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Divine Muse

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                The Eternal Souls On the Canvas

                ~ Profile Thread ~ OOC Thread ~

                Divine Muse

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                                                History is full of strange tales, legends, and stories. Sometimes, those stories are real. The particular subject of discussion…Who has not heard of Dorian Gray, the young man who stayed young in body, if not mind and soul? He is real, and so are a good deal of other individuals…People throughout history, some known, and some not-so-known, who had their souls captured into portraits by someone who became obsessed with them because of a possession by the Devil himself. They did not trade their souls…No…They were stolen from them, and they were placed into a strange, living Purgatory…Some knew it occurred not long after, others did not realize it for years and years.

                                                They have gone through time and history, traveling the world. Some keeping low profiles, others keeping not so low profiles. Their resemblances to those who should not be alive are easily explained away by one excuse or another. Some have wealth constantly, others have an ebb and flow to their revenue stream, some prefer to live on the outskirts of society and the economy. Though they all guard their portraits, keeping them secreted away, so that no one will know what horrors their souls have committed.

                                                Someone has found out about these individuals, stalked them, and have stolen their portraits. Some noticed the theft right away, they were that protective of their portraits…Those were left with a note, upon which a date, time, and address was written. Others took some notification, a mark burned onto their portrait, their own flesh showing that evidence. That brand was a phone number they were forced to call to stop the branding from recurring every day. They were given the same date, time, and address as the notes left.

                                                Something strange is going on…Who would want all of these near immortals in one place at the same time? Anyone with even a modicrum of self-preservation knows it can’t be anything good. However, that same self-preservation forces their hand, because they know if their portrait is destroyed, then so will they die. No one knows what will happen to them once they die, and who would really wish to find out?

                Divine Muse

                User Image


                                                The address was discovered to be a hotel of the highest class. If one were to believe that the thief had connections, this place would definitely make one believe such. Each guest is greeted by the manager and handed a keycard with a room number. Everything has been taken care of. They simply need to mingle and wait to see what is going on.

                                                The suites are all tailored to each individual, showing just how much this unknown thief knows about each of them. There are even clothes, a perfect fit and inclined towards their own personal preferences.

                                                Nestled in the downtown of an older city, there are attractions aplenty to entertain anyone except the most jaded of individuals. Parks, theaters, clubs, museums, shopping---It’s all a simply walk from the parlor doors.

                                                If not for the fear of the unknown, it could all be quite enjoyable.

                Divine Muse

                User Image


                                                Want to join? Fill out, then send in, the Reserve and Profile at that same time. Send it to me, Diandra Moon. I’m on every day because my job is just cool like that. There are only four Portrait slots open to start. If there’s more people interested, more slots may open up later. If you're accepted, I will let you know!

                                                Post Length---Make it something someone can reply to. Give them some meat to work with. Two to three paragraphs is usually good for that. 

                                                Post frequency. It is understood that not everyone can post every day. But please attempt to post at least every two days so as not to hold up the other players. If you are going to be absent for longer than two days, please let us know and if possible move your character(s) out of play so they do not hold things up. If you do not do this, your character may be moved so as to not hold things up. If you are frequently coming up with excuses of why you have not posted, your character will be removed-as in killed IC. Bear that in mind when you apply.

                                                You cannot kill another character without that player’s permission. If you try that, I will give you ONE chance to go back and correct your post. If you ignore that warning, you will be banned from the RP.

                                                Some light autoing is allowed. It will happen. Someone will grab a hand and drag you across a room or try to kiss you. React to it. Though it is highly recommended you get a player’s okay beforehand…Never know if that girl he’s kissing was really Elizabeth Bathory at some point in time. 

                                                Work with what others give you. React to the situation they put around your character, don’t just ignore things. If it is happening often enough that you aren’t reading and responding accordingly, it will be pointed out and handled on a case by case basis.

                                                You can find pictures of your hotel rooms/suite on your own and just link them up. Remember to get things that suit the character's personality for those who are a Portrait/Immortal character.

                                                Layout. Please have at least a picture to go with your post, and colored dialogue for your character would be appreciated. Also include a little caption so players know where you are and with whom you are speaking at a glance. This can be above or below the post, so long as it is there.

                                                Drama and romance are encouraged, as are scheming, backstabbing, and plotting. It is what makes things fun! Not sure if something would be kosher? Just ask me! Happy to help, and I hold Secret Plottage Secrets Sacred. Ask Shiva, or anyone I’ve Rped with in the past. Remember- IC is not OOC. This is for fun! Don’t let it stress you.

                Divine Muse



                [img]100x100 Icon[/img] [img]100x100 Icon[/img] [img]100x100 Icon[/img]

                [list][list] [size=11][b][color=postingcolor]Name:[/color][/b] (Character Name)
                [b][color=postingcolor]Assumed Name:[/color][/b] (What the Character Goes By)
                [b][color=postingcolor]Real Age:[/color][/b] (Character Age)
                [b][color=postingcolor]Apparent Age:[/color][/b] (How Old the Individual Appears)
                [b][color=postingcolor]I Am From:[/color][/b] (Where is the Character From?)
                [b][color=postingcolor]This Person Controls Me:[/color][/b] (Player’s Name)[/size][/list][/list]

                [imgleft]250x250 Picture- Real people only, though profile pic may be a painted portrait of faceclaim[/imgleft]

                [size=11][b][color=postingcolor]Name:[/color][/b] (Character Name)
                [b][color=postingcolor]Assumed Name:[/color][/b] (What the Character Goes By)
                [b][color=postingcolor]Age:[/color][/b] (Age)
                [b][color=postingcolor]Apparent Age:[/color][/b] (How Old the Individual Appears)
                [b][color=postingcolor]I Am From:[/color][/b] (Where is the Character From?)
                [b][color=postingcolor]Bio:[/color][/b] (A brief bio of your character’s past and present)
                [b][color=postingcolor]Marks I Bear:[/color][/b] (Tattoos, Scars, Piercings, ect)
                [b][color=postingcolor]Marks My Portrait Bears:[/color][/b] (Exposure to diseases, murders, fights, sins, ect--The Character is potentially very old, they will have sins and dark deeds in their past, even if it was just the once to see what it was like)
                [b][color=postingcolor]Preferences:[/color][/b] (Male, Female, Ect)
                [b][color=postingcolor]Philosophy:[/color][/b] Saying or thought that sums up your character
                [b][color=postingcolor]Likes[/color][/b] (At least 3 likes)
                [list][list]-Thing 1
                -Thing 2
                -Thing 3[/list][/list]
                [b][color=postingcolor]Want to see what I know?[/color][/b] (At least 3 dislikes)
                [list][list] -Thing 1
                -Thing 2
                -Thing 3[/list][/list]
                [b][color=postingcolor]This Person Controls Me:[/color][/b] (Player’s Name)[/size]

                Other Players On the Stage---Regular people who may be out and about:

                [img]100x100 Icon[/img] [img]100x100 Icon[/img] [img]100x100 Icon[/img]

                [list][list] [size=11][b][color=postingcolor]Name:[/color][/b] (Character Name)
                [b][color=postingcolor]Age:[/color][/b] (Character Age)
                [b][color=postingcolor]I Am From:[/color][/b] (Where is the Character From?)
                [b][color=postingcolor]This Person Controls Me:[/color][/b] (Player’s Name)[/size][/list][/list]

                [imgleft]250x250 Picture- Real people only[/imgleft]

                [size=11][b][color=postingcolor]Name:[/color][/b] (Character Name)
                [b][color=postingcolor]Age:[/color][/b] (Age)
                [b][color=postingcolor]I Am From:[/color][/b] (Where is the Character From?)
                [b][color=postingcolor]Bio:[/color][/b] (A brief bio of your character’s past and present)
                [b][color=postingcolor]Marks I Bear:[/color][/b] (Tattoos, Scars, Piercings, ect)
                [b][color=postingcolor]Not All Marks Can Be Seen:[/color][/b] (Secrets, Sins, ect)
                [b][color=postingcolor]Preferences:[/color][/b] (Male, Female, Ect)
                [b][color=postingcolor]Philosophy:[/color][/b] Saying or thought that sums up your character
                [b][color=postingcolor]Likes[/color][/b] (At least 3 likes)
                [list][list]-Thing 1
                -Thing 2
                -Thing 3[/list][/list]
                [b][color=postingcolor]Want to see what I know?[/color][/b] (At least 3 dislikes)
                [list][list] -Thing 1
                -Thing 2
                -Thing 3[/list][/list]
                [b][color=postingcolor]This Person Controls Me:[/color][/b] (Player’s Name)[/size]

                Divine Muse

                The People of the Paintings

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                    Name: Morganna le Fey
                    Assumed Name: Anna Belle Faye
                    Real Age: 1300
                    Apparent Age: Early twenties
                    I Am From: England
                    This Person Controls Me: Diandra Moon

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                    Name: Alessio Cellini
                    Assumed Name: Altair
                    Real Age: 588
                    Apparent Age: 24
                    I Am From: Florence, Italy
                    This Person Controls Me: KING-Shiva II

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                    Name: Annabelle Delacroix
                    Assumed Name: Cadance
                    Real Age: 153
                    Apparent Age: Early Twenties
                    I Am From: France
                    This Person Controls Me: Cadenzia

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                    Name: Cesare Borgia
                    Assumed Name: Simeone Vitela
                    Real Age: 506
                    Apparent Age: Late twenties
                    I Am From: Spain
                    This Person Controls Me: Lacbelle

                Divine Muse

                Other Players Upon the Stage

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                    Name: Tristan Neirin Arianrhod
                    Age: 25
                    I Am From: Britain
                    This Person Controls Me: Diandra Moon

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                    Name: (Character Name)
                    Age: (Character Age)
                    I Am From: (Where is the Character From?)
                    This Person Controls Me: (Player’s Name)

                Divine Muse

                Those Who Know More Than You Would Think
                ~These are NPC/Mod characters used to move the Story Along~

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                    Name: Arman Harvey Teivel
                    Age: 35
                    I Am From: Houston, Texas
                    Position: The Thief

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                    Name: Carey Astaroth
                    Age: 27
                    I Am From: San Francisco, California
                    Position:Hotel Manager

                Divine Muse

                Divine Muse

                Carey Astaroth
                Location: Hotel Lobby
                Company: the phone

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                                              His hands shook slightly as he adjusted the files in his hand. They would be arriving, along with other guests, today…He’d been told to treat them as esteemed guests, and if he thought he was going a little overboard, to try harder. Never a good thing to hear to put one at ease. One of the files slipped from his hand and a photograph could be seen. Each file held a picture, a list of likes and dislikes, and a keycard to their suite. He had no idea what was going on, and he didn’t want to know. Such things seemed to be safest where these situations were concerned.

                                              The phone rang and he quickly answered “The Hotel on the Water, this is Carey, how may I assist you?” There was silence on the other end of the line before that voice came through. “Do you have them?” He nodded. “Yes, Sir. I received your files this morning. I’ve reviewed the pictures, names, and lists. No one has arrived yet. The rooms have been decorated to your specifications.” Another moment of silence. “Good.” There was a click and that was the end of the call.

                                              He shuddered and set the phone down. He didn’t know who the man was. He had seen him a handful of times over his years as the Manager for this hotel. He did not want to be on his bad side. No… Best to smile and do as he was told. That might assure he lived long enough to tell his grandchildren about the chilling man he used to work for.

                Divine Muse

                Location: the Hotel Lobby--Her Suite
                Company: Manager--No one

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                                              Anna stepped out of the cab and paid the driver. She would have driven her own car, but that had plates, and plates could be traced…Though her portrait had been stolen, so it seemed all the care in the world had done nothing to protect her secret against someone. She was pretty, so of course the cabby had been happy to help her get her bag out of the trunk. She draped it over her shoulder and walked into the pretty lobby of the hotel. A man behind the desk looked up and smiled. “You are Miss Anna, yes?” She nodded, the icy finger of dread sliding up her spine. “Yes.” He walked around the desk and offered his hand. “My name is Carey Astaroth, I’m the manager here. I was given enough information to get you a room and put together a docier for your visit with us.” He handed her a leather bound folder. Inside was a keycard, a credit card, and page after page of various attractions of the town and hotel.

                                              Carey seemed particularly interested in pointing out the fitness center, bar, and pool. Anna just smiled and took note of her room number. “Thank you, Mister Astaroth.” He smiled. “Just call the front desk if you need anything.” She nodded and made her way up the stairs. “Miss Faye? There is an elevator.” She grinned. “I’m not really in a hurry.” Not like she didn’t have time to take the stairs.

                                              She found the room and gasped! The first room she entered was beautiful! She dropped her bag on the couch and went exploring. It was the large lower level with a sitting area, eating area, and office and theater area. There was even a little half-bath tucked away. She climbed the stairs and smiled brightly at the bedroom. She could sleep very comfortably here. These weren’t what she was most curious about though…Anna adored bathrooms, and this bathroom had her giggling and hopping from foot to foot in glee!

                                              She noticed there was another door on the far wall, and figured it was storage. Fine with her. She went downstairs and grabbed her bag, bringing it up to put her clothes away…Only to find the drawers were fairly stocked with her favorite styles, colors, and just her size… This was really strange. It made her nervous. Not like having her darkest secret stolen and finding the note telling her to be here this day…She’d find out more later that night if the time was anything to go by. She just hoped whoever had stolen her portrait only planned on extortion or blackmail…To go through all this worry only to find out what would happen once she were truly dead was cruel beyond any reckoning she could come up with.

                Questing Sex Symbol

                User Image

                    x x faces :: unknown x places :: Hotel x

                    Uncertainty, fear, he hadn't felt that in a long while. He forgot how damn annoying it was and tossed his money at the driver before yanking out his case with him. He hadn't allowed him to touch it. The driver was probably hating him at that moment, but at least he paid and gave him a rather generous tip, even if it were from lack of caring about anything at that moment. He wanted what was his yet he was forced to play into this game. Here he was, at some hotel. There was an attractive man behind the desk, his face was a little pale, but he held his hand out to him when he approached. Altair shook it. “My name is Carey Astaroth, I’m the manager here... Oh, you don't have the yellow bird...” He commented, making him glance down at his tattooed arm and then back up with a raise of the brow. He didn't know what the yellow bird was and his expression seemed to urge this manager to move onward before he lost some teeth.

                    The man handed him a leather bound folder with a keycard, a credit card, and pages of various attractions of the town and hotel. He wasn't so much interested in that as he was looking over the card. "Can I pull out cash with this? How much?" He asked, holding it up to show him... But the guy was too busy hiding behind his desk, pretending to be busy... He sighed and turned on his heel, dragging his s**t after him into the elevator. Enjoy your stay!, he heard the manager call after him from the safety of his work area. Altair set his trunk against the elevator and pulled out his keycard. Whichever floor he was on... he found it and pressed that button, and the rest of the column downward. He relaxed on the bar to have a smoke.

                    It dinged on his floor, eventually, and he took his time pushing his things out in front of him. His room wasn't that far. He walked in, and stopped a couple steps in the door. The room was like his studio... only... cleaner. Altair stared at the coffee table, and the books stacked on top of it. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change, You Can Nail it, Awakening to your Life's Purpose... Those were not the books he had at home, well, the ones he owned would be called magazines and the colorful pictures might be considered offensive to some circles. He wasn't in his own place. He wouldn't have such books--or a mini bar, and catching the sight of it off to his right against the wall, he was considering getting one. The fact he wasn't going insane was comforting, but not that whoever arranged this room was a freak who had his portrait instead of just an a*****e. He picked up a bottle of champagne and dropped his trunk.

                    Altair walked up the stairs to the bed. He jumped on top of it, looking to test the spring to find it incredibly... watery. Grinning, he fell onto his knees and rolled off the other side. The wardrobe there seemed a suitable spot to put his things, but when he opened it, he found that there already were clothes inside. Strange, and hoping he wasn't sharing, he checked the other dressers and drawers within the suite. Everything he could need and want, everything was stocked full. Even the bathroom was to his liking, but he didn't try the far door. Instead, he went to call the front desk and ask about the card, and if he could get some tacos.

                Divine Muse

                Carey Astaroth
                Location: Hotel Lobby
                Company: the phone

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                                              He answered the phone. He’d noticed the girl before had a similar infinity tattoo to the man who followed not long after, but she had the little bird, Woodstock on her other wrist. It was cute! He had thought it might be some clue to who these people were, but the man had not been forthcoming with anything other than a glare that made him very nervous. He noticed which room was calling and paled again. “Mister Altair, what can I do for you?” He asked about the card. “Ah. One moment…

                                              He started going through his own file about the contents. “You are able to withdraw funds with the card, yes. Any ATM. It seems your daily limit for withdrawing cash is three thousand. Total funds able to be used in a twenty four hour period is five thousand.” He wanted tacos. “The kitchens can fix you whatever you like. Would you like me to transfer you?” There was a sound he took to be consent and he transferred the intimidating man to the kitchen ordering line. He could pick it up or have it delivered to his room. He hung up the phone.

                                              The phone rang again and he grinned. It was Anna. “Yes, Miss Anna, this is the front desk. What can I do for you?” She squeaked slightly. “I’m sorry! I hit a wrong button! I was trying to get room service!” He smiled. “That’s quite alright. I will transfer you, happily. Is there anything else you would like to know?” She didn’t think so. “Well, just so you know, your credit card allows you to withdraw cash. Your daily allotment seems to be five thousand cash, and a total of thirteen thousand a day. You can use the card anywhere in the hotel or town.” She gasped. “Can I order things online with it?!” That sounded ominous…A woman with a thirteen thousand dollar a day allowance and the internet…She’d use it. He checked his paperwork. “Yes, Ma’am, you most certainly can. Are you missing something you would like? Your clothing and personal items are included with the package that was arranged for your stay.” He heard her clapping. “No! I have everything I need, I think. I haven’t gone through everything yet, but can you imagine the shoes I can buy?!” He laughed. Oh, he could. “Would you like me to transfer you to room service?” She most certainly would, please and thank you. He transferred her.

                                              Shaking his head, he went back to doing what he always did, greeting guests and taking care of things.

                Divine Muse

                Location: Her Suite
                Company: No one

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                                              She took the tray from the man who had brought it and laughed as the scent of tacos wafted from the cart her tray had come from. “Thank you.” She said, offering him a generous tip before she closed the door. She wanted a lazy afternoon. Part of her figured if the one who had stolen her portrait was set on killing her, she’d at least go out happy! She carried the tray up to the bathroom and shed the robe before she sank down into the tub, the tray in easy reach.

                                              One of her favorite songs started playing over the speaker in the ceiling when she hit play and she found herself smiling as she hummed and sang along. “Nights in white satin, never reaching the end, letters I’ve written, Never meaning to send…” She plucked some of the chocolate covered fruit from the tray and moaned softly as it touched her tongue.

                                              Yes, I love you! I-I-I love you!” She continued to sing between bites. The wine that came with the food was a perfect compliment. She went through the first glass rather quickly, and poured a second. Her gaze landed on the curling design and the Roman Numerals on the inside of her left wrist. She found herself smiling…He’d be in his fifties now at least. She hoped he’d had a nice life. How many people from Woodstock grew into some of the most wonderful people? Many even becoming parents?! That made her laugh. She’d never had children. She was capable of it, but…How would she explain to her daughter why wrinkles never touched her face while she wasted away to age or disease? She wouldn’t have been able to walk away from her family and abandon them…Not those she held a blood bond with. Her pinky traced the infinity symbol. She’d craved it when she had met him, and when she realized it…She’d ran. It was the safest thing to do. The Church didn’t have the hold it did, but what would have stopped him from trying to kill her if he had found out?

                                              She’d been terrified…Terrified of falling even more in love. Terrified of seeing all the things she had tried to avoid happening…Terrified of having him turn from her…Hurt her…Running had broken her heart, but her heart had survived worse…Including being punctured by a dagger. She would recover with enough time. As if on cue, another song came on…She felt the tears threaten, and let them flow…Just the two though. One for what could have been, and one for regrets. They splashed into the hot water and disappeared. “And I am lost in my thoughts of you, Remember me, Recuerdame. A comrade strums on a sad guitar, my mind is drifting to where you are. I’m holding you as I used to do, Remember me, Recuerdame, mi amor.

                                              She let her voice fade slightly, listening to the music as she stared at the chocolate covered peach slice. She bit into it. No reason to get melancholy over anything. It wasn’t as if she’d cross his path ever again.

                Questing Sex Symbol

                User Image

                    x x faces :: Anna x places :: Hotel x

                    Three thousand?! Well, it wasn't as if he expected to use it. He ordered from room service. There really wasn't much else to do but wait, and he was starving. The food arrived soon enough. He hopped from the bed and sped down stairs to steal his tray, apologizing for not having cash, he simply went to the couch to eat. The server didn't seem to mind and silently wheeled themselves back out. Altair devoured the first taco when he heard something. It sounded like voices. Faint, little voices that were not all that uncommon to hear. He paused in his eating to discern what they were saying exactly which sounded like "I love you". Music through a wall, most likely, and it drove him nuts that he could only catch parts of it. He took his second taco with him over to where he heard it. The sound came from the other side of the door of bathroom... along with splashing.

                    Altair took a bite and knocked on the door. The songs were going to be stuck in his head all night. "Hey," he said through it, who knew what sort of person was on the other end. Could've been a hideous woman. "Keep it down in there." They were singing along with the music and he was certain it was at least a girl, or a really feminine sounding man.

                    He waited for something to happen on the other side before he wandered away into his own suite for a noise maker to drown them out. Altair didn't know if everyone in the hotel was in on what was happening or if only the person who stole his portrait would show... Never had he told anyone. Almost, but never. They always reminded him how fleeting things were and how best it was to keep those sorts of things to himself.

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