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Toxic Gaian

Shines the nuclear holocaust

Reviviendo este thread que parece que agoniza desde hace ya algunos dias, quisiera decir que por el lado de las fiestas Méixco tiene para rato. Muchas no seran tradicionales del pais, pero que lo es hoy en dia? Y haciendo a un lado eso, si te permite pasar unos dias con tu familia o con aquellos a los que aprecias, por mi parte funciona a la perfeccion.

Por fiestas no paramos, y eso es algo que nadie nos puede discuti o quitar. El espiritu fiestero esta en todos los mexicanos asi sea con pequeñas reuniones familiares o con mega-fiestas a las que invitas hasta a tus compañeros del kinder a quienes no veias hace 20 años o mas.

The last war has erupted
Hm.. Parece que otro thread muerto XD pero en fin vale opinar.

Me encanta México, digan lo que digan es un pais precioso, uno en verdad tiene libertad aqui. En especial amo a mi ciudad natal Durango biggrin
Actualmente vivo en Monterrey y ps... no me quejo pero prefiero mi duranguito 3nodding

Romantic Nymph

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"yeah mexicans should stay the f**k over there instead of taking taxpaying citizens right to education away by flooding our public schools like the f***ing plague ..."

look, this is what you said that is offensive. Not your story, but this statement. It implies that you think that not only are all mexicans illegal, but that even if they were, you wouldn't want them here.

That isn't right. That may not have been how you meant it, but by the sound of some of the other posts, I'm not the only one who took it that way. If you want, I can look up some good charter schools in Tuscon. I could even call my aunt who lives there and ask her about them.

ups lo siento! he estado ocupada. a ver ,, bueno chicos una cosa
nada de mas insultos , todos tienen derecho a expresar su opinion, pero tambien todos merecemos respeto, ok, todos porfa al pirmer post, ahi puse algunas pequeñitas reglas

metarukaze: gracias por todo tu apoyo al tema, de veras n.n
esperemos que no haya mas discusiones tan agresivas

Romantic Nymph

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Most people don’t know this, but having inward migration is actually a good thing for a country. And when it comes to illegal migration (the ECON term); the way a country benefits is that one: most people take jobs not many from that country want (either cause it involves long hours and low pay or that they are field or janitorial jobs, but PLEASE I am only naming off examples in some extreme cases).

Two: many of those who are illegal still have taxes taken out of their paycheck each payroll, their rent, and when they go shopping. So they do end up paying taxes, but because they are illegal they do not get the benefits those from the country would. In the case of the US, when taxes are taken out from those who don’t have papers, that money goes into the Social Security balance – but they don’t get ANY of that money at all…it just goes into the pot and is used up by those who do happened to be citizens. Now more than ever the US is in need having MORE money go into the Social Security balance, then taken out idea . So if you do your research right your constitutional right of getting your benefits and education is not being taken away at all.

I believe everyone has the right to their thoughts and have the right to speak their minds, but there is always a fine line in where what you’re saying is part of the Bill of Rights as a citizen and bashing on other people’s culture and country. I think what happened here is that opinions were taken way too far…and that always leans to a loss in respect cry .

totally agree, i put some rules , because all deserve respect, so things are never black or white , all the time they are gray... in all the countries i must say sad

Romantic Nymph

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Joey Belle
Joey Belle
Most people don’t know this, but having inward migration is actually a good thing for a country. And when it comes to illegal migration (the ECON term); the way a country benefits is that one: most people take jobs not many from that country want (either cause it involves long hours and low pay or that they are field or janitorial jobs, but PLEASE I am only naming off examples in some extreme cases).

Two: many of those who are illegal still have taxes taken out of their paycheck each payroll, their rent, and when they go shopping. So they do end up paying taxes, but because they are illegal they do not get the benefits those from the country would. In the case of the US, when taxes are taken out from those who don’t have papers, that money goes into the Social Security balance – but they don’t get ANY of that money at all…it just goes into the pot and is used up by those who do happened to be citizens. Now more than ever the US is in need having MORE money go into the Social Security balance, then taken out idea . So if you do your research right your constitutional right of getting your benefits and education is not being taken away at all.

I believe everyone has the right to their thoughts and have the right to speak their minds, but there is always a fine line in where what you’re saying is part of the Bill of Rights as a citizen and bashing on other people’s culture and country. I think what happened here is that opinions were taken way too far…and that always leans to a loss in respect cry .

I've had an illegal boyfriend and a good friend with illegal parents. They straight out told me they don't pay taxes. They love it. I mean sure you've got a point about sales tax. So thats something.

plus the teens at that school are underage with parents in Mexico so they pay nothing.

Yeah I AM her friend. I attend that school currently. Kids there keep their criminal situation no secret. If you are Mexican (like many of my friends) they will gladly spill the details to you.

I myself am a Mexican-American, born in Mexico, and a citizen of the US (I voted Yeah!!), with family here in the states who are illegal. And you do have a point that most people don't have to pay taxes and that the creator of the thread did get what she was asking for (The title says it all). But what I was meaning in the taxes is that those who are illegal working under a fake SSN still get taxes taken out from their paycheck. For example, my aunt (who I love so much) is in that boat where she does not have papers, but is working under a fake SSN. Also I was just stating some facts from the Economy research I have been doing for my uni classes and just letting a few people know more about how some US taxes work. lol sorry I did not mean to say that all those who are illegal do pay taxes, just letting know how it is important to not hate others for coming in and saying they take all....cause like we just prove some do and some don't...but not all. And yeah I have friends who are illegally here, but they are not criminals in a sense that they are working and in some cases getting a better education, then they might of gotten back home.

But I have a question, when you say your friends with "her" who do you mean?? sorry^^ sweatdrop

Susanna Is who I'm friends with. She is the one who is being harassed for giving her honest opinion (w/out breaking TOS BTW) about people who hurt her and all she gets is crap.

I feel for your family i do but often people will act like they deserve it more than you and it can make you a little bitter. I have some simple start out ideas for how mexico should change (very general things since i'm no expert on the nation i know mostly about only sonora) But I don't feel it wise to share since whatever I say it seems will be twisted into "racism" because I am not one of you. I really think this thread should have been made for Mexicans only since its the general attitude. I wish Mexico could have a revolution and work out a lot of issues so that less people would illegally cross and make life harder (I'm not saying its intentional, just the way events play out naturally)for many living close on the other side.
I know some who pay taxes but the kids (mentioned b4)who are making the schools overcrowded and poor are not those who are struggling without papers like you mention. They are the issue. I'm not saying they have perfect lives but that was my friends issue and I have to agree with her about those teenagers who do that.

ooh looks like there are a lot of things i dont know...ok firs of all

this is not a "only mexican" thread because:
1) the point is to get opinions of other people too, not only mexicans
2) because i want to know how other people think about Mexico, (what is the point we only have mexican opinions , all opinions are important...but please---Respect!)
3)because i have friends all around the word so i enjoy learning from a lot of people that think different

looks like inmigrants situation is bad, not only for them , also for teh nation they are... but i think this is a politic problem too, is not only related to people..taht are desesperated...or the natives...that complain about their own rights.... thsi is such a complicated situation...so true based information is vital if we want to avoid insults..so lets try to arrive to an agreement , ok? wink

Romantic Nymph

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Jim Westo
Shines the nuclear holocaust

Terminemos con esto de una vez. No importa cuantas razones den, la ignorancia ciega a aquellos con tan poco criterio como para aceptar las diferencias de otras personas.

Solo les recuerdo a aquellos que se dicen autenticos americanos, que America es el continente, no esa porcion de tierra que se encuentra mas al norte. "America para los americanos", no es mas que una forma conveniente para ellos de autoproclamarse superiores y victimas de la inmigracion. Para darse cuenta solo piensen en cuantos apoyaron la guerra en Irak como una causa justa. Sin importar en donde sea, no hay guerra que sea justa.

Para acabar, yo no vengo aqui a que me agobien con sus comentarios simplistas y racistas, si alguna de las personas con las que estube hablando con anterioridad quiere seguir donde nos quedamos, haciendo a un lado toda esta sarta de insensateces, por mi parte encantado.

Y a aquellos que decian a quien abrio este tema, que esperara mas comentarios le gustara o no la opinion es acerca de Mexico con fundamentos creibles, no solo en sus estipidas ideas prejuiciosas. Si tienen algun problema porque inmigrantes latinos les quitan "sus" trabajos, dejen de ser tan holgazanes y muestren algo de disposicion en vez de tanta arrogancia. Esos trabajos que tanto pelean son trabajos que no se atreven a tomar por lo extenuantes o mal pagados que resultan para sus estandares.

The last war has erupted

este es un tema delicado.. pero creo que todos podemos aprender mucho si hablamos con calma, fundamentos y cero insultos...todos tienen derecho a expresar su opinion..pero con calma..todos porfa, de nuevo, al primer post..es importante n_nu

y bueno, siempre hay problemas de tipo social, por que? pues por que las personas siemrpe buscan algo mejor, y si no lo encuentras en tu pais la buscaras en otro lado

mas opiniones sobre Mexico?

Romantic Nymph

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3nodding Un Saludo, como no¡ México, mmmh. I like my country (yes, I'm mexican too), but I wish I could compare it witn other country besides the USA (tha's the only country I have visited out of México), I know a lot of people from Argentina, Chile, Brasil, Phillipines, etc... but that does says much about the country, you can find good and bad people everywhere.

Getting more into the point... DF, I love that place, I was born there, and my grandparents used to live in there, I love the weather, there are lots of places to visit, the only bad thing for me its the pollution, juck¡, bad for my lungs xp

Guadalajara, Morelia, Chihuahua.. those are great to take pictures of plants and animals heart , and ruins heart , really lovely.

and Sonora... arg, hehe, I dont like Sonora, dont go there sweatdrop

blaugh anyway, wanna have some fun? Come and visit me in Sinaloa, the most violent State of México pirate hehehe, we always manage to be on the news rofl frits stab is free¡ ninja

well Mexico has its enchant n_n, yes is really poluted but i think Guadalajara now is also really polluted, why Sinaloa is so dangerous?? i will never go over there then sweatdrop

pero no le llega al calibre de contaminacion del DF, jeje, y aun asi prefiero esa ciudad.
Sinaloa (soy de Culiacan, Sinaloa), pues, ahorita esta dura la situacion porque al gobierno se le ocurrio meter unidades militares disque para convatir el narcotrafico y esas cosas, pero la verdad es que es peor lo que hace la policia y los miliatares a los civiles que lo que han hecho los narcotraficantes... no se si sera porque vivo aqui, pero en realidad no lo notas tanto y me da mas miedo andar por las calles del DF porque estan mas transitadas, estrechas y oscuras, aqui tienes una vision superclara de lo que ocurre y hay a tu alrededor.

tienes mucha razon el D es muy peligroso tambien, vaya no sabia nada de las unidades militares, y por que estan las cosas asi? que paso?

Es un proyecto de nuestro gobierno, entendiendo a mi ciudad como la mas peligrosa y con rangos mas altos de narcotrafico se le ocurrio llegar a los extremos de adjuntar unidades militares para empezar a realizar una limpieza "total", sin embargo lo unico que han logrado hasta ahora es matarse entre unos y otros (jefes de narcotrafico, juniors, policias, militares, politicos... han habido una considerable suma de muertes en los ultimos meses) y horrorizar a la ciudadania... culiacan es genial, tiene muchos lugares para visitar, e incluso si quieres algo mas fresco puedes ir a visitar los campos... pero en este momento la vida nocturna no la recomendaria mucho, puesto que no puedes hacercarte aun antro sin ver una patrulla o camioneta llena de militares.
hasta ahora parece que les ha funcionado, digo, en los periodicos no paran de anunciar a que jefe narcotraficante o banda han atrapado,... sin embargo sigo creyendo que la violencia no se puede convatir con violencia. no se, tu que crees?

pienso que si con militares se acabara esto, ya lo hubiese hecho, no? ademas, es obvio que los narcotraficantes tienen tambien armas..el choque es inminente... pero es cierto, la violencia solo acarrea mas violencia

faltaria saber si antes de que llegaran los militares las cosas estaban mejor o peor, con eso podrias tener un parametro de si las cosas mejoran o no..la verdad, yo, exclusivamente yo! , me siento mas segura a lado de un militar en la calle que a lado de un policia sweatdrop

Romantic Nymph

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Chiharu Yamamoto
Chiharu Yamamoto
Chiharu Yamamoto
When I was over in Japan you would see a lot of Mexican women thats because the Yakuza over in Mexico would bring them over to be prostitutes and once they were caught they were sent back! Thats how I knew of Mexico then I lived by there once I moved to Cali

wow1!! sounds interesting, could you tell us more?
Sure well the Yakuza,Japanese mafia, they try to get income and all that so they try to get women to make their money. There is a family over in Mexico, which I didnt know and they ship women to Hawaii then to Japan for them to be put in brothels. They also get some women from the pilipines and they are brothelized too. Mexican women are caught and most likely sent back to Mexico but the Pilipina women are sometimes pregnant and cant be sent back to their country because of the child since it would be Japanese and pilipino! Yakuza have a lot to do with Japan sickens me!

ooh looks like they are really dangerous people!! eek
if you enconunter one what do you do? scream could be a good idea sweatdrop
If you do encounter one you cant scream because they will hurt you and might kill you. Just act normal and dont piss them off.

so dangerous!!
mm there is still a thing i dont get about yakuza, how they can be public and have companies...arent they criminals?

Romantic Nymph

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Maikoru Yuki
Chiharu Yamamoto

ooh looks like they are really dangerous people!! eek
if you enconunter one what do you do? scream could be a good idea sweatdrop If you do encounter one you cant scream because they will hurt you and might kill you. Just act normal and dont piss them off.

Where are they? I am in Japan right now and haven´t seen a single Mexican for the whole month I´ve been here.
They are very minute in the society and 98% of them are trafficked in but I believe they are talking about the yakuza now!

both topics are interesting

are there really mexicans in japan?
mexicans are trafficked? why? how?
what is really a yakuza? do they come to Mexico? eek

Romantic Nymph

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Joey Belle
hi there, well, im from Mexico, actually i borned in Guadalajara (a state of Mexico) but i had lived near of the D.F. near of all my life, i know how other people here thinks about DF, but i was wondering,

what foreings think about D.F? 3nodding

one of the most full of people city (along with New York and Tokio) so please, give me your opinions n_n

never had been in Mexico? doesnt matter, give me your opinion of what you know of had heard of Mexico heart

and please, looks like some insulting people came her, i wont accept that anymore, so please dont insult in this treat neutral

i will report people who deliberatetely insult in this treat -_-

Looks like i have tu put a few rules here since everything is getting out of control eek
i didnt wanted it but since there are some ppost that are really agressive , i put them, sorry for the rest u_u_


1,-NO INSULTING,OFFENSES OR BAD VOCABULARY, IF I SEE MORE OF THIS POSTS I WILL REPORT THEM INMEDIATLY (sorry i tried to have a talk with one that posted like that and she said she didnt mind being reported...sorry , but next time after a warning i will report it)

2-DONT LIKE MEXICO? give your opinion but in a polite way ,or please find another treat

3-DONT KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT MEXICO? go ahead and ask and give your opinion, but no rudeness will be tolerated anymore

can you specify what you consider offensive since it is not the norm. Some examples would be nice an idea of what is upsetting you. BTW why do you call your thread a treat?

sorry, i typed it wrong , is thread, sorry sweatdrop

ok , sort f this way of saying thing i dont like, they are really offensive:
-should stay the f**k over
-There's no ******** way
-not my fault their country is majorly ******** up
- you ignorant arrogant stuck-up fake!
-I don't like being ******** over
-like the f***ing plague

please, if someone dont like Mexico, but want to share an opinion, everyone is free, but respect please wink

Romantic Nymph

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Susanna Kaysen
yeah mexicans should stay the f**k over there instead of taking taxpaying citizens right to education away by flooding our public schools like the ******** plague so people like me don't get to graduate high school because the schools are overcrowded and they kick you out!

I MISS SCHOOL!!!! And don't bash me en espanol i got kicked outta that class when illegals got priority over me because i'm liberal and they have catholic values that backward rednecks in charge can agree with.

U must be a stupid bogan hahaha! talk2hand

hahahaha Looooooseeeeeeerr!! hahahaha

Now I'm sure that "mexican rednecks are smarter that american rednecks"

Ewww... ( ahora resulta q defiendo a los nacos en Mexico hahaha) apoyo paisano!! hahahaha

por favor abstente de insultarla ,aun cuando haya sido muy grosera, no esta bien insultarse sweatdrop

hahaha Tu trankis!! hahaha pero ya vez!!

eso pasa cuando la gente vive en USA y son 3ras genearaciones,y no se dan cuenta de que tmb sus familiares fueron igualmente inmigrantes y por lo tanto son totalmente ignorantes!!

(Y usaulmente son chavos under 18, no han acabado el HS y son bola de tetos... pero "X" q se puede esperar de un monton de "gringos nacos??" wink .....

Por eso, lo unico bueno de los USA es el shopping navideño, los summer camps (mas hollister, A&F, = shopping de verano)

Y las malditas conexiones que uno hace para ir a cualquier parte del mundo...

Yo no entiendo por que toda esa gente se va al gringo a disque tener el american dream?? Si les va de la fregada.... bueno "X" cada quien su vida

bueno, supongo que les va mejor que aca, tal vez por eso lo hacen...las cosas son dificiles cuando no se tiene dinero u_u

Romantic Nymph

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Ahora hablemos de....... NPI hahahaha

NPI? que es eso? 3nodding

Romantic Nymph

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Jim Westo
Shines the nuclear holocaust

Reviviendo este thread que parece que agoniza desde hace ya algunos dias, quisiera decir que por el lado de las fiestas Méixco tiene para rato. Muchas no seran tradicionales del pais, pero que lo es hoy en dia? Y haciendo a un lado eso, si te permite pasar unos dias con tu familia o con aquellos a los que aprecias, por mi parte funciona a la perfeccion.

Por fiestas no paramos, y eso es algo que nadie nos puede discuti o quitar. El espiritu fiestero esta en todos los mexicanos asi sea con pequeñas reuniones familiares o con mega-fiestas a las que invitas hasta a tus compañeros del kinder a quienes no veias hace 20 años o mas.

The last war has erupted

jajaja, super cierto!! las fiestas son divertidas por aca...aunque hay de fiestas a fiestas... a mi me gustan las posadas, que ya casi llegan!! whee
Personally, I've never been there, but I'd like to go and visit.
Warm weather, nice sights, what wouldn't I like?
Plus I love Mexican food so I wouldn't have a problem.

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