Welcome to Gaia! ::

Divine Muse

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OOC ~ Profiles
Open and Accepting
Six Month Skip

                                  Purgatory, out on the sprawling, dusty Elysian Plains. It’s not far from the Sol River, and it has springs enough to feed the wells of the townsfolk, and the surrounding farms and ranches. Upon first glance, Purgatory just seems like any other growing town in the West with its hot days, cool nights, and community politics.

                                  But that is only on the surface…

                                  Under the surface, there is a darker world. Peppered among the townsfolk, settlers, and outlaws are Others. There are the men and women who work in the night, because they cannot stand the touch of the sun to their flesh, and it is easier to feed on the blood that sustains them in the shadows cast by the moonlight. There are men and women who use blood to do unbelievable feats. Then, there are the creatures who answer the call of the full moon, the ones even those who live secretly among the humans will board up their doors against come the nights of the full disc in the sky.

                                  One might think they would be at war with one another, but they actually hold a balance among their secret community. Guarding one another’s secrets have woven a tight veil that is a shield against the ignorance of humans. This balance is maintained by the keeping of secrets, and the discovery of treasures, treasures that are useless to humans, but are beyond value to these secret factions.

Divine Muse

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1. The definitions of Semi-Literate and Literate seem to be very open to interpretation. So, for the sake of argument- or to keep arguments to a minimum, please attempt a minimum of 2 - that is TWO- FIVE sentence paragraphs per post that consists of proper English and Punctuation. More would be greatly appreciated and enjoyed, however ten sentences is all that is required. If you are having writer’s block, just let us know OOC and we’ll be understanding. 

2. Post frequency. It is understood that not everyone can post every day. But please attempt to post at least every other so as not to hold up the other players. If you are going to be absent for longer than two days, please let us know and if possible move your character(s) out of play so they do not hold things up. If you do not do this, your character may be moved so as to not hold things up. If you are gone longer than 10 days without giving notice, your characters will be considered Abandoned and removed from the RP. 

3. You cannot kill another character without that player’s permission. If you try that, I will give you ONE chance to go back and correct your post. If you ignore that warning, you will be banned from the RP. If the player has abandoned the character, then ask permission, we aren't shy about killing around here.

4. Some light Autoing is permitted. Shoving, grabbing, etc. Keep it reasonable. If your characters get into an altercation-

      a) With another played character you will RP out the fight. This can be done several ways-Turn by turn, predetermined OOC by the players, or the two players may roll and the highest roll wins.

      b) With an NPC creature, have fun. Remember, keep things believable and use your abilities and environment. If a person goes up against a more powerful creature, chances are they are going to get pretty battered and beaten so unless they run like hell, they will not come out unscathed.

      c) If you cannot decide in a civil manner between yourselves, I will Roll, or bring in a Big Bad to put an end to the fight, so keep that in mind. My Rp, My Rules.

5. There is an OOC. Use it. If you have a question, post it there. Check back often for changes to Rules. There will be a section for Updates in the Story, Summaries, and Special IC Events. A warning for a TIME SKIP will be given OOC, so please move your characters accordingly. Also, you can find a Then/Now Money Comparison there as well.

6. Layout. Please have at least a picture to go with your post, a Name Banner of some kind, and colored dialogue for your character would be appreciated. Also include a little caption so players know where you are and with whom you are speaking at a glance. This can be above or below the post, so long as it is there. Make sure the dialogue color you use is not too light or bright. Easy rule, if we have to tilt our screens, or highlight the words to read it, it is most likely to light or bright. Don't hurt our eyes...This includes font sizes. Please use size 11 or higher so we don't have to squint, or copy to a Word program and make it easier to read.

7. "Don't be invincible. Be believable, and write within what others give you." - KING-Shiva II

8. We are big boys and girls and wear our big people panties-or none if that's your thing. I will not micromanage behavior. Again, work with what you are given. Someone's character has a smart mouth, deal with it. Don't whine to me about it, and demand it be changed IC. I'm not going to do it. Only grossly inaccurate posts that have ignored what has been given or stated shall be asked to be changed, or as otherwise stated in rules.

9. Making Your Character:

      a) How many characters may you have? As many as you can handle. 

      b) Real Pictures Only or Gifs…But they have to be real people. No Anime or Fantasy Art. Sorry.

      c) Fill out the Skeletons, and send them in at the same time. You can either Quote me in the OOC or PM it to Diandra Moon. Title the the PM Beware the Full Moon. I will put them up in the Profile Thread should they be accepted.

      d) Keep in mind that when you make a Vampire, or a Werewolf, unless the Vampire has been rolled by me to have a Daylight Pendent, they will be restricted to staying out of the sun. A Werewolf can lose control if they aren't well practiced with staying calm, or forcing themselves back to calm without a Moon Pendant, and Turning into a wolf, and always turning the night of the Full Moon.

      e) Some characters have predetermined couplings. Some don't. Ask if you're interested. Dibsing does occur. Keep that in mind. You can always ask someone if they can make a partner for your character. Many don't mind pairing up, or making new characters if they like how you play. Just keep that in mind, and don't take it personally if someone is dibsed.

Divine Muse

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The Elysian Plains
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              The town of residence in the Elysian Plains, it is where many go for trade, or when the law is needed, when they don't take the law into their own hands. There are enough attractions to keep people present, and more coming. Some of the affluent, and less adventurous of residents even have homes in or around the town, and the relative safety it is believed to provide.

          Sol River
              Running through the Elysian Fields is the Sol River. It winds through Devil's Run Gorge, and is the main source of water for the railroad camps on the Northern side of the river. There are no bridges, but there are places where the river can be safely crossed, if you know where to look.

          Various farmsteads
              Homesteads for farmers and aspiring ranchers dot the Northern side of the Sol River.

          Whitemoor Ranch
              The largest ranch in the Elysian Plains, it sits between Devil's Run Gorge and the Town of Purgatory. It is owned by a wealthy family, and the eldest daughter has recently taken up the duties her father left behind.

          Devil’s Run Gorge
              It is the main entrance to get to the lands of the Elysian Plains. It is also a favorite place for outlaws to attack coaches, and other such travelers for their money and goods. Blasting is taking place deeper into the hills on the Northern side of the River, making way for the coming railroad.

          Satan’s Steps
              South of the Sol River is an expanse of desert, and the natural monuments that occur before the hills of Satan's Steps. It is treacherous terrain, and kills those who are not familiar with the land, and the paths to take through it. Going through the Steps is the only way to reach Demon's Oasis.

          Demon’s Oasis and caverns
              South of the Sol River, and Satan's Steps is the favorite hiding place of outlaws and criminals. Demon's Oasis can only be reached by caverns that wind through the darkness of the hills, and if you don't know the path, or have extremely excellent tracking abilities, you can't find the Oasis...Not to say the outlaws will let you reach it anyways...

          Gold and Silver mines-all independent, claims staked
              Homesteads, West of Purgatory, that focus more on panning for gold, and digger for silver than farming or ranching. The ones who have claims here are territorial, and tend to shoot first and ask questions later when it comes to intruders and trespassers.

          Natives’ Lands
              Southwest of Purgatory, South of the Mines, and West of the Steps, are the lands that the Natives' have been forced to call home. There is game, water, and land aplenty, but it isn't the most bountiful of places, and everyone knows that once the railroad comes through, the natives will be pushed back even more to make way for progress.

Town of Purgatory
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      The hotel is a great source of income from the town, and tends to see a great deal of traffic. It lies on the Western side of town, and is near the Saloon, Brothel, and Bank for clients' needs.

      The local watering hole, it serves everyone who has the coin to spare, and is right next door to the local house of ill repute. It's an arrangement that works well for everyone.

      The local place to find a willing woman, for a price. The Madam claims the girls are clean, and tends to break anyone she catches trying to force a girl from the town who isn't one of her working to lift their skirts.

      As far from the dens of sin as it can get and still be in the town's limit is the local place of worship. Sunday sermons tend to see many townsfolk, but the homesteads and ranches usually only visit for the seasonal revivals, and the festivities surrounding them. The Sunday School rooms double as the school house during the week, so the local children who are within walking distance might make better lives for themselves when they grow.

General and Sundry Store
      Next to the Bank is the General and Sundry Store, where you can find or order pretty much anything you need. If they don't have it, they can send a telegram or a letter from the Post Office, just next door, and get it to you as quickly as they can.

      Nestled between the General Store, and the Hotel, the Bank stands, just waiting to guard your money, make loans, and investments.

Post Office
      The Post Office is tucked between the General Store, and the Church. It stands across Main Street from the Sheriff's Office.

Sheriff's Office
      One of the first things you pass when you enter the town on your way into anything you might need, or trouble you might find. It's fairly basic. It's said that many of the girls around like to pass by to see the handsome Deputy.

      There are homes peppered throughout the town, and around it, but they know where they live. No need to put it on a map.

Station Site
      The Railroad is being built, and as it nears completion, a station will be built to accommodate travelers.

Divine Muse

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These are the Races that
you may use for your character
in the Roleplay...

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                                      Humans, and only that. Men and women who think they are God’s only intelligent creation. They have no idea that those creatures that they have heard of in tales are real.

                                      They live alone, with family, or friends. They go to school, have jobs, suitors, ladies, children…Responsibilities. Addictions. They work and work, only one day to die, most likely with wishes unfulfilled.

                                      They can be used by Blood Mages, Possessed by demons, fed on by vampires, or Turned by vampires or Werewolves. If they stumble across a Blood Mage, they may even try to convince them to teach them their dark ways.

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                                  Demons (restricted to those who have been consistently active in the roleplay to date)

                                      Demons are beings who have slipped into this plane, taking possession of a human, and were bound to that form so they could stay in this plane when the ways between the realms were sealed. To humans, they look human. To Vampires and Werewolves, they seem off and they may even sense what sort of demon has possessed the human. To Mages, the Mage can see them that they are a demon, and their Sin of Origin by being in their presence. Should the Mage have the power to see souls, they see both the demon, and the human in the same form, as if one is a veil over the other. Demons cannot tell if someone is human, vampire, werewolf, or mage until they try to possess the individual.

                                      Demons live as humans, mostly chaotic, indulgent, or simply evil in nature. They enjoy tempting humans to sin, deriving power from the sins of their source (wrath, lust, envy, etc). This power can be used to prolong the life of the human host, or can be used to influence and incite their natural sin without touch, but only by being in the presence of another being.

                                      Demons who possess humans have limited powers, restricted to their sin of nature or source. For example, a demon of lust can incite lust with a touch. A demon of wrath can cause rage to build with contact. They feed on the energy of the sins that the individuals are tempted into committing. They can possess werewolves and vampires, but only temporarily. The soul of a vampire or werewolf can fight the demon, and force it out. They cannot possess Mages, and trying to do so results in a backlash of energy that is painful for the demon.

                                      Demons are bound to their human host they have possessed. They must care for the body or it will weaken, though they do make it stronger and faster with their possession. The body does not sicken with illness, but it can sicken from neglect, and perish, as well as perish in any way a human may die. Should the human host perish, the demon can take possession of another body, and gain a new host with a binding rune being placed on the host within twenty-four hours.

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                                  Blood Mages (0 of 2 available)

                                      Women and men who have learned the Dark Arts of Blood Magic. They can use their own blood to cast magic, calling upon any of the elements, create any object, or bring about a desired outcome of an event. They can use the blood of others to enchant items. They use such energy to create Daylight items so that vampires can walk in the light, without fear of burning to ash, or Moon items to help a Werewolf not turn, except at the full moon. They are only limited by their imagination, and the blood at their disposal.

                                      Blood Mages are solitary, only taking on an apprentice for a few years to teach them the basics of their magic before they throw them out. They do not like sharing their space, or their knowledge, with those they have not chosen to allow into their lives.

                                      They can die in any manner a human can, except illness. They do not grow ill, unless Cursed by another Blood Mage. It is merely much harder to kill a Blood Mage, as they can use blood to heal themselves and cast illusions to make one think them dead…Except for Fire…The most effective way to kill a Blood Mage is to burn them alive, without letting them draw blood to cast magic. They live longer than humans, some being known to live a thousand years, but that is rare.

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                                  Vampires (7 of 10 available)

                                      Men and women who have been Turned through ritual, not a blood exchange. They are living dead. They must drink blood to survive, though they do not have to kill to feed. They are faster and stronger than humans, only matched by Werewolves. The blood of wolves is repugnant to vampires. The blood of those possessed by demons is nearly poisonous causing them weakness and illness that lats for days, though is not fatal. Should a vampire be foolish enough to feed from a Blood Mage, they will feel as if a lightning storm is going off in their mouths, undergoing excruciating pain.

                                      They must be invited into a residence, or they will be torn with pain, and will bleed from their facial orifices until an invitation is extended, or they leave. Once an invitation is extended, the vampire may come and go as they please, unless the residence is cleansed by a Blood Mage.

                                      Vampires are either alone, with their sire or progeny, or they are Nested-living with a large group of vampires. They must avoid the sunlight, unless they are Nested and have access to Daylight items that allow them to walk in the sun. If a vampire is not Nested, then they do not have access to the items, and if the items are not returned and recharged, they lose their power, thus putting the vampire at risk.

                                      Vampires can live forever, unless they are drained of every drop of blood, and left without it for one year, staked through the heart, decapitated, set aflame without a way to quench the flames, or left out in the sun without the protection of a Daylight item.

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                                  Werewolves (2 of 10 available)

                                      Men, mostly, who turn into wolves. There are few female Werewolves, being nine males for everyone one female. They are either born, having their first Turning in their late teens, or they are Bitten-the fangs of a werewolf drawing blood, and turn shortly after the bite is administered.

                                      They are faster and stronger than humans. Werewolves can Turn at any time they are not in control, or become overcome with emotion, and always at the full moon. The Turning, except at the Full Moon, can be stymied by a Moon item from a Blood Mage.

                                      Werewolves either live aligned with a Pack, usually family or the ones that caused the Turning. They consider each member of the Pack a Sister, Brother, or Cousin. They are led by an Alpha. Pack and Family are held in the highest regards by Wolves. Those who have been Bitten often keep a separate life involve their human family and friends, keeping their Wolf secret. This can be dangerous if the Wolf loses control, because they can expose what they are, or accidentally Bite another, and bring them into the world of the Supernatural.

                                      As stated, Pack is lead by the Alpha, his Beta is second in command, and is set to become Alpha when the current Alpha dies of old age. Any can challenge for the position of Alpha at any time. This causes Werewolves to be adept at hand to hand combat, and a select few have a penchant for weapons.

                                      Only Pack Wolves are allowed to settle in an area. Lone Wolves are those who do not belong to a Pack, and are rarely allowed to spend any amount of time in the territory of a Pack. A Lone Wolf may seek to join a Pack, performing a series of services for the Alpha, proving their worth and loyalty, or if a majority of the Pack in residence agrees to allow the Wolf membership. However, a powerful Lone Wolf can cause a great deal of trouble for a Pack, should they choose. Purgatory is without a Pack in residence, though it is said that a Pack has formed near the Whitemoor Ranch, taking liberties with the cattle that stray from the herd.

                                      The touch of silver burns the Wolf. They can die in any manner a human can, though they are difficult to kill. They do not grow ill, unless Cursed. Though they can be poisoned, and die from it if a remedy is not found. A Wolf can heal quickly, unless dismembered by another wolf. Whatever is removed by another wolf will never grow back. If shot or injected with silver, it must be purged from the system, or the wound will fester like poison, and can kill the Wolf.

                                      No one knows how long a Wolf can live, their violent natures tend towards short life spans.

These are the Roles to
give you a place to build a character
if you choose to use them...

                                  Owner of the General Store
                                  Barkeep/Owner of the Saloon
                                  Madam/Proprietor of the Brothel

                                  Working Girls
                                  Ranch Hands
                                  Natives - Rarely get along with townsfolk if they venture near town or homesteads, so keep this in mind before you make one.

These are the Skeletons
for your Reserves and Profiles...


                                  [img]100 pix hig pic here[/img] [img]100 pix hig pic here[/img] [img]100 pix hig pic here[/img]

                                  [size=11][b]Name:[/b] [color=postingcolor](Character Name)[/color]
                                  [b]Age:[/b] [color=postingcolor](Character Apparent Age/Actual age)[/color]
                                  [b]Profession:[/b] [color=postingcolor](Role, Job, etc)[/color]
                                  [b]Kind:[/b] [color=postingcolor](Human, Vampire, Blood Mage, Werewolf)[/color]
                                  [b]This Person Controls Me:[/b] [color=postingcolor](Player's name)[/color][/size]


                                  [imgleft]250x250 PICTURE HERE[/imgleft]

                                  [list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][size=11][b]Name:[/b] [color=postingcolor](Name of Character)[/color]

                                  [b]Age:[/b] [color=postingcolor](Character Apparent Age/Actual age)[/color]

                                  [b]Profession:[/b] [color=postingcolor](Role, Job, etc)[/color]

                                  [b]Kind:[/b] [color=postingcolor](Human, Vampire, Blood Mage, Werewolf)[/color]

                                  [b]Philosophy:[/b] [color=postingcolor](Saying or thought that sums up your character)[/color]

                                  [b]Preferences:[/b] [color=postingcolor](Male, Female, Romantic Interest, Etc)[/color]

                                  [b]Want To Be Friends? [/b] (At least Three Things That Your Character Likes)
                                  [color=postingcolor]-Thing 1
                                  -Thing 2
                                  -Thing 3[/color]

                                  [b]Want To Pick a Fight? [/b] (At least Three Things the Character Hates)
                                  [color=postingcolor]-Thing 1
                                  -Thing 2
                                  -Thing 3[/color]

                                  [b]Bio:[/b] [color=postingcolor](An explanation of past, present situations, and future hopes.)[/color]

                                  [b]This Person Controls Me:[/b] [color=postingcolor](Player’s Name)[/color][/size][/list][/list][/list][/list][/list][/list][/list][/list][/list][/list][/list][/list][/list][/list][/list][/list][/list][/list]

Divine Muse

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Name: Annabelle Beaumont
Age: looks Twenty-Four, is One Hundred and Twelve
Profession: Ranch Hand, someone's sweetheart
Kind: Werewolf
This Person Controls Me: Diandra Moon

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Name: Morgan Drake
Age: Thirty
Profession: Ranch Hand
Kind: Werewolf
This Person Controls Me: Diandra Moon

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Name: Altair
Age: Late Twenties, Two Hundred and One
Profession: Horse Rancher
Kind: Blood Mage
This Person Controls Me: KING-Shiva II

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Name: Delilah Whitemoor
Age: Twenty-two
Profession: Rancher
Kind: Human
This Person Controls Me: KING-Shiva II

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Name: Markus Whitemoor
Age: Twenty
Profession: outlaw
Kind: Werewolf
This Person Controls Me: odusi

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Name: Helena (Elle) Steele
Age: Looks Twenty-Five, is One hundred and Thirty-Seven
Profession: Working Girl
Kind: Vampire
This Person Controls Me: Dawning Winter

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Name: Gabriel West
Age: Thirty-Two
Profession: Sheriff
Kind: Human
This Person Controls Me: Dawning Winter

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Name: Miss April May
Age: Twenty-five
Profession: Schoolmarm
Kind: Human
This Person Controls Me: Diandra Moon

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Name: Kit Dace
Age: Twenty-four
Profession: Outlaw
Kind: Human
This Person Controls Me: KING-Shiva II

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Name: Guy Harcourt-Beaumont
Age: appears Twenty-two, is actually Thirty-two
Profession: Pack Tracker/Apparent Entrepreneur/Ranch Hand
Kind: Werewolf
This Person Controls Me: Diandra Moon

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Name: Sebastien James O'Connell
Age: 31 physically, 602 actually.
Profession: Pastor
Kind: Blood Mage
This Person Controls Me: B a n a - P u

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Name: Fiore Addario
Age: Twenty-Three Years Old
Profession: Saloon Owner, Assassin
Kind: Human
This Person Controls Me: Dawning Winter

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Name: Ahiga
Age: Twenty-eight and some months.
Profession: Ranch Hand at the Stone Ranch
Kind: Werewolf
This Person Controls Me: B a n a - P u

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Name: Sebastian Luthvian
Age: Late Thirties, is Two hundred and thirteen
Profession: Clerk
Kind: Werewolf
This Person Controls Me: Hack Thornias

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Name: Sine Yonum
Age: Twenty
Profession: Scholar
Kind: Human
This Person Controls Me: Diandra Moon

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Name: Elijah D. Crawford
Age: 34 physically, 78 actually.
Profession: Wealthy Businessman
Kind: Vampire
This Person Controls Me: B a n a - P u

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Name: Sigimor “Yum-Yum” Yonum
Age: Twenty
Profession: Quarter Master, and Chief of Security for the Railway
Kind: Human
This Person Controls Me: Diandra Moon

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Name: Victor Thornias
Age: Thirty Three
Profession: Novelist
Kind: Human
This Person Controls Me: Hack Thornias

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Name: Mayumi Hana
Age: Twenty-nine
Profession: Translator
Kind: Human
This Person Controls Me: KING-Shiva II

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Name: Gwayne Cadwallader
Age: Thirties, most likely.
Profession: For Hire
Kind: Demon
This Person Controls Me: KING-Shiva II

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Name: Vorlander Solaris
Age: Mid Forties is actually Ageless
Profession: Entrepreneur
Kind: Demon of Greed
This Person Controls Me: Hack Thornias

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show. User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show. User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

Name: Sisika
Age: Twenty Seven/ Three Hundred and Three)
Profession: Native/Working Girl (Wasn't certain if you want the two vampires females to be working girls or not. xD)
Kind: Vampire
This Person Controls Me: xKaterix

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Name: Nicholas Wrath
Age: Late Twenties, Maybe.
Profession: Whatever...
Kind: Demon Of Wrath
This Person Controls Me: Dawning Winter

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Name: Abigail Hewitt
Age: 26
Profession: Shopkeeper//Townsfolk
Kind: Human
This Person Controls Me: Knitty Witty

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Name: Cora Phillips
Age: Twenty two
Profession: Whore
Kind: Human
This Person Controls Me: Knitty Witty

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Name: Eck'a-pe'ta
Age: Nineteen/Thirty-four
Profession: Wanderer
Kind: Werewolf
This Person Controls Me: KING-Shiva II

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Name: Rahne Ulfsson
Age: Appears 24, is actually 873
Profession: Blacksmith
Kind: Werewolf
This Person Controls Me: Alikzander

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Name: Nora Grace
Age: Thirty-one
Profession: Physician
Kind: Human
This Person Controls Me: B a n a - P u

Divine Muse

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~ General Treasures ~
These are items that a Blood Mage can create, and the
Blood Requirements to create the items, along with whatever
other price the Mage demands for his or her services.

This list will be added to as the Roleplay Progresses

Daylight Pendant - This item allows a vampire to move about in daylight without fear of burning. Created only by Blood Mages, one can be commissioned, if one is willing to the pay the price that the Blood Mage demands. The more powerful the mage, the less blood needed to create the item. The usual rule of thumb is one life for each month of days that the ring is used for. After two hundred years of practice, it takes bleeding a sacrifice to the point of death without killing them, and another two hundred for a bucket of blood, and another two hundred for only a pint. Any Blood Mage over eight hundred may use only a token amount of blood from a human source to create an item that lasts a month. This same rule applies for recharging an item as well.

Moon Pendant - This item allows a werewolf to keep from turning into a wolf at any time that is not a full moon. Created only by Blood Mages, one can be commissioned, if one is willing to the pay the price that the Blood Mage demands. The more powerful the mage, the less blood needed to create the item. The usual rule of thumb is one life for each moon cycle the ring is used for. After two hundred years of practice, it takes bleeding a sacrifice to the point of death without killing them, and another two hundred for a bucket of blood, and another two hundred for only a pint. Any Blood Mage over eight hundred may use only a token amount of blood from a human source to create an item that lasts a month. This same rule applies for recharging an item as well.

Wish Token - It grants one wish, and one wish only. It cannot be used to bring someone back from the dead, or turn back time in any way. It takes one life to create one Wish Token, regardless of how powerful the Blood Mage is.

Curse Token - It grants one wish of ill will, and only one. It can be used to cause someone illness, death, bad luck, or any other number of unfortunate circumstances. One need only cut one’s self, and say the name of the person that is to be cursed. It takes five lives to create one Wish Token, regardless of how powerful the Blood Mage is. This can be reversed, if one can gain hold of a Wish Token before their death.

Beauty Patch - Fabric that can be added to one’s ensemble to make one appear more beautiful to those who look upon them, regardless of one’s actual façade. It can be easily created with only a token blood sacrifice being required, but only lasts for one use per blood letting.

Elemental Charms: Earth, Air, Fire, Water - A charm that allows one to conjure, or draw the element of name to one’s self. It requires one life to create a charm, but it lasts for one hundred years. After two hundred years of practice, it takes bleeding a sacrifice to the point of death without killing them, and another two hundred for a bucket of blood, and another two hundred for only a pint. Any Blood Mage over eight hundred may use only a token amount of blood from a human source to create an item that lasts one hundred years. This same rule applies for recharging an item as well.

~ Runic Magics and Treasures ~
These are Runes that a Blood Mage can discover and create.
To do so, one must come across the Rune somewhere, whether a book,
or another mage or living source, one must spill the blood and life of
a human sacrifice over hot coals, and cool the remnants, grounding
them into an ink that can be used for tattooing or staining.

This list will be added to as the Roleplay Progresses

Dagaz: Spiritual Awareness - A Rune that when the proper mixture of materials, life blood, and magic are used can be tattooed onto a body, allowing the bearer to see anyone's soul, and how pure or tainted, how good or evil, the individual is so long as they live, bear the mark, and keep their own sight intact. This Rune can be placed onto an item, and so long as the ink or paint of the rune does not fade, it will allow the wearer to do the same.

Mannaz: Emotional Awareness - A Rune that when the proper mixture of materials, life blood, and magic are used can be tattooed onto a body, allowing the bearer to see anyone's emotions or intentions, and whether they mean harm to those around them, or intend good so long as they live, bear the mark, and keep their own sight intact. This Rune can be placed onto an item, and so long as the ink or paint of the rune does not fade, it will allow the wearer to do the same.

Perthro: the Keeping of Secrets and Remaining Hidden - A Rune that when the proper mixture of materials, life blood, and magic are used can be tattooed onto a body, allowing the bearer to either keep something about themselves secret from all those who are not Blood Mages, or make them invisible, depending on the intention when putting the mark onto their body. This magic lasts so long as they live, or bear the mark. This Rune can be placed onto an item, and so long as the ink or paint of the rune does not fade, it will allow the wearer to do the same.

Divine Muse

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Name: Cora Hiles
Age: 21 years old
Profession: Working Girl
Kind: Human
This Person Controls Me: Toxic Yumi

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Name: Delilah Baine
Age: Twenty Two
Profession: Burlesque Dancer in Saloon
Kind: Hunter
This Person Controls Me: [Kishio]

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Name: Suzanna Daniels
Age: 24
Profession: Owner of the General Store
Kind: Human
This Person Controls Me: DelightButNowDelirium

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Name: Ona Dace
Age: Twenty-seven
Profession: Outlaw
Kind: Vampire
This Person Controls Me: KING-Shiva II

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Name: Sam Finch
Age: Mid to late twenties
Profession: Traveling Peddler, Odd Job Worker
Kind: Human
This Person Controls Me: Dheer

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Name: Acanthus Nomai
Age: Twenty Five
Profession: Furrier
Kind: Werewolf
This Person Controls Me: Anthem-of-Angels

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Name: Ardoious Heartborn
Age: 25
Profession: Doctor
Kind: Human
This Person Controls Me: 0Jason Vorrhees0

Divine Muse

Divine Muse

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                                  All seems quiet for those who make their homes in the lands of the Elysian Plains.

                                  The railroad is still on schedule, with the blasting. There are visitors enough from the camps to have some good drink, and some soft women, along with the other oddments that can be found in town. No more trouble than usual.

                                  The miners come down now and again, seeking to deposit their gold into the bank. The bank does enjoy seeing them come through. Then again, so are the merchants, and the Barkeep, and the working girls. They only come out of their holes in the hills to spend money. Who wouldn’t enjoy that?

                                  The Sherriff has been notified of complaints about missing Ranch hands from The Whitemoor Ranch, along with some butchered cattle. The Sherriff has sent the Deputy to see about the missing Ranch hands, just to make sure there is no foul play. However, it’s a shepherd’s duty to protect their flock, he’s sent news she might want to hire some extra guns to shoot whatever is killing her cattle.

                                  The Native’s have kept quiet, relatively speaking. Their drums can be heard if you get close to their lands. Stay off them, and you shouldn’t run into any trouble.

                                  There’s been news of a stagecoach coming through, with a payday for the miners. It’s meant to be held at the bank, once it reaches them…Until then…Well…A lot can happen…

Divine Muse

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Location: Devil's Run Gorge ~~~ Company: Annabelle, and a corpse

                                  He balanced the rifle on the rock, and watched as the white fluff ball dodged out from the cover of the boulders, and growled, snapping at the horses, making them panic. When the driver pulled his pistol, he fired, killing the driver dead. There were no screams, so the coach was empty of people. The horses were skittering back, but it was a bit difficult to do with a coach behind them. They had trained the horses to run from men, but wolves…Even the best training couldn’t snuff out that primal fear of a predator.

                                  The white wolf dashed forward, and tore the tendons of the horse to keep it from bolting. The other horse couldn’t pull the coach without help. When she had the coach secure, he gave the signal that they were clear, and the wolf went back to the rocks. He put the poor horse out of its misery, and watched as Annabelle walked out of the rocks, fully dressed, if a little bloody around the mouth.

                                  He kept cover while she brought their horses from another cropping of rocks, and started weighing the beasts down. She knew better than to use the stagecoach horse for anything. It would run until it hit civilization, and she wasn’t one to chase it down…Usually…So she untied the beast, and slapped it on the a**, making it run out of the gorge.

                                  She whistled, and he took up his rifle, sliding down from the rocks to meet her. “Looks like a good payday. Might take a few days and go see me a pretty girl. Since the one I live with isn’t so warm.” He reached to grab her rounded--- “Ow!” She twisted his wrist, and had him on his knees, a growl sounding in her throat. He felt the bite of her nails, and he went limp, exposing his neck, showing his submission to her dominance.

                                  Essayez d'appuyer à nouveau sur moi, et je peux retirervotre main.” He liked when she spoke with an accent, but straight French was a bit too much for him to comprehend. “Huh?” She gave a nearly crushing squeeze to his hand, and he was yelling before she let him go. “Convey ze message enough for you, Morgan?” That was what he liked to hear, but he knew better.
                                  “Try to touch me again, and I may remove your hand.”
                                  Rather hear the money clinking in my saddlebags.

                                  Zen let us get to ze river, an’ be on our way.” She climbed up, and he gave a wolfish grin of his own as he watched her. “Keep looking at my a** like zat, an’ I may pluck out your eyes, Morgan.

                                  Promises, promises,” he teased as he climbed onto the back of his own mount, following her out of Devil’s Run Gorge to the crossing place in the river.

Divine Muse

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Location: the Northern shores of the Sol River, somewhere between Whitemoor Ranch and Devil's Run Gorge ~~~ Company: an idiot (Morgan)

                                  She felt her hackles rising, even when she was in human form. She knew why it was happening…Didn’t mean she had to put up with him… “We should expand a bit,” he said, chuckling. They were nearing the place where they could cross the river, and make their way towards Satan’s Steps…She kept telling herself it wouldn’t be much longer…

                                  We could take our time…Have some cubs---” No! No, she couldn’t wait! She found herself smiling as they stopped along the river. She’d let the horses rest before they crossed. The rains hadn’t come, so this area was low. The horses would be able to walk, and it wouldn’t even be up to the ones’ knees who were on their backs.

                                  Cubs? Do you t’ink zey would ‘ave blond ‘air?” She felt him come up behind her. She could feel him, and smell him…It made her want to gag… “Oh, the blondest…” She chuckled and he started pressing against her, but she didn’t let him touch her. She turned and grabbed his hair with a growl, yanking him down, and holding his head down in the river’s water to cool his ardor, and wash away the stench of his smell. “Get your disgusting c**k near me again, an’ I weel bite eet off!” She growled when she let him up for air before he could drown.

                                  You do that, and it won’t grow back!” He gasped as she ducked him a second time to make sure he got the message. “You say zat like eet iz my problem!” She kicked him, when she let him go, and watched him splash and try to right himself. “Keep your nose out of my a**!

                                  She kicked him when he tried to walk out of the water. “You still stink! You let ze river wash eet away before I let you out!” He tried to defy her, but she kicked him even harder, and crouched next to the water, washing the blood from her face and neck.

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Markus Whitemoor
Location: Edge of Whitemoor Ranch xxxxxxx Company: No one

It has officially been a week, give or take a day, since he has woken up to what seemed like a horrible dream. He was surrounded by creatures that reeked of blood and death. A scent that was unfamiliar to him. Overwhelmed by the sights, sounds, and strangely enough smell Markus wasn't sure where he was or if it was truly a dream. It was only the lingering pain that convinced him that what has happened was true. He was restrained and observed by creatures that looked of wolves but in truth they were far from normal. These people, these creatures were trouble, a feeling that struck him down in the pit of his gut.

Weak and sick to his stomach they were able to restrain him and carted him away. They had him for a couple days explaining what had happened to him. Over all he was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Angry, Markus refused to turn back. He managed to escape and find his way home, but he wasn't able to change back. Too much had happened and he has and still unable to calm himself to change back. He was afraid of what would happen if he got too close to home so he stayed afar watching and waiting.

It has been only a day or so before the wolves that attacked him to come back to take him away. Right from the start he distrusted them and fought to protect his home. He wanted to go back home some day, he just needed to find out how. He worked hard to figure out what was going on with himself but he only just angered himself further. He was hurting and he was more then stressed. There was no way to get a message back home without being shot at by the ranch hands. Curled up in the tall grass Markus whined into the wind catching the soft scent of home. HE hated the fact that he was so close to home and yet he was the furthest he could possibly be at this point. Baring his teeth and snapping them together Markus sat up and shoot the loose dirt and grass. It has been at least a few days since he had a good meal in his stomach and he was running out of scraps. The ranch hands were discarding the excess food more thoroughly and he was running on empty.

Divine Muse

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Location: Sunday School Rooms, Purgatory ~~~ Company: Students

                            Now, remember the song, Joshua.” She watched the boy rocking back and forth between his heels and balls of his feet. She saw his lips move, if ever so slightly. “Fourteen hundred and ninety-two!” She smiled and inclined her head. “Very good.” She gestured for the boy to sit. “Now, Jebidiah, what were the names of the three ships?” On and on the lesson went. Then it was time for the children to be on their way. “Did I tell all of you that you were dismissed?” Faces fell, and they quickly reclaimed their seats. “Don’t forget your figures for tomorrow. As soon as you have the problems from the board on your chalkboard tablets, you may be on your way.

                            She watched the feverish scribblings as the boys and girls hurried to get their arithmetic down before they darted for the door. Some had afternoon chores, others had other duties to see to in shops, a few even had jobs around town.

                            She set about cleaning up the Sunday school room. She couldn’t wait for the schoolhouse to be started and completed, a space and domain all her own. No more storage crates to cart back and forth from the cottage to the church. She could simply leave the items and supplies at the school.

                            All in good time. She hummed softly as she busied herself with cleaning up the church’s Sunday school room, enjoying the quiet.

Questing Sex Symbol

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      x x Out x company :: Deputy Sheriff, Strangers (Annabelle & Morgan) x location :: Whitemoor Ranch x

            She had already dressed for going into town when the deputy sheriff showed up. He was a pale Welsh man who would have been more attractive to her had he been a bit stupider. She had to remind herself that she wasn't duping the law, but welcoming the man inside. He was there about the reports of missing men. Several seasoned, vulgar and dirty men who disappeared in the night without a trace. She showed him around the grounds and the barn. He might want a look to be sure she hadn't buried all their bodies on her property or something of the sort. The deputy was a silent man. He had said perhaps three words to her all the time he was there, probably only in introduction, and they both got on their horses to ride out along the edges of her property. Stray and missing cattle were found, but there wasn't anything she could do about the calf and corpses on her own just yet. She was about to leave them when they heard more down in the river.

            The deputy brushed his fingers at his side. It wasn't any of her herd or hands taking a dip in the water. "The both of you are quite close to trespassing," she warned, riding up on a couple in the river where her legal property line ended. She could shoot them in a few steps if she wanted, or simply drag them some for trespassing; if they proved a dishonest sort, the deputy would certainly take care of them. She hoped so anyway as he went off to the other side of them.

            "We were told to follow ze River." The woman's accented voice made her smirk.

            "Are you headed into town? We could ride together." She offered to kindly escort them and avoid filling them with lead. Such thoughts didn't belong to the lady she looked to be. Only her brother would know it, and a certain crowd back east, but he was missing in the West that was to be their new home.

            The man said something she didn't quite catch, but the woman somehow had his head down in the river's water. "Watch your tongue, eef you want to keep eet," she hissed before she let him up, and shoved him towards his horse. "Zat is zere kind of you. Merci."

            She nodded. "My name is Delilah. I own the ranch up that way, and this is Deputy Sheriff Stone." The lady made the introductions as they mounted up on their horses. She led the way back up to the ranch. The way they had come and were, she looked them and their belongings over. "Markus Whitemoor. A bit taller than your friend here, dark hair, brown eyes. Youngest of the family at twenty." She described her brother, looking for any hint of recognition as well as informing them of his current state. "Some men have gone missing around here. Have you seen any sign of them?" Hopefully they wouldn't answer back with any dead bodies...

            While she was talking with them, she noticed the deputy had brought the calf along with them. At least they had one of them back. It wouldn't do her any good without anyone at the ranch though.

Beloved Flatterer

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Where:: Somewhere = = = = = = With:: Someone

      Putting his right index finger on the rifles trigger, he continued to watch his bounty ride slowly towards a lake to let his horse take a drink from the long journey they were on. Gabriel himself was perched up on a boulder looking over the river from feet away. The bounty was that if he brought him back alive he would get double the reward instead of bringing him back dead. He didn't really like those since he would have to be careful not to kill the guy on the way to claim his reward. Taking in the angle he was looking to aim at his legs, he waited until he would dismount from his horse.

      When he dismounted and stood at the river petting the mane of the horse he had a shot for both of his legs if the bullet would go through the first leg. Lining up his shot he started pulling the trigger slowly. Shooting a bullet from the rifle he watched as the man fell to the ground and his horse ran away in fright. Emptying the shell case from the rifles bullet chamber he got to his feet and started walking over to his bounty to see what damage he did to him.

      "Son of a b***h! What the ******** was that for?" the person yelled at him while he was still at a distance enough to not see his face until he slowly walked up closer to him. As he put the rifle over his shoulder he slouched down to be closer in his height from the guy sitting on the ground holding his thighs. He could distinctively hear the gulp in the mans throat as he saw his face. He was only known in a few towns about going after bounties so his guess was he was in one of those towns and heard about him or saw his picture somewhere. An evil grin appeared on his lips as he saw the fear in the mans eyes. "I reckon you wouldn't mind coming with me without questions right? Cause if you do have questions, I would be happy to answer them with my pistol." At the shaking of the mans head he gave a slight bend of his head before starting to stand up and grabbing the guy by his collar since he didn't feel like carrying him. Dragging him along he whistled and seconds later his horse appeared in the distance galloping towards them.

      He practically threw the guy on his horse faced down over the saddle and strapped him in with ropes so he wouldn't be able to run away when he saw a chance. In the long run, it would be worth the walk if he got him there as soon as possible. Taking the reigns in his hands he started leading the way to go to the nearest town that might take this guy off of his shoulders. If he was lucky he might make it there before they started serving lunch.

      As he got closer to the town he was surprised the guy was silent the whole trip, guess it could have been that he knew he would kill him if he had to. Sighing as he shrugged his shoulders he thought it was a pity the guy didn't resist him more. But he shouldn't have complained since it was just a small bounty that he could get easy money to feed himself with and maybe get a bed for the night depending on what the town had.

      Once they reached the town he looked around seeing people staring like they haven't seen someone pass by this place in ages. s**t, not another one of those towns. He thought trying to ignore the stares as he started looking for the sheriff's office. Locating the office he saw that it was empty and it looked like he wouldn't be getting any help locating the guy from the people so he decided to wait. After making sure the secures on man was tight he leaned against the post to wait patiently for the Sheriff to return.

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