Brethil24's Spouse

Benevolent Destroyer

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                                "The woman is an anomaly not in the database. An investigation has been requested. Details cannot be disclosed at the present time as sufficient clearance has not been obtained."

                                A pause, as the blinking slows, then returns to its original pace.

                                "Program FYLAX may also be referred to as the 'core of the Xpergisci'. As such, immediate access to 89% of Anima City is available, with an additional 6% pending access. 3% of Forza is immediately accessible, including this device. Is this debriefing sufficient?"

                                Drone #089 approaching. Screen powering off. Audio muted.

                                Unknown female located. Sending location data to Leon.

                                Hypothesis: Visual feed denied to preserve anonymity. Confirmed.

                                "Yeah! Let's go! There's tons of room in the car! And fizzy drinks. Everyone likes fizzy drinks, right?"

                                The minidrone obediently extends an arm, but fails to reach Amalie's face.

                                "Waaah! Madame! You made my arms too short!" The drone flails ineffectually. "Madaaaaame!"

                                Female exiting room. Program #16536 in possession. Female out of range of drone #089. Waiting for audio cue.

                                Audio cue obtained. Screen on. Recording vocal samples.

                                Attempting to adjust visual feed.

                                Attempt failed.

                                "Please tilt device at a 32 degree angle and extend at arm's length."

                                Visuals obtained. Opening feed to Leon.

                                "Your attention please. The female has been located. No other sources of audio-visual are currently available. Madame and drone #089 are in the immediate area."

                                Scanning vehicle programming. Running simulations: minimal risk to passengers. Predicting seating.

                                "Greetings, unknown female. Your request will be granted. Julien Delacroix and Amalie will not be harmed, nor removed from Forza. Will this be sufficient?

                                "For the duration of this interview, a name will be required. Please answer the following: date of birth, current age, blood type, height, weight, regular diet, marital status, sexual preference, current occupation, duration of last menstrual cycle, previous and current residence. Composition of dye used for hair; if natural, please provide a sample to drone #089. All clothing measurements, allergies, medical history, composition of psychological makeup – a test may be administered if unknown. Identify all medication taken within the last forty eight months, last instance of sexual intercourse, familial relations, and origin."
                                A pause. "Of particular interest is origin. You are believed to resemble a Nora Rebanes, deceased. Please comment."

                                Current device is not equipped for analysis. Sending voice samples to HUB.

                                Initializing analysis of speech patterns. Calculating approximate height and weight. Cross confirming with database.

                                Updating file: Unnamed female – Nora?

                                "Leon, is there anything else you wish to ask?