real bullets. Mouth set in a fine line, hands tightening around the weapon with an audible squeak, he looked over to the doctor that looked the most unhinged by it all. “Sorry doc about your little data, but-“ the butt of the gun and came towards his face and Vincent shut his eyes in the anticipation of pain. Oh he felt it, the way that his nose bloomed in blood, but the experience was delayed with the sharp injection of a needle afterwards into his neck. The last thing he heard was the doctor complaining about potentially faulty data.

                                          There was no accurate way to describe what he saw, so he just called it the man of the swarm.

                                          Vincent ‘opened’ his eyes in his mind to look around him, he was where things strangely always began, in a church. Gritting his teeth and clenching his hands in his lap, he looked around to find that he was as alone as ever. For now anyways. The church gradually turned into something more sinister so no matter what happened, he was stuck to his seat. Unable to move even as the giant cross in front of him twisted upside down, and where there had once been an alter of religious images lit by extensive candle light, where was now a coffin in its place. Black, threading cobwebs formed all around the church out of nowhere as everything rotted away right in front of his eyes. When the wooden and pristine sheen of the pew he had been sitting it was lost. He looked down to the wood again to find a blackened and insect infested seat in its place, but he didn’t have to look at the insects to know what they were. Black little creatures that looked like blacked and mixed versions of bees and wasps, they sent a shiver up his spine at the sight of them. Knowing what they signified right away.

                                          It wasn’t until he felt that…thing’s presence that his body felt like it could move again, but what was the point? When this time around he was kept in place by fear? “Go away, go away, go away.” He whispered, as he only heard the hum of a swarm intensify its dreaded sound in rebellion. Moving behind him as if it were pacing, but Vincent had yet to look back. He figured if this was his mind, then he should have more control of what was happening. He tried everything, from happy thoughts, to driving his nails into his hand to try and wake himself up but he knew that it wouldn’t translate into reality. Considering he had checked his palms right after his was awake to find no marks. [********, ********, ********] he whispered, shutting his eyes as the swarm stopped moving behind him. The sounds of its ‘pacing’ was now just a drone of one low buzz. And that was just worse.

                                          His hands trembling at this point, he turned around to see the ‘swarm’ in the actual vague figure of a man, and he was sitting in the last pew. Turning back around quickly he opened and closed his hands. The windows that once had been setting off a eerie light inside was now red in color. It was as if someone had dyed all light in the color of blood, and somehow he felt like his blood would be spilled inside the dream church before he could wake up. Couldn’t a person die in their sleep after all? Shaking his knee up and down, it took a few moments before he was able to glance back again. Nope, there was the creepy thing again. Now located in the third pew from the last and Vincent turned back around. He wasn’t seated at the front of the church, more halfway of it, so that meant that the thing only had to many more rows before it reached him, and he knew that it would be game over there. “Come on, wake up. Wake up before he gets any closer!” he shouted, to no one that could hear him. Turning around, he glanced back to see the swarm in the fourth from last, only six pews away from him. This time the creature had not only advanced past the third pew, but was that much closer to him.

                                          Turning around, he looked at the creature with wild eyes. “What the hell do you want?!” he screamed, only to have the swarm and the church around him dissipate into nothing. Washed away like dust for the moment as he suddenly found himself on all fours in a clear and windy meadow. His body was still trembling, his heart felt like it was going a mile a minute, and yet the serene scene had come from nowhere. Looking around in apprehension of the new addition to his nightmare, he half expected for things to gradually turn to hell as well, but for as long as he remained on his knees and hands, the meadow continued unchanged. Standing up cautiously, he looked down at himself to see his normal attire on him. All in one piece still. The gentle winds that moved the tall grass around, and whipped his hair more often than not into his face, was almost calming. Were the nightmares over? A whisper said to ’walk’, and as much as he would have ignored it, his legs started walking. Crushing fragile grass underneath his steps as he just walked…forward.

                                          The seemingly endless meadow of swaying grass suddenly gave away to a tree in the distance. Something that looked shady, and a reprieve from the suddenly warmer and uncomfortable heat of his dream sun. His tongue and lips feeling as dry and thirsty as he had felt when he had been wake, but instead of panting out ‘water’, he said “Milk…”. Closing his eyes and opening them again, the dream was gone. No meadow, no unbarring heat… no man of the swarm.

                                          They had woke him up, chattering around him as they took advantage of his docile state into just getting him to shower, change into new patient attire and then be pushed towards a new area of the asylum. When he would have just assumed he would have been returned to the bloody mess he had made his cell, they had other plans. Which was almost worse than isolation, human interaction? He wasn’t sure if they wanted him to kill a poor soul right now. Maybe they wanted to see if he would do it again, but without his hands again.

                                          “Ugh..” he groaned as he moved around the line of idiots in almost dream like state, but by the time he had gotten food on his plate, he was more conscious of his surrounds. Not completely out of the daze yet, but enough that he would shove his fist down someone’s throat if they tried ******** with him. Looking down at his plate he saw the two cartons of milk he had subconsciously gotten, and sleepily ripping them open, he drank them down as if they were only kid servings. But it still wanted more. Even the food didn’t interest him, as long as he managed to get one more carton. Standing up from his more far off and isolated seating choice, he walked over to the nearest loon to him. A man that was looking at the food with a particular scowl of distaste but that wasn’t his problem.

                                          “Yo. You want your milk?” he asked as he pointed to the carton that had been pushed aside. The man looked up at him, and suddenly beamed at him. Certain glimmers in his eyes proved that he belong here. After a moment of his staring Vincent decided he wasn’t going to stick around. “You won’t be using this apparently.” He said as he reached over and grabbed the milk, but when he did, the other wrapped a tight hand around his wrist. “You have such exquisite flesh.” He breathed as he touched over his arm with his second hand. As if caressing it. Okay, he was officially annoyed now. “Yeah….whatever the ******** that means.” Yanking his hand away he gave the eerily smiling man a frown before walking away, milk in hand. Not sparing the crazed man a glance back as he sat back down in his private enough table.

                                          He was just sipping at the milk absentmindedly when a body suddenly slipped in next to him. The spoon that he had had in his hand instantly when to the throat of the new intrusion by pure second nature of attack but when he saw who it dodged it, he instantly smiled. Moving the would be weapon as he beamed at the person that really was his only ally in his life. “Eddie…oh s**t… You have no idea how happy I am to see you.” He said, feeling much like a child that hadn’t seen their favorite toy in a long time. “It’s been far too long. It’s been hell in here without you.” Eddie smiled at him, making Vincent just want to..s**t… hug him or something from the time spent apart. Considering they had never gone that long without at least contacting each other in some way. “Ditto man…what the hell are they doing to us?” he said, but his statement quickly turned sour. A frown etching into his face in worry.

                                          Eddie shrugged. “They’re ******** with our brains. They’re making us see things and hear things. Whatever they’re trying to accomplish…-” he leaned into his ear after glancing around “Maybe we were better off dead when they first caught us. It would have been better than this hell.” Turning back to his food, Eddie ate as Vincent mused the words over. He wanted to say something cheesy like they were still alive, but they weren’t the kind to say things like that. That and the asylum was proving a nightmare to be alive as it was. “We could try to escape from here.” He whispered back, finally turning to his own food of mash potatoes, some questionable piece of sausage, and biscuit. “I’ve tried, Vincent. They will only tighten their grip on you. You have seen what they do. They’re done worse to me because I’ve tried to get to you. Just that small ‘crime’ will ruin your life.” He explained, but Vincent only sighed. ‘Ruin it?’ He thought it was a little too late to stop from ruining it, since he had been ruining it when he partaken in those murders but he had a point. His life was ruined but could becoming a willing participant really save them from the torment?

                                          Tch. He doubted it. The only way out of the nightmare the asylum had created was by trying to get out, no matter the cost. Only now he had wished he hadn’t killed that guard that night before. If Eddie was right, and they were quick to adapt, then that same trick wouldn’t work twice. Rubbing his temples, he sighed again. “There has to be a way….” He mumbled before shaking his head, turning to Eddie he gave the other a curious but caring look.

                                          “How are you?”

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Distinct Lunatic

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                WHENxIxWASxAxBOY xxxxxxxxxxxx
                                  m yx.m o t h e rx.o f t e nx.s a i dx.t ox.m e
                    get married son and seexxhow happy you will be
                    get married son and seexxhow happy you will be
                    get married son and seexxhow happy you will be
                ▌║ IHAVELOOKEDALLOVER↘↘xxxx
                        ////////// Ix.H A V Ex.I Nx.M I N D . . .

                                  Eddie had been standing in line for what seemed like ages. Despite those in front of him stepping aside to let him through, he still was forced to wait in line. At one point a guard had stepped in to speak with a prisoner. Glances in his direction along with a forced frown made it easy to tell that the man was only doing it to annoy Eddie further. If only he could snap the man's neck right there. Well, Eddie could have very well killed the man, but that would have gotten him sent straight back to his cell or worse - placed into the Engine. They had a nasty habit of using the Engine to break Eddie, and it worked. As much as he despised how the staff used their positions of power, he was far more hungry than eager to shed some blood. So, he held in the urge to snap at the men in front of him and stayed in his spot in line until he was finally able to get his lunch. Every time he look over his shoulder they were watching. The guards attempted to hide their peeks the best they could, but it did little at all to cover them up. Eddie had just been scratching his shoulder when he noticed one of the guards, a man holding some sort of shotgun, tap another man's shoulder and nudge his shoulder at him. Eddie knew that they did not carry live bullets, but their rubber bullets hurt just as much as the real thing (and Eddie had been hit by that in the past). The men inside of the asylum were armed like officers inside of riot control and Eddie found it quite hard to fight them at times. Why did they keep such weapons on them? Other methods could have very well worked just as well, but Eddie knew it had to be because those men were nothing short of monsters in the asylum where they could get away with anything they wanted.

                                  There were more pressing matters at that moment however. Eating.

                                  The patients inside the cafeteria were allowed only a certain amount of free times depending on their behavior. Eddie? Once was a rare happening and even then he was at risk of losing the privilege. Eddie watched as the rather large server threw down a mass of creamy mashed potatoes on to his tray and a soft flab of meat. Eddie's eyebrows remained furrowed as the man reached over to grab another small portion of whatever surprise was on the menu and he grimaced at the quality. Absolutely disgusting. But, it was better than eating nothing at all and so he accepted whatever was given to him. As he waited for the last bit of his food he felt a nudge against his shoulder and turned his head to find a patient staring back at him with wide eyes. Suddenly, he tilted his head away from Eddie as if whispering to someone nearby (despite there being no one listening to his words). "It's him." He paused. "I-I don't think he appreciated that." Another pause as he suddenly scowled at himself, "Oh shut yer trap. He ain't nuthin' to ya. Grow a pair." Eddie raised an eyebrow at the conversation before him and parted his lips to speak when the stranger suddenly snapped his head to look straight at him.

                                  "H-he's lookin' at us. He's a b-bad man, Ma!" Another beat of rest. "Gluskin's just a simple-headed man like any other." Eddie clenched his jaw at the voices battling each other within one man. As the last bit of food was placed on to his tray he set it down with a heavy 'thud' to silence the man next to him. "Oh don't get yer panties in a bunch." Eddie was just about ready to smash the man's face into the glass protecting the meals. The only thing that stopped him from doing so was the same two guards that had watched him earlier now staring right at him, most likely catching fragments of the comments the patient made towards him. So, Eddie simply moved away in anger, regretting not killing the stranger that very instant. Eddie looked over his slop and glanced upward to check for any open seats. He didn't plan on sitting near any of the other patients. If he had to, he would remain standing and eat - as long as he was away from the guards, that was. There was no need to do so, as Eddie caught someone as he scanned over the room and his heart immediately skipped a beat. There, already sitting at a nearby table, was the very person he had been looking for ever since he was admitted to Mount Massive. They saw each other only once since then and now...it must have been destiny.

                                  Eddie held in the urge to smile and call out for Vincent, choosing instead to silently make his way towards his lifelong partner and sit down next to him. The second he did so, a plastic fork met his neck and Eddie blinked once. It came as no surprise, of course, and so he played right along. His hands came up defensively and his chin tilted upward slightly, a smirk playing on his lips, "Oh, careful there." Oh, how he missed Vincent. He hadn't changed a dime since they last saw each other and Eddie could hardly believe it after witnessing the pain he'd been in while the two underwent experimentation. "Eddie... oh s**t... You have no idea how happy I am to see you." Vincent's shock only caused his smirk to grow until he was covering his lips to keep from drawing too much attention to him. Any sort of 'positive' reaction from Eddie was immediately looked upon as dangerous due to his personality. Eddie hardly cared though, Vincent had noted he liked when he tried to act tough but was easily seen through it. He lowered his hand to pick up his own plastic fork and began to pick at the soft pile of mashed potatoes. The two spoke softly in fear of being interrupted by the staff, who always perked up whenever the two were mentioned together or seen with one another. Eddie constantly looked over his shoulders just to check if anyone was drawing near but had yet to become suspicious. Good, they all knew their place. Vincent must have still been affected by the experiment he went through earlier in the day. The thought made Eddie pause momentarily and grit his teeth, anger building within him. Oh, what he'd do to just be able to relinquish that anger somehow. Eddie hated to see Vincent go through such hell and wished for it to be done to himself instead, Vincent being unable to handle such stress. Would he fare the same? He might. Eddie liked to think that he could keep up with the experiments done to him, but in reality he was rather weak. It was that reason he preferred to lie about them. Still, he would always put himself in front of Vincent despite the immense risks he would be taking because of it. Vincent was his life and Eddie knew that the man depended on him in every way, so he would always be there for it.

                                  "How are you?"

                                  Eddie perked up in an instant, a large smile pulling at his face in no time flat. Such a drastic change in personality! There was no point in hiding the truth from him if Vincent was going through the same exact hell that he was going through, but Eddie wasn't being brought down by it now. "Besides dealing with beating and experiments making me lose my sanity, I am rather good, actually. I've learned to make the best out of this place." He lifted his plastic fork and bent the middle slightly, raising an eyebrow at Vincent with a devilish smile, "Make my own fun here and there. You know." He dared not say it too loudly. The guards had their suspicions already and they only needed one little slip up to send him howling back to his cage covered in his own blood. "It's even better now that you are here. " Vincent had been so preoccupied by wanting to escape that the mood dropped before he asked that simple question. Eddie wanted to escape, oh more than anything, but like he had said to Vincent - it was nearly impossible. He'd been beaten severely for attempting to escape and his tests were more extreme as well as more often conducted. They had beefed up security recently and Eddie witnessed more than one death. The guards did not spare a single soul and gave no ******** regarding the lives of the patients. Vince and Eddie wouldn't be spared. The best Eddie could do was fight back against them and hopefully kill one or two, but that more often than not resulted in him being punished severely like he had been earlier (and he hadn't even killed a man, that was the previous night). There could be a way, but it was better if they waited for the opportune moment rather than rush in and get themselves in deeper s**t than they already were in.

                                  "Alright!" The booming voice of one of the higher up guards cut through the commotion of the entire cafeteria as he stood proudly to give his command. "Your meal time is now over! Recreations is now open to those who have earned it for the day. The courtyard, vocational block, and church are available to you if allowed by your designated doctor." Once he'd silenced and moved aside to allow the patients to shuffle through the doors, Eddie gave Vincent a sideways glance. With a pat on the back and a squeeze on the shoulder he rose, lifting a leg to move from the table, and threw his waste away. He hardly ate but it seemed that food was the least of his concerns now that Vincent was with him. The two could revisit old times together. Ah, that would be absolutely beautiful. Eddie waited until Vincent was ready to leave - much to the staff's annoyance - and bowed his head at his dear friend. A true gentleman's action for only those who deserved it. With another smirk her headed outside with Vincent.

                                  Eddie had so many questions for him as they walked far behind the group, obviously not attempting to catch up in anyway. Two men dropped from the large group to step behind the two and keep watch of them. Highly dangerous patients such as themselves needed to be watched, right? Eddie glanced over his shoulder at the two men and thought his words over. Turning to face the front once more he smiled and spoke with pride, "The staff here doesn't learn from their mistakes, do they? It will take more than just two to watch us." At least one of the men was listening, for he sped up and gave Eddie a sharp backhand to the back of his head. He abruptly stopped, causing the man behind him to bump into his back. "See that, Vincent? They just don't know what they are doing." It was true that Eddie was quite brave with Vincent around. The two were notorious in both the media and in the asylum for the murders together. The two were a very dangerous duo in more ways than one. "Oh, just keep going before your privileges are revoked." But Eddie did not move. The second guard stood next to the first but there was still no difference in Eddie. Instead he seemed to get worse, a scowl appearing on his face. "Watch what you do to me."

                                  "You have no right to command me, piece of s**t."

                                  The comment hit Eddie and his first instinct was to push the man against a wall - and so he did. With great force, the guard's back hit the cool wall and Eddie bunched up his clothes in his fists, knuckles digging into the guard's shoulders. The second placed the gun against Eddie's head and the hallway fell silent. A few of the patients that had heard the noises stopped momentarily to glance over their shoulders, but they knew better than to get involved. Eddie gripped the cloth in his hands as tightly as his could, his own nails pressing into his skin, and stared into the guard's fearful eyes. He knew he could get to them in one simple move.

                                  If anyone doubted his ability to instill great fear into the hearts of even the strongest guards within Mount Massive, they had their proof now. Eddie didn't need to actually hurt the man - as much as he wished to - and could make him piss his pants just by pinning him against the wall and shaking him up a few times. The cold metal of the gun against the back of his head was all too familiar to Eddie. It reminded him of the gun pulled against him by the officer that restrained him before their sentence. It reminded him of the new guard, fresh out of the academy, who attempted to stop him but could not pull the trigger out of fear and let his colleague die. So many fond memories. Eddie could turn around and go after the man behind him if he truly wanted to, but a sudden and unexpected thought struck him. If Eddie ******** up now there would be no seeing Vincent again - dead or alive. This was his one chance to meet Vincent and if he ruined it by killing two lowly guards he would never forgive himself. He was sure Vincent wouldn't forgive him either. So, at the armed man's command, Eddie released his grip on the guard he held against the wall. The guard collapsed on to his rear and scrambled away from Eddie, standing upright once he was with his pair. The second officer kept the barrel of his gun against Eddie's head for a second longer before pulling away and pushing him back down the hall. They got lucky. Eddie walked with Vincent once more in silence, keeping the dangerous thoughts inside of his head at bay. The last thing he needed was him changing his mind and starting another fight just to end up being dragged away to his cell for who knew how long.

                                  Eddie did well in keeping himself under control, his source of safety being Vincent. He thought about the good times they shared and how much fun they had together. When the two worked hand-in-hand it was absolutely amazing. A sweet song for to partners who would never split apart and would always keep such a strong bond together. One made the other stronger. They functioned as a whole and they were complete only when they were with one another. Eddie remembered the times Vincent would cheer him up as a young boy. How he would see past the bruises and comfort him. Eddie would freeze upon catching sight of his father, knowing what was going to happen. Vincent helped him through it all. They hid from the horrible man and his brother whenever they arrived to take Eddie away. The two young boys would become invisible, watching in glee as the men have up their search. However, Eddie could not hide forever and had to go back to his home. A place where he should have felt safe by never could. And once he was home...Eddie hated thinking of it. He learned to block it out of bus mind and Vincent followed him in his path as they grew. Soon enough, the events were nothing to them any longer and they could focus on bigger things.

                                  Oh, much bigger things.

                                  Eddie blinked and came back into reality when he heard the commotion just outside of the doors to the courtyard. He have Vincent a quick smile and moved outside at the command of the men behind them. He did not like being so close to the other patients. He wanted to keep away from each and every one of them at every chance he got, but the staff wanted interaction. Eddie had been forced to speak with quite a few men in the courtyard before Vincent came. A pyromaniac who planned to take down the entire asylum, a man who had a thing for corpses, and two men practically conjoined together - mentally at least. He despises them all. He wanted them dead. The hates to the courtyard unlock when the guards moved ahead, blocking Eddie and Vincent with their bodies, and finally let the two through. Eddie allowed Vincent in first. A protective action and a friendly one. Now Eddie could watch for any sort of trouble.

                                  Blue eyes caught sight of every man he spoke to. The first being the two men who, as always, leaned against the fence together. They stated at Eddie and Vincent, their heads moving slowly to observe even closer.

                                  "A strong and capable man for his loving and dear spouse."

                                  The second bore the same exact expressionless face, "A perfect couple."

                                  "A love drowned in blood."


                                  Eddie turned his head to block out the voices of the two as they continued their comments. He hated the two the most out of those in the courtyard. They just never shut their mouths and were always judging a patient. What have them the right to decide what was good or bad for each of them? Eddie was apparently always making bad mistakes in their eyes. Would killing them be a mistake? He thought it over and agreed that it would be a accomplishment for him at least, and that was all that mattered.

                                  Eddie moved to the nearest bench and took a seat, leaving enough room for Vincent to sit down next to him. At least he didn't have to actually interact with the other patients. He had Vincent with him. Eddie took a moment to glance around his surroundings and counted the men around the fences. Too many to really be needed. He placed his forearms on to his thighs and leaned forward, his eyes squinting at the sight before him. "I wonder...how many of those b*****d do you think we could take down?" He interlocked his fingers and watched the men around them, his eyes focusing on the weapons in their hands. "How far do you think we could get?"

                                  "If we had weapons... I think at least ten.. if we were barehanded... I don't know. maybe less than ten. Its hard to knock someone out cleanly with your fists. or by ripping out their throat."

                                  Eddie nodded his head and straightened himself up. They could try, but taking out ten wouldn't do a damn thing to the men surrounding them. Vincent had a point as well about their strengths. Eddie was a very strong man, but even with his power he found it hard to take down the men. Vincent was smaller but quicker, his strategies consisting of close fighting which would only get him hurt. He turned his head to watch a small group of men crowding together by the basketball court. Two men pointed at certain men who then joined the team. Shirts and skins. The men broke off to begin their game, the hoots and hollers around them muting the curses passing between the players. Eddie's eyes followed the basketball as the two teams ran around the concrete court. Eddie looked away only for a second when suddenly there was a cry from one of the men. He turned back just as one of the shirtless men threw a punch at a clothes player. The basketball was thrown into the head of another and soon the entire group clashed together throwing kicks and punches at each other. A group of guards rushed forth to break up the group, sending those that had caused the outburst back to their cells while the others split.

                                  Eddie snorted and he leaned back into the bench. His arm came to rest on top of the bench just behind Vincent, tilting his head as he glanced over at him. His lips pursed and he smiled, "At least some of us have learned to keep our minds together." His fingers lightly tapped on the wooden bench and he hummed, closing his eyes for a moment. He was completely at peace now that Vincent was with him. Nothing would ruin their day together, Eddie would make sure of that. At certain intervals he would even open an eye to check for any sort of trouble, his body ready to jump up at any minute just to protect his dear friend. Vincent had been slower than usual since they met in the cafeteria and so Eddie knew he had to be more vigilant than ever of he wanted to keep Vincent safe. He was ready to do so, fingers itching to rip a man who challenged them to shred. He would give them another reason to fear him.

Wolfs Howl526's Kouhai

Beloved Lunatic

███████████████████████████████x❝Monster I can S E E staring right back at M E ❞.⇊
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                                          “Besides dealing with beatings and experiments making me lose my sanity, I am rather good actually. I’ve learned to make the best out of this place.” Eddie commented as nonchalantly as he could, and Vincent managed a smile at the thought. He was sure that Eddie had been giving the staff here plenty of hell. Maybe more than they dished out. Almost made him shamed that he had only killed one guard at this point. “Make my own fun here and there. You know.” He commented, with what Vincent considered to be boyish charm. Whenever Eddie smiled or was just happy, it reminded him of better times. Of when they were either partaking in acts of beautiful murder, or simply when they had been children trying to survive with each other. Surely something like this asylum would prove to be a challenge but not impossible for them. They were survivors, plain and simple. They were hard to kill, and even if they lost some of their sanity, Vincent had a hard time believing they could die. In his mind, they were forever bond together. The only way one could die was if another was dying as well, it would be the only fitting ending for beings so intertwined together.

                                          “It’s even better now that you are here.” He said, something so casual but it made Vincent smile again. His chest warming up with feel good feelings as he felt needed. Cared for even by the man that never left his side. It only made his attachment to Eddie stronger, as well as make him more aggressive. He wanted to take down all those that would ever hurt Eddie again, but that wasn’t the point of their conversation. It was to lay in wait for the best opportunity, and as smart as that sounded, he doubted severely that they would get far would causing some trouble. If Eddie was the fire, he was the sea of gasoline. Both men a higher danger to be around once they were near each other. Vincent had almost forgotten about eating entirely considering Eddie was near him. It was only when the guard’s voice boomed over them all that he realized he really hadn’t eaten that much. Drinking down the milk in gulps, he shoved some more food into his mouth. Mentally distracting himself from the taste, considering he was going to need substance for whatever they could plan for the future. His body was lithe already to be skipping what meals they gave him.

                                          When he had been worried about holding Eddie up, when he wiped the back of his mouth, and turned to leave with him, he only found his smiling friend. Patient and waiting even as the guards looked irritated enough to be held back from the rest of the patients. Picking up the tray that he had been using, he shoved it towards a third guard. “Be a dear and throw this away okay?” he said absentmindedly as he walked along side Eddie. There was nothing else that mattered at the moment. Whatever Eddie did or said was something that was completely fascinating for Vincent and he didn’t want to miss a single moment of it. Even as his dear friend bowed his head to him, Vincent only smiled at the very gentlemanly gesture. It was silly, and endearing at the same time. It made him feel special, and that was his addiction. Any attention from Eddie was like a drug he couldn’t get enough of, and man, was he an addict.

                                          “The staff here doesn’t learn from their mistakes, do they? It will take more than just two to watch us.” Eddie commented as he dragged Vincent out from a yawn. He rubbed one of his eyes and smirked. Just now noticing that two guards had broke away from the larger group to watch them, but it really wasn’t nearly enough. He knew Eddie could take both down by himself. Maybe even fight three or four at a time, but as he looked around towards the area they were headed towards, there were enough guards to control any violent group let alone two patients. But that thought begged to wonder about what would happen if all the patients attacked the guards? What would they do then? Would all the patients even fight? Taking a quick glance towards some patients that were huddled in corners and underneath benches, he quickly dashed the idea. There would be no way of starting such a wide scale riot without taking and coaxing people to do it, if they weren’t caught doing it. There was that and the fact that him and Eddie had a little habit of killing people they came into contact with.

                                          As they passed two female staffers that seemed to be engrossed in what they were saying to notice that one of them bumped into him, he grunted at hearing Eddie speak. Distracting him from just cursing at the stupid women that thought the world was their property to walk all over. “See that Vincent? They just don’t know what they’re doing.” He said, making Vincent turn back to see the somewhat disoriented and angered guard. s**t, what did they expect really? They were dealing with Eddie after all, and he knew his presence only served to silently egg Eddie on towards being violent. It was just their special kind of magic after all. But such low time guards were not fun for him. He knew Eddie could bash their heads in without any effort so were was almost no point in doing so. He knew it, and Eddie seemed to know it, considering after a short lived back and forth with the guards, the inexperienced guard said something that was really just asking for his own funeral. “You have no right to command me, piece of s**t.”

                                          Vincent only smirked faintly to see Eddie force the too snarky for his own good guard into the wall. Looking as feral as ever, but that was a great look for him really. So he just watched with mild curiosity to see what Eddie would do next, but the scene was over as soon as it started. The guard’s life was deemed a waste of their time and efforts and Eddie returned to walk by his side soon enough. The silence between them only for the sake of the guards behind them, or perhaps Eddie was just lost in thought again. It happened sometimes, and he just patiently waited for his friend to return to reality and to him when it happened. They were soon enough left to their own devices as they traveled through the courtyard. Being watched by a small army of guards that were just itching for an excuse to beat them, but he tried not to let such thoughts ruin the euphoria it was to be around Eddie. “A strong and capable man for his loving and dear spouse.” A voice said, making Vincent turn to face two men that leaned on the fence. Both had their arms crossed over their chests, and looked like still dolls waiting for some puppeteer to come along before the second male spoke. “A perfect couple.” A pause. “A love drowned in blood.” Another pause as the first continued their train of thought. “Adorable.” No. How eerie. Vincent frowned faintly towards the men that seemed to share a mind, but what he was more concerned over was the fact that they somehow considered him feminine.

                                          He was anything but feminine. And before he could say a few choice words to the men that had dared question his masculinity and ability to kill, he held his tongue. It wasn’t the time nor the place- this time around. Sighing softly he took a seat automatically next to Eddie once they found an empty bench as far away from the rest of the asylum population as they could possibly get. Eddie leaned forward on the bench in thought. Getting that familiar calculating look he got when he was thinking of doing some damage. Before it was when they were scooping out potential woman to dispose of, but this time around Vincent knew his line of sight laid with the guards that surrounded the area. “I wonder….how many of those bastards do you think we could take down?” he mused, but Vincent knew it was his cue to add his own two cents to the thought. “If we had weapons…I think at least ten… If we were barehanded…I don’t know. Maybe less than ten. It’s hard to knock someone out cleanly with your fists, or by ripping out their throat.”

                                          He explained, and finally made Eddie sit back into the bench. An arm coming behind him casually as Vincent only stared out lifelessly to the courtyard before them. Until the courtyard fight began. There was so much violence in here… it made him jealous that they weren’t the ones causing it. Before long the guards had the situation under control and had subdued the offenders quickly enough to drag them back inside kicking and screaming. How boring, why did the guards never let them have any of the brutality fun? They could even take turns… bah who was he kidding. He never was good at playing well with others. Eddie had found it amusing enough when he turned to him with a smile. “At least some of us have learned to keep our minds together.” Vincent smiled at the thought. “Of course. It’d take a lot more to make us lose our marbles.” And he meant it. For as long as he had been here, and for as many times as they forced him to watch the dreaded screens, and have the horrible nightmares, he knew he still had his wits about him. He wasn’t completely crazy yet. And for as much belief he had in Eddie, he didn’t know how the man had gone through a worst experience than he had yet to suffer through.

                                          There was a moment of peace, of them just sitting there, talking every now and then. A sense of comfort and familiarity that perhaps neither of them had since the arrest. Nor Vincent or Eddie had been quick enough to block that basketball that had come towards him, and hit him right in the gut. Vincent grunted and winced as he held that ball that had accidentally attacked him. “Give me back the ball!” a man shouted, as their game had been stopped on the account that Vincent currently held their ball. Vincent was about to just toss the item back to the man before he spoke again. “Sissy boy! Yeah, you! Stop ******** day dreaming and give me the damn ball!” he cursed as he approached ominously. Vincent only settled hard eyes on him. Hands tightening around the ball as he stood up. What was it with people today? Was it because of his hair? It wasn’t like he had had the time or the materials to cut it. Did that really make people feel like they had to try and insult him over it? Dropping the ball to the ground and stomping on it as hard as he could to pop it. The action and hissing of air that was escaping the ball made the other patient look enraged. “What the ******** you wanker! Oh I’ll make you regret it now!” he shouted as he rushed at him. Fist poised to punch him and while Vincent could have done something to block the attack, he knew would be worse for the a*****e. He let himself get punched. His head turned with the force of the punch and he stumbled back a few steps to land on the bench again. Vincent didn’t even make a sound as he spat the blood out. Some of the blood dripping down the corner of his mouth. Not that bad of an injury, but as he watched Eddie stand up, he was smirking behind him.

                                          “What? Is your girlfriend too weak to fight his own battles?” he sneered and Vincent just let his smirk grow. Growing into a eerie smile. Oh he was just ******** with the wrong man, wasn’t he? “I suggest you turn back now before you dig yourself a grave.” Eddie snarled, and Vincent had to hold back his laughter. This was going to get good, he just knew it. “How about you, and your ******** girlfriend go get shoved into the containers? Your sissy boy looks like he’s a good screamer after all.” Oh wow. A threat and some sort of jab about their sexuality. Eddie was just going to love that. As if on cue, Eddie seemed to grow bigger in size, standing up to his full height, he towered over the man that was nearly his own height. Yet the man didn’t seem to be afraid. Big mistake. “I’ll rip your tongue right from your mouth. Maybe then it’ll be easier to hold it. “ he said darkly and finally Vincent couldn’t stop himself. A giggle escaped him and he clapped his hands in merriment. “Do it Eddie. He deserves it after all~” he said in a sing song voice. They had warned the man after all. It was literally his funeral now.

                                          Eddie, having all the encouragement and support that he needed from him, literally came at the man to do as he promised. There was a short lived struggle. The man managing to land a few good hits on Eddie before Eddie just had him pinned to the ground. His hand coming to pry open the mouth that had been all too eager to lash its tongue at them. In a pure act of savagery, Eddie ripped the offending tongue away. Cleaning out of the man’s trap as he tossed it aside. Vincent was just laughing the entire time. Watching as the organ limply it the metal fence only to land on the courtyard pavement. Vincent giggled manically as he scooted over to the tongue and poked it with the tip of his toe. Funny, still warm. Clapped his hands together in merriment. “That was good Eddie! So good! Kill them all! Make them suffer!” he laughed and laughed, laying down on the bench as he watched with sick amusement at the man that was literally drowning in his own blood.

                                          Vincent didn't notice how the courtyard had fallen silent. Nor how the guards were quietly assembling in some task force against them. Instead he just hopped over to Eddie. Wrapping a lazy arm around over Eddie’s shoulders as he sneered down at the dying man.

                                          [********. I missed this.”

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Distinct Lunatic

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                WHENxIxWASxAxBOY xxxxxxxxxxxx
                                  m yx.m o t h e rx.o f t e nx.s a i dx.t ox.m e
                    get married son and seexxhow happy you will be
                    get married son and seexxhow happy you will be
                    get married son and seexxhow happy you will be
                ▌║ IHAVELOOKEDALLOVER↘↘xxxx
                        ////////// Ix.H A V Ex.I Nx.M I N D . . .

                                  Eddie and Vincent had been enjoying their time together after such a long time apart from one another. Eddie's trail had come before Vincent's and left a gap in time between the two men. While Eddie was admitted into Mount Massive, Vincent underwent his own trial until eventually the two were placed into the same asylum. Too bad they were forced apart from one another, so close together yet so far apart at the same time. It'd been so long since Eddie had gotten the chance to actually meet Vincent. To have and to hold and talk of sweet nothings together like they were never once split apart. Vincent was his only and Eddie would never let him go. Even then, as they were talking, his eyes would scan around them as if preparing for a prying hand to attempt to tear the two apart. It never came but it never hurt to be cautious of such a thing that could so easily happen. Eddie and Vincent were smart, there was no doubt about it. There were the insane patients (or rather, inmates) of Mount Massive who simply acted on their basic animal instincts. Eddie and Vincent planned and took great care in what they did. They enjoyed their times out together, it was a hobby of theirs. No, a lifestyle - a job. They went out, planned an elaborate attack, and silenced their prey. Eddie and Vincent were nothing like the crazed men - or even the women who had inhabited the opposite ward apparently - in any way. They were disgusting barbarians. Eddie and Vincent made art, they painted the dull word in beautiful shades of reds. Ah, looking back upon sweet memories only brought forth a smile from Eddie's face as the two spoke to one another so sweetly. He missed being with Vincent. He wanted to hold him close and keep him against him for the rest of their days. It felt all too good to be able to converse with him about their horrible times in the asylum and their pleasant memories before their split. It didn't matter what they spoke about, it couldn't wipe the smile from either of their faces at any moment.

                                  That was, at least, unless some idiot decided to break up their reunion.

                                  The two had been just about ready to switch the subject to another matter when a basketball flew into Vincent's stomach, causing the man to let out a strained grunt in reply. Eddie stared at the inflated ball with furrowed brows and his head snapped towards the voice that called out to Vincent Just who did he think he was? Yelling at Vincent like that? And the names he called him! Eddie just wouldn't allow that. Vincent rose to his feet and Eddie watched in interest as his friend lifted his foot, knowing all too well just what was about to happen. To no surprise, Eddie was met with a satisfying crack as the ball exploded under the weight of his friend's foot. There was a brief pause as those playing their little game of basketball turned to face the one responsible for ruining their game. Eddie caught the same man who'd insulted him earlier step forward and he clenched his hands into tight fists. He could feel the guards around them turning every bit of their attention to the two. This was the exact excuse they needed to have to get off free with beating them. Eddie couldn't allow some idiot to hurt Vincent though, and that mattered more than the possibility of him being punished. There was a reason everyone feared him and stayed from him at all times and he was about to show those who had yet to learn exactly why. It seemed that the patient who was attempting to frighten Vincent didn't know how to take a hint. When Eddie was around no one didn't get close to him. When Eddie was with Vincent everyone made sure they stayed as far away as humanely possible and even then they were still at a risk of being beaten to a bloody pulp if he caught any of them looking at them the wrong way. The patient rushed at Vincent and Eddie had been just too late to protect his friend from being hit right in the face. The audible crack was all Eddie needed to hear and he was shooting from the bench in an instant, standing between the two men.

                                  "What? Is your girlfriend too weak to fight his own battles?" The comment boiled Eddie's blood and his eyes focused on his on. There was no hint of remorse in his expression and Eddie could take a hint. The man wanted to die. "I suggest you turn back now before you dig yourself a grave" It was his one and only warning, something of a treat for those watching in complete silence. The patient wouldn't take the hint and Eddie let out a deep growl from the back of his throat, his entire body straightening to just show how much bigger he was to the dead man in front of him. "“I’ll rip your tongue right from your mouth. Maybe then it’ll be easier to hold it." The patient opened his mouth to send a retort flying back when Eddie's fist connected with his face, shocking him as he stepped back in pain. His hands covered his nose and Eddie reached forward to grab a hold of his collar. He shoved the patient down and slammed his head into the cement below, not stopping to even let the man breath. Blood splattered on the cool ground as the poor patient underneath him flailed about in an attempt to break free. His squirming had gotten him loose but Eddie was far from done. A punch in his gut and another in his face, but the man just couldn't knock Eddie down. Each time his fist weakly connected with his face Eddie laughed, obviously unfazed by each hit he took. The patient knew that his efforts were futile and his entire expression seemed to chance that very instant to something so much more grave. Good, he knew what was coming. Eddie reeled a fist back and came forward with all of his might, the sound of the patient's nose breaking with the force enough to cause a few of the onlookers to cringe. The patient collapsed on to his back and let out a horrid cry, rolling on his back like a little bug awaiting its doom. Eddie climbed on top of the man and pressed his thumbs into the man's mouth, slowly prying his lips apart. The patient fought with all of his might to close his mouth once more, but Eddie was far stronger than him and would break his jaw if he had to. Keeping his mouth open with one hand, he reached into the patient's mouth and yanked on the tongue of the man. His cries echoed throughout the courtyard as Eddie finally tore the muscle right from its home, blood pouring from the mouth of the patient as he instantly let out shrill cries in pain.

                                  "Now you will think twice before opening your mouth again."

                                  Eddie tossed the tongue to the ground and turned to face Vincent, noticing the wide smile on his face. If it weren't for the man's encouragements he wouldn't have gone as far as he did. But it sure as hell felt good. It felt ******** good. Eddie's chest heaved with each heavy breath as he quickly looked over his bloodied fingers with a bright smile. There was the old Eddie. There was the terrible Thing Below. They all knew it now for they'd all witnessed just how far the man would go. Vincent darted to him and wrapped his thin arms around Eddie who, in return, wrapped an arm around his waist and took one long look at those around them just to make sure they got the message. [********' hell..." One guard took a step forward, hand covering his lips in disgust at the sight. "Patient 305 just tore out another patient's tongue. The man is suffering severe blood-loss and requires assistance."

                                  "Detain the patient immediately." Another guard spoke calmly and Eddie loosened his grip around Vincent. He pushed his dear friend behind him and puffed out his chest in defiance, "Just try it, you shitheads! Just try and take me down!" But they were not to be taken for granted. One man rushed at Eddie and he successfully pushed him away, but by the time he'd gotten free another was on him. Both men struggled to force Eddie down as another small group swiftly moved to restrain Vincent. Eddie punched a man and kicked another, but more would just come. Eddie had gotten one into a headlock when a suddenly shock ripped up his spine. Eddie instinctively clenched his arm around the man's neck but soon let go. He turned just as the second attack was heading straight for him. A rod pressed against his chest and Eddie lost control over his own body.He shook uncontrollably, his knees buckling and his body collapsing to the cold ground below. No one was going to help him. Not after what he did to another patient. Eddie took every chance he got to fight back. Every time they let the baton move from his body he reached out, but each time he did so he was punched or kicked. Eventually he could take no more. One more press of the baton against his clothing and electricity shot up his entire body was the last thing he remembered before succumbing to the pain and giving in to his body'e own weakness. Every word melded into each other and the shadows overcame him, pulling him into eternal darkness.

                                  The time he spent knocked out seemed like absolutely nothing and when he woke up he was ready to fight once more. His eyes snapped open and his arms attempted to come forward only to halt halfway. Two men were holding him. Three surrounded him, the last of the trio following closely behind the two with that baton still in his hand. Eddie recognized the hallway he was in. His eyes darted to the left then the right. "No...no,no,no!" He began to fight back but to no avail. He was far too weak now and there were just too many to fight against. Eddie wouldn't give up though. Like hell he was going into the Engine! Eddie broke an arm from a guard and stood straight, yanking himself out of the grip of the second. Before he could run however, he was once more shocked in the back and grabbed by the same two men as the third could only laugh in joy. "Get him to the container quick. Mr. Blaire clearly stated that he wanted this over with as quickly as possible. Steve's at the controls awaiting his arrival."

                                  Jeremy Blair. A ******** monster of a man.

                                  Eddie continued to kick and fight against the three men but had only succeeded in getting himself more hurt than he should have. Eventually they were able to drag him into the changing area of the morphogenic room. After much struggling they had managed to strip Eddie down to his boxers and once again drag him to his doom. Eddie cried out and fussed as loud as he possibly could. He screamed for Vincent, cried out rape. And then his eyes caught on to someone just beyond the glass. In the control room...he could name nearly every man within the room except one. Next to Jeremy and Steve sat a younger man preparing the engine for Eddie. He broke free from the grasp of the men and darted towards the window, slamming his fists against the thick glass and pleading for the stranger at the computer to save him. "Help me! Don't let them do this! Don't let them! You! I know you can stop this! You have to help me! You have to..." His eyes caught on to Vincent just as the hands of the men pried him from the glass and forced him out of sight. He didn't want to go through it again. He didn't want to go inside the container again. He saw Vincent. He knew the man must have been mortified at what he was witnessing. Eddie's worst nightmare was coming true. He didn't want Vincent to see him in such agonizing pain and he knew now that it could not be stopped. Jeremy planned the entire experiment and he was going to watch the two suffer with a smile across his disgusting face. Eddie tried to fight one last time, a last attempt to show everyone that he could keep them at bay and that he wouldn't let them hurt him. His eyes trained on Jeremy and then to the man on the computer. They especially would forever be burned into his skull. And the last thing he would see was Vincent's worried look as he was forced into the container. Hooked up to cords and tubes that were forced into every entrance of his body. It hurt too much. His back arched and his eyes pleased for help. But soon he was nodding off, the experiment beginning.

                                  Nightmares plagued his mind. Running from things he could not see, crying out for help but knowing he would receive none. Eddie was lost in darkness with no way out. Where was Vincent? Where was he? Eddie wanted to leave, he wanted to wake up and find that it had all been a dream. But it hadn't. No, it was far from a simple imagination. It seemed like an eternity of running before something had changed. Around him light walls rose from the darkness, cracks of light seeping through the shadows. Eddie had thought himself to finally be free, but he was anything but that. Instead, the cracks opened to allow sand to seep into the now boxed in room all around him. His feet carried him to one stone wall, nails clawing at the barrier between him and freedom. Sweet, darkness just outside. He'd take it any day over the sand. As he clawed at the smooth stone with every ounce of desperation he could feel something stalking him from behind. His head knocked on the wall in desperation as his body gave way to a series of shakes and twitches. A soft hand touched his shoulder and he froze at the odd feeling. No, this wasn't right. Something just wasn't piecing together. He looked to the side, too afraid to move his head to see just what was around his shoulder. The hand moved over his shoulder, a feeling of great warmth pressing against his back. His eyes widened and he felt his heart begin to race, beads of sweat forming at his forehead. He didn't want to look around. He didn't want to see. "Eddie, turn around...turn around for your bride..." And he did. Slowly, his head turned to view just what had appeared behind him. His heart sank and he collapsed on to his rear, back pressed against the wall. ********. No! "G-Get back! Get the ******** back!" A woman in a white dress stood in front of him, her face shrouded by a thick veil. He shut his eyes but she did not cease,her voice seeping into his brain and gnawing at his soul. It scratched at him like sandpaper, the white noise returning to him. "You'd make the perfect groom, my love. Come to me..." But he didn't want to. He didn't want to go with her. Inside the deepest parts of his brain he remembered a part of his childhood.

                                  "Sit still, boy..." His father's voice echoed inside of his skull. He could imagine the flashes going off in front of him.

                                  "Don't fight back and you won't get hurt this time." Eddie covered his ears at the second voice. "Your son sure is a sweet boy. So gentle and so obedient."

                                  Eddie wanted to disappear. He wanted to die that instant. When the woman in the dress took one more step towards him, he snapped. Eddie shot up like a rocket and swiped at the woman, attempting to tear apart her dress. As his nails dug into the cloth he noticed something arrange. Revealing the true form from under the veil revealed something he'd never seen before. Absolute beauty. He stated at the face of Aphrodite herself and found himself smiling at her presence. His sweet...oh so sweet Aphrodite. His Vincent. But as Eddie attempted to embrace such a beauty, it began to fade. No! He wanted her back! She couldn't go! How dare she leave him just like all of the others!

                                  "Don't leave me, you b***h!" But it was too late. Eddie stared off into the darkness, the sand returning to grate into his ear. He could hear the voices behind him, his family mocking him. Hurting him. Eddie clenched his fists as tightly as he could and whirled around. She wouldn't leave him again. Eddie knew what he wanted and he would get it. They all just needed some...adjustments. Yes, he could finally find true peace in his bleak world. He found his light, his hope. Eddie wanted it so badly. He wanted his dear love.

Wolfs Howl526's Kouhai

Beloved Lunatic

███████████████████████████████x❝Monster I can S E E staring right back at M E ❞.⇊
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                                          Eddie. His wonderful Eddie. As soon as he felt the man’s arm wrap around his lithe waist, he grinned even more. He wanted more blood. He wanted more death. He wanted the whole courtyard to be covered with dead bodies and he wanted to dance on top of them, and he wanted to watch Eddie cause it all. The bodies would pile up in this asylum at some point, Eddie will be the one to kill them all and put the bodies in a neat pile. A nice little throne of death for them both. Wouldn’t that be glorious?

                                          Eddie looked down at his bloodied fingers with that beautiful sense of pride, and Vincent in return looked down on them with lust. He gingerly brought his tainted fingers to his lips, carefully lapping up the blood with delight and lust. Other onlookers watched with horror but that blood, the death, it all made Vincent want to bathe in their blood. It honestly turned him on, but that was a different story. They didn’t deserve to live. What could their little insignificant lives do to compare to himself and Eddie? They were like gods of death among ants. Or so he liked to tell himself. He rolled his head over to a guard that was cautiously toeing too close to them. His dark eyes looking out to reality to see that guards were forming a task force for him. Their mistake, but they would cause as much damage as they could before they met the cold hard ground—that was for certain. “Requires assistance?” Vincent mocked with a tilt of his head. Kicking the man that had quickly become a corpse. “I think this man might just need a coffin. Or a nice ******** fire to turn him into ashes,” he sneered, licking some blood that had been on the corner of his lips. Nonetheless, the guards moved towards them slowly. Vincent narrowed his eyes. His body tensing for a fight, since this time, he at least had his hands and arms at his disposal. Eddie had other plans as he was shoved behind him, his friend… his protector- his macabre partner of death putting himself on the front lines for their sakes, how cute. How endearing. Maybe he needed to allow him to ******** him senseless sometime soon as a reward.

                                          Wouldn’t that be fun.

                                          “Just try it, you shitheads! Just try and take me down.” Ah. There was the beast he loved. Vincent looked on him fondly, even if he knew neither of them would get very far. They had guns after all. Eddie was immediate overwhelmed by a few men, and even if Vincent had wanted to help him, they hadn’t forgotten about him. A man had rushed at him, and while Vincent had easily evaded him, another and reached out to grab him. He wasn’t like Eddie, what he lacked in brute force, he made up in being nimble and quick. He sided stepped to fall just out of the man’s reach. Watching at three men stepped towards him in a half-circle. One rubber bullet hit his shoulder which made him hiss out, growling as he left his arm go numb for a few seconds before the real pain set in. He only winced. The only thing he thanked from his mother- a high pain tolerance. When he wasn’t caught off guard anyways. A man broke away to try to rush at him, blackened, seemingly police grade baton headed for him. Vincent gave a round house kick right to the man’s head. Watching as he fell to the concrete, bashing his head open as the others growled and came closer. Another guard rushed him only to get another kick to the head. Two down for the count. He bunched up his fists, brass knuckles would have been nice but the guards didn’t like fighting fair.

                                          Another bullet was shot, this time to his right thigh, he cried out in pain, falling on one knee briefly before standing back up. Well damn, he was going to be covered in bruises soon enough. His head was starting to hurt… a faint buzzing in his head that he wasn’t sure if it was an aftermath of the screens or if the pain was just starting to make him delusional. Shaking his head from such thoughts, his eyes glanced over just in time to see Eddie being shocked into submission. “No!!” he screamed. His mind blanking on whatever thoughts or pain he might have been having to see Eddie suffer. Nothing else mattered. Eddie was his savior, his partner, his suffering was incomprehensible. “Don’t! Stop you sick ********] he screamed as all rational thought was tossed out the window for concern and rage. Moving quickly and punching one of the men in the face, he moved past the others to fall down next to Eddie, his arms going around him protectively. Purely instinctual as he growled up at the men that were more surprised to see him go out of his way for Eddie than to just focus on fighting. The baton was turned on him, the shock making him feel like his heart was about to stop at any moment as he gritted his teeth. Vincent only covered Eddie with his body. As long as he was shocked, it was okay. Eddie didn’t deserve it, he didn’t deserve it at all.

                                          The bloody guards should shock themselves. They were the ones at fault. They only wanted to have fun, what was wrong with that. “It’s not our fault!!” he choked out, tears forming around his eyes but he would be damned if they would be shed in front of them. “Damn you all! Damn you all to hell! I’ll drag you all down there with me!!” he wheezed out after the third whack of electricity. He didn’t want this. Why did Eddie have to suffer?

                                          ….They would learn from their mistakes from this point on. Kill everyone. Kill the ones that try to escape. Kill everyone…. Then no one could hurt them anymore. The thought made a wary smile edge up his lips as his body slumped forward, unconscious.

                                          When Vincent felt the edges of consciousness, he groaned softly. His head swimming between the limbo of not being completely awake, and not being completely asleep. There was something in that back of his mind that whispered it was urgent for him to remember…. It was some nightmare he had had while he had been unconscious. He wondered about what it could be but before his mind could retrieve the information, a pair of well polished shoes stood in front of him. Squeaking from the floor and it’s impeccable state. Vincent could practically see himself reflected back in them. [********] he whispered, his voice hoarse and dry. How long had it been? “That’s it… awake up sweetheart.” He sneered down at him, healed shoe pressing down purposely into his shoulder, making Vincent snap open his eyes. [********] he hissed, squirming against the pressure, his hands tied behind his back, his knees bound together. “Stop!” he screamed, watching as the man he only knew as Blair smirked cruelly down on him. “But you’re about to miss the main event…” with a kick and nudge, he flipped Vincent onto his stomach. Walking over only to force his chin up by the tip his shoe. “Look, there’s your dear friend.” He said, watching with fascination as all traces of pain, of sleep was robbed from Vincent’s face. Instead he paled in horror, face twisted in what could only mirror the same panic Eddie was experiencing. He saw how scared Eddie was, he saw how he was helpless—He didn’t want this. “No! Stop! Let him go! You can’t do this!!” he screamed and wiggled over to the glass, seeing below how they forced and twisted Eddie into a machine that looked only to be the creation of nightmares. “Oh but we can, and we will.” He hummed pleasantly, Vincent only screamed as Eddie thrashed inside the machine, the click clack of a keyboard somewhere near him. Causing the machine to hum to life, and make Eddie only spasm. He only let out another scream. It was all he could do- until a rough kick to his side knocked the wind out of him.

                                          “That’ll be all. You can leave now.” Blair said, in his best business voice as Vincent turned to the man he was talking to, the man’s face horrified… as Vincent stared at him. Etching his face into memory. He was going to kill that man one day. He quietly promised that to himself.

                                          Vincent turned back to see that Eddie had gone still—too still. Almost as if he was asleep, almost as if he was dead. “No…No—you ******** didn’t kill him did you! You can’t kill him! He’s my Eddie! He was mine first!!!” he screamed, voice raw, he tasted blood, but the panic just made him continue. “He’s mine now- both of you are.” That was the last thing he heard about the blow to his head wiped out all awareness.

                                          He heard a church bell. A deep resounding gong that made him stir slightly. Vincent opened his eyes inside the dream only to find himself seated once again in the church pew. “s**t…” he whimpered, looking around to see the same sunny and open church as always. This time there was the faint scent of honey in the air, and he would taste warm milk on his tongue. It made him thirsty. He left it as if he was drinking some, but at the same time, his body ached for the real deal. What the hell was up with milk lately? Did he even remember this when he was awake? Something told him that he didn’t. His conscious self wasn’t aware, and slowly things were becoming undone. “Man of the swarm…” he breathed out as he felt everything start to decay and change around him. The giant cross, the alter, the cobwebs, the pew… it all was going to hell. The windows this time started to crack, poisoned by some black abyss that coated it. No light… it was starting to become dark—no, this hadn’t happened before. What was going on?? His felt as his breath quickened.

                                          His hold on the wood underneath him tightened. Arms ached from the tension. He was eventually, in complete darkness, but this dream had occurred so many times that he almost didn’t need to see.

                                          One row, two rows… Three.. four…. He could feel it. It was getting near. It wanted him. He was going to kill him in his sleep, he was going to die. Vincent felt like crying. He would never see Eddie again—memories flashed over his mind, of his mother, of school, of Eddie that last time he had been wake. Had he just been marked for suffering? Was this his fate from the moment his b***h of a mother had gotten too drunk that one night to remember to the morning after pill? He wondered this as he felt the man of swarm draw near. Until he could feel the imaginary breath of the creature against the nape of his neck. This was it, wasn’t it? This was how he was going to die. He had no regrets- that’s what he told himself as he sat straighter, waiting his fate with as much dignity as he could muster. He wouldn’t go out like a crying, and begging little b***h. That’s what he told himself, but the longer he felt that ghostly breath, the more he was unsure about his faux nobility.

                                          “Just kill me!!” he screamed, shutting his eyes as he trembled. But the swarm did nothing. It was watching him now. The breath against his neck gone, he was in front of him, he could feel it. “What the ******** do you want?!?” he cried at the light began to return, everything slowly becoming as neat as pleasant as it had been in the beginning of his dream. Vincent only watched in horror to the man silhouette of the black creatures only stared at him in return.

                                          “Not yet.” A voice, barely above a whisper said, as the silhouette dissipated into nothing.

                                          Then, black.

                                          When he opened his eyes, he almost smiled. He knew this place. This had been his old tool house, the place his mother had kept her instruments of torture. A place that he had once had been terrified of even looking at, but now all it did was send a surge of warm, fuzzy feelings through his chest. This was his favorite dream. This was his favorite memory. Brushing aside some bushes as he walked over to the slightly ajar door into the metal horror show, he grinned when he immediately saw the blood. There was blood everywhere, on the floor, the windows, the tools she had loved to much… and the masterpiece was right in front of him. On the cold, metal slab that had plagued his nightmares and days as a child and eventually a young adult. The blob that had once been his mother. She was ruined, picked part, and then used as paint to decorate everything around her. Finally making the world a more beautiful place by her guts being draped over everything like dainty décor. Vincent turned slightly to see a younger Eddie. His breath hitching in happiness as it always did. “Eddie…” his whispered, fondly, lovingly…

                                          This was the best gift he had ever given him. It was better than that dog that had tortured to death as kids, it was better than that kid they had killed together as kids. It was beautiful… It was just what he had wanted. “You did it- You really, really did it!” excitement and volume increasing in his praise. Eddie only grinned, opening his arms as Vincent rushed to hug him.

                                          He opened his mouth about to say something, only to look up and let out a scream.

                                          He had been hugging the man of the swarm.

                                          He woke up screaming. Thrashing against the restraints that had put on him while he had been unconscious undoubtedly. Doctors rushed to his side, but Vincent was completely wild. Eyes dilated, his right hand was the only one to break free, but it was enough, he grabbed a man’s neck, his hands clenching around it enough to either have snapped his neck or put him to sleep. He only watched as the man’s body fell and his neck was injected with another round of knock out juice.
                                          After a delightful round of top one hundred useless questions that the therapist asked him, and him playing the delightful mute, he was surprised that the man only let him off with a warning. Especially after he had spat in his face, and told him to go ******** his mother. The pricks were probably in a happy mood, but they made sure to keep a small amount of sedative inside his system. It was the only way he wasn’t going bat s**t crazy on their asses at the moment. They wanted to tell him nothing about Eddie, and in return, he had been knocked out a few times already from nearly ripping another man’s ear, and had successfully snapped one doctor’s wrist. He was pretty sure he had killed that man from earlier in the day. Vincent took sick joy that he had at least gotten back at one of them. Even if it was a pity and insignificant amount of pain compared to what he and Eddie were going through.

                                          Their day would come, he promised that. He was building up a little check list, and one by one, they would all die by his hands.

                                          Following through the rest of the day with a rough breakfast, a lovely beating from c**t guards [considering he was in a straightjacket], and a death threat later, Vincent was situated in his cell once again. His therapist had babbled on about the merits of behaving and listening to the walking assholes, but Vincent wasn’t about to develop Stockholm or some s**t. He knew better, saw through their ruse. One way or another, they were just little white mice, and he’d rather go down swinging than being medicated through high hell. He had seen those patients. That was not going to be his fate, he would bathe in their blood, he would find and torture their children and spouses and families. These thoughts calmed him as he kept his mind sane and amused him.

                                          It was when he was dozing off in an awkward angle against one of the walls, that the doors opened suddenly. A body tossed in harshly before the door slammed behind them, the person’s face was covered by some sort of white pillow case, but by the body’s build…the way the man moved.. he already knew who he was when he shifted himself to his knees, staring at the other male with wide eyes. Unsure of what was going on.


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