Dominatrix Muffin
Dominatrix Muffin
sammy doesn't like me -cries on you- he's being a big meaney and he's ignoring me
crying that's why i kidnapped him
Then make sure you torture him lots ^_^ -rubs your back-
im just going to give up eventually -_- he's to hard to make my friend and be how he is with everyone else
gonk i just need my bestie <3
You shouldn't give up on making friends! Just keep trying until they have no choice but to like you! <3
meh D: but it hurts -huggles- oh well we are in our deserted island away from everythng and everyone. >.> want some candie?
But I thought Sammy took me away from the island and then you kidnapped him o: But I would love some candy >w<