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Of the Common Colors of Draconium, which is your favorite?

Black 0.27118644067797 27.1% [ 16 ]
Red 0.16949152542373 16.9% [ 10 ]
Green 0.050847457627119 5.1% [ 3 ]
Blue 0.32203389830508 32.2% [ 19 ]
Purple 0.1864406779661 18.6% [ 11 ]
Total Votes:[ 59 ]
1 2 3 4 5 6 ... 94 95 96 > >>

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[Interest Thread] [Guild]

-Table of Contents-

1. Welcome/ToC
2. Updates
3. Rules
6. The Dragons
7. Familiars
8. Availability
9. Crews
10. Gear Shop
11.Owners’ List
12. Customs/Bribes
13. Links and Banners
14. Employees
15.Thank You’s/Credits

-Page 2-

17. Events

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9/10/10-New thread!

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Shop Rules
1. Always follow The Gaia TOS and Breedables Forum Rules and Guidelines
2. No Drama
3. No selling, Pets, Familiars, or any art in this shop without our permission
4. No user run events without our permission
5. Do not PM Raisa or the Staff without permission. All Pms concerning DCS should be sent to the shop Mule.
6. Don’t ask for freebies or pets. You just look silly.
7. Don’t ask for jobs unless we are hiring.

1. Payment is due within 24 hours
2. For now, Co-Owning is not allowed. This may change in the future.
3. Racing/Rp is not mandatory. However if you do not participate in at least one race your dragon cannot breed.
4. Gear is purchased in Drakkles.

Role-Playing Rules and Guidelines
1. Keep it PG-13
2. No God-Moding. Unless you are one.
3. Owners are more than welcome and encouraged to create their own riders and make journals for them. See [link] for more information.
4. You are more than welcome to RP if you do not own a dragon. You can flesh out you’re rider or Dragon City Character as you wait for your chance to obtain a dragon if you like. Just nothing else.
5. If the dragon was no obtained in this shop, you cannot Rp with it.

The Lists

Everyone who voted and participated in the intrest thread, prior to the creation of this shop.
All DCS staff
Gun-Sniper for all her help and contributions! Without her, this shop may not have been created.

Those on the greylist cannot get a dragon or participate in events until their time on the list is over.
-none- lets keep it this way!

These people may NEVER own a dragon and are banned from this thread and guild.
-none- Let’s REALLY keep it this way.

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This is an ongoing story. As the shop progresses the story does too! So, it will be updated periodically.

This was written by Raisa Wagner:

Chapter: 1 Night Terrors
Lance watched helplessly as his older brother screeched in agony as the influx of golden Draconium energy flowed freely throughout his body. Beau stared at the scene with uncertainty as he was told not to stop his mag stream until Connor told the dragon to do so, but, the sad thing was Connor was telling the dragon of legend to stop, yelling it, at the top of his lungs.

“No Beau! NO! Stop it!” The old man bellowed but he couldn’t be heard over the cries of his son. Lance stared, tears readily stinging his eyes as he could see his own brother being used as a conductor for a, what originally he thought to be a very drac technique.

He saw no sign of the coolness now.

All he could think about was his brother in mortal peril, moaning and lurching, tears streaming from the young man’s eyes. This couldn’t go on for much longer, at that high level untrained of magnetic energy running through a human’s very being, the stress on the brain blood vessels, let alone the cardiovascular system itself, should be enormous. He could see it in his eyes, becoming bloodshot, the small veins protruded from the surface of skin on his face like miniscule ravines. The straining of his vocal muscles was bearing down on the vessels held within his neck. It had only been 2 minutes and Artha was already near death.

Lance ran, ran to aid his brother in this dyer time of need. He came within inches of the massive animal when he felt a short tug in his shirt collar. He pulled away but whatever was hindering him began to shake him roughly, it was obviously a few times stronger than him. He thrashed about to wretch free, trying to save Artha. He was able to attain one last pleading look from his older sibling for a second chance and then-

Lance erupted violently from his bed palette on the stable floor. He looked about, quakes rushing throughout his body and a cold, clammy sweat clung to him. He looked to see the comforting surroundings of one of the Penn Stables. The pale moonlight fell through the worsted, iron bars of the high placed window, to reveal a shadowy figure curled around him. It loosed its iron grip that ensnared the boy and stared at him, its golden eyes filled with concern. Lance inhaled deeply, trying to stabilize the tremors rattling his body. He pulled his knees into his chest and stared mournfully at the stone wall in front of him, until he felt a light nudge in his elbow. His hand unconsciously maneuvered its way around the soft snout of his blue dragon, Fracshun. Fracshun softly purred a few comforting words in his own tongue. The young redhead wrapped his arms around the beast’s neck and began to sob softly into a deeply fitful sleep.

Tap. Tap, Tap! Lance jolted to an upright position from Fracshun’s warm shoulder. Fracshun stirred a bit as well. Another impatient wrapping came from the door, “I’m coming! I’m coming!” Lance yelled. Gingerly rubbing the sleep from his eyes he opened the sliding door panel to the dragon’s stable and starred bleary-eyed into the rather stern optics of a Dragon City Security Enforcer. Lance quirked a brow, “Is there something wrong, Sir?”. The policeman squared his shoulders and peered down his nose at the redhead, “There was no answer at the main building so I posted the foreclosure sign on the front door. Connor Penn is nearly 4- month over-“ The officer stopped in mid sentence by the frantic waving of the seventeen-year-old, “Wait? WHAT? Foreclosure? You can’t do that! We own the place!” The policeman cleared his throat, “Yes, you do but many a tax collector has come by for the last 4 months and none of them has come back with the money your father owes to Dragon City. I’m afraid with the kind of money your father makes breeding, racing, and boarding dragons it is only fair that we ask for a hefty price for the city.” Lance ran his fingers through the messy tresses of scarlet atop of his head, sighed deeply. The policeman continued on, “I’m terribly sorry young man.” He turned to leave, “This stable has always been something great.” He began to march off when Lance stopped him,
“Wait! How long do I have until the Stable is closed down?” The very words escaping his lips caused him a nasty twinge of pain deep within his chest. He felt so helpless now that the only thing left that he’d held so dear to his hear was now about to be torn away from him as well.
His father left a good six months ago, Artha was dead and long gone along with his dragon, and now the stables where about to be repossessed, or worse. Dad, he thought in a frustrated manner. After the accidental murder of his partner, Beau went into a long period of depression. At first it was to be expected, tolerable, but after a few weeks Beau had a sharp change in his attitude. He became hostile, belligerent, he could even be described as bellicose, often threatening to attack anyone that came within a couple meters of him. The dragon was even turning on Connor, being the most spiteful towards him than anyone in the stable. His stable was never visited due to him being classified as dangerous to novice dragon handlers. Lance tried to do his part, often offering a draco-nee-yum bar or another tasty treat to the monster but, eventually he too would be subject to Beau’s censure.
The Policeman stopped after a few paces. One glance over his shoulder at the disoriented young man and his shoulders dropped in defeat. Slowly turning around the official sighed, “I was supposed to only allow you 30 days but, I have the feeling your father is not hear is he?” Lance shook his head ‘no’. The officer sighed again and scratched his head in an indecisive manner, “Well, I’ll give you 3 months but that’s it. After that these stables will be reposed by Dragon City.” He raised an inquiring brow, “Understand?” “Yes Sir.” Lance said. It was a wonderfully decent gesture by the city to give such an ultimatum for the stables but, what was he going to do?

No job. No money. Barley any friends to help.

What’s a poor lad to do?

tl:dr version"

-Artha's Dead
-Beau ran away
-Connor's left to find Beau
-Penn stables is going to be repossessed if some activity doesn't start going on.

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Racing is what makes owning a dragon in Dragon City SO much fun. Racing is one of the few and funnest ways to bond with your dragon. Some of these dragons can run up to 200 miles per hour and they’re ready to show it.


Since we’re just starting out the first few races will be trial and error. The system has not been tested or perfected, but here it is so far.

-I'm going to base things on levels then eventually species

-Each dragon begins with a certain number(each dice have the same number of sides) of dice.

Let's say all Lvl 1 dragons start with 2 4-sided dice.
Riders roll dice to reach a goal number. Easy, no?

But these dragons have gear, and the use of gear can help on dragon but hinder another.

and their affects and Abilities on rolling

Lvl. 1 Red Thruster Gear: Add one additional dice for 3 rolls
Lvl. 1 Green Ramming Gear: Can be used offensively on ONE dragon. Stops all dice rolling on targeted dragon for 2 rolls.
Lvl. 1 Blue Balance Gear: Dragon will always retain one of its dice no matter what when this is activated. Effective for 5 rolls.
Lvl. 1 Black Mag Whip: removes one dice from targeted dragon for 3 rolls.

-The amount of times gear can be used within one race depends on the level of gear. Level 1 gear can use the gear once in a race. Level 2 twice in a race. Level 3 three times in a race. etc.

-More gear becomes available as you level. The gear also becomes more powerful.

-There will be two types of gear: Racing and Adventure. Racing gear helps you win races against other riders and Adventure gear helps you clear obstacles on the track itself.


-When a dragon wins a race he is entitled to a new piece of gear at the next level. Example: Level 1 dragons can use a piece of level 2 gear so long as they've EARNED it.

-The amount of races the dragon wins is equivalent to the amount of next-level gear he is allotted.

-When a dragon fills all of his gear slots with next level gear, he levels up to match his gear!

-"But, Raisa! What about the losers?!" That's not a nice word. The dragons that didnt win the race are not "losers" they just didn't win...."But that makes the-" SHHH.

-The dragons participating in the race are awarded Experience points and Drakkles(money to blow on gear and breeding)

-Experience example: To get from level 1 to level 2 you need 100 Exp. Points. For every race you participate in you get 25 points. Run in 4 races and you've leveled up!

-Riders may purchase gear for their dragons at the same level or lower. You may not purchase gear any higher a level than the current level of your dragon.



-races for young dragons-

Dragon derbies are fairly simple.
You roll one dice to a goal number. That's it. I mainly created this so new owners can get used to the idea and system of rolling dice to win a race.

Participation is rewarded: If you participate in 5 official Dragon Derbies(they will be held before an official race) you're dragon will automatically be at level 2 when he grows into an adult.

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My these dragons look strange…

-this info was was written by the Furox from Dragon-city.org

A dragon is a large reptile of great strength and speed. They tend to resemble the dinosaurs more so than the look of dragons from our Eastern and Western culture. For example, except for Beau (and possibly other gold dragons if they were to exist), dragons don't have wings and can't fly. They also can't breath fire, though their ability to use mag energy more than makes up for this.
Dragons have the ability to run at great speeds for extended periods. The fastest dragons are able to reach 200 MPH (over 300 KPH). This makes them ideal for racing.
Dragons are highly intelligent. Even though they don't speak, they are said to be as intelligent as humans. And the fact that Propheci can speak coherently through his rider and exhibits human-level reasoning and planning abilities all backs this up. It is unclear how much dragons communicate among themselves and whether or not they might have their own language.
Average adult dragons are stated as weighing around 10 tons (roughly 9,000 kg) and are perhaps 20-25 feet in length. However, giant sized dragons also exist. Abandonn, Tyrannis Pax, Libris and at least two giant orange dragons in the Prophets crew have been seen. In the case of Libris, it may be that all gray dragons are giants, but this has never been stated in the show. What causes the other dragons to become giants, or whether they might be a subspecies, is unknown.

Dragons hatch from relatively small eggs that are about the size of a large ostrich egg. Dragons probably grow quickly and Beau appears to be full grown at age 16. A dragon's life span is unknown, however Rivett stated that Libris was involved in the first dragon-human war 3000 years ago. It seems unlikely that the average dragon would live this long, otherwise the planet would be overrun with ancient dragons. So it's probably only the elusive gray dragons that live this long. It may be speculated that the average dragon has a life span similar to a human.
Dragons can be either bipedal (like a T-Rex) or can be quadrupeds. It appears that their draconium color determines this to a large degree. Red, orange, purple and light green dragons are all bipeds, while gold, black, green, blue, brown, light blue, white, turquoise and gray are all quadrupeds. Furthermore, the two heavy dragon classes (green and brown) have hooves while the rest of the dragons have clawed feet. How absolute these characteristics are for a particular color of draconium is unknown. For example, Mortis' dragon Tyrannis Pax appears to be an anomaly He's a giant bipedal dragon but his mag energy appears to be gold like Beau's. His draconium color has never been stated, so exactly what kind of dragon he might be is up for debate.


Dragons are distinguished from other animals in the Dragon Booster world by their draconium and mag abilities. All other animals and the humans themselves lack these characteristics.

A dragon's strength and power comes from the draconium concentrated in its bones. It is never clearly stated in the show, but draconium appears to be a metal element. This element generates vast amounts of energy when in the presence of a life force from which the dragon derives its great strength and speed as well as its mag abilities.

There are a total of thirteen colors of draconium:

- The rarest, currently only one of these dragons are documented in existence

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Black draconium dragons make good partners for the more cunning rider. Able to make mental connections with their rider, these PSI-CLASS dragons can 'feel' the intentions of those who ride them. They are smart, cunning and also possess a strong mind of their own and unless they respect those who ride them, they can be quite an opinionated handful.

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Red draconium dragons are creatures of bonding, passion and fire. They are a great compliment to an accomplished rider but can help the less experienced one quickly let things get out of hand. These MAGMA-CLASS dragons are fast, harsh, and ready to attack but also quickly form bonds of loyalty.

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Green draconium dragons are a massively powerful lot and they are hard to control and master. They respond best to the brute force or incredible will of a rider. Green BULL-CLASS dragons move slowly and no amount of speed or maneuvering gear short of Red Thruster Gear can substantially help that. They are best at bashing through obstacles or dragging and pushing other competitors around the track. These stubborn creatures don't mesh well with other dragons or gear types but, they don't really need the help either.


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Blue ENERGY-CLASS dragons are precise, controlled, lightning fast and acrobatic. They work best with experienced riders who have discipline and skill but because they are so well trained, they make excellent law enforcement dragons and are the perfect partner for younger inexperienced riders who need a dragon to help train and protect them.

Purple PACK-CLASS dragons are smaller and quicker than most dragons. Used to operating in groups, they do not do as well alone and therefore are not generally great single racers. They prefer a communal setting and are used to a relationship that requires that their riders be the alpha-male in a group of both dragons and riders. Great for hunting, they are not independent thinkers and do not really add team value to their rider. However, their gear is another story as its control, trapping and hunting uses make the group as a whole, very dangerous.


The brown EARTH-CLASS dragon was originally bred for digging and demolishing and this dragon can do all of that and more but not without good reason. This old breed is very smart and won’t necessarily do what you want unless he agrees with you. Once on your side, these steady, thoughtful and powerful dragons are very destructive. When crossed, they can go out of control in a judgmental frenzy.

Beware the orange CONTROL-CLASS dragon as they are one of the most intelligent and vengeful of all dragons. They do not let humans ride them so much as they enslave humans to help them race and battle. Secretly, the orange dragon is waiting for a chance to start a war with humans but for now they take pleasure in messing in human affairs with their nihilist riders and highly destructive gear. Orange gear is hard to come by, extremely difficult to control and very, very dangerous.

Light Green
These dragons are also known as light green SCAVENGER-CLASS dragons because their smaller size and high speed, high fear disposition makes them excellent gatherers. They can also be easily coerced by force or fear to help any other dragon/human team. Silent, stealthy, quick and resourceful, these dragons make a great team for the Keeper crew and their inventive yet cautious ways.

Light Blue

The light blue NAUTILUS-CLASS dragon is the hardest dragon type to pin down. They are once fluid and graceful yet hardened and rigid. They are the most versatile of dragons being bread for both land and water but are equally duplicitous of manner as they are use. It requires a mentally alert, flexible and nimble rider to handle the NAUTILUS-CLASS but once you do, you have a fast, dangerous and cunning dragon that is as skilled at attack as it is defense.

The extreme sports dragons of this world, white draconium SKY-CLASS dragons are part flying squirrel, part hang-glider and all about taking risk. Difficult to control when there's extreme action to be had, you better work with this dragon or he'll shake you right off his back. This dragon is all about adventure and fun and in many ways; the SKY-CLASS is the most fun to ride. Just make sure you're up for just about anything because even if you're not, your dragon is.

The second oldest dragon breed to the gold dragon, the gray draconium dragon is like the raw material dragon. Gray dragons do not race, they do not judge and they do not take sides but the MECHANIST crews that follow them are all about profit. Like the Ferengi in Star Trek, they make their living prospecting this rare draconium which adds power to all others.

Turquoise draconium SONIC-CLASS dragons are loud, forceful and persuasive by manner or force; just like their riders. To partner with one of these dragons requires you to prove yourself worthy to the dragon. One of the most strategic and communicative dragons on the planet, you don't always know what a group of them is up to so you better be able to handle yourself around them or together, they just might decide they don't want you around.

The first five are considered to be the main colors of draconium as stated in "Return of Drakkus, Part 1."
It is unclear how the draconium ends up in dragon's bones. It may be the case that their bodies manufacture it the way a plant manufactures chlorophyll, or it may be that they ingest draconium with their food the way we ingest the calcium that ends up in our bones.
Deposits of raw draconium exist in the ground and can be mined. This appears to be where the draconium metal used to manufacture the gear comes from. How the raw draconium ended up in the ground is unknown. It may have been there since the planet formed, like the iron in our planet, or it may have been formed by a geological process, like how diamonds are formed.


There are variety of named mag techniques and abilities which are listed here for reference.
Mag or magging

This is probably the most basic mag ability done by dragons. The ability it gives the dragon is very similar to the Force in Star Wars and allows the dragon to levitate and move objects. To do this, the dragon concentrates its draconium energy at one of the main focal points on its body. This is usually the forehead, but other key points are along the spine and other major joints. Once the energy is concentrated and focused, the dragon can direct a stream of draconium energy of the chosen strength and use it to lift and move objects around it. The dragon can also lift humans and even other dragons if it is strong enough.

I n episode 1, it was stated that Beau could repel Moordryd with his mag-burst because of the draconium in his suit, so this tends to indicate that dragons can only mag objects that have draconium in them. However, we've also seen other instances where dragons have magged objects that would not seem to have draconium in them, so perhaps this rule isn't strict. The mag energy used for this ability is harmless and a dragon can use it to gently lift their rider and place them in the saddle, for example. A dragon can also use it to hurl an object at great speed for fighting if need be.

Bear in mind that mag-streams can be cut off by various types of obstacles and projectiles. Mag-streams cannot penetrate solid walls but they can be aimed and moved precisely by the dragon. Mag-streams generally go in a straight line, though we've also seen Beau send a mag-stream around a corner in "The Lost Track of Doom."

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Dragons Available:

-none at the moment-

Dragons can be obtained via Flatsale, Auction, Custom, Raffle or Race prize.

Eggs: 12k each
Adults: 6k each

Flatsale Rules and Guidelines

1. Flatsales are typically speed sales and, unless specified, anyone can participate in one.
2. They can also be RP based
3. No editing posts.
4. No whining or poor sportsmanship. If you missed out on this one there will always be other ways to get a dragon.
5. No using shop mules. If I find out you’ve been doing this you will automatically be greylisted.
6. Payment is due within 24 hours. If no payment is received by then the dragon is put back up for sale. This rule is final.
7.Payments are to be sent to Valerie Sean

Auction Rules:

1.Do not bid what you don’t have!
2.Items are accepted but they must be rare or Evolving items but they are valued at the current Average TekTek price.
3. No editing posts. You will be disqualified from the Auction and Greylisted.
4. No threatening, intimidating or being just plain rude to the other bidders.
5. There will be a 20 minute Snipe-guard within the last 20 minutes of the auction.
6. Payment is due within 2 days of the auction, or you pet will be forfeited and you will get an automatic greylist.

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-Coming Soon-
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-Coming Soon!-


In order to purchase gear and breeding passes you need Drakkles. Drakkles is the form of currence used in Dragon Booster the show and withing the shop RP and the shop itself. Dragons are still purchased with gold. But here’s about how it goes
1 Drakkle = 1,000 gold

So, if the piece of gear you want is 20 Drakkles then it is roughly worth 20k in gold.

Drakkles are rewarded to all participants in races. Participants receive 5 Drakkles per race and winners receive the specified amount within the race.

You may purchase Drakkles at anytime. Just send the mule a trade with “I would like ____ Drakkles, please!” as the topic[
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Owners List:

Key/male/Locke/Gun Sniper
Baby/Tyia Clone
Azaria/female/Karyn/Mewsings of An Angel

Varro/male/Mya/Duelist of Pokemon

Rai/female/Valerie Sean/Raisa Wagner

Zerk/female/Rourke/Naysha Aysha
Pestis/male/na/Malikztiah Ankhere


Light Blue:

-none at the moment-

Light Green:
-none at the moment-


-none at the moment-

-none at the moment-


-none at the moment-


-none at the moment-

-none at the moment-

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Here you can see if customs slots are available and which colorist are willing to do them.

-Prices are in solid gold

Here are our running rates:

Pre-custom: A dragon requiring little, no lineart edits.

Adult: 20k

Semi-custom: A dragon requiring complex lineart edits:

Egg: 240k
Adult: 80k

True Custom: A dragon requiring extensive lineart edits or new lineart altogether.

Pup: 350k
Adult: 300k

Giant dragons only have one stage. They are ancient and benevolent beings, therego they are EXTREMELY rare.
All giants require new lineart.


Colorists accept bribes at their own descretion.

Colorists open for customs:

Raisa Wagner
Not currently.

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Please visit the hiring thread for more details!

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And Tell your friends!


Owner: Raisa Wagner

Manager: Tyia Clone

Raisa Wagner
Naysha Aysha

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Dragon Booster and all knockoffs and derivatives are © to StoryBook
All shop templates, lineart, banners and breaks are © to Raisa Wagner

Thank yous!

I’d like to thank EVERYONE who participated in the interest thread before this shop was made. You kept me motivated to see this shop through and here are the spoils of your hard work!

Gun Sniper-for her awesome advice, help, and wonderous donation!
Tyia, Puddles and the rest of the staff- for currently putting up with me. I love you guys 8’D

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