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~~ The Ritual ~~

Week of Paradise

~~ Visitation ~~

A city in ruins. Monstrous towers, skeletons of what they had once been. Iron, twisted an bent jutting through a mess of crumbled concrete and shattered glass. Smaller structures now flat, roofs on top of piles of rubble. The streets littered with abandoned cars, glass, what had once been life.

She did not know why she walked these streets, past fallen giants. Her feet were bare yet they felt no pain as they crossed glass and debris. Dust and dirt caught the hem of her long dress, turning it black. She did not know where these feet were taking her, she followed them as though some magnetic force were dragging her through the broken streets.

A cat, skinny and flea bitten darted past, wriggling under a pile of brick that might have once been its home. She wondered what happened to the people who had once been here. The ones who had swarmed these streets. It was hard to imagine that once the broken signs had been lit, flashing and
beckoning to those that passed. The streets full of cars, crawling at a snail’s pace and choking the air from the city. These buildings, huge hulking structures housed hundreds or thousands of people working, working, working. Not stopping to think of the hours they were wasting, the precious time they had left, throw away on thankless tasks that they hated. All for money the modern world’s lifeblood.

The goddess paused. She stood on what had once been a cross walk, black an white lines that stretched across the street in not one but several directions. There were no crowds of people now, crossing from the shell of a station to the shopping streets and offices. She breathed in the air, it was stale and told of death, decay, nothingness.

This world had once been full of numbers. Overflowing with them. In the offices the drones typed
them into the computers, a machine that was made of numbers. They live their life by them. Numbers and time. Clocking in, punching out, deadlines. The buildings they worked in, lived in they were governed by numbers too. Laws of physics, measurements, volume, house numbers, phone numbers. She turned, behind her what had been a café, a shop too, the café a symbol of the developed
world. More numbers, the most important of all next to those that mixed with time … money. Money had built this world, had kept it strong. In the end though what was money? Numbers with value … what happened when the value was lost? Money was nothing but paper and coins with numbers on.

She could see now, her role. Her part in the rebuilding of the world. She had to mix, work with deities of different influences. Of all influences, they had to reconstruct what had been destroyed. Houses, stations, shops, money, lifestyles, population, age, schedules the list went on.

Cosine moved again, she knew these streets, no, Lien knew these streets. She had walked out of that station, she had drunk coffee from a paper cup in that café. She was gone, just as they all were.

Her feet crossed the street, walking up beside the café, past what had been restaurants and clothing stores. A mall of sorts, she stopped as a movement caught her eye. She blinked, turned. Had it been her imagination. She moved closer to the building, taking in the peeling posters and broken windows. The doors had been boarded with old signs.
“Hello?” She called, reaching out to touch one of the doors, it was open a little. “Hello? Is anyone there?” A noise, the crunch of glass, scraping of gravel.
“Hello.” A little voice replied from behind her. She turned, and blinked as she came face to face with a small child. A small child with a rock in one hand an a knife in the other.
She eyed the child for a few moments, assessing the situation, small it might be but she would not take chances with people of this desperate world.
"I will not hurt you." Her voice carried across the space between them, low and soft. There may even have been a hint of authority there, showing that she was not to be taken lightly.

The child watched her for a few moments, it too was feeling her out testing. There had been so much terror, so much danger, humanity was in ruins with the physical elements of the world.
"I ..." Cosine paused a moment, this still felt too much like a dream, she had not traveled her by choice what could she offer if she was nothing more than a vision.
"I come from a place where it is safe." The rubble crunched as she shifted her weight. "There is food, water, protection." A small smile crossed her lips, she had no idea where she was, how could she direct them there.

The child watched her for a few moments more and cocked it's head to one side.
"Wait here." It charged past her and into the crumbling building. Cosine looked up at the sky. There was nothing there, just darkness.

She did not have to wait long before the little boy returned, his hand tightly in that of a young man's. The young man eyed her with equal suspicion and tightened his hand around a homemade weapon.
"Yuto says that you know a safe place."

Cosine bowed her head respectfully and nodded.
"I do." She replied. "It may be far but the journey is worth the trials. I come from an oasis."

The young man gave aslight snort of laughter and shook his head.
"Lies. Stay away from us, he worse is over, we can look after ourselves."

"No, it is not. I am Cosine, Goddess of Numbers. I come from the seat of the gods, from the Lord of all. There is still danger out there."
"A goddess? You really expect us to believe that. This is a godless land."

Cosine nodded and looked around at the fallen city. It was a godless land in that people had forgotten how to believe.
"Look at me." She gestured to her appearence, her clean dress, hair, shoes. She flexed her wings open and then closed to show they were indeed real. "I am not like you, your logic cannot deny that. I have not traveled far, nor have I fought my way through this city. I am not sure I am even here in body." She looked down at her self and opened her arms, palms up.

A loud caw came from above, Infinity circled once, twice and came to land on her mistress's shoulder.
North, through the valley.
"Thank you." Cosine replied, stroking her companion's feathers. She turned back to the siblings. "Travel North, through the valley and you will come to a town. There is a building there among the devastation. The Pantheon, home to the gods. You will find help there. What do you really have to lose?" She shrugged and smiled a little. "If you remain here you will die."

Her form flickered and without room for another word she found herself where she had been, sat before the window in her room at the Inn. Had it been real or a daydream caused by the knowledge of what had been. The thought of others being out there, lost and alone with know idea of the Pantheon. She would have to wait and hope that they would listen and seek help.

~~ A Warning ~~


I hope this finds you well. I have been busy trying to keep things moving and have not had a chance to see you recently. I hope we can find time to have some tea and talk at some point. I had such fun in Baadris with you and I'm sure we will have more.

Lord Mystery- Tajnevaki- and I spoke yesterday, such that it was as he is entirely silent, but we managed with pen and paper. He informed me of some things he learned from Lord Harmodius as to the state of things and more. First, we are moving into the Pantheon itself. The new building looks wonderful thanks to our Lord, and he has provided rooms for not only myself, but an area for the mortals under our care. There is a door that leads into groups of five bedrooms with a common room connected by hallways. I have not seen them yet, but Taj has said that he will find them for me and ensure that mine find their way there.

He also seemed to want to say more but said that it was not safe outside and that we all have a common enemy. I believe he means the one who did such to Lord Harmodius and Gaia. We have begun packing and should be moving in soon. I can't imagine what my rooms or even door looks like, but he said it would... "resonate" to me? Whatever that means. I would be giggling but he was quite serious so I set my amusement aside. I simply did not want to leave Isra and the others behind but was not sure what you would want to tell them.

On another note, I believe he has more to tell us, but this is first.

Your sister in amusement,


Cosine sat on the floor in her room at the inn and read over the letter from her friend. Once, then twice to make sure she had taken in every little detail no matter how insignificant. So Lisana had met with Creation, and had rooms, that was something Cosine needed to do if she had to return to the Pantheon. Sleeping on other people's floors was not much fun.

She placed the letter on her knee and looked around, she would get her Aoide to move the bedding and useful things into the main building, the humans would need those. First she would have to talk to Isra and her family, help them find these rooms in the pantheon, she hoped that there would be space for them.

As she made her way through the old hotel, past its dusty corners and broken fittings, she noticed that it was quiet, more quiet than it had ever been. Lisana must have started informing all of her friends and their families.

Isra's rooms were located on the second floor, down the creaky staircase with its threadbare carpet. She knocked on the door and smiled as she heard the familiar sounds of chatter and children's laughter. After a few moments the door opened and Isra stood on the other side, her daughter on her hip and a smile on her full lips.
"Cosine, it has been too long." She stood back from the door and gestured for the goddess to enter.

The room was just as it had been, full of people and their belongings that had been saved. Cosine breathed in the smells of incense and cooking and bowed her head to them all, smiling at Ziya as he waved to her from his father's lap.
"I bring news." She said, taking a seat on the floor among the caravan and looking to the folded note in her hands. "It is not safe here, those who started this nothing, they are still out there and they might launch another attack. I suggest you move to the Pantheon with me. Our Lord, Creation has provided some rooms for you. You will be safer there." she smiled a little and looked to Isra.

"Then we must go." She agreed, looking around at her people. "Does anyone object? Speak now." A silence of a few moments fell, followed by hushed discussion among those families that remained. Some were reluctant to move, they were tired, exhausted by the constant danger that followed them. No one voiced their fears out loud and soon silence fell once more. Isra nodded, her earings jangling with the movement.
"Then we will move."

Cosine smiled, glad they had chosen to move and looked to the window, it was dark outside.
"Start packing, I will go and find Lisana or her friend and learn the location of the rooms for you." She stood and smoothed her hands over her simple dress. "I will return shortly."
It was late when Cosine returned from her meeting with mystery. As his name might suggest he intrigued her, and she had enjoyed his company very much. His host was lucky that such a noble god had taken his place and would take care of his little son. So new to the world one of those who would shape the aftermath of destruction.

Slowly she made her way back through the pantheon, to the inn, which, if what Lisana said was true was not the safe haven they had first imagined it to be. She wrapped her arms around herself, the night was cold and all she had was one of Echo's pretty but thin dresses to keep the chill out.

Inside the building that had seen much better days there were people and belongings everywhere. Shouting in languages that Cosine did not understand but could tell from tone they were directions and orders. Children charged past, laughing, followed by the stern chastising of mothers, who would drag them back to their family by their arm or their collars. The goddess smiled as she walked into the fray, it was good to be among these mortals, so alive and viberant.

Isra and her family were making their way down the stairs, lugging belongings in any way they could think to carry them.
"Lady Cosine." She tall woman smiled as she reached the bottom, her young son clinging to her skirts, her daughter in a sling across her back. She carried a bundle of clothes and food in her hand.
"We are ready, almost. My husband and the other men are checking the rooms to make sure there is no one left."

"Good, that's good." Cosine nodded as she glanced around at everyone. Turning her eyes back to the little boy she gave him a big smile. He hid behind his mother, resting his head against her. "I have found the rooms, there will be plenty of space for everyone. Come with me and I will show you."

Isra nodded and turned to give a clipped order to one of the younger woman from her caravan. The woman spoke loudly to a few others and soon they had a crowd around them, ready to be shown their new accomodations.

Cosine led them all out of the Inn and up to the Pantheon, there they walked across the grassy space that had been created with the return of Harmodius and into the marbled expanse of the new hall. There were gasps of awe and hushed voices exclaiming as they walked through the peaceful space. If one looked at the world outside it would be almost impossible that this beauty and tranquility could exist. She was sure they would all be happy about their relocation.

Slowly they descended the stairs and made their way towards Laughter and mystery's rooms. A slience fell over the party, they were within the realm of the gods now. Living among them, beside them. Cosine stopped by the door and opened it, showing them to a cluster of rooms that had not been taken.
"You will be safe here." She said, turning back to Isra and watching as the people started to talk amongst themselves once more. "If you need anything you can ask me, or Lisana, her rooms are next door and I am sure she will help you.

Isra smiled as she set her things down and nodded.
"This is perfect, much better than the Inn, more like we are used to." Her dark eyes glanced around the space approvingly. "Thank you Cosine. If you need anything you can come and ask us too. We owe you so much for saving us all, anything you need would be a pleasure."

Cosine smirked a little and shook her head.
"It was no trouble, just make sure you all stay inside the Pantheon and I am sure this will all be over soon."

Isra nodded and smiled.
"We will pray, now that we are surrounded by gods. Hopefully our prayers will be answered, if not, there is no hope for anyone."

Cosine sat on the floor of Ankou's room with her back against the bed. It was quiet, everyone would be out and about seeing to business. Smiling to herself she reached for a large notebook one of the Baadris refugees had given her and ran her hand over the cover. It was leather bound with fragments of their beautiful coloured glass inlayed on the cover.

From behind her ear she produced a pencil and opened the journal. This would be where she would start her record, a diary of progress.

I have taken it upon myself to begin a journal, a personal record of rebirth. I am sure that those dark days following the fall of destruction will have more records than even I will be able to count. This will document these weeks, months, years even that follow.

I have contemplated the numbers, everything that is needed, everything that has been lost. It is overwhelming for one, half goddess to even imagine. Arc is lost and there is only me to keep track.

Today I helped the people of Baadris move to a safe location within the Pantheon. This is a step backwards for progress. I had thought I might spend my time helping architects and engineers with their trade. Rebuilding infrastructure is surely where a deity like myself should begin. However, if beyond the pantheon is unsafe then what is the point? Why build things up if they will only be destroyed once more.

I will seek those out who may help. We can spend our time planning, organising the process of rebuilding. Hopefully safety will come sooner rather than later.

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