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anime wise..

thanks... has been a long time since I made my avi use female features xD

Newbie Businesswoman

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        Yeah, Gaia is so sexist.
        Most stuff are gender split. Not many that are unisex .-.

            ✖✖ Sinnto


Yeah. girls now get most of the best looking items emotion_0A0
THe same is happening in Tentacl emotion_facepalm

Newbie Businesswoman

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        It's easier to make girl clothes, I guess.
        And I never been there so IDK

            ✖✖ Sinnto


They are slowly adding clothing, hair, accessories and general items. The economy there is like here with the difference that you buy diamonds like if they were GC... so far the economy is very modest and you make gold by daily chance, some one likes or dislikes your post, leveling up your avatar and by email they sometimes send a 1k grant.

Newbie Businesswoman

13,350 Points
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        Eh. I'm not really interested in starting over ;o

            ✖✖ Sinnto

OuroZero's Kouhai

Romantic Bookworm

Cannibalistic Ego

                tab tab tab in medias res
                tab tab tab tab tab Cia

                Yep. And now that my computers working right again
                should get even easier.

                Agreed! But, with the world today, that's not going to
                happen anytime soon. =(

                Oh, wow. I'd say that's pretty awesome! Your brother
                seems like one hell of a guy. XD
                Its good to see that he's going somewhere and that
                he's so smart. Can he come and fix my comp???


What was wrong with it in the first place?

True. D;

xD Pretty much. I adore and admire him so much; he means the world to me.
I'm extremely happy for him and I love bragging about him. xD
He probably could. He'd type at the speed of light on your computer and it would be fixed in no time. He's like a wizard. xDD

"We're all stories in the end... Just make it a good one, eh?"
Cannibalistic Ego

                tab tab tab in medias res
                tab tab tab tab tab Cia

                Yep. And now that my computers working right again
                should get even easier.

                Agreed! But, with the world today, that's not going to
                happen anytime soon. =(

                Oh, wow. I'd say that's pretty awesome! Your brother
                seems like one hell of a guy. XD
                Its good to see that he's going somewhere and that
                he's so smart. Can he come and fix my comp???


What was wrong with it in the first place?

True. D;

xD Pretty much. I adore and admire him so much; he means the world to me.
I'm extremely happy for him and I love bragging about him. xD
He probably could. He'd type at the speed of light on your computer and it would be fixed in no time. He's like a wizard. xDD

"We're all stories in the end... Just make it a good one, eh?"

                tab tab tab in medias res
                tab tab tab tab tab Cia

                I don't know. Nothing worked to fix it, so i just factory reset
                it and bam. Works now. XD

                Bet there is never anything wrong with your computer. xDD


Lol I said the same but I got used to it since the items are cheap to buy and they even let you pick a very decent outfit for free when you are about to sign in

Charitable Hunter

        Are you serious? Now you're trying to tell me that you're actually not my parent? My life is going in circles within the past 48hrs. This is not OK emotion_donotwant
        Mostly since I have a cough now!!!

        So she isn't? Should I take her off the list... because you see... I have a really really long list to go through. If you can help, it'd be great emotion_awesome
        Mostly since I gotta interview both the males and females here.
        I can't help it!! GAIA IS ADDICTING.

        LOL. As someone who vends, buy stuff from the Exchange Forums, it's sorta embarrassing to just accept it too. I don't know. That's just my life on Gaia.
        So if you file something, like report or w/e, they take like 5 weeks to reply to you, and then they ASK if you want to continue your investigation. It's as though they want you to forget about it...
        Yeah, I think that too. They just buy GC because they like the items tbh lol
        Not because they want to help Gaia.

        I actually say no to some of my friends, and definitely to strangers. But hobos, you know they're going through a rough time in their life...
        Speaking of lending money, one of my friends has a CREDIT system. And I'm like wtf, you don't trust your close friends that much? LOL.
        Yeah... it is REALLY sad. If I was a guy, I would still think you're pathetic but not to this extent. Like ffs, I'm a chick who literally flirts with all moving things. YOUR GIRL AIN'T SPECIAL, SHE GETS THE SAME TREATMENTS.

        It's ok, I stopped watching. But I'm at that part already lol
        But at least the chief is nice about it... I think she just laid Shawn off, right?

        LOL I think I have enough devil items. I don't know about devil+princess ;D
        link here baby<3

            ✖✖ Sinnto

                    Ҭhe Ɖevil's Ϩpoils

                    No, I am, I just disown you if you're not good enough. emotion_donotwant
                    You asked for it!

                    I am fairly certain that she is not your mother... though... no you can't scratch it off the list; maybe something happened once, okay? There.
                    Well I certainly didn't give birth to you, so if you can find a male able to have babies then... well... huh.
                    NO IT'S NOT.

                    It's alright, you're just weird. <3 Lol, I'm kidding. Maybe~
                    Seriously? That's so stupid.
                    My thoughts exactly.

                    Back when I was younger this veteran would sit at this intersection that goes up to a big store complex, and if my parents could, they would stop and give him like $5; he was smart, he'd just sit out there with a jar and people would give them extra cash or change they had from shopping. Lol.
                    A credit system? What? If you don't trust people that much you probably shouldn't loan it out in the first place. I never lent my parents money when I had it because I knew they'd never pay me back; in fact, I never let them know I had money. Lol.
                    It depends on the situation really, I think; sometimes it's excusable, while other times it's just stupid. Lol.

                    Well Jules stopped him and said she broke into the crime scene, and Shawn knew or helped or something, so she just told them to ******** off and not be stupid again. xD

                    I'll give it a try then. xD

Charitable Hunter

The Queen of Sins
I really love the layout of the thread.
Nice job!

                    Ҭhe Ɖevil's Ϩpoils

                    Thank you!

Charitable Hunter

Cannibalistic Ego
                tab tab tab in medias res
                tab tab tab tab tab Cia

                Ah. I don't want much of those kinds of videos
                because i don't watch those kinds of shows very
                often. xD
                But yeah. I get what your saying. LOL

                I joined, like, five different role plays, so, yeah. That's
                where all my characters came from. And those are
                role play characters. I have dozens of story characters.
                Huh...i've never come across an a*****e for a gm.

                Ah! I'm going to shamelesely recruit for a moment...
                A friend of mine and me are going to recreate an old
                rp we fell in love with that unfortunately died on us in
                the next couple of weeks. We're waiting on my hectic
                life to slow down. XD
                Anyway, if you want to look at the old forum, it's called
                the underbelly. XD
                We're going to make some changes, but a lot of what's
                there is going to stay so, yeah...

                    Ҭhe Ɖevil's Ϩpoils

                    I don't watch them very much either, or ever for that matter; not anymore at least.
                    Still, she's my sister so I subscribe to support her. xD

                    I usually recycle characters, but I'll occasionally create a new character when one comes to mind, that's why I also have so many. I also use them in my stories too.
                    Neither have I until recently, the RPing community on here is sometimes as terrible as Chatterbox now.

                    I believe I found it, made by a miss "loser companymachine", right?
                    Skimming through it, it's not really my type of role play; I apologize, I'm not really into sci-fi, space and aliens and such. I also prefer more semi-literate, because I don't like to do a lot of reading. Lol.

Charitable Hunter

Oh no,Milord. I just can't do such a thing.. emotion_awesome . I just been selling my old items I had and didn't want to use. Indeedy I am. I like funding the charity and making sure the funds are going well and not getting lower. I was like that this morning. I've felt sick and just couldn't calm down. Rest and get better,Milord.
edit: WOW eek I got a winning number,Milord!

                    Ҭhe Ɖevil's Ϩpoils

                    I sincerely hope that they were items that you weren't ever going to use; I don't like taking so much funds from you, especially with inflation, how are you ever going to get anything for yourself? gonk
                    My stomach has been feeling very strange lately, maybe it's the heat or something; I checked my temperature the other day and I'm fine. Today though, it was just a case of 'ToM'. >> I don't know what is upsetting my stomach all the other times though.
                    Great! So it's not too hard then; I'll send your trade momentarily. <3

Charitable Hunter

Lol right? D:
I've missed a lot and so far behind on things, and I just realized I missed my Gaiaversary D: Darn. ;w;

I was trying to be polite xD
---holes = a-holes. OxO;
Ah, I have the xbox. Probably wont own a PS unless I actually find games I wanna play on it.
Main reason I have the xbox is because of Halo c:

                    Ҭhe Ɖevil's Ϩpoils

                    In a way it could be fun, catching up and seeing how everything has changed; try and think of the positives?

                    Oh! I don't how I missed that. gonk
                    I like both systems, though I personally prefer the PS systems more; it has a lot more games that I like.
                    Halo is actually one of the only games I like for the X-Box, and thankfully so does my boyfriend, he has a few different Halo games. Halo 3 is my favorite.

Charitable Hunter


Its probably that, then. xD Either way, I'm glad he's happier.

I'm sure I will.
Lets stop talking about that, then. xD

That's the problem with playing in a mod pack - they don't all update at once so you just fall further behind as new vanilla updates come out. I used to use Better Sprint back in like, 1.6.4 or whatever. But when 1.7 came out, I obviously couldn't use it anymore and I got so sick of waiting for it. But thank god for the sprint key that they added to vanilla. Now you don't have to worry about that stupid double-tapping s**t.
That's another thing they should work on. They've been making so many changes to hostile mob AI, they need to make some adjustments for the passives ones. Our dogs need to stop jumping off of cliffs. xD
And you know what's even more amazing about that temple? Supposedly they worked on a way for them to generate in already generated terrain. I don't know if that was actually successful, but how amazing would it be to just find one in your world without having to travel an obnoxious distance to generate them?
I have no plans to die in those temples. xD I plan on being a bit OP for them. Potions, armor, etc. At least until I get a feel for them.
You should be. ;^;
Aw, you had it right the first time! Shame on you~
That whole episode was adorable. <3 I figured you'd still ship Johnlock after all of that, though. xD I want Sherlock to play at my wedding. D:< This needs to happen. And oh my gosh, that kid. I love how Sherlock was so awkward with him. "This little human likes me? Wut?"
So wait, have you watched the last one yet though?
I could always start watching it and tell you how it is if you're not sold on it. But it is on couchtuner - I just double checked.

It does... a little. ;-;
D:< Its totally good enough.
That's why everyone should just stay indoors during the summer. I know that if I step outside, I melt.
Ah yes, the mystical Northern realm. Perhaps one day we shall journey there, and bask in the refreshing, cold air, blissfully free of little insect beasts.
I hate flip flops. D:< I prefer a nice sandal instead. I'm not one for sneakers either, but I'll take converse or something similar. I love boots but I usually like a little heel to them, so you'd probably never wear mine. xD
o_ o

You can if you'd like. xD Scream at my loved ones all you want. I can't ever do it - that s**t makes me too upset. Strangers though, I can yell at if they piss me off enough. If looks could kill, most people I encounter would be dead.
Well, I wouldn't know if it sucked since I was an infant. xD But of course Alex didn't wear it. I would be surprised if he had in middle school, of all places.
Male hips are not a blessing to me. D:< I want nice curvy hips and I didn't get them; I ******** hate my hips and broad shoulders. If I didn't have my big tits and girlish face, I'd probably pass for a dude. In fact, in middle school, we had god awful band uniforms. Thick jackets and straight pants, and of course nothing properly fit because it was middle school. And I had short spiky hair at the time, so some a*****e told me I looked like a dude from the back. I was so upset. xD
But I'm glad you can thrust amazingly. emotion_dowant xD

That's understandable. But don't worry about it too much right now. Cross that bridge when you come to it.
Trust me, there are plenty of attractive short dudes. Stop worrying about your damn height. xD
You definitely won't feel the full amount of pleasure since you will never have had one before. I don't quite know how they'll construct or attach one, but the nerves certainly won't be the same as with a natural man. Its like with tits, for a breast reduction, they cut near the n****e so there's a good chance that sensitivity will be lost afterward. Plastic surgery just does that to you.
HE NEEDS TO ACCEPT DEFEAT. D:< Spoiled brat. xD Just kidding~
That's true, I'm sure the process will improve over time.


Oh I agree. xD As much as I love white, it gets boring. It needs other colors with it or something.
xDD YOU WOULDN'T REALLY BEAT ME. But damn, now I feel like I have to compete with Tholia. D:<

That's never going to happen, I've come to that conclusion.

*hugs* - u -
Pffffft, I totally just wanted a hug. I wasn't going to do anything else.... >.> Nope, nothing at all. *cough*

THAT ISN'T NECESSARY. emotion_donotwant
What if I just canceled the trade, hm? WHAT WOULD YOU DO? D:< ROOOAAAARRRR


(Easy Everyday)

"We're all stories in the end... Just make it a good one, eh?"

                    Ҭhe Ɖevil's Ϩpoils

                    I am too, though he hasn't really noticed so maybe he's not happier, just... more positive.

                    -Talks about it-

                    I didn't even know they added a sprint key; if shift is now sprint, what is... shift? Lol. Like the shifting along edges and such. And yeah, I've been stuck in 1.6.4 for so long. ;o;
                    That is true, I do like the new mob AIs, but our cute little animals need better ones too! To me, saying anything jumping off a cliff is hilarious to me, I don't know why, but in game, it's not so funny, it's just sad. My poor puppies; I've lost so many to cliffs.
                    I don't think I follow; does it mean if you took an old map and updated it to the current uhh... 1.7.10 thing, it would generate a map in preloaded terrain, or you could be traveling already explored ocean and one spawns?
                    If I have my Rouge Dungeon mod then I'll be OP; that mod randomly generates some pretty good items even ones given in other mod packs like Thuamcraft and stuff, so when you got the TP system like me and Alex, and keep inventory rule, and a backpack, we get a lot of good stuff. Otherwise I'll just run in blind and die until I get too pissed and gamemode. xD
                    I am!
                    I seem to be doing this a lot lately. gonk
                    Something about the episode made it seem even more possible, I just forgot what. And yes, at mine as well! And yeah, that was adorable, and even though the kid was creepy, I still thought he was adorable too.
                    I haven't watched the very last one yet, no. I'm saving it. Lmao. I'll get to it sometime, I'm just waiting until the perfect moment.
                    I'm not too sold on it, no; I'm not too into the old movie monster things, but it kind of makes me think of Supernatural from your description, so I might give it a try anyway if I'm bored enough.

                    Good enough for me. xD
                    NOT GOOD ENOUGH.
                    I do as well, especially since Alex's car has no AC/little AC. ;o;
                    The sooner I move up there, the better, because then I can also torture Alex since he likes it warm. He was telling me today how he can wear black and not be any hotter than usual because of his natural +5 fire resistance, then was teasing me about having a +5 cold resistance because I was born up North, lol. He doesn't like the cold.
                    I hate them too! I don't like sandals either though; I like sneakers and boots, that's about it really. And I'm okay with a tiny heel; I prefer combat boots really, so it has that big chunky heel and not too high up. And as long as I don't look like a fool trying to walk in them and they look really good, I'd deal with it, lol.

                    If killing wasn't illegal, I wouldn't be in jail. Wait. What? ... You know what I meant. xD But I've given a very deadly stare to some people as well; I once even freaked my mom out pretty bad with one of my stares, she kept looking back at me like I was a psycho murderer in a movie, and stated "I feel like you're drilling holes into the back of my skull"; I was in the 5th or 6th grade. Can't remember what she did though. But yeah, I can scream at anyone, even children if they're bratty enough... xD My anger issues and me~
                    I wasn't surprised he didn't either, but kind of wish he did; his ribs poke out so I can't lay on his stomach, and one part of his back pokes out because of his ribs growing weird due to the scoliosis. At least we suspect that's what caused it. Could of been when his chest sank in that actually caused it.
                    Pride is a blessing though, it makes me love my skills with my male hips. xD If it makes you feel any better, that one b***h I was mentioning in the PM from high school, called me a dude from looking at me from the side in a shirt that very visibly showed I had boobs, and my hair was shoulder length. And that was back before I didn't mind being called a guy, or wanted to be one, or ever dressed like one, so I was pissed, offended, and upset. Lol.
                    I am as well. emotion_awesome It's good for both the ladies and the guys.

                    Yeah, my thoughts exactly.
                    But I'd be more attractive if I was tall! Girls like tall guys, I like tall guys! xD
                    xD I'll tell him you feel that strongly about it! Lmao.
                    Exactly, and hopefully with more nerves. >C


                    Exactly, white and that like, eggshell/tan color. It's suppose to be a simple, neutral color, that's why they use it, because it matches with everything and is easier to sell, but it's freakin' ugly and boring to me.
                    Oh yes I would, but not in a total beat sense, more in a kinky sense so it's okay. <3 And no, no competing! xD

                    But... yeah. vov

                    Not even some small groping?

                    YES IT IS.
                    -Puts the item you won in it- c:

                    LALALALA CAN'T HEAR YOU. -Doesn't listen- LA.
                    You listen to me and accept that trade. >;c

                    I'm sad, you won my panties and roses. xD

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