I don't use Gaia anymore, but in case anyone from the old days checks in, I just wanted to thank God and thank you for all the good times we had here. In the nearly 20 years since I first joined Gaia, I've seen and experienced a great deal. All of you were such a blessing and I sincerely hope that life has treated everyone of you as kindly as each of you treated me. The memories we shared are something I cherish. I don't even care to come back here because I'm sure most of you are long gone from this place, but in case, you ever wander back for the nostalgia bait, you guys made every dark day absolutely golden.
Thank you for everything.
May the Lord bless you and keep you and make His face shine upon you.
Jesus loves you, and so do I.
[b:d02c4bc549]This is my worship; this is my life; to bring hope into this broken world.[/color:d02c4bc549][/b:d02c4bc549][/size:d02c4bc549]
Best Harlem Shake[/align:d02c4bc549]
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