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User ImageIn her dream, the figure Mara clutch slowly began to escape her grasp. The feeling of it against her chest and torso, that tight pressure, began to drift away with the layer of the dream world. The emotions she felt were so intense, it didn't make any sense that they could just fade away like that. However, now she could hear voices of strange and unfamiliar people, smells of alcohol and food. Where was she? Awakening she would still feel an oppressive exhaustion on top of her; she hadn't slept quite enough. No less she opened her eyes, now aware of how she was laying supported at her neck and knees: someone was carrying her. Her green hues peering up and struggling to focus from the tears still in her eyes. What she saw greatly confused her, or maybe it was just that strange state between being asleep and awake. Sweating from the heat of her own power, her red hair clung to her forehead and her skin glistened.

Who was holding her? It looked like some kind of strange wolf-human hybrid. But the color of the fur, the feeling of it on her skin, and the... smell... She knew the smell of that animal, Scriff. Her brow furrowed, making it obvious that she was awake if he hadn't realized yet. What was he doing? Why did he look like that? What is happening on this forsaken island? A further pause also let her realize even more of her surroundings. She was in some kind of building: artificial light, woodworking, plaster. All made of things that melt and burn quite nicely. Where was she? While tired, she still managed to manifest an irritated growl, pulling her arms closer to her chest.

"Scriff...? What are you doing...?"

It was then that she noticed from the corner of her eye a second figure. Finally, someone that looked like a person... sort of. She realized that it seemed like she was being presented to this woman. Turning her head to look at her, the question appeared in her mind: who was she? What was she... As Mara looked into her eyes, she could feel a pain in her right hand, the bracelet clenching tighter in response. It was a dull ache that consumed her hand, right up to just below her elbow. A phantom pain. Something about the woman before her made her feel a tightness in her chest. She turned her head away. A brief golden light shimmering through: she swore she could see it. The iron of the bracelet gripped tighter for a moment to dig into her skin. The memory of the dream trickled back into her mind, a memory of that feeling of control. It was closer than it had ever been. Struggling to push her voice, she growled at Scriff again, not yet ready to address the new woman or her companions.

"Put me down, you filthy beast, before I... Before I turn you into ash..."

She began to fidget in Scriff's grasp, placing an arm on his shoulder to try to pull herself up. Whether Scriff would place her down or she would wriggle from his grasp, it would land her on her feet only for a moment before falling onto the ground. She was still quite weak, but the irritability of her in this state and her exhaustion would mean the power flowing through her would be that much less controlled. The result would be a steep increase in heat coming from her, enough that you would be able to feel it radiating onto your skin if you were standing a few feet away. Suddenly she missed the feeling she had in that dream of her face pressed into the bosom of that tall iron figure. Maybe it was in response to the reality of the hard floor she found herself against, who knows in the strange world of those simple thoughts you have when you are tired.

(( Woohoo 600! ))

Lady Lai
The chimera would have to agree that it felt like Leika was a true empath. She wanted to be whisked away, so she grabbed her drink and would happily follow after Leika. She watched Scriff with Lai and ignored them after that point, glad to let someone else handled the fiery one. "I think you're great at it. So, what does planning for a casino look like?"


Mette was glad she was getting such reactions out of the cat. Seeing it light up the whole side of the cabin with dancing lights and shadows made her feel good. "I am good at souls, hopefully you can rest happily now. Or you can stay here with us. I like a spicy kitty." Was her answer as she cooed and petted the creature a little more before watching the sisterly love unravel beside her. Very sweet, in more ways than one, when it was Mette involved.

Soren was also under the impression he could just sit back and relax, honestly. The girls were handling their thing. Mette was trying to recruit a shadow feline of all things. Roaven was deep in that book of Victoria's and he couldn't blame the rogue. "Should we get back to things? I'm sure dinner might be ready soon." He didn't want to talk too loud, not really wanting to disturb Roaven while he was going through the book, but he had to. They could go scout or see what other trouble there was. Or he could stay there and look after the Sea Witch's book.

"Yeah, this is terrible. They feel like they are gonna start cramping any minute." "I think you're right." Hannah replied to the bit of small talk as Mirrah started rubbing the calves, around the knees and such. She felt bad as there was nothing she could have done soon as she was too busy worried about her sisters mind and overall well being.

Demonic Lover

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It was really amazing, feeling all of the power of the soul collector, eater, Mette whatever she was. "Spicy kitty doesn't want to leave. I don't think I'm that wanted, without word from higher ups? I also don't want to be a bother."

He lifted up to rub against Metter more, really enjoying all the love and affection he hadn't ever really felt before, alive or now this in-between planes.

Captain Tesh

++ Captain Ayli ++

Ayli was glad to have him on her side, making the small trek from their ship, up the trail and for some reason, it didn't seem like the Manor was so far away. Maybe it was just the company she currently kept with her recently was making time and getting things done move more quickly.

"Shouldn't be anything to really worry about, right? We're too cute and charming to be treated with hostility in these chilly environments. I mean, you did offer to warm me up as soon as we were free of the ship." The Captain teased her copilot and continued to make their way."Everything will work out just fine. Can't wait to get there, have a bite to eat, warm up and grab them their supplies."

Ayli would finish and walk closely to Athald, sighing softly, but happily, if one could believe it. They had been to cold areas before, but this one was eerily chilly.

++ Dragon Ailita ++

It seemed like no one else needed the young golden dragon girl for more drinks, so she busied herself with her own as she watched Scriff and Lai take care of this strange girl in his arms. She seemed dangerous, so much so that Victoria and Leika were going to get busy with doing something else. How very strange and odd.

At least things were interesting with Owain. He seemed neat and she'd be able to drink with them and converse a bit more.

Romantic Sex Symbol

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It was a testament of her power, that Leiera wasn't drained after help creating the form that Owain now dwelled in. It was their own now, Owain could do with it as they pleased. She took a small bow, that she did a great job in helping with a base form. "That's all anyone can wish, really. I'm glad you're so approving of it!" The newly formed Dragonness stated and had a small blush creeping up on her face. It felt good to be appreciated!

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Mistress Laidair

Grand Shapeshifter

↫ Current Form | Fallen Angel ↬

Lai noticed Mara start to stir and slowly wake up, opening those eyes of hers. The girl was sweating and very warm. She wondered if it was making Scriff sweat, but that was less important. watching her try to cover her more modest bits, Lai wondered what would the woman like to wear. Clearly she knew about the battle of fire and creatures, so that would have to factor in as well. Lai's empty eyes looked at Mara still, though grey, they showed no reflection, you couldn't see yourself in these eyes.

Lai was studying the girl and also heard Owain in her thoughts, which would be handled later. Before she could answer Scriff to do as Mara asked, she seemed to scramble sort of to the floor, then to a heap. Cute.
"To be fair, you were passed out and that filthy beast, was concerned for you." Lai would leave it at that, seeing how Mara's temper followed that fiery passion, she wouldn't push it. She'd stay nearby, watching as Scriff would probably try to help her stand. "I can get you clothes or a robe, if you're that shy."

It was almost as if this pale, vampiric like woman with black hair didn't care if Mara was in the middle of the lounge area, just offset to the bar, slouched there, naked.

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✖ ωεяεωσℓƒ ✖

Leika was surely glad to have gotten Victoria to come with her right as Mara was waking up. Good, les stress for one of her newer, favorite creatures that happened to be on the island. Hearing Victoria's question about how a Casino is made or started, she grinned. "It's really just rearranging an area with magic. Setting some rules, what people can and can't do. Making sure we have some Android staff. Maybe you can help me plan what the servers and House persons should look like." Leika walked to the stairs, still having Victoria's hand on her arm.

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✖ ωεяεωσℓʄ ✖

Take me into your loving arms ~
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He could tell she was waking up just by her breathing. It didn't take much for his senses to kick in. In a sense, he was letting Lai look over her, not really offering her to the being higher in the food chain. He figured he did owe a little bit of an explanation and Lai started to cover it. "This is the woman who rescued me from a line of being forced to pillage, fight, and plunder. She leads my sister and I in this Sanctuary she built. This is Lady Lai."

He shut up at that moment as she wanted down, but before he could do anything, she slipped off his shoulder and slumped into a puddle on the ground. Of course he would try to pick her up so she could use him for support and look around with her own eyes. It was very vibrant and different from the outside. Well, until the cold snap is over, then the inside and outside purple brightness would match.

Syes Kyr-Hlanaos-rah
Livian DoUrden
Fake Nature
User ImageFantasy land wasn't somewhere Mara could stay for long. Looking towards the floor, she closed her eyes for a moment and listened. Sitting on her left hip with her legs folded beside her and her left arm propping up her torso, her red hair cascaded to hide her face. She... Lady Lai... she was right about one thing. Scriff was concerned for her. Fishing her out of the water, dragging her across the frozen landscape to safety. It was something that she would have recognized a long time ago, before that thing... Her eyes opened tiredly to glance towards the bracelet on her right wrist grasped tightly with its shimmering red stone. Who she was before, was long burned away into ash by purifying flame. Her purpose now with that husk of a personality cast away, could truly be fulfilled. And so, Laidair's words while sensible, would only serve to make Mara grind her teeth, the wave of anger giving her some vitality. 'Shy..?' Mara thought bitterly to herself, slowly beginning to raise her head. She would ignore Laidair's offer of charity.

She listened as Scriff waxed about his love for his mistress, her romantic sanctuary full of magical creatures. Mara bristled at the idea, laying at the foot of some authority figure of this island. Owner, mistress, autocrat. It should be her island... 'Scriff should be serving me...' A pang of jealousy..? Not in Mara's heart. The bracelet began to twitch and strain, and Mara inhaled sharply as those tendrils dug now into her flesh. Another fundamental reality washed over her: pain. It gave her energy and strength, forcing her to grit and push herself to her feet. Standing eye to eye with Laidair she stared into her mirrorless eyes with a burning passion.

"And if he had any sense he would forsake you and belong to me. Your little ant farm with all your pets... Keeping these creatures suffering in the agony of existence..."

Mara stood with no modesty, no shame for her nudity: it just didn't matter. She was happy to tempt the foolish, reel them in close enough to set them ablaze in her clutches. It was the right thing to do after all. In this span of time was when she got a good look at Laidair herself too, pulling in and collecting all of the details she could. The sight, the smell, the sensation. Mara could see it, too, yet another creature suffering under the ceaseless burden of life. Hollow eyes, but lingering behind there a great power just outside of Mara's grasp. It was towards that hint of power that a quickly growing aspect of Mara was drawn towards. Keeper of the island, but not by some coincidence. As she began to breathe more heavily, a gentle wave of heat would rush from her like a warm breeze. Mara slowly stepped closer, as close as Laidair would let her get. Even if that meant standing chest to chest with Mara pressing her skin against Lai's clothing, long red hair framing her face. If she hadn't already been able to pick up the scent, the air between them would be filled with the thick smell of ash and smoke. It would be uncomfortably hot for a mere mortal, like the rush of air from a hot oven.

"But maybe you can help me too..."

Lady Lai

Greedy Vampire

6,200 Points
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A portal to a dark, cold, unnatural place full of madness and despair opens somewhere on the island seemingly at random. The portal hovers a few feet off of the ground for a few minutes before an individual is tossed out of the portal on to the ground

A voice sounding both monstrous and alien can be heard near the portal seemly directed towards the person that was just tossed form the portal moments ago

"and with this your dept has been paid.....we look forward to witnessing your future enterta....adventures.....well be in touch and let this be a lesson in humility....you might be strong but there are always those above you......though we doubt you will learn......you never do

deep laughter can be heard as the portal closes leaving the figure lays face first on the ground. The figure lays there for a few moments before rolling over on to his back

"Man....I sure hope it hasn't been thousands of years since i was last here.....Not sure i could handle that right now"

He slowly stands to his feet with a groan and dusts him self off, various wisps and shadowy creatures forming around him to help groom him and make him look somewhat presentable

"Although, that does sound like something they would find entertaining...."

He then proceeds to stretch and check him self, to make sure they didn't take powers or items from him as a last parting gift

Greedy Vampire

6,200 Points
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After a thorough check over by his shadowy minions, the man is satisfied that at the very least hes not missing any of his personal effects.

"So far so good then.....now to figure out where i am on this here familiar isle"

He says before taking a deep breath and proceeding to check to see if his powers are working as intended. After a few short moments he discovers that while he indeed has access to all the powers and abilities that he has cultivated over the many hundreds of years he has existed, they have been weakened to some extent

"Well..... that's a little concerning...but at least i still have them so i should be grateful"

He says with a sigh before charging him self with electrical energy which will allow him to access the natural magnetic field of the the planet and thanks to the metal armor he wears under his pirate styled clothing, he quickly rockets high into the sky

Once he reaches sufficient height, he stops and slowly rotates in place to get a better look as his surroundings, hoping to catch sight of the famed island mansion he was so fond of in the past.
a few minutes later he finds what he's looking for, a large extravagant mansion


He exclaims before crossing his arms with a concerned look on his face

'Hopefully that means the mistress still safe and in control of things around here.......and if she's not....then i guess ill get a good test run of just how much power iv lost sooner then i was planning.......by utterly destroying these would be usurpers for daring to claim this place...."

He says before descending back to the ground and beginning his walk towards the mansion, brimming with power as he goes. He starts making a mental check list of skills and weapons he might need at a moments notice should the worst has come to pass.

While he doubts anything has happened since his disappearance, he's also never been one to be blindly optimistic.

"....Never hurts to be extra prepared.....afterall...being caught off-guard is something i can ill-afford at this moment in time should i prove to be weaker then i think i am"
It all sounded very plausible, what Leika planned to do with it and possibly see the design in her mind. "Oh, okay. That doesn't sound too hard. I think a large, nice wine fountain in the center, maybe make the male servers and House Rule Setters be one creature for each of the zodiacs? I bet Leiera would appreciate that. For the females, Chimeras and Werewolves? A smoking zone or make it to where the smoke doesn't bother any other patrons?"

Lady Lai

Romantic Sex Symbol

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Mistress Laidair

Grand Shapeshifter

↫ Current Form | Fallen Angel ↬

The angry woman was very vibrant in how she moved and talked and was clearly exhausted from yelling and berrating Scriff and Victoria. This was something she would log away for later. Lai looked at Mara when she moved to touch her bracelet, not out of anything but curiosity as Lai herself controlled the construct that was this land. She listened and watched Mara ignore her for a moment, but then had something to say that was a bit amusing to her. Lai grinned at the thought of Scriff leaving her side to join Mara.

"He is a free creature, I have already told him he has free will, not more than a few moons ago. I know he wanted to be free to join Victoria and her group if he wanted, so I let him. If he wants to join you instead, he certainly can." She would state very matter-of-factly, as if Scriff wasn't there. He could defend, well, maybe he couldn't. She sighed softly, clearing her mind of the whole idea surrounding Scriff and her 'ant farm,' since the rest of the phrase happened to do with someone with a magnifying glass.

The next thing was very strange to Lai. The woman pulled her strength together and came closer to the winged woman. Why was this happening? Curiosity was heightened as she let Mara closer, having the odd feeling of this was a powerful creature who needed assistance in growing their power, molting into something lethal, yet beautiful. Lai wasn't afraid of burning wood and ash, being in the face of many a destructive proclaimed God a few times, this was something she was use to. Even uncontrolled power. If allowed, Lai would rest her hands on Mara's shoulders, her normal icy, death grip feeling warm and inviting on someone's skin, for once. If Mara wanted a test of skill or Matriarchy, that test would have to be provoked to be seen. Lai could take the heat, would embrace it and Mara as well, if she needed it.

Lai closed her eyes and studied the power and heat radiating from Mara as they were chest to chest.
"Anything is possible." Was her answer to possibly being able to help the woman with something. Lai had a suspicion things were going to break loose and she'd have to tell others to stay out of it, but maybe it wouldn't come to that.

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✖ ωεяεωσℓƒ ✖

They would keep going until they hit the seventh floor, smiling at Victoria as it would be just past the staff's floor of hotel rooms. She would listen to Victoria's answers and nod a bit, being able to appreciate the extra ideas. "A Wine Fountain, ritzy. Okay, I hear you. Nice call on the servers and staff droids. I mean it would be more beneficial if real flesh and blood people wanted to join our staff, but we got to imagine things realistically. I think we'll start with the back half of this floor, have it pan across each side of the hallway." The Grand Wolfess would answer and concentrate on if there were anyone that was making use of the rooms and then she'd probably get to work.

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Take me into your loving arms ~
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Hearing them talking to each other, Lai seeming calm, Mara seeming her snappy self made him joyed and confused. Joyed because they weren't to gaslighting and the Mansion being threatened to be burned down in an instant, but confused due to Lai just putting him on the spot, letting Mara say he should go with her, if he were smart. "I mean, I would be a pretty good fire hound."

Scriff answered in his usual human voice, but not really moving lips to speak way and then went silent as he didn't know what to do. Lai was right, he had his freedom and based on how they had that discussion, he always had it. He was being questioned on where his loyalties lie, both inward and externally. He needed to follow his heart, which was definitely with Victoria, even if she needed to venture off.

Captain Tesh
Fake Nature

Demonic Lover

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After a thorough check over by his shadowy minions, the man is satisfied that at the very least hes not missing any of his personal effects.

"So far so good then.....now to figure out where i am on this here familiar isle"

He says before taking a deep breath and proceeding to check to see if his powers are working as intended. After a few short moments he discovers that while he indeed has access to all the powers and abilities that he has cultivated over the many hundreds of years he has existed, they have been weakened to some extent

"Well..... that's a little concerning...but at least i still have them so i should be grateful"

He says with a sigh before charging him self with electrical energy which will allow him to access the natural magnetic field of the the planet and thanks to the metal armor he wears under his pirate styled clothing, he quickly rockets high into the sky

Once he reaches sufficient height, he stops and slowly rotates in place to get a better look as his surroundings, hoping to catch sight of the famed island mansion he was so fond of in the past.
a few minutes later he finds what he's looking for, a large extravagant mansion


He exclaims before crossing his arms with a concerned look on his face

'Hopefully that means the mistress still safe and in control of things around here.......and if she's not....then i guess ill get a good test run of just how much power iv lost sooner then i was planning.......by utterly destroying these would be usurpers for daring to claim this place...."

He says before descending back to the ground and beginning his walk towards the mansion, brimming with power as he goes. He starts making a mental check list of skills and weapons he might need at a moments notice should the worst has come to pass.

While he doubts anything has happened since his disappearance, he's also never been one to be blindly optimistic.

"....Never hurts to be extra prepared.....afterall...being caught off-guard is something i can ill-afford at this moment in time should i prove to be weaker then i think i am"
Based on where one of the newest members of the staff was standing, nothing really should come across as concern for the elder creature. Ailita (reference here) could swear she could feel an old presence about to make itself known again, but past that, she had no idea. She was excited and ready to serve and hoped she could appease the creature of anything it craved or needed to know.

She would spend the next few moments daydreaming, thinking of the various things the creature could want. She'd also pull up the display of the room board for when they came inside and greeted the others.

Greedy Vampire

6,200 Points
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Livian DoUrden
As the man gets closer to the mansion, He feels several familiar presences and relaxes greatly. He lets the power he had been charging up, dissipate over the next few minutes it takes him to reach the Main entrance. He stops at the doors though to collect him self before entering.

"Good...seems i was worried for nothing"

He says with a chuckle before pushing open the large doors and stepping into the main entryway.

Sarix D Vane has finally returned home

Demonic Lover

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The dragon girl was excited for a new creature for her to meet and take care of, also glad that all hell hadn't broken loose yet with the odd fiery one, called Mara. That was a whole other thing, wasn't it?

She placed her hands on the bar, had a smile on her face, her tail whipping back and forth out of sight below the bar when she heard him enter. She liked the energy of this person, was practically bouncing in place, but staying still. Maybe she could ask them about her parents! She forgot to ask Victoria.

Greedy Vampire

6,200 Points
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Livian DoUrden
Sarix takes a quick look around the main entry way, making notes of the differences from what he's seeing and how he remembers the place looking

"I see she's been doing some renovations since i was here last but its not so different that ill get lost....i hope"

He says as he wanders deeper in, hoping to not end up in the basement or roof somehow. Surely he hasn't been gone so long as to get lost in the place he used to live right?

Thankfully for him, he soon finds him self wandering into the area of the mansion with the bar

"old habits die hard i see....we pirates do always seem to end up at the place with the most booze"

He says with a chuckle while glad for it, as it prevented him from jinxing him self with his prior comments. He stops just past the doorway though at the sight of the dragon girl behind the counter and tilts his head to the side a little. She seems familiar but he's not sure if he actually knows her or if its the fact she's a dragon of some kind, He has known quite a few dragons in his time.

"Greetings miss, if its not to much trouble, I could use the strongest drink you've got and possibly a few questions answered please"

He says as he makes his way from the doorway towards the bar, His voice carrying its usual ethereal undertone to it, a by product of the various mystical things that have happened to him over the years. It shouldn't sound threatening, just uniquely him. Hopefully the sound metal on floor isn't to distracting for her though, As he is fully armored from the waist down, while having lighter armor covering his chest underneath the pirate captains coat he has on.

His little minions cling all over him keeping an eye out in case other people enter/ and or are already in the room, Since the lack of his right eye, As evident by the eye patch covering it, Does effect his vision some. A little female imp sits atop his head, Gender-less shadow creatures peak out from behind his shoulders and legs. There are also a few bat like wisps fly around him, Passing through objects as the do so.
User ImageWas it really that easy? Just ask and ye shall receive? A big Scriffy all to herself... An island, a home, the kiln to a great flame that would spread voraciously outward to consume the world. Lai already seemed to understand Mara quite well: gently caressing her ego. As Mara kept a firm but gentle pressure forward almost as if to try to push her off balance, her eyes scanned Lai's face. She smiled inwardly. Cowardly creatures that can't even hold their own ground, yet cling to the senselessness of existence: too scared to die. It was a deeply exciting sensation that swirled in Mara's stomach until she felt Lai's hands on her shoulders. Skin to skin, it was such a gentle touch. Barging in here, albeit not under her own power. Rude and insulting, not even saying her own name, and now in the grasp of the Mistress of the island face to face and challenging her directly. In response, such a gentle touch... She didn't realize it but for those few moments she was holding her breath. Exhaling gently almost as sigh.

There was a distinctly familiar sensation washing over her, a sensation from a dream that she had forgotten in this waking state, but was now being dredged from the depths. That feeling of standing at the shore of a great ocean of compassion, its waters lapping up to her bare feet. Mara would not realize it, but she suddenly found herself leaned forward with her eyes closed, her forehead resting on Lai's shoulder. "Anything is possible." Those words echoing in her mind in those few moments that Mara was gone from this reality, lost in the feeling of Lai's touch, the smell of her clothing and skin. Or maybe it was just a convenient wave of exhaustion that grasped her, and another good opportunity to rest. A brilliant golden light would fill Mara's vision, swirling for a few moments before it began to slowly vanish.

With Laidair's hands on Mara's shoulders, she might no doubt be able to feel Mara's pulse through her skin. The sensation of her heart persisted, pushing blood through her body rhythmically until suddenly it stopped. Mara's consistent pressure on Lai, trying to push her off of her feet, would now just feel like dead weight leaning against her for support. This would be until the gemstone on her bracelet began to flicker and blink before shining with a consistent brightness, digging deep into her skin and burrowing below. Tendrils grasped now almost angrily around Mara's heart, forcing it into action as a jealous rage bubbled forth from something on a plane separate from them both. Its deep red eyes were filled with anger and envy, infuriated by Laidair's actions and Mara's pitiful ability to resist them. Lies, trickery, deception, surely the work of some wicked magic.
'Mara...' And yet as contempible as Mara was, it was not done with her yet.

Mara would inhale sharply as the world flooded back in, her heart pounding painfully in her chest. Her right arm ached again from her fingertips all the way up just before her elbow: why did it hurt so badly? This rush of energy from her resuscitation would give her enough to grit her teeth and place her left hand in the center of Lai's chest, pushing herself backward and away from her grasp with a wild and pained look in her eye.

"You... trying to trick me... Wicked creatures, all of you!"

Gnashing her teeth, a burst of intense heat pulsed from Mara sending a shockwave outward. This would be followed by the eruption of a focused jet of flame from her right palm, the bracelet trying to reach out across her body to form a suit of armor. However, all that would emerge was a gauntlet up to her elbow, clearly struggling to manifest and cover the body of the nude woman. Mara would point this dire threat at Laidair, bracing her right hand by gripping the forearm with her left. The superheated air would make a terrible noise which masked the sound, but not the sight, of Mara heaving in exhaustion in a readied stance.

Lady Lai

Demonic Lover

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  • Person of Interest 200
She didn't expect to see what she saw next. She was more entranced by Sarix's sprites than how he dressed or his eye patch. Ailita figured he'd be showing up at the bar eventually, it wasn't hard to feel his presence move through the Manor, like she was part of it. That made her shudder and close that part of her mind back again. She bowed her head and smiled and was glad she could distract him from Lai and Mara for the time being. Excitedly she started to make a drink, that she'd probably call the Ghoulest, but for now, he could rest assured it was not for the faint of mortals.

"No trouble, it's my job, after all! A drink for a powerful uh, Sir. I'm Ailita, happy to answer any questions you might have or hoping you could answer some that I have." After she made this concoction, she thought about it, as it smelled like licorice and hoped that wasn't a turn off and if it was, she'd have to fix it. She smiled and before she knew it, she had made a double of the drink she offered to him.

"I hope you like it."

She continued to watch the minions do their own thing about him, flitting this way and that through other objects. Absolutely fascinating! Everyone in this estate on this island was simply wonderous.

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