HazeInut Latte's Husband

Beloved Sex Symbol

Rin Hikama
Rin Hikama
I think they both look good.

Well that certainly broadens your dating pool
I prefer brains over brawn.

Lol that's kind of an unfair stereo type don't you think? I'm a law student, and more muscular than the guy in the left picture.

lots of bodybuilders and strength athletes are extremely intelligent and/or highly educated. Being a pencil necked girly man isn't a sign of intelligence.
"Oh he has muscles, nevermind that he's attending a top notch university".
But Wolf, we both know that that's a ruse for "I don't think I stand a chance with him". They may not think the mire hard, but they do.

Oh I know it dude. Some girls might pretend they don't like guys with a little muscle but it's totally because they only have the option of dating hungry skeletons or chubby guys. My girlfriend's roommate was always saying how she only likes skinny guys. All day long about skinny guys. Suddenly she's dating a marine who's benching 285 for reps.
It's okay though, the more people who get tricked into those standards and the more who believe in that just make us look better.