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Fashionable Genius

3,550 Points
  • Hygienic 200
  • Dressed Up 200
  • Full closet 200
~*~{{Disaster In Kellevolt}}~*~


Kellevolt is a land blessed by Sacurina’s goodness, and overflowing with her mercy and bounty. It’s crops grow strong, it’s farmers are rich, it’s merchants are richer. The rivers are like crystal, it’s fields like vast rolling oceans or lush grasses and shimmering, sun-kissed, flowers. The ruling monarch and his beautiful family spend most of their days carefree and amongst it’s upper-class subjects playing sports or hosting and attending parties. Everyone is full. Everyone is happy. Everyone, that is, except a quaint little boarder town along Kellevolt's northern edge. For the first time in anyone’s memory, the crops in Dacourum have all withered and died. The ground has dried up and the rivers are dirtied. No one can explain it, and with winter fast approaching all hope of replenishing their wasted crop lies with the seasonal caravans, bringing with them their salted meats and other travel-safe supplies and entertainment. Only this year they are later than is to be expected, yet another oddity that has the town on end. Soon the council will decided to send a small band of it’s youth to ride on sure footed mounts along Marketers Road and see if they can spot the caravan, but will that be enough? Will they find them at all? And what is happening to their land? Is Sacurina’s mercy drying up along with their sun-baked ground? Only a small few have what it takes to uncover the truth- are you one of them?

Currently on Disaster in Kellevolt:

A meeting was held in Dacourum’s Council building discussing what should be done about the villages lack of crop growth this past harvest season, and about the delayed caravans. It was decided that the only thing that could be done about the food shortage was to purchase what they could from this caravan and to do that they needed it to arrive. The adults were all needed here at home so they decided as a group to send out their children on a short 4 day ride north to the city of Barmethias to speak with the towns governor Guirk.
Most of the children have been informed already of their trip and conversations are winding down due to how late at night it currently is. The new morning however will see the kids preparing for the trip and congregating in the village center outside the Council building to await their full instructions from the speaker of the Council. Then they shall depart..


I’ve realized that it's hard for everyone to stick within my limited descriptions of fantasy creatures and other what-nots and decided to allow players to make and type up descriptions of things for themselves and others: animals, references, illnesses, medicines, tools, books. Anything that you want to think of, come up with it and a description, send it to me via PM and I'll check it over. However I have to ask that they do not post them directly into the role play before having cleared the idea with myself first.


Title Page:
9/06 Basic Story Run-Down has been rewritten

9/06 Rules Section heavily

9/06 Worked on Kellevolt a little
and will continue with the others soon


Story References:

Deleted Profiles:

Fashionable Genius

3,550 Points
  • Hygienic 200
  • Dressed Up 200
  • Full closet 200


*Note: These Character Rules are because of larger plans in the role play. They seem harsh, but eventually the world will be turned on end and these things won't matter later- however they are dire for my opening.

Character Rules:
1) No magic. So no immortals, no mind readers, no wizards, in order to prevent God-moders. Try and make it imaginative, but realistic, alright?

2) All starter characters must have their parents.

3)Starting characters must be born and raised in Dacourum, a happy town where everyone knows and generally likes each other.

Player Rules:
1) Please do not post your profiles directly into the role-play itself. If you do, it will be deleted. Message me if you are interested or have questions. Title all messages regarding the role play "Disaster in Kellevolt" whether they be profiles, questions, complaints or of any another Kellevoltian business.

2) Please try and be as literate as possible. I understand that English and it's grammar are hard things, that's fine, do your best and I won’t judge you, but please reframe from using things like lol, btw, gtg, or VVr171/Vg i/V VV@ys P30pl3 c@/V'7 r3@|) (writing in ways people cant read) unless of course such speech is in the OOC (Out Of Character) dialoged at the top or bottom of posts designated by [ ] { } or ( )

3) Please respect other players opinions and differences in writing styles. Do not speak to, or make your characters react harshly towards one another unless it is important to your characters personality. Do not shove opinions down another characters throat or push them around. If a person is being a bother and you feel your temper slipping, or if you feel that someone is pushing you or your character around, you may message me and together we can work the problem out but please don’t take it into your own hands.

4) I know that sometimes obscenities can help to strengthen a point or heightened emotion, or even build character (of unsavory qualities usually) and that’s alright with me, however I’m going to ask that you please try and keep it to a minimum. Don’t use the F-bomb every other word and so forth. It’s nasty, and sometimes peoples feelings can be hurt. I’d like to avoid that please.

Player Tips For Smoother RPing: An Optional Read

1) Try and stay aware of your surroundings at all times and do not move the setting before having a mutual agreement with the other players in the scene unless your character alone is moving on.

2) Read through other peoples profiles and do not repeat what someone else has written. The whole story process just moves smoother if everyone has their own original ideas and backgrounds.

3) Type your post into some typing program that has a spell check (i.e. Microsoft Works Word Processor) first before transferring it to the forum post to help with spelling and grammar and prevent some miscommunications between you and other players.

4) Read through your posts a few times to make sure the words flow smoothly, kind of like with essays, making sure your point is clearly shown.

5) When giving character information ask yourself, “Is this absolutely necessary to advance the story to the next step or should I reserve it for a more dramatic effect later,” some people tend to give away their punch lines too fast, or don’t hint at the surprise quite enough.

6) Sometimes choosing a single color for your characters posts helps for smoother writing so that right away the readers know who’s talking. If you chose to do this, it’s helpful not to change the color too much, because then the point becomes moot.

7) When entering a role play late, or catching up over a long absence, it’s heavily recommended that you read over everything that’s been posted prior to your newest post to make sure you don’t override something that’s been said or miss a key incident or reference.

Example Profile Outline +
Desired Character Information:

Username: [This is you]
Name: [Character name]
Age: [not optional]
Gender: [M or F]
Vital Statistics: [Height, color of eyes and hair, maybe weight, etc.]
General Impressions: [Public opinion, how other react to you]
Background: [ties in with General Impression. We all live in the same place so we should know you]
Gift: [OPTIONAL: What will grow in your character that will help the party? Strength, skill, knowledge, humor, etc.]
Appearance: [OPTIONAL: Picture goes here]


USERNAME: Serene Wolfsbane
NAME: Raiel [Ray-el] Barbón [Bar-bone]
AGE: 17 years
VITAL STATISTICS: 5'10", 154 lbs., green eyes, sun-bleached blonde hair.
GENERAL IMPRESSIONS: Raiel tends to come off as troubled. He’s quiet, and almost never smiling. He’s the sort that’s usually out of sight and out of mind, yet attracts whispers and sympathies when sent into town for reasons regarding chores (for it seems he never comes into town for his own doin’s) He avoids the other kids his age which the mothers of the town sniff indignantly at. He is also usually sportin’ some sort of bruise or cut or other as a result of field herding in the pendies every evening. Everyone knows how disagreeable pendies can be, however the frequency and severity of these injuries has caused some of the town folks to gossip and question. However when asked he always gives the same excuses. Other than this not much else is know about Raiel. His father is known a little better. Daemónd has his seat in the Council as do most of the men, and he sells the town the bulk of it’s pendy wool. However the shadiness of his son increases the suspicions about him. Daemónd also has a sour reputation as a nasty drunk and has been hauled into the village jail and kept overnight a few times for unruly drunken behavior.
BACKGROUND: Raiel has lived with his parents for the past two years. Before then his oldest brother was still alive and things had been a lot better. He was stricken with Sukinakpauna five years ago when Raiel was 11, and died a few months later, one month after his 12 birthday. His father was devastated and took to staying out all night drinking and would stumble back into the house at the first traces of dawn, or sometimes wouldn’t come back at all. His mother was never seen outside of the house again, although sometimes when Daemónd came into town to sell his pendy wool he’d bring socks, or blankets, or other knitted items that his wife had made. His remaining two brothers put up with this new, depressing way of life for a good three years, then they left. Told everyone it was a business opportunity they couldn’t pass up, and they took the wagon and their two best Ghalls and left Raiel behind with their grief-stricken parents. No one had heard from or about them since, and if Raiel or his father had heard from them, they hadn’t mentioned it, and no one was about to ask. So for the past two years it’s just been Raiel and his father the drunk, and his mother the shut-in.

((Click picture for the original Image))

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Username: MistressWolffie
Name: Shayla Luhrn; Shay for short.
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Vital Statistics: 5'9", one Emerald green eye and one gold eye, mid-back lengthed, glossy, black hair that fades to crimson, her ears and fluffy tail are just like her hair, black and fade to crimson at the tips.
Description: Shayla is known for her herbal remedies that were partly past down from her grandmother and that she came upon herself. She has helped many of the towns people get well and many of the Ghnalls. She also seems to have a way with animals and nature. Shayla is very capable with people but prefers to keep to herself, unless someone is in need of her. She has been without a parent for almost 5 years now. On her 14th birthday both her parents died from an illness, she could not cure. From that day on she has commited her life to helping everyone and finding a cure to what killed her parents. Her birthday and anniversary of her parents death is in 2 months and she dreads every day closer. The reason being that she still has no cure. Oh and we can't forget the meals she can make, let's just compare it to 5 star meals.
Gifts: Herbal remedies (Healing skill), cooking, nature and animals, calming personality to anyone/thing.

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Username: For-me-na]
Name: [Kis]
Age: [19l]
Gender: [Female]
Vital Statistics: [5'1, 100lb's, Blue eyes, Red Hair.]
General Impressions: [Kis is usually looked upon as a bit of a trouble maker she doesn't get into trouble on purpose she just doesn't like boredom]
Background: [Kis was found on the doorstep of a woman Moira and her husband Tom , everyone assumed she was dropped off by a family from a neighboring town that couldn't take sufficient care of her]
Gift: Such an adventurer this girl is]

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Username: Monanoki
Name: Aaron Sasleon
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Vital Statistics: 5’9”, Slim/slender but soft, 132, Short hair but with long bangs, bright but dark blue eyes, Lazy personality but when it comes to getting something done its done, Not too athletic.
General Impressions/ Background: Quite loveable once you get to know her, comes off cold or stiff at first, lazy but a hard worker once something needs to be done. Usually cracking jokes, complains a fair amount but when it comes to some that is interesting to her she’s all over it. Well known with all the shop keepers for selling them her goat milk, meat and cheese. The Local Dairy goat farmer has always had a way with animals. Has her companion Marko, a male black with crimson tail & white speckles around the eyes, Ghnall, in which she found left at her farm one afternoon as a knit is always with her, helps with her deliveries. Her parents are the owners of the Blacksmith shop which allows her to have easy access of chains, tool heads, buckles, fastenings, farming tools, etc. Handy with her hands and sometimes enjoys to take command with things involving other people, not just herself, her own affairs, business or animals.
Gift: Is Humorous, good for moral, can fix things and if not fixed completely, can be used until a permanent solution can be found. Good with wood, creating jewelry, can create things to trade with when there’s nothing else. Works goats and Ghnalls so have attained good strength, handy knowledge of animals and animal husbandry. Marko is a strong horse that is capable of pulling a cart for delivering supplies or traveling.

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Username: Vampiress Gerard
Name: Asta Murell
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Vital Statistics: 5'0", gold eyes, magenta hair with pink and white streaks. 132 lbs. Large bust.
General Impressions: Asta is known as the well-behaved cheerful girl, daughter of two astronomers. She's a dreamer, same as her parents and she loves to draw and write. Asta is well known to randomly stand on her head and twist herself into acrobatic positions when she is bored. One thing she does constantly is speak in Latin and quote the dead.
Background: Asta's parents, Ardelle and Benedict, have lived in the town for a very long time. They are known to stay inside for long periods of time, because they work all night studying the stars, sleep during the day, and work in the noon. Because of this, Asta wanders around in sheer boredom or sleeps during the day. She generally sits on a hill overlooking the town just to draw and be close to nature. She loves animals and has a few cats around her feet when she opens her front door.
Gift: Asta is an innocent and carefree soul. She's cheerful. And even though she knows the evils of the world, her parents have taken good care of her mentally and physically. Asta is extremely acrobatic and a near pro with a bow and arrow.
Appearance: Asta enjoys simple clothes, "simple clothes, simple pleasures". She usually wears tight shorts with black tights and a tank top. Every once in a while she throws on a new outfit or pulls her hair up, but usually her long hair is in two thick ponytails down her back and she wears large boots.

Username: Montage Phoenix
Name: Caspian Arcane
Age: 19

Gender: Male

Vital Statistics: 6'0", blue-black eyes, dark brown hair that appears black, 152 lbs. Slender bodied, pale skinned.

General Impressions: Everyone knows Caspian as the quiet, gentle Giant/Nerd who sits in the town square and reads all day. Either there or in the house. Caspian doesn't speak much but he is very cheerful.

Background: Because Caspian is always awake at
night, he is friends with Asta who is very nocturnal in herself. Caspian enjoys making things with his hands; he is particulary good at making small fine gifts. Caspian's parents came from the surronding trade islands before he was born. And while he has known Kellevolt his whole life he yearns to travel and does so through his books. Caspian is known to have a weakness for potatoes.

Gift: [After all that reading, the only thing Caspian can do is be intelligent. He is very strong, despite his slender frame, but practices to keep his strength defensive more than offensive.

Appearance: Caspian wears a navy blue robe and black leather pants. Whatever is under the robe....leave it to the imagination since he doesn't really take it off in public. Caspian generally wears dark circles as his daily attire, pulls his hair back in a straight ponytail, and has four ear piercings though only Asta knows it.

Username: Morniel Magaskwee
Name: Kiba Warren
Age: 17
Vital Statistics: She is 5'7", her hair is long and silky and a faded/light burgundy color. Her eyes are as golden as gold itself.
General Impressions/Background: Kiba has lived in Dacourum all her life and enjoyed it. Her mother, Jasmine, is a wonderful seamstress, which Kiba helps with all the time. And that is also wear she gets her wonderful dresses and cloaks that she wears. Her father, Ricard [Rick-ard], is the butcher. Kiba hates seeing the animals that she helps raise disappear, but she knows that they are needed for her to survive. She loves to help her mum and pop in their stores. She's learned so much from them and her grandparents when they were alive. Kiba also helps with her little brother, Sean, whom she loves to death. Loves the forest, graveyard, and adventure from books to the real thing. She's always smiling and helping people out when she sees them in need. The community calls her Smiley or Khit instead of Kiba, for she is so energetic. But she does know when it is time to be serious and can be.
Gift: Sociable, learns quickly, great with daggers and a bow, very quiet and quick on her feet.
User Image

Username: Weeping Daedalus
Name: Icarus Gravel
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Vital Statistics: 6' 1" and 167 lbs.
General Impressions: While not disliked, neither is Icarus liked. Indeed, though all know of his existence, few know him well enough to even form an opinion. Still, it is general opinion that while he is odd, he's a nice enough chap.
Background: Mother dead in childbirth and with a father only interested in the daily achievements of the farming life, Icarus grew up with animals for company day in and day out. The boy developed a strange affinity for the beasts and quickly grew attached to them in a way he never had with his fellow villagers. Though he was not notably anti-social, he did spend a good portion of his time tending to the needs of peoples pets and livestock. When he grew old enough he retreated from a public life to one of tending the animals of the forest. Those who see him will often spy a creature either upon his person, or nearby.
Gift: A strange affinity for all animals allows him to calm them and make them understand what he needs of them.
Appearance: Though not inappropriate, this image may be a little too risque for some. You have been warned. RISQUE PICTURE

Username: Doushinto

Name: Yamina Yozed; Yoma

Age: 24

Gender: Female

Vital: 5'10", 95 lbs., dark brown hair with black tips, burgundy eyes

General Impressions: Often intimidates people because she is so tall for a woman. She isn't friendly...and she scowls a lot. But she is a loyal friend when you get to know her and she actually can smile. Appears very scary, very unfriendly, and quite strong; all of which are true.

Background: Came to the town a few years ago, stating she was a bounty hunter and was simply retiring. Now she works selling steel, silver, and special weapons, living only in a small room above her shop. She leaves town every once in a while, sometimes for a few days, other times for a few weeks; but she always returns with more weapons. Its rumored she has a smithie and goes out of town to use it.

Appearance: Has a bluish tint to her skin, which is a pale white. Often wears her hair straight down but with her part pulled back. using a thick silver comb and cord. Often wears gauntlets and her sword, but other than that, keeps her other armor at home. Wears leather boots and leggings, a deerskin culrass, and a silk shirt. Generally doesn't change her clothes unless she's leaving town for a little. Always wears a silver earring with a cresent moon at the end in her right ear.

Gift: Hunting prowess. She's not friendly, but she's physically and mentally strong, stubborn and does her best to stay mentally focused.

Fashionable Genius

3,550 Points
  • Hygienic 200
  • Dressed Up 200
  • Full closet 200

THE KINGDOM OF KELLEVOLT [Kell - Vault]: A long standing kingdom stretching across most of it’s continent with no known rivals over seas (it is believed that there are no other lands or people outside of The One Continent save a few exotic islands not too far off the coast that the Kingdom has established trade with) The kingdom has seen peace for hundreds of years and the current monarch spends most of his days away from his throne, playing local sports with his subjects and leaving most, if not all the kingdoms running to his advisors. However this lack of a challenge has left the kingdom to flourish. The economy is stable, crops have been growing, arts and crafts are everywhere, people are happy.

User Image

DACOURUM [Dah-Core-Um]: The hometown of our starting party. Dacourum is a small farming town, self sufficient to a point, but they can’t make everything and therefore rely on a large caravan to roll through several times a year to make it through each season. They raise livestock such as cows, sheep and goats and grow several crops like wheat and corn and personal gardens full of vegetables. The towns been standing for about three generations and is, for the most part, still figuring itself out. It’s got grandparents, strong men, skilled, hardworking women, and prosperous youths. There’s a town square, several log and mud houses, a few scattered lookout posts with warning bells in case of wolves or other such predators, and lots of field room for the livestock. Theres a large building in the center of the town for the council of elders. A group of the towns more renowned men to get together and discuss plans for the town or cover any issues or disputes that arries amongst the people. They meet most nights, deciding at the end of each meeting when to meet again. They eat, they drink, they argue. Think of it as a men’s club- only not so rich.

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BARMETHIAS [Bar-me-thee-us]: Barmethias is a prosperous trade town. It is the biggest town in this region. When you think of “regions” in Kellevolt, think of states. If the northwester corner of the kingdom where a state, Barmethias would be it’s capitol. All the major manufactured goods come from Barmethias, plus mass amounts of salted fish and meats that come in off the ships. The ships are the fastest way between the western region of the Kingdom and south eastern region which holds the Kingdoms capitol. Barmethias is nothing compared to the villages of the east, even the smallest ones, however to the west it’s a huge necessity. This point is also reinforced by the fact that it is the only Town in the region that has freight ships, making it the only real link to the rest of the world, given as its days and days worth of travel to go in a caravan.
___Barmethias is the only walled village in the region too, save a few who may have put up minor walls of pikes or wood to keep out Warverns or Bearnorgs. Barmethias is fortified, with lookout posts and sentry guards. The guards main job is to spot nearby predators hunting too close to the city walls and for travelers and traders. They have many shops all crammed together with the houses due to the limited amount of space provided inside the walls. Houses and shops seem to have twisted upward weirdly over time since the only way left for most of them to expand was up.
___The cities most attractive aspect to the general public is it’s many advanced shops and it’s connection to the capitols latest fashion designs of the day that are shipped over and made inside these walls. The city has alchemists, blacksmiths, herbalists, fisherman galore, tailors, cobblers, leather smiths, bakeries, toy makers, anything that a person can imagine, and more. The streets are paved in cobbles, the shops are washed and painted regularly, the flowers well attended, and the travelers inns, taverns, and waterways always full, even in drought. The place almost sparkles.
___The Miracle of the waterways is all thanks to Barmethias’ small yet successful Wizards Guild. When a child in the region shows promise of magic they go here for their basic training. If they show great signs of power they are sent with their families to the East and Capitol for a full education. The few Wizards here at the guild though hold their own magical experimentations and their latest was the ability to siphon all the salt out of the oceans water and make it suitable for drinking. A magical miracle, and profound breakthrough. Unfortunately it only works on the coastline since irrigation isn’t that advanced yet.

More updates to come, keep checking

Fashionable Genius

3,550 Points
  • Hygienic 200
  • Dressed Up 200
  • Full closet 200

Ghnall’s are Kellevolt’s most proud and noble mounts. Their noses typically reach over the average mans head. Their bodies are more feline in build and flexibility than anything else, yet they are rougher in build, their skeletons more defined. Their bodies are covered in thick, long fur, similar to a warvens or sometimes covered in thick tight curls like wool. Typically their coats run in earthy hues, (tans, browns, blacks, whites, grays) at least until you get to their unique and flashy tails. Their tails are long and bushy, and fluffy, typically longer than their actual bodies and the colors are what make them stand out. The females are usually duller shades, but the males glisten with bright reds, purples, greens or blues. All have multiple colors splashed in together creating a rainbow of fur. The tail will have one primary color, such as red, and then the tips or bases of the fur will fade into other brilliant colors.
___Now their faces may be hardest to define. They have long, equine noses yet expressive canine brows and eyes. Their pupils are typically white, like a blind man, yet sometimes they have mild tints of blue, purple, or other such colors. Between the brows and the snout of the Ghnall’s face the flesh is wrinkled and lumped in a sort of permanent snarl, sometimes portrayed on dragons or snarling hounds, yet their mouths are soft, and covered in a peachy fuzz making it delightful to the touch and softening the viciousness portrayed in the snout.
___Ghnall babies are something of a mystery to most. Typically they are born pure white. Babies, or Khits [kits], as they're called regardless of gender will gradually grow into their colors. They also aren't born with wrinkled snouts, but get them later in life. Some research suggests that the wrinkles on the Ghnalls noes is similar to the age rings on a tree, and since Ghnalls seem to keep aquiring ridges their whole life, the theory is widely accepted.
More to Come, Stay tuned

Colored Version of the Ghnall

User Image

DONSTRALS [Dawn - strullz]

Donstrals are vicious and not easily tamed. They could be compared to Dragons in their savagery yet not in their appearance. They are shorter and slightly slower than the Ghnalls, of course this decline in speed of domesticated Donstrals (which there have only been two in all of recorded Kellevoltian history) may be due to their reluctance to serve a master. In the wild, packs of Donstrals have been witnessed outrunning and taking down full grown Ghnalls. Donstrals typically inhabit the northern regions of the continent beyond the kingdoms borders in the Gorbandon desert, however packs of Donstrals have been known to wander further south and ravage villages from time to time whenever food becomes too scarce in their natural hunting grounds.
___Their bodies can be compared to a gorilla’s or maybe the classic half changed werewolf. The back legs have outward joints causing the body to rest at a slant, and the front legs are jointed like a canines ending in bird-like taloned feet. Some accounts suggest that their talons are hallow and secrete a venom that, when mingled in the blood stream, will kill a person in minutes. But since so few have survived frontal encounters with the beasts it’s hard to know for sure. Their necks are long and craned like a birds and their snouts end in a lethal beak. Donstrals have sharp, keen, beady eyes and acute yet floppy ears. Their crowns are ridged and sunk down below the large rounded brows, and their bodies are covered in course, greased, hallow, hairs.
___Some reports have told of Donstrals sporting wings, others a long, spiked, whip-lash of a tail and others say they have short nubby tales with the same course hair dangling from it’s end. Speculations suggest all these theories may be true and that these are marks of certain social ranks within the packs on these brutes.

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MALPAS-- [Mall-puhz]

Malpas are about the size of an Ocelot. Their coats can range between deep reds, browns, blacks, whites and grays. The females look more cat-like in structure and the males look more wolfish. Their coats have a cross between Ocelot and Jaguar designs, but are made up of light fluff closely resembling a wolf pup. They can have up to two tails, but have been recorded growing up to four. The tails are fox like in appearance.
___Malpas are solitary creatures in the wild but are incredibly curious and get along well in domesticated situations as long as one is ready to dedicate much time to their entertainment, otherwise the Malpas will find a way to entertain themselves, and when that happens things tend to get climbed and other things tend to get accidentally broken.

WARVERNS-- [Whar-vernz]

Warverns are large canines that hunt in packs. Their preferred choice of meat is that of livestock and give quite a few ranchers a headache. They stand on average just under a full grown mans shoulders, and are capable of killing that same man with one snap of their jaws, or at least snap off a limb like a twig. Warverns work in a class system pack with one Alpha, either male or female, depending on whoever wins a fight for leadership. Warverns are fierce and have a strong tendency to bicker amongst themselves therefore are usually covered in sores and injuries from their skirmishes. They have become symbols of evil in the Kellevoltian world and were back in the days of old a favorite symbol of the nomadic tribes to the north that rebelled against the kingdom back when it was still young.
___Warverns are nasty in appearance, they have sharp canine faces and strong canine bodies, however along their backs they have a cage of spikes jutting out of their spines, and spikes jutting out of their feet or joints and behind their ears. Some of the spikes on a Warvern vary, such as the ones on their legs. Some Warverns may have spikes jutting out of the back of their paws, while others may have them coming out of their thighs or shoulder blades. They also come in a variety of dark earthy colors (blacks, browns, brownish mosey green), meant to help them blend into the forests that they make their home.

Colored Version of the Warvern

User Image

More to say later as we, at the Care and Conservation of the Mystical Creatures of Kellevolt (CCMCK), continue our research.

Fashionable Genius

3,550 Points
  • Hygienic 200
  • Dressed Up 200
  • Full closet 200

Sukinakpauna [Sookee-knock-pawna]- An illness that claimed many lives 3-6 years back. It was a feared, cureless plauge that ravaged many of the homes and villages yet eventually went it course. Symptoms include a breakout of black spots, excessive feaver, a gradual loss of apitite, muscle failure and eventually death. No one who caught recovered.

Kaira’s Showers- {{Not part of the original story, but I can make them work! Hahaha!}} Thanks to the Guild of Wizards located in Washdandorum {{Wash-dan-door-um}}, our Kingdoms capitol, Kellevolt now has the miracle of running, indoor water! They discovered that through a series of hollow rounded pieces of metal called pipes they can transport water into enchanted chambers that will filter out all the impurities such as dead fish pieces and water plants and then send the water out to each individual house using the same pipes. Under each house is another enchanted chamber that, when told by verbal command from inside the house, will give either hot or cold water to the respected pipe that is spoken to. A user may even tell the water to heat up or cool down the adjust to their favored temperature. Now Kellevolts inhabitants are allowed to be clean, and have fresh water whenever they wish it at the simple utterance of a word!

Thordon and Sacurina [Sock-ur een-uh]- The chief god and goddess of Kellevolt. They are the father and mother of the kingdom, and they have rule over all the lesser gods. Every god and his goddess have a special city where their temple will be located, and sacrifices and blessings will be made to them. Thordon and Sacurina’s temple is in the capitol, Washdandorum.

Theridon [thair-dun]- The name of Kellevolts planet.

bolffer [ball-fur] - Kellevolts form of money. The name of their coin.

Kethenika - The equivilant of heaven in the Kellevoltian world.

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Deleted Profiles--
*Note: Deleted profiles may or may not be perminate depending on the nature of the delete. Those who wish to discuss the reason and have theirs posted back into play may PM me and we will talk it out.

REASON: Inactivity

Username: O G the Original Goblin
Name: Ludwig
Age: Seventeen
Gender: Male
Vital Statistics: He has hair greener than the meadows down yonder, sharp yellow eyes that can burn a hole through your soul, and ageless skin that could make any immortal quiver with jealousy. He stands at an impressive 6 feet and 1 inch! He is quite tall for his age.
General Impressions: He is a ruffian. That is what most think of him, well those who do not know him or his family. People thought of him as a respectful young man until he got into several fist fights with the tavern owner's three sons. That changed his reputation greatly but his father still kept word of his son being a good boy. Although... He could be called a black sheep but still people find him wise and full of integrity seeing as he will help with any problem that may be too big for some to handle.
Background: Ludwig, known as L or even as Lupe, was born into a farming family. His father was a farmer a few years before Ludwig was born but while on the job he was attacked by Donstral that happened to stray into the village. The beast attacked him and severed his left arm. After a few years he joined the council and lost time to manage a farm and a child so he handed his only son over to his own father. Ludwig then lived with his grandfather who owned a shop near the tavern. L would run errands for people until he got caught in an argument with the tavern owner and was pummeled in the middle of the street by his three sons for every one to see. It was embarassing. It went on for four years until Ludwig got into good shape, matured and grew quite a bit. The Tavern owner's three sons attacked him while he was running errands and unbelievably he enough he beat all three of em down to the point their father got involved and put a blade to Ludwig's throat. The man has been considered a disgrace ever since then but Ludwig also had fingers pointed down at him.
Appearance: User Image
Gift: He is strong but not as strong as you would think. He has skill when it comes to fighting, weaponry and traps. He can also be quite smart at times but it all depends on his mood seeing as he prefers to keep his mouth shut

REASON: Was banned from Gaia

Username: Neko Turega
Name: Vault Fyrn (pronounced fern)
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Vital Statistics: 6' 2", 192 lbs, crystal green eye, stark white hair
Description: Vault was born and raised mostly by his mother. His father was home very rarely, taking trips to unknown places to escape his family. When his father was home he never paid him any attention except to point out his flaws. Over the years his mother grew ill and had been bedridden and with his father never around had taken to stealing things from other people to try and keep him and his mother alive and safe.
Gift: Strength, humor, and social skills

User Image

REASON: Quit, overwhelmed by school work

Username: Erotic Pixels
Name: Kaira Surden
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Vital Statistics: 5'4, 105lbs, Blue Eyes, Black hair.
General Impressions: Are generally scared of her but find her friendly once they talk to her.
Background: Kaira's parents were both warriors. She had loving parents who taught her until she was about 12 years old. Her parents decided to leave Kaira to teach herself and take her own independence. Kaira spends alot of her time by herself, away from her house, training in unknown spots. Due to Kaira's commitment to training, she's a great fighter. However is only average with her social skills. Kaira is embarrassed about her lack of knowledge though. She had sacrificed skills over intelligence. Overall, Kaira is a kind person once you meet her and she is a hard-working fighter.
Gift: Caring/friendly, nice sense of humor, Great at fighting!, very loyal and noble.

User Image

REASON: Inactivity

Username: [x]Chibi.Usa[x]
Name: Jynx Isabella; Known as Isa
Age: 17
Gender: Female.
Vital Statistics: 5'1", 98lbs, her eyes are a light gold color, her hair light blonde.
General Impressions: Most can ingnore her pretty well, the public doesn't see her as anyone special. She does have the occasional few she can scare off with her eyes, although when 'froends' come along, their friends for ever.
Background: Living with her mother, time passes, as her father comes home from his job each day, and cares for the two. Her mother in perfect health, they tend to take family trips at time, but for that, she's not very sociable with the 'outside world' she does do the occasional shopping, which allows them to eat, of course. Isa gets along with her parents, slightly, but doesn't erally mind living with them.
Gift: Isa is skilled in herbal healing, not the best, but she can heal slightly. She carrys around two daggers, which she is also skilled in, but won't draw them for anyone. She is very socialable, she usually can't keep her mouth shut, and speaks her mind.

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Fashionable Genius

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The weather has been unusual. The rain’s haven’t started yet. This unusual heat keeps persisting to beat down on people, animals and crops alike. Rivers keep getting lower every day and seem muddied so bad that even our house water doesn‘t taste as pure as it used to. Couldn’t be that the water enchantments are wearing off along with everything else could it? Oh I hope not. The crops aren’t growing because the waters unusable and dries up before it has a chance to penetrate the ground. Towns folk are worried. Daemónd, who’s drunker than ever, won’t tell me a thing about what’s going on, but I can feel it. Taste their worry like a poison on the stifled breeze. I swear if that old drunk- no. I won’t think like that. Also the caravan’s are late for the first time. I’m sure that’s a part of the tension too. Most the town was hopin’ for some new seeds to maybe try again on a few crops once the rains started, but the later the caravans the less likely that dream seems. The pendies keep droppin’ down with exhaustion too. Lack of enough clean water. We keep trying to bring water from the house, but it’s not enough for them, especially with the new water restrictions the Elders have placed on the town. It’s just until the rains start up again, but I‘ve watched people enough. They‘ll panic even worse for it. Winter is just three months away and it feels like the dead of summer. I wonder if-___ “Raiel get your sorry a** in here” I slammed my diary closed and threw myself to the floor beside my bed, hastily I wrenched open the loose board beneath my bed and stuffed the book inside before running out into the hallway. Every self-preserving fiber of my being said not to go out there when I knew for sure Daemónd was drunk, however those same fibers would be screaming louder if I were to ignore him and stay in my room. Oh Thordon, how I wished my brothers had not been so selfish as to leave me behind with these shells of our parents. Granted I doubt Daemónd would have picked up the slack and earned them a living, and the two would possibly be dead from starvation, yet at this point in my life, I can honestly say I didn’t care what fate befell that dreaded father of mine, so long as I was far away from this place. My mother would be a shame- but her fate is her own making as well.
___ When I got out into the hall I noticed mother had shuffled out of the sitting room and to the dinning room where father had reclined with his dusty boots on the table top. She was paled from her constant indoor hours. Never seeing the sun can do that to a person. She was also very thin and frail looking. My mother had always been rather thin, because she’d always been very sickly as a girl I’d been told, but this indoor lifestyle and constant grieving kick was really making those old days look healthy. She clutched her knittery in her hands and was speaking in her whisper of a voice, “Daemónd, is it really necessary to speak to him like that? He’s just a bo-”
___ “Don’ tell me how ter raise ma own boy, woman! Look how well yur soft heart raised the last‘uns! One dead and two run off ter Thordon knows where! Well I ain’t ‘bout ter screw up with this one too. A right rough raisin’ should get rid of all that fluff ya waisted yur time putting in their heads.” He lifted a bottle to his lips and drank deep. Mother was shaken and slightly ashened. She said nothing, but moved off to the kitchen to hastily make something for super. My stomach churned at the idea. “Mother, would you like some help with tha-”
___ “Raiel! You ain’t goin’ in no kitchen like a woman! Get outside and see ter them damned animals. An’ if there be any dead ‘uns, don’ waist yur time flappin’ yur jaw ter me ‘bout it. Just haul their carcasses away and deal with it! Now get out of my sight.”
___ I cast a dark glance at my father and turned softened eyes to the doorway of our tiny kitchen, then turned on my heel and slammed the door behind me when I left.

Dangerous Dabbler

Ludwig sat on a bench close to the village's exit. He wouldn't dare exit through there alone. Not that he was a coward but his grandfather and many other people always had tasks for him to complete. Especially, today. He had taken a break on that bench from cleaning up an old man's farm. Next, he was going to go the Tavern and pick up a few drinks. It was going to cause problems but Ludwig did not care. He had business to attend to and was being paid to complete that task. He would not let a single person; man, woman, or child stand in the way of it's completion. His eyes shut closed for a moment. How he hated being in that village. It was always the same thing every day. Life was way too boring for him.

I push aside another failed attempt at a cure for Sukinakpauna. I grab my journal and sribble down my failure. Well, no, not a complete failure. I did find the cure to something else. But that's not what I wanted. I slide the book back across the table to were it was. It's been almost 5 years now. "Why can't I find the cure, Hasgry?" I look over to my young Malpa who now stopped playing. He lowered his ears, tilting his head slightly as he looked up at me. I smiled to him, at that he gracefully jumped onto my table and nuzzled under my chin. "Now how am I suposed to get any work done with you ontop of here?" He yarped at me and nudged at me. I knew what he was saying and rose out of my chair.
I grabbed a pouch and dagger and fastened them to my waste. I then tidied up some books on the table and shelves. Tilting my head slightly as I looked at the chair near the door which was empty of my napsac. I could have sworn I left it on that chair, being that's the only place I put it. At that, Hasgry nudged my calf gently. I looked down and he had it on his back. I knew what he had done, went and filled it with food and my gathering tools. I had to give it to him, he was one smart Malpa, even for being a year.
The town seemed really quite for a mid-day. I looked about and people seemed okay, but were they really? I stopped and saw many Ghnalls tied-up at the Elders Hall about 15 yards ahead of where I was. The Elders were having a meeting. I stood for a moment in wonder what was so important to be meeting at such a time. Then I saw, Raeil standing in front of it. What was he doing there? I shook my head back to reality when Hasgry jumped onto my shouldered and yarped at me. I smiled and continued my way towards the forest.
Vault searched around, looking for anyone that may have been watching. When he saw his chance he took it without a moments notice, stealing 3 loaves of bread and a bag of flour. He dashed back home, taking the back alleys for cover. "Hey mom, I'm back!" he said into the air. He hid the flour in a chest in the kitchen and placed the bread on the table. He walked into his parents room and knelt next to his sleeping mother "Hey... I got some more food for today." he whispered. "We can eat for the next week if we conserve it."

Fashionable Genius

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I found my way over to the first bench I saw. It was shaded and had a decent view of the councils front doors. I think it was outside the house on the corner of the road that lead out to our farm- that would be the southern side of town. Across that road then to my left would be the blacksmiths forge, and to my right would have been the herbalists shop. This was essentially the business center of the town. Most of the shops where right here save a few out-of-home shops. They were all placed in a wide circle around the council hall. Really shows you what “important” meant to my home town.
___As I stared unseeing at the councils front doors I recall being pulled out of whatever train of thought I’d been running on by the sound of an animal's yarbling and a closing door. I looked over to the herbalists to see her just leaving and noticed that little pet of her’s scurrying about her feet. I watched them, detached, just because her presence was something outside the monotony of those lifeless doors, then turned my head back and continued my pointless scrutiny of the dull clay building.

Fashionable Genius

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Rosaline was a generally happy girl. She had too wonderful parents who ran the local bakery. She was pretty and tall, with flowing chestnut hair that she brushed regularly and cool gray eyes, and her skin was fair and freckled. She also had taken a recent liking to the Fyrn boy. His was such a sad story, what with his mother sick and his father always gone. It was like those pretty poetry books she’d buy from the caravan stalls each season. Today she’d finally asked her parents if she could give the remaining loaves at the end of the day to his family. Since it was bad custom to sell day old bread, and they had more than enough stocked up for themselves, her parents had finally agreed. Delighted, and slightly nervous, Rosaline pulled back a small amount of her hair and braided it down her back, tying it off with a ribbon, and placed the spare loaves in a little basket and covered it in a small cloth she had made herself. She told her parents she was leaving and set out. Now she was standing nervously on the Fyrns doorstep. She took a deep breath, and knocked on the door.
"Who could that be...?" Vault asked himself walking quickly to the door. They never received visitors except on rare occasions. He opened the door with a loud creak and saw Rosaline on the front step. "Well hello." he gave a slight bow and wide smile. "What brings you here today?" He stepped to the side and gestured for her to come inside.

Fashionable Genius

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Rosaline ducked her head a little in a feeble attempt to hide her blush and stepped inside the house. Both her hands were clenched nervously on the basket handle as she fumbled for the simple words she’d been reciting in her mind to say. It tumbled out sounding something like, “I- umm-I heard your mother was sick and I brought you our leftovers” She gave a little gasp now the basic idea had been said, then realized it probably wasn’t the best way she could have said it. Her blush deepened and she clamped her eyes closed to take a mental step back. Calmer this time she said, “I mean to say; I heard your mother was sick and that your family was going through some tough times with this drought and minimal crop growth and thought maybe you would like to have the unsold bread from the store today.” She gave a shy smile and brushed a strand of hair back behind her ear before holding out the basket.
He gave her a small smile and took the basket, placing it on the table. "Thank you very much" he told her. "Anything is much appreciated in these times. How is life as on your end right now?" he pulled out 2 chairs and sat in one. "All I know is crops are bad and getting by is hard.... general I know but I'm not too in touch."

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