Welcome to Gaia! ::

Dangerous Lunatic

The man stopped mid-wipe. Looked up once more to regard the newcomer with that same, expressionless look. Almost as if he'd just said something offensive, yet curious to hear more. Just how bold could this squirmy thing get?


Dull violets shifted to the gathering of demons at a table nearby. Three women, two men, all dangerous. Well. Almost all. The human woman with the cell phone addiction seemed to know better than to take classy-vomit-lady's invitation at face value. Still, despite the best precautions, the patrons were more than capable of making more of a mess than they already had. He picked at his shirt with a bit of a frown, contemplative.

Blood was a b***h to get out of clothing.

"Alright." Dirty rag was tossed to blondie as he straightened, stretching long arms over his head. "Clean. What do you need?" Nothing thirty bucks wouldn't buy, else they wouldn't be getting it. Hands shoved in pockets to stuff the bills deeper down them, as if to make them harder to thieve.

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                                          τøđąxxxxxx xxx xx x x x

                                              ►►►IT'S JUST A PHYSIOLOGICAL REACTION
                                              xxxxxxxxxxxxxxYOU CALL THIS LOVE? IT'S ONLY CHEMISTRY

                                                    Oh thank god. He let out a breath, only to suck in a much sharper one and step back, barely avoiding that bio-hazard of a rag. It hit the floor with a splat and he grimaced. "Ah, good. Alright. Uh." University students weren't known for their cleaning skills, but he was prissy enough to know the basics. "...bleach? Wait." Fingers were counted as he listed things. "Sponges, new wash cloths, bleach, some floor cleaner, a mop... do you have a broom?" Hell if he'd assume this guy had anything capable of cleaning. "Rubber gloves, hand sanitizer of course, dish soap, hand soap... um. Bleach. Maybe some bug traps..." Eyes fell to the floor, noting rodent droppings. "Pest traps in general, actually. Maybe some aprons and hats or hair nets for the workers. I mean, food safety awareness is always good. Has this place been seen by an inspector..?" Did Gaia even have inspectors or regulations?

                                                  LOCATION: bar MOOD: still grossed out

              [[OOC ]]

Dangerous Lunatic

Was that a facepalm? Or did he just suddenly develop a headache? Thumb and forefinger massaged temples as blondie blathered, yawn blatant, bits of wet hair peeled from mouth.

But it was hard to pretend he didn't recognize what the newcomer listed, household items made for homes, not demon dens. And it was this familiarity which gave him pause, eyes peering over the edge of his hand to regard the man with that odd curiosity.

Finally. "Health regulations are only in place when the general population is at risk of infection." The nod to the gathering of demons at the table was subtle, but unmistakable. His tone didn't change. "As you can see, inspection would be a waste of time." No one cares to protect maggots like us.

But despite the grim implications, he rounded the bar to stand before blondie at that respectful just-met-a-stranger distance, fishing around in his pocket. "Here." Crumpled bills were presented. "More will come in later, but this will have to be enough for now." The grip on the money wasn't relinquished without due process, however. He held on just long enough to fix hazels with a sharp look which promised all manner of horrible things should blondie prove to be yet another addict out for a bit of quick cash.

6,350 Points
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                                          τøđąxxxxxx xxx xx x x x

                                              ►►►IT'S JUST A PHYSIOLOGICAL REACTION
                                              xxxxxxxxxxxxxxYOU CALL THIS LOVE? IT'S ONLY CHEMISTRY

                                                    If this human were addicted to anything, it was science. Unfortunately, the only science going through his head at the moment was speculation over how many breeds of bacteria might be present on those bills. After a moment of hesitation, he begrudgingly accepted them, pulled out his wallet, and stuffed them in the sadly empty thing. Then he took his ID (which so happened to be a student ID at Serendipity University and handed it to the grump. "You can hold onto that until I get back then, that way you know I won't run off with your cash." Of course he knew the look given; it was one he gave to people all the time. Not that he was remotely used to receiving it.

                                                    "There's still gonna be people who will need a good, safe..." A moment was taken as he scanned the patrons. "Well, maybe not safe, but a good, clean environment. Might as well offer that, right? I mean, you'll probably, you know, get more patrons." Because people don't return to places that have bugs in their booze and enough semen to fill a sperm bank on the sheets.

                                                    Luckily, he wasn't yet aware there were rooms for rent here.

                                                    Speaking of bugs, he figured it might be wise to bring his companion along for the shopping trip. Teach him what the word 'clean' means and how it's done.

                                                    A polite, albeit awkward smile flashed. "I'll be back in about an hour, yeah?"

                                                  LOCATION: bar MOOD: it's shopping time

              [[OOC ]]

Dangerous Lunatic

Collateral? Honesty? What? The man blinked down at the I.D. in his hand, reading it over. Serendipity University, student, Toda Rowen. Impulse demanded he double check that the face before him matched the picture. "..." Yep. Well. Wow.

A moment elapsed as he stared at the card before stuffing it in his back pocket, apparently satisfied. Cleaner environment meant more patrons, more patrons meant more money, more money meant-- well, what else mattered? He shrugged. "Alright." An hour wasn't long. But spent waiting for something, it tended to stretch ten times its normal length. He'd have to occupy himself.

But before Toda could leave, he mentioned one more thing.

"When you get back, put the supplies in the kitchen and the rest of your things in one of the rooms upstairs." That he'd get to choose whichever he preferred was an accidental kindness. Maybe. If he was smart, he'd pick the door at the end of the hall before anybody else had a chance to claim the only room big enough for a bed and a desk with two windows instead of one.

"If you're not back in an hour...I'll come looking." Which most certainly wasn't a good thing, according to his expression. He knew how useless things like I.D. cards were in this world. But blondie here had a certain air of delusional desperation about him which actually lent weight to his words. It was the kind of delusion one could trust the deluded to remain willfully within.

With that, the man slipped back into the kitchen to do whatever it is he did in there.

Brooklyn Hyuuga's Husband

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              ℓυℓυ ↳↳
              o o o o22 , ♀ , CLUELESS, SWEET & KIND OF A PUSH OVER

        It was one thing having the intoxicated hussy squirm next to her, it was another watching out of the corner of her eye, that daring tongue licking at her full red lips. It wasn't too difficult to get Lulu to comply though as she flashed an uncertain smile herself. Especially as a waft of alcohol breath blew into her face, the blonde's chuckle somewhat died into an uncomfortable squeak and her lips finally begin to part as to carry (poorly) the conversation. "I don't mind, being part of the group, that is..." Politely Lulu took a hushed tone in order to have herself a private (but sorely obvious) admittance, "I'm not group material." She pulled her white dress shirt tightly against her form, suddenly feeling much too revealed despite the lady beside her who flashed her undergarments like it was no such feat.

        Her hand swiped at the bar top but no such drink came into contact with her curled fingers, which then brought her attention to the floor. Orange drink and shards of her cup splattered recklessly a few steps away from her stool. Outspread fingers wavered for a second before curling into a small fist against the counter top.

      eviliven lady

Dangerous Businessman


Unforgiven King

eviliven lady

Great, she joined him. Though it would seem between the time she did two others would include themselves into the Meta's company. Inadvertently of course. Allowing the conversations to unfold as of the moment, Bishop took the appropriate time to fashion himseld the most perfectly rolled blunt Gaia had ever seen, pearling it with a Cheshire grin on his face. Placing the rather special cigar betwixt his lips, he lit the opposing in, taking a reassuring drag before he would inhale deep and fast.

"What else you do for free?"

e questioned the girl he hadn't met that spoke to the demon and the man before him. Just after his words he exhaled a single plume of smoke. It would linger thick in the air, the smell of extremely skunk smelling kush spread throughout the bar akin to the speed of light. Taking another hit, he offered the blunt to the demon. She could either join in or decline, either way he didn't much care. Only other person here thus far he would possibly share his ganja with was the man in charge. A man that no matter how different he was, Bishop saw a lot similarities all the same.

5,100 Points
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>>What do you make of this place, my dear sister?
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William & Cecily

The putrid stench of vomit filled the air as William opened the creaky rusted door to The Bloody Hooker. His lip curled and he turned to block his sister's entry. "Are you sure, Cecily, that this is the right place? I can't be bothered to go along with this nonsense much further." Cecily rolled her eyes and pushed past her elder brother. She took much care in her footwork, making sure to not to let her many-janes touch anything she deemed 'unsanitary.' She flitted to the bar and sat down several seats from the ongoing commotion. Cecily smiled in a rather eerie manner at the bartender, but refrained from ordering. That was William's job, after all.

William followed closely behind his younger sister, letting the door slam mercilessly behind him. He, however, did not flit. Instead he stalked to the bar, reluctantly plopping into the seat to the right of Cecily. His grumblings revealed a few choice words, though Cecily seemed to either be completely oblivious or not mind at all. William turned his attention from his sister to the bartender, ignoring the ruckus as well as his twin.
"Bartender. Bartender!" He called out into the kitchen area. William unheedingly tapped his fingers against the bar until the bartender would show his face again. "Gin and Tonic." He pulled a twenty out of his wallet and set it on the bar. He made eye contact with the bartender before removing his fingertips from the bill. "Make sure the rest of this goes to her drink." William cleared his throat to seize Cecily's attention. She wrinkled her nose at her brother before addressing the bartender. "Pink lemonade, please. Virgin." Cecily then proceeded to tilt her head to beam at the bartender. It was not an altogether pleasant beaming experience. Cecily remained an eerie figure in her innocence, as if the foulest demons were just hiding within. Fortunately for the bartender, they weren't.

It seems entertaining enough to suit us. Don't you think so, Brother?<<

Dangerous Lunatic

Something stank. "..." He poked his head out of the kitchen to sniff the air, quickly zeroed in on the Russian as the source, and snorted. But before he could slink back behind closed doors, a pair of children caught his eye.

One of them was rather demanding.

A dark brow arched as he took his sweet time getting back behind the bar, twenty dollar bill inspected. "We don't have pink lemonade." Really, did this look like the sort of place that housed pink lemonade? This was a business, not a daycare. The only demand monsters might have for such crap would be to lure children such as these into their clutches.

Still holding the money, he met the boy's gaze once more to continue. "And you don't look old enough to order anything else."

5,100 Points
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>>What do you make of this place, my dear sister?
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William & Cecily

William glared at the rude bartender. Though he was used to such behavior it still annoyed him. He sighed. People used their eyes too much and their intuition too little. "I'm far older than you are, I promise. Now, give me the damn Gin and Tonic." Cecily gripped William's shoulder, turning him toward her. She could feel the stabbing gaze of the bartender, but ignored him at present. William's attitude was a more pressing issue. "It's fine, William. We will follow this poor man's instructions and take our leave."

Cecily turned to leap from her seat when an idea materialized in her mind. She whipped around to once again face the bartender. She closed her eyes, allowing herself to become more and more transparent until she was sure that there was little mass left in her body. Cecily then stepped through the bar in her transparent state and rematerialized next to the bartender. She put a delicate hand on his shoulder.
"As you can see, sir, we are human children. In fact, I would dare say that we are not children at all."

It seems entertaining enough to suit us. Don't you think so, Brother?<<

Dangerous Lunatic

Ghosts. What else could explain a little girl walking through the bar to set a hand on his shoulder? Eyes widened as they darted between the apparent siblings, expression taut.

Very suddenly he did not want that hand on his shoulder.

"I see," he said tensely, stepping to the side out of range of her reach. "If that's the case then." Gin and tonic was provided, but pink lemonade was not. No amount of creepiness would make manifest what was simply not in stock. Violets flicked over the pair once more before he retreated to the stool up against the wall, dog-eared paperback waiting on an adjacent shelf.

"Just don't spill any." What, because the girl could go transparent at will? Maybe. Maybe it was a joke delivered too dryly to be funny. Maybe he really meant it. Maybe both. Whatever the case, he leaned back against the dirty brick wall to kill time with the crappy romance novel until blondie got back with thirty-bucks worth of cleaning supplies.

Every so often, though, he'd look up at the pair, as if hoping to catch them doing something strange. Like walking through bars. Or sloshing booze into semi-transparent stomachs.

Dangerous Lunatic

(( I'll be on most of the day today to facilitate plot and such. Sorry for the choppy pace of the roleplay so far; it's not my intention to post only once or twice per day. Thanks for everyone's patience.

Also updated the first page with more info on the environment.))

6,350 Points
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  • Survivor 150
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                                          τøđąxxxxxx xxx xx x x x

                                              ►►►IT'S JUST A PHYSIOLOGICAL REACTION
                                              xxxxxxxxxxxxxxYOU CALL THIS LOVE? IT'S ONLY CHEMISTRY

                                                    Toda stood outside the door of the shabby building, smoking away and observing the surrounding slum with mild distaste. The human seemed out of place there, clothes clean and hair neat and glasses unbroken. Bums passed now and then to beg for change or a drag, each met with a glare of disdain cast down the length of his nose. As a middle-class suburban kid, he knew how to tell them off.

                                                    But he was still uncomfortable as hell. Would have been checking his watch every minute if he had one. Instead he counted the cars on the overpass and kept smoking. Anxiously paced now and again, only to return to that spot next to the door. "Where the hell is he?"

                                                    There was shopping to be done and bleach to be bought, and an irritating hill to climb in order to get to the grocery store. Or maybe they should take a bus. Of course, the bus might be expensive. His student ID could possibly-- oh hell. He'd left it with the barkeep.


                                                  LOCATION: outside MOOD: still grossed out

              [[OOC ]]

Anxious Ladykiller

Nadine had abandoned her recent foray into Rural Living in favor of greener more concrete pastures. She had not, however, given up the windfall of clothes that had fallen into her lap – which was why the 5’4” beanpole of a woman was wearing leggings with a photo of the galaxy printed on them, a pair of black, knee-high sneakers, and a black dress with a cowl she could hide her whole face in. She’d have been an icon of hipster fashion if it hadn’t been for a distinctly beaky sort of a nose and hair that naturally resembled a terrible perm. Such was the curse of too much melanin: straight hair was a thing that happened to other people.

She’d been hopping from bar to bar with practiced ease, snatching drinks from unsuspecting hands and looking for her latest couch donation. It had been easy to miss the transition into Bad Side Of Town – assuming there was a good side. Mostly Nadine had been disappointed by the sudden lack of Gentle Giants, whose presence in bars she had long depended on. Who was she supposed to hide behind, when vampire-demon-angels didn’t like the cut of her jib? What the heck was the point of having eyelashes this luscious when there was no one big and naïve to bat them at? She’d have gotten more action in a library – but that wasn’t saying much. She got a lot of action in libraries.

This latest place, she realized as she swaggered in, would have been just her style if it had been full of human beings. Full of cheapskates and the cheap beer they enjoyed, and the kinds of crappy criminals* that secretly wanted a pretty – or at least handsome – face to redeem them. But this wasn’t a human bar, was it? Heavy brows furrowed over her bright green eyes as she realized with some displeasure that this looked like the sort of bar where people prioritized beating the s**t out of each other over drinking. That was the opposite of what she wanted. Either someone handsome and chivalrous was going to present himself to tell her she was in the wrong place – as if she couldn’t figure that out – or she was going to have to turn heel and stroll out before someone noticed her.

I hate these ******** places.

*proper criminals go to bars with a guard out front and a password, you see

((aghblagh simulposting. Not clear if should edit? User Image))

Kuronue had been busy raiding Value Village and, consequently, giving Toda an excuse to wait around worried and awkward in front of a bar he had no business having been in. But the bat didn't know that as he meandered stiffly down the sidewalk, lithe and lean and slippery enough not to brush shoulders with even the most determined antagonists. Now that he had stolen rags torn in the shape of garments clothes appropriate for this awful weather, next on the to-do list was food.


Hand clamped to his stomach with a hiss, he just managed to miss Nadine waltz into the bar behind Toda. "I'm hungry," he complained. Knit brows and an expectant look made this Toda's problem; obviously, Kuronue had just made a few well-chosen purchases with the rest of somebody els-- er, his money, and now it was Toda's turn to provide.

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