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Divine Muse

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Divine Muse

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                      In the Beginning, there was Nothing. Into that Nothing, there came Light. These were the Creators…Ushara, the Nothingness of Creation, and Beshala, the Light that brought about the Dawn of Time. Together, they formed their Children. Earth, and Sky, the tears of their joy creating Water in the oceans, lakes, and rivers that allowed for the plants and animals to grow and prosper.

                      From the depths of Creation, Ushara and Beshala Created those who would hold dominion in their absence. Their Children were enduring, but guidance was needed.

                      The Depths of the Water, they created Sirens, a blend of human and the creatures of the deep waters, with voices that could tempt any from whatever path they set themselves upon. They were the protectors of the salty waters, and the secrets hidden within.

                      The Depths of the Earth, they created Goblins, shape-shifting creatures who could take on the form of any living creature, save for their unchanged eyes, the only way to tell them different from a true born creature. Their natural forms were so ugly that any not born of the Earth’s dark womb would find them beyond grotesque. They were gifted with a strange gentleness, and an ability to create that could rival any creature. To keep them from growing too powerful, they were cursed with a desire to trade fairly, which often interferes with their creating. They were the protectors of the hidden places where dwarves dare not delve.

                      The Sky was granted Dragons, scaled, intelligent, flying creatures with knowledge of the Creators, and their Secrets. Should one befriend a Dragon, then one might learn such secrets. To keep Dragons from doling out secrets as suited them, they were given a keen hunger for something, unique only to them. Each dragon hoards a different thing, and to gain knowledge, one must learn what that thing is, and sate the dragon’s hunger for it. Thus, the Creators were able to have their secrets kept.

                      The Earth’s Surface was granted many protectors. The Forests were granted Fae, creatures of purpose and ritual, the desire for balance nearly all consuming in their very being. They were graced with beauty and artistry, so long as they keep the balance between nature and progress. The Mountains were granted Dwarves, short men, meant for the stout tunnels into the mountains, and what could be found there. They were gifted with strength, and an understanding of metals that was only outmatched by the grotesque Goblins. Then, there were Humans…Adaptable, enduring, and given nothing more than Potential. They could learn so much, and do so much, that the Creators were the most proud, and most fearful of Man.

                      Time trickled on, each Race carrying out their roles as intended. Until the day a human shot down a Dragon from the Sky. The why is a tale for another time, but what happened to the dragon had a lasting impact on the world that was to come. It hid from the humans, fearful of what would happen to it, and rather than try to reach the sky where the humans would find it, it burrowed deeper and deeper, until it found the Goblins. One Goblin befriended the dragon, and was willing to trade stories for stories, and thus, they became friends. The Goblin would take on the form of a dragon, and try to learn how to fly so that it could help its friend reach the Sky once more, but the Goblin did not understand…The Dragon was without its wings, and would never reach the Sky again.

                      So the Goblin decided to Trade…

                      It Made something to take the Dragon back to the Sky, but the Dragon could not stay in the Sky, not without their wings. That was when the Dragon whispered a secret…Crystals, special crystals, hidden even deeper than the Goblins knew in the Dark. Those crystals would let the Dragon stay in the Sky, and create a place where it could live for the rest of its days. The flying machine the Goblin created would allow the Goblin to visit, traveling between the Depths to the World above. They would remain friends.

                      The Goblin liked this idea, so they stole from the Dark, and the Depths, and the Heights. Crystals of the Earth, to let it be rich without the Depths. Crystals of Water so that life would flourish. Crystals of Air so the Earth would remain in the Sky, where Dragons belonged. Those were the three needed so that the Dragon could return to the Sky, where Dragons belonged. However, the Goblin learned that there were other Crystals, and these crystals would give the one who held it powers…Powers over Earth. Powers over Air, and Fire, and Water, and Lightning…So many crystals…There were some that would even stop a Siren’s song from reaching one’s heart, so that they would remain true to their course. The Goblin hoarded these things, finding itself much akin to the Dragon, wanting to keep what was theirs, and not trade.

                      They worked in the Dark, and when night fell, they worked in secret on the surface, raising part of the world into the Sky, and setting up the magic that would let the Dragon live out its days in the Sky. The Dragon and the Goblin remained friends for many years, but their friendship made others jealous…Goblins grew jealous of their kin refusing to trade the secrets of the crystals and the magic. Dragons grew jealous, for why did they have to travel from earth to sky and back again to protect what was theirs? Why was the flightless dragon not cursed with the undeniable need? Dwarves grew jealous, for the land they could mine was taken to the Sky before they could have the riches for themselves. Fae grew jealous, knowing that this was not part of the balance, and knowing this caused their artistry to fail, making work as ugly as they perceived all other races to be. Man grew jealous, for why should ugly creatures have such power, power they should take for themselves?

                      Jealousy drove the dragons to turn on one of their own…Without wings, and defenseless. They didn’t understand…The Dragon did hoard…It hoarded love and friendship, things the other dragons could not understand, because it was not a part of them. They thought to take what was not theirs, as they did with their hoards, and use the paradise in the Sky for their own trove to store their hoarded desires. They killed the dragon without wings, and left to get their treasures.

                      They had not expected the Goblin to return with a gift for their friend, and when they found the sight of their dying friend, the gentle Goblin learned rage, and hate…When the Dragons returned with their hoard, the Goblin cursed them all with a rare crystal that had been stolen from the Sirens. It would change the natural form of a creature, and all that would follow in its line. The Goblin cursed the Dragons to human form, one without wings…There had been the intent of gifting the flightless dragon with a Goblin form, so they would not be alone, but that was not to be, so a gift of a new start with love and friendship was turned into one of vengeance, and the Goblin cast out all the Dragons from the Sky.

                      Angry, the fallen Dragons turned to the other Races. They did not have the knowledge of the Dragon they had killed, but they had their own knowledge, and so the Races learned of further greed…A greed for power…

                      They hunted one another for their own reasons…

                      Fae hunted the Dragons, and the Goblins…Dragons were no longer in their natural form, and thus the balance was wrong. They did not have the knowledge or ability to turn the dragons back to their true forms, so best to destroy them, and the creatures who could learn the secrets of changing Dragons to Man…After all, look at what one Goblin had accomplished when confronted with a darkness no lack of light could ever prepare it for. They hunted any others who thought to upset their precious balance, and so war came to the Forests.

                      Dwarves hunted all who thought to take their precious materials…Materials they could use to make their own things, using the crystals they discovered knowledge of to make them fly. Thus, Dwarves were the second to learn flight, and try to reach the floating world above. Thus, war came to the Mountains.

                      Man hunted those who sought to take what they believed to be theirs, and that was anything that they wanted. They watched, they observed, they waited, and when the moment was right---They struck, taking what they wished for their own.

                      The Goblin, wanting to keep the precious paradise from those who sought to defile it with their greed, decided to make more floating islands in the sky…And so, the World Above came into existence, waiting ripe for those who could reach it and stake their claim.

                      Now…The Races still war, the origins of the floating islands in the sky long forgotten by all save those few scholars who care to research the all too distant past, and the pirates who seek the treasures that are still whispered to be floating in the clouds around them. Goblins are even whispered to be myth, save for the rare survivors of raids who claim that Goblins took what they wished in return for the unfair trades of the past, the taking of a life of a Friend to one of their own that was never created. It is hard to know who is more than they seem when shapes are changed to fit their surroundings, and not showing the true forms creatures of the deep dark that have been forgotten.

                      Some cities that float are home to more than one Race, peace kept by the nobles who rule over that piece of paradise. Other places are strictly for those of their race. One must tread carefully. The World Below still exists, but is obviously looked down on by those in the World Above. Some even claim that the World Below is far more barbarous than any care to think, and it can definitely be more dangerous…Since Sirens have yet to grow wings and take to the skies.

Divine Muse

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                      1. Remember Gaia TOS. Yes, there are some more mature themes, and violence, but they can be easily played around within the TOS.

                      2. The definitions of Semi-Literate and Literate seem to be very open to interpretation. So, for the sake of argument- or to keep arguments to a minimum, please attempt a minimum of 2 - that is TWO- FIVE sentence paragraphs per post that consists of proper English and Punctuation written in third person-past tense. More would be greatly appreciated and enjoyed, however ten sentences is all that is required. If you are having writer’s block, just let us know OOC and we’ll be understanding. 

                      3. Post frequency. It is understood that not everyone can post every day. But please attempt to post every other day, at least. This averages out to about three time a week, and if you don't post, you will be left behind.Do not get upset that you are not getting more plot involvement if you are not posting frequently. If, for some reason, you are unable to post, send dialogue for your characters to someone working on a post in order to help keep things flowing, so as not to hold up the plot. If you are going to be absent for longer than two days, please let us know and if possible move your character(s) out of play so they do not hold things up, or let someone know what you want done with them, and they can see it done. If you do not do this, your character may be moved so as to not hold things up. If you are consistently not posting, your character will be removed from the roleplay. Do not join if you cannot keep with posting at least every other day. It is your responsibility to keep updated on what is going on In Character, so do not expect anyone to quote you to gain a reply.

                      4. You cannot kill another character without that player’s permission, or mine. If you try that, I will give you ONE chance to go back and correct your post. If you ignore that warning, you will be banned from the RP. If the player has abandoned the character, an announcement will be made, and first come, first served on dealing death blows.

                      5. If your characters get into an altercation-

                          a) With another player, you will ROLL 1d100. Highest roll wins. Or you may decide the winner amongst yourselves, however if a consensus cannot be reached, you will roll.

                          b) With an NPC creature, have fun. Remember, keep things believable and use your abilities and environment. If a person goes up against a more powerful creature, or large group, chances are they are going to get pretty battered and beaten so unless they run like hell, they will not come out unscathed.

                      6. Check back often for changes to Rules. A warning for a TIME SKIP will be given OOC, so please move your characters accordingly.

                      7. Layout. Please have at least a picture to go with your post, a Name Banner of some kind, and colored dialogue for your character would be appreciated. Also include a little caption so players know where you are and with whom you are speaking at a glance. This can be above or below the post, so long as it is there. Make sure font size is at least size 11 to keep us from going blind due to squinting at a young age. Also, don't forget to make sure your font is an appropriate color. Nothing too light, or bright. General rule of thumb, if we have to tilt screens, or highlight text to read, then it's too light or bright.

                      8. "Don't be invincible. Be believable, and write within what others give you." - KING-Shiva II

                      9. We are big boys and girls and wear our big people panties-or none if that's your thing.

                          a) I will not micromanage behavior IC. Again, work with what you are given. Someone has a smart mouth, deal with it. Don't whine to me about it, and demand it be changed IC. I'm not going to do it. Only grossly inaccurate posts that have ignored what has been given or stated shall be asked to be changed, or as otherwise stated in rules.

                          b) Also, make sure to be respectful in the OOC. Joking is fine, but be respectful.

                          c) People have been RPing together for a while, and have their favorites, don't be shy. Hit someone up to make a buddy for your character if you like how some roleplays. If I like the character, I'm pretty good about making buddies, and spouses, and love interests, but I'm also running things, so I can't do it all, so please don't take it personally if I can't. There are plenty of people playing who can easily and probably happily make a buddy for your character.

                      10. Magic is as stated, and will have it's own separate guidelines.

                      11. Making Your Character Reserve and Profile:

                          a) How many characters may you have? As many as you can handle. 

                          b) Real Pictures Only or Gifs…But they have to be real people. No Anime or Fantasy Art. The only exception is for Creature reference pictures, Airships, and Floating Cities-if you wish to play the part of a Sky Lord Noble.

                          c) When creating your Character Reserves and Profiles, fill them out and send them in at the same time for each character via PM to Diandra Moon. Title them A Tale of Two Worlds. Or you may put them up in the OOC and PM me the link so that I can link the Profile to the Reserve once accepted.

Divine Muse

User Image

                      [img]100x100 human faceclaim[/img] [img]100x100 creature faceclaim[/img] [img]100x100 human faceclaim[/img]

                      [size=10][b]Name:[/b] [color=fontcolor]Character Name[/color]
                      [b]Title:[/b] [color=fontcolor]Nickname, Role, etc[/color]
                      [b]Age:[/b] [color=fontcolor]Character Age[/color]
                      [b]Race:[/b] [color=fontcolor]Human, Goblin, Siren, Dwarf, Fae, Dragon[/color]
                      [b]Ship:[/b] [color=fontcolor]If applicable-Name[/color]
                      [b]This Person Controls Me:[/b] [color=fontcolor][url=linktoprofileinOoc]Player's name[/url][/color][/size]

                      [imgleft]250x250 Picture here[/imgleft]

                      [list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][size=10][b]Name:[/b] [color=fontcolor]Name of Character[/color]

                      [b]Title:[/b] [color=fontcolor]Nickname, Role, etc[/color]

                      [b]Age:[/b] [color=fontcolor]Age[/color]

                      [b]I Am From:[/b] [color=fontcolor]Where your character is from[/color]

                      [b]Race:[/b] [color=fontcolor]Human, Goblin, Siren, Dwarf, Fae, Dragon[/color]

                      [b]Ability:[/b] [color=fontcolor]If applicable, and must be approved if not obviously stated[/color]

                      [b]Weapon(s):[/b] [color=fontcolor]No more than 4[/color]

                      [b]Crystal(s):[/b] [color=fontcolor]Must be rolled for with Diandra’s approval to start with, otherwise, will be added as the roleplay progresses[/color]

                      [b]Ship:[/b] [color=fontcolor][url=linktovisualofship]If applicable-Name of ship,[/url] along with a blurb including what the ship is used for, the capacity, weapons (no gunpowder-unless a Goblin, and only with permission), crew capacity, passenger capacity (if applicable), and anything else you find to be relevant.[/color]

                      [b]Skills:[/b] [color=fontcolor]the abilities with which you live your day to day life, as well as your magical abilities, specialties, and areas of interest[/color]

                      [b]Bio:[/b] [color=fontcolor]At least two paragraphs describing your character-past, present, or attitudes[/color]

                      [b]Likes:[/b] [color=fontcolor]Thing 1, Thing 2, Thing 3[/color]

                      [b]Dislikes:[/b] [color=fontcolor]Thing 1, Thing 2, Thing 3[/color]

                      [b]This Person Controls Me:[/b] [color=fontcolor]Player’s Name[/color][/size]

                      [size=10][b]Name:[/b] [color=fontcolor]Ship Name[/color]
                      [b]Make:[/b] [color=fontcolor]Human, Dwarven, etc[/color]
                      [b]Type:[/b] [color=fontcolor]Airship, Seafaring, or both[/color]
                      [b]Use:[/b] [color=fontcolor]Transport, Ferrying, Pirating, etc[/color]
                      [b]Look:[/b] [color=fontcolor][url=link]Visual Reference[/url][/color]
                      [b]Weapons:[/b] [color=fontcolor]Be reasonable, only Goblins get gunpowder, per Diandra's Approval[/color]
                      [b]Cargo:[/b] [color=fontcolor]Be reasonable[/color]
                      [b]Crew:[/b] [color=fontcolor]Number of Crew[/color]
                      [b]Captain:[/b] [color=fontcolor]Character to whom the ship and crew belongs[/color][/size]

Divine Muse

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                      Sirens; in their natural form, they are any combination of sea-life and human, feral would be kind in describing their natures. Their voices can entrance any of the other races, provided they are the opposite sex. Some Sirens found the rare crystals that allow them to change their form, and they look human, though they have an affinity for water, and only have their vocal abilities when the moon is shining. Any other time, they are as any human, if a slightly better swimmer. They vary in size as any human would, though they tend to be near seven feet when in their natural form, if not longer.

                      Sirens are patriarchal in nature, following the male bloodlines. The males tend to be the stronger of the species, and thus are the warriors. They are ruled by an Emperor, and because of the patriarchal nature, the females tend to be overly cruel when they get a male under their spell.

                          Natural Abilities include enchanting voice, as stated; ability to communicate with sea creatures and have them do one's bidding; manipulating ocean currents; summoning sea storms.

                          Once they have cursed themselves to human form with the Crystal, then they are limited as stated.

                      Goblins; in their natural form, they are ugly. There is no other way to describe them. They are also highly intelligent, and have a knack for making things that cannot be rivaled, except by their desire for trading. They can take on the shape of any other living thing. It takes practice and concentration. They are able to change the shape of their hands and fingers to aid in creating their items, if they can focus long enough to do so. When they take on the form of another creature, only their eyes may tell that they are not truly what they seem, but only if the one looking upon them are intimately familiar with other creatures, and can recognize the difference. They are strong, and have a high pain tolerance, except where their tails are concerned. Their tails are extra sensitive, and they protect them with their lives. They are often small, able to hide in pockets, but some do stand near the size of a tall dwarf, or short human. Because of their constant want of Making, and Trading, they enjoy possessing crystals, and some even learn to use them, even if for their own inventions.

                      Goblins are fairly laid back, and prefer to be left to be their own devices. They have a King, which is male or female, and elected by the other Goblins, who can be called upon to determine if a Trade is Fair or Unfair.

                          Natural Abilities include strength, creating things when not hindered by desire to Trade, Shape-shifting into any living creature. They can also eat anything, not succumbing to poison-in fact, it is like candy to them.

                          Goblin Steel is the only known metal to have been able to cut through a Dragon's hide, and was once highly sought for Trade, though the items are few and far between, unless you run into a marauding band of Goblins.

                          Kupmo Sug, or Goblin Make, is a natural ability to all Goblins which instills a special characteristic into any item crafted by a Goblin from start to finish.

                      Dragons; scaled and reptilian in their true forms, no Dragon is in their true form any longer. They are cursed to be in human form, though they do have their own special abilities that sets them apart from humans. They have knowledge that is special to them, and can parcel it out as they deem fit. They appear as slightly eccentric seeming humans, with hair that might be slightly off, or something strange about their appearance. A Dragon can be told from other humans by their eyes when upset, or startled, they flash with a hint of the true creature that is trapped within. Just as humans, their current size varies, depending on the environment that shaped them, and previous heights of past parentage. Even with their own magics, they are not above using the Crystals, some in hopes of finding the crystal that could undo the curse on their forms. Many Dragons are pirates, though some work in partnership with the other Races to achieve some end or goal.

                      Dragons are independent. They care only for their hoard, and their deals. No dragon works outside the deals they have made, and anything can be a means to an end when it comes to adding to their hoard.

                          Natural Abilities include a desire to hoard something of significance only to the dragon. They are granted up to three abilities with this desire to hoard. For example, a Dragon who hoards stories may be able to read, write, and speak any language. They may be able to determine the authenticity of a tome with just a touch, or hear if someone is telling the truth, or a story by simply listening to their words as they recite what they claim has occurred. A Dragon who hoards gold may be able to determine the value of an item by simply looking upon it, or smell if there is gold to be had in a place. Since anything can be hoarded, those abilities are countless.Crystals may also be utilized to further gain a Dragon's desired end.

                      Dwarves; Short and stout, Dwarves are as strong as the mountains of which they were meant to hold dominion. Men and women, they all have beards, which makes it difficult to tell when you are addressing a male or female…Though Dwarves have no problem spotting the differences among their own. Dwarves rarely stand over five foot tall, but the occasional one does rise. They are great builders, only outmatched by the occasional determined human, and goblins. Because they can be outmatched, they are not above using the Crystals in their inventions, and the crystals are often what powers an airship of Dwarven make.

                      Dwarves have a King, but he is only a figurehead. Common sense, and skill are what is followed among the Dwarves. Whoever is the best builder, the most educated, and shows the most sense tends to have more influence than the King.

                          Natural Abilities include strength, an ability to build that is only outmatched by Goblins, and the occasional human. The lack of other abilities can be supplemented by Crystals.

                      Fae; Ethereal, they rarely care beyond their desire to restore the balance of nature. They can be blood thirsty when that balance is threatened, and thus their artistry with it. Tall, six feet tall in most cases, and sometimes more, they are beautiful warriors, male and female. Fae are granted special properties when in the Forests, able to call upon the creatures and plants for aid, and because of this, they disdain the use of Crystals. Also, because they find the idea of the floating cities to go against nature, they have few airships, and the ones they do possess are meant to be used in missions to bring those floating cities back to the World Below.

                      Fae follow a Council, headed by a male and female, much as they believe the Creators to be male and female. They weigh the pros and cons, and then set their decisions to the Council, who rarely opposes those decisions.

                          Natural Abilities include strength, grace, artistry in anything of interest to the Fae, and a fighting ability that even humans find themselves unable to fully match. When in the Forests, a Fae may call upon all manner of animals or plants for aid, however this is greatly reduced when not in the forests, and may not work at all.

                      Humans; As varying of shape, color, and size as there are species in the worlds, humans are the most adaptable, and the most power hungry. They like to create, but often steal and build their own versions of what they take for themselves. Because of this, their creations tend to be more streamlined, if not as effective as many of what they steal to copy. They aren’t above using Crystals, and doing whatever they must to attain their goals.

                      Humans have varying means of hierarchy, depending on the area in which they live. Those in the World Below tend to follow whoever is the most powerful. Those who live in the World Above follow those with the most power and resources. Those who have the most power and resources are members of a special, noble class. The World Below may claim to have such elegant titles, but those of the World Above find it to be a lackluster attempt to make themselves appear better than they truly are.

                          Natural Abilities include adaptability, and ingenuity. The lack of other abilities can be supplemented by Crystals.

Divine Muse

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                      Dragons; speak a combination of Common and Draconic whenever casting magic, or simply suits them.

                      Dragons only care for their hoards, and what they must do to acquire more for that hoard. Because of this, they are more than willing to trade something valuable for something that seems silly to the non-dragon. Unless they hoard money, or other precious metals, they have no concept of money or worth.

                      Attire is eclectic, and varying, depending on what the Dragon hoards.

                      Marriages are rare, though Dragons are known for pairing up with other Dragons, or non-dragons to produce offspring. These pairings can last for the one birthing, a series of birthings, or years. Those born of such pairings are Dragons, with aspects taken from both parentages. Should a Dragon wed, it is done through the non-dragon’s traditions, though they may not fully understand how to go about their expected duties.

                      It is unknown how old a Dragon can grow. The oldest recorded has been around 700 years old before the Dragon was killed. It is hard to measure the average lifespan since Dragons are often hunted down and killed for their Hoards, or other reasons.

                      Dragons do not create their own ships. They may hoard ships, but they do not build their own. Because of this, Dragons only use ships that are available to those who can afford passage on them, or ones they have brokered deals for through their own hoarding.

                      Dwarves; speak a combination of Common and their ancestral language when among their own. They have their own form of written language as well. (use LotR option when using the Runic translator. May need to copy/upload to third party, and link in a spoiler tag to use)

                      Dwarves take part in a combination of common bartering for coin or merchandise. It does not necessarily have to be of equal monetary worth, only what can be had to accomplish what is needed. For example, a dwarf who needs something more than another dwarf will be willing to part with more to have it.

                      Attire is durable, consisting of strong fabrics, leathers, and touches of armor in work attire. Pretty fabrics are saved for festivals, or impressing outsiders who do not understand the value of knowledge.

                      Marriages consist of an agreement between two dwarves to aid in work, and the accruement of wealth for their family. Only sentimental, or useful items are passed on to future generations. The rest is given to the surviving spouse, and what is left is buried in the tomb with the deceased. Because of this arrangement, pirates and grave robbers enjoy targeting dwarven tombs.

                      Dwarves can grow to be around 200 years old, but it is rare. The average lifespan of a Dwarf averages around 120 years old, and that is considered to be of some age.

                      Dwarves build their own ships, and they are usually powered by White Crystals. They are bulky, hardy, and can take a beating. Because of their weight, they tend to be slower than most other crafts. However, they can withstand an attack, or crash, better than most other airships.

                      Fae; speak a combination of Common and Fae whenever casting magic, or simply suits them.

                      Fae understand money, and partake of the practice of trading goods for coin, though they prefer to trade their artistry-crafted items such as jewelry, clothing, or paintings-for things they need or wish to possess.

                      Attire is elegant, and comfortable. If one is not well versed in Fae attire, even the poorest of Fae appears to be dressed as a low-ranking noble among the other kinds.

                      Marriages are common, and contractual. These contracts last for life, and are rarely ever broken. To break a matrimonial contract is considered of great offense, and can mean becoming an outcast among the Fae.

                      Fae can live to be around 300 years old, but it is rare they reach such an age. They usually die in battle, or due to going mad from loss of the balance, and their artistry with it. The average lifespan of a Fae is around 200 years old.

                      Fae do not build airships, however they do take natural materials and make ships that can float due to heat. They can go up and down, and if they are over Forests, they can coax birds to pull them in a particular direction. It is not natural for Fae to fly, so they only use the structures when a floating city is overhead, and it is decided that someone should try to bring it back down to earth.

                      Goblins; have their own language that consists of two separate dialects. The Current Dialect, and the Old Dialect for those who are well versed in Kupmo Sug. Feel free to search through the linked roleplay for Old Dialect. The translator used then went offline, so others were found, but there were some fun words and phrases that were precious.

                      Goblins trade things of what they consider equal value. If there is a disagreement over the fairness of a Trade, the argument is taken to the King, who deems Fair or Unfair. Goblins are not above stealing, if they want something enough, and the current owner is not strong enough to keep what is wanted for themselves.

                      Attire is eclectic, consisting of a few Kupmo Sug items, but mostly what has been Stolen or Traded from those who are not Goblin.

                      Marriages are a simple Trade, in which the care of oneself is Traded to another Goblin so that they can protect and care for one another. It is a simple, ritualistic trade that consists of the phrase "You are mine, and I am yours." that is repeated three times each to one another.

                      Goblins can live to be around 300 years old, but it is rare they reach such an age. They usually die due to an Unfair Trade, or in normal fighting long before then. The average age of death for Goblins is around 200 years old.

                      Goblin ships are the most diverse, fastest, and sought after structures to take to the skies. Goblin ships can also be found to carry black powder, and only a few Goblins understand how to Make the Craft. Goblin ships are rarely very elegant to see, however they are faster, and more durable than any other ships to take to the air. There are even a few prototypes that use a combination of heat and water to power propellers, adding even more speed and maneuverability to the Kupmo Sug ships.

                      Humans; speak Common, though they may learn aspects of other languages for their own reasons.

                      Humans have an economy that revolves around various systems of trade for money, bartering, trade, and communal endeavors.

                      Attire varies depending on region, and social standing. A peasant usually wears earth tones to avoid their work showing on their clothing. Merchants, who rarely have to dirty their hands with labor wear lighter clothes. Nobles tend to wear silks, satins, and leathers since they are better able to afford such things.

                      Marriages are common, and cemented with a ritual that varies depending on the region. Commonly, the ceremony consists of the bride and groom speaking vows, and a blessing being asked from the Creators. The intended promises are sealed with a kiss before all, and followed by a celebration.

                      Humans can live to be around 100 years old, but it is rare they reach such an age. They usually die in battle, due to hunger or sickness, harsh weathers, or just plain idiocy. The average age of death for humans is around 60 to 70 years, and is considered old age should they die of natural causes in that time.

                      Human airships tend to look mostly like their seafaring brethren. However, some ships are taken from other cultures, and adapted to human tastes until they are able to reverse engineer the magical technologies and produce their own.

                      Sirens; speak Common, though to cause their natural born magics to work, the words must be said or sung in rhyming prose, or some similar rhythm.

                      Sirens have no concept of money, only what is desired. If one has something another desires, then that might be traded for something you desire. They only practice this among their own kind. Any others could find themselves under the spell of the Sirens, and pulled into the depths for the amusement of the feral creatures.

                      Attire consists of what can be found in and around the oceans. Shells, seaweed, and other such things. If a Siren curses themselves to take human form, then they may wear whatever is common, until they can work out the workings of the culture around them, and procure something more appropriate to accomplish their goals.

                      Marriages are common, and usually consist of a male taking a female, keeping her as his. Sometimes, daughters are traded to warriors for protection or other reasons. Females are simply a means to an end, and have little use outside procreation to many males of the Siren.

                      Sirens can live to be around 300 years old, but it is rare they reach such an age. They usually die in battle, or at the hands of hunters (animal or other creatures), or their own kind long before then. The average age is around 100 years old before a Siren succumbs to death.

                      Sirens do not create their own ships, though the ones who take human form may find themselves aboard a ship. Few raise above the level of crew, but they can be quite handy to have in a fight, should one win a Siren over to their cause.

Divine Muse

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                      Crystals; The most widely used form of magic. One must find a Crystal, determine the characteristics of the magic of the Crystal, and find someone to teach them to use the Crystal. Dragons are the most knowledgeable of Creatures to learn from, though someone who has already learned to use the same form of Crystal may teach the basics to someone else.

                          a) Should you wish to start out the Roleplay with a Crystal, ask me via PM first. I will either assign a Crystal based on your current profile, or I will roll for what Crystal you will receive, and how skilled your character is at wielding the magic of the Crystal.

                          b) Crystals will be found throughout the Roleplay, so you do not have to start out the Roleplay with a Crystal. Your character may keep, trade, sell, or otherwise utilize these Crystals as they come across them.

                          c) Crystals, their characteristics, and abilities are as follows:

                              Red Crystal; a wielder of this Crystal will be able to manipulate fire in some capacity.
                                i. Manipulate fire that is present, and extinguish it.
                                ii. Manipulate fire that is present, cause it to grow in size and intensity, as well as extinguish it.
                                iii. Summon fire so long as it is not a damp environment, manipulate fire that is present, cause it to grow in size and intensity, as well as extinguish it.
                                iv. Summon fire in any environment, manipulate fire that is present, extinguish it, and cause it to grow in size and intensity.

                              Blue Crystal; a wielder of this Crystal will be able to manipulate water in some capacity.
                                i. Manipulate water that is present.
                                ii. Manipulate water that is present, and purify it.
                                iii. Manipulate water that is present, freeze or unfreeze water that is present, and purify it.
                                iv. Pull water from living life forms, and plants, manipulate water that is present, freeze or unfreeze water that is present, and purify it. Though this causes the life form that the water is drawn from to die.

                              White Crystal; a wielder of this Crystal will be able to manipulate air or wind in some capacity.
                                i. Utilize the Crystal in an Airship to cause it to fly, should that be the ship‘s means of fuel.
                                ii. Manipulate air that is present to fill sails.
                                iii. Manipulate air that is present to fill sails, and purify unclean air to make it breathable.
                                iv. Manipulate air that is present to fill sails, purify unclean air to make it breathable, and allow one to ride air currents as if flying.
                                v. Manipulate air that is present to fill sails, purify unclean air to make it breathable, allow one to ride air currents as if flying, and utilize the Crystal in Earth to allow the Earth to float in the Sky.
                                vi. Manipulate air that is present to fill sails, purify unclean air to make it breathable, allow one to ride air currents as if flying, utilize the Crystal in Earth to allow the Earth to float in the Sky, and summon lightning from the sky.

                              Brown Crystal; a wielder of this Crystal will be able to manipulate earth in some capacity.
                                i. Manipulate earth that is present.
                                ii. Manipulate earth that is present, and enrich it through removing tainted properties.
                                iii. Manipulate earth that is present, enrich it through removing tainted properties, and remove large chunks of earth to create a floating land mass.
                                iv. Manipulate earth that is present, enrich it through removing tainted properties, remove large chunks of earth to create a floating land mass, and give the earth its own personality, creating Golems.

                              Green Crystal; a wielder of this Crystal will be able to manipulate life in some capacity.
                                i. Manipulate plants to grow that are present.
                                ii. Manipulate plants to grow that are present, and increase the potency and nutrients of the plants that are grown.
                                iii. Manipulate plants to grow that are present, increase the potency and nutrients of the plants that are grown, and minor healing abilities of living creatures.
                                iv. Manipulate plants to grow that are present, increase the potency and nutrients of the plants that are grown, minor healing abilities of living creatures, and major healing of living creatures such as cleansing of plague and reattachment of appendages.
                                v. Manipulate plants to grow that are present, increase the potency and nutrients of the plants that are grown, minor healing abilities of living creatures, major healing of living creatures such as cleansing of plague and reattachment of appendages, and the restoration of life for the newly dead.

                              Purple Crystal; a wielder of this Crystal will be able to transport themselves or others.
                                i. Transport oneself to a place one can see.
                                ii. Transport oneself to a place one can see, or has been to before while in possession of the Crystal.
                                iii. Transport oneself to a place one can see, has been to before while in possession of the Crystal, and can transport oneself and one other to a place one can see.
                                iv. Transport oneself to a place one can see, has been to before while in possession of the Crystal, can transport oneself and one other to a place one can see, or transport oneself and one other to a place one been to before while in possession of the Crystal.
                                v. Transport oneself to a place one can see, has been to before while in possession of the Crystal, can transport oneself and one other to a place one can see, transport oneself and one other to a place one been to before while in possession of the Crystal, or a ship that one has frequented a great deal of time to a place one has been before, along with all of those aboard.
                                Transporting a ship can only be done once in a month, and does not allow for Transportation until after the next Time Skip In Character.

                              Yellow Crystal; a wielder of this Crystal will be able to summon an object to one’s hands, and place it back to where one it came from.
                                i. Summon an item that one can see.
                                ii. Summon an item one can see, or send it back to where one can see.
                                iii. Summon an item one can see, send it back to where one can see, or summon an item that one has touched and knows the whereabouts of while in possession of the Crystal.
                                iv. Summon an item one can see, send it back to where one can see, summon an item that one has touched and knows the whereabouts of while in possession of the Crystal, or send the item back to where it was summoned from, so long as one knows the whereabouts.
                                v. Summon an item one can see, send it back to where one can see, summon an item that one has touched and knows the whereabouts of while in possession of the Crystal, send the item back to where it was summoned from, so long as one knows the whereabouts, or summon any item from anywhere so long as one has touched the item while in possession of the Crystal.
                                vi. Summon an item one can see, send it back to where one can see, summon an item that one has touched and knows the whereabouts of while in possession of the Crystal, send the item back to where it was summoned from, so long as one knows the whereabouts, summon any item from anywhere so long as one has touched the item while in possession of the Crystal, or summon one person to where one is, provided they have touched that person while in possession of the Crystal.
                                Summoning a person requires time to recharge the crystal, and the crystal cannot be used until after the next Time Skip

                              Pink Crystal; a wielder of this Crystal will be able to change one’s shape back and forth at will.
                                i. Change one’s coloring.
                                ii. Change one’s coloring, and size.
                                iii. Change one’s coloring, size, and minor physical attributes.
                                iv. Change one’s coloring, size, and physical attributes to appear as another of their Race.
                                v. Change one’s coloring, size, physical attributes to appear as another of their Race, or one’s own shape to appear as another Race.
                                The more drastic the change to one’s appearance, the more time needed between changes. Should one change one’s entire form using a Crystal, they are resigned to this shape for an entire day before they may change back.

                              Silver Crystal; a wielder of the Crystal will be able to hear the truth of things, not what is meant to be heard.
                                i. Be able to resist the Sirens' enchanting voices.
                                ii. Be able to resist the Sirens' enchanting voices, and hear when someone speaks a truth or lie.
                                iii. Be able to resist the Sirens' enchanting voices, hear when someone speaks a truth or lie, and hear secrets left unspoken when in physical contact with a person.

                              Onyx Crystal; a wielder of the Crystal will be able to shed blood and curse another living creature of the blood that was spilled onto the surface to a different Race or Form.
                                These Crystals are rare, and can be used on one’s self, or another creature, so long as the blood used to activate the magic is that of who is being cursed. Sirens have used these to curse themselves, and their offspring to human form so they might learn secrets to pass on to the others of their Race and better meet the threats that stir on the shores, and in the air of the world. It is seen as less strenuous and trying than what is needed to master the magic of a Pink Crystal. Once done, this cannot be undone. Only one who is born after the curse has been placed on the bloodline may use another such Crystal to remove the curse from themselves, and future offspring. Only the Enchanting Voice remains when this is done, and no other Siren abilities.

                              Star Cyrstal; a wielder of the Crystal will be able to shed blood of another and curse that entire Race of Creatures to another form, or use it to break a curse that has already been set using the same technique.
                                These Crystals are extremely rare, so much so that only one has ever been recorded to have been found. Dragons seek out another of these Crystals in hopes of breaking the curse that bound them to human form, so they might once again take dominion in the skies, and be rid of the pestilence that has taken nest in their domain.

                      Fae; A natural ability to call the plants and animals of the Forests to one's aid.

                          a) A Fae is the only one who may use this ability. The further they are from the forests, the less likelihood of help arriving.

                          b) Fae have their own, special language when using this ability. Simply use an English to Welsh translator when using this magic. Provide translation in white font at the bottom of the post.

                      Sirenae; A natural ability to communicate with sea creatures and have them do one's bidding, manipulating ocean currents, summoning sea storms, and using one’s voice to enchant members of the opposite sex who are not Siren.

                          a) A Siren is the only one who may use this ability. The further they are from the sea, the less likelihood of their magic working.

                          b) Siren use poetic prose to summon sea creatures, manipulate the seas, or summon storms. Therefore any magic done through a Siren must be some form of poetry or rhyme.

                          c) Siren who have been cursed to human form, or walk human form through other means may only use the enchantment of their voice in the light of the moon.

                      Draconic; A natural ability to all Dragons, fueled by their desire to hoard.

                          a) A Dragon may be granted three abilities that stems from their desire to hoard.

                          b) Because what can be hoarded is endless and limited only by the imagination, so too can these abilities be. Approval is needed before anything is set in stone for characters. Examples can be found under the description for Dragons

                          c) Dragons have their own language, which can be found here. Any spells or phrases to trigger magic for those abilities must be spoken in this language in character, simply provide the translation in white font at the bottom of the post. For example, a Dragon who hoards metal may have the ability to melt that metal by speaking the word "Ixen" which translates to "fire" in Draconic.

                      Kupmo Sug; A natural ability to all Goblins which instills a special characteristic into any item crafted by a Goblin from start to finish.

                          a) Only Goblins are capable of this, and the Goblin must work on the item from start to finish, with no one else interfering with the crafting.

                          b) Items can be anything from outfits, armor, weapons, accessories, or household items.

                          c) To imbue the extra characteristics, precious metals and gemstones must be used as follows:

                              Metals; These are the most common metals used by Goblins for Kupmo Sug

                                Iron, Copper, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Steel

                                Goblin Steel; Special Steel of Goblin Make that can pierce or cut through anything, including Dragon Skin.

                                Adamantium/Sky Metal; This metal is only used to create jewelry and non-enchanted items since it is useless in Goblin Craft.

                              Gemstones; While anything made with Goblin Craft can be enchanted, some gemstones can result in less energy, less work, or more powerful characteristics imbued into the item.

                                Alexandrite - Protects from all Elements. (Earth, Air, Fire, Water, Lightning). These things will not cause harm to Bearer. Nullifies all elemental magic. Any element thrown at the bearer through magic will simply disintegrate before making contact and fall before the bearer.

                                Agate - Protects from harm from earth. Bearer will not suffer wounds from the earth-scrapes, cuts, ect, though the force of their weight may cause bumps and broken bones. Nullifies earth magic. Any earth thrown at the bearer through earth magic will simply disintegrate before making contact and fall before the bearer.

                                Amber - Protects from Fire. Fire will not harm Bearer. Nullifies fire magic. Any fire thrown at the bearer through fire magic will simply burn out before making contact with the bearer.

                                Onyx - Protects from lightning. Lightning will not harm Bearer. Nullifies Lightning magic. Any lightning thrown at the bearer through lighting magic will simply dissipate before making contact with the bearer.

                                Aquamarine - Protects from water. Bearer will not drown, though the heat of boiled water will burn, it would be as if fire touched skin, not water. Nullifies water magic. Any water thrown at the bearer through water magic will simply evaporate before making contact with the bearer.

                                Diamond - Protects from harm from air. Gusts or tornadoes will not harm Bearer, nor will poisonous air affect the Bearer. Bearer will not die due to lack of clean air. Nullifies air magic. Any air used against the bearer through air magic will simply not work.

                                Amethyst - Can protect the bearer from the effects of too much alcohol.

                                Ametrine - Will make alcohol have a greater effect on the bearer. 

                                Carnelian - Allows the bearer to copy anyone’s handwriting they have seen.

                                Citrine - Gives the bearer a token amount of extra energy. The more often it is worn, the less effect it has on the one who has wore it for a prolonged amount of time.

                                Garnet - Protects the bearer from burns due to flame or any sort of heat, except the sun. 

                                Sunstone - Can be used to protect from the effects of the sun.

                                Bloodstone - Gives the bearer a token amount of extra strength. The more often it is worn, the less effect it has on the one who has wore it for a prolonged amount of time.

                                Cat’s Eye - Allows the bearer heightened sense of sight.

                                Tiger’s Eye - Instills a noble nature in the bearer. Integrity, willpower, practicality, and chivalry.

                                Azurite - Promote relaxation of the bearer. The more often it is worn, the less effect it has on the one who has wore it for a prolonged amount of time.

                                Red Beryl - Allows the bearer to sense when storms are coming to the area they are occupying, even before any natural manifestations of warnings occur. It also allows them to sense the intensity of the coming storm.

                                Emerald - Protects the bearer for all illnesses that come from outside sources-flu, colds, plagues-however cannot protect from inherited ailments-disorders, born disfigurements, cancers.

                                Heliodore - Allows the bearer to hit their mark every time they throw or fire an object or weapon.

                                Hematite - Allows the bearer telekinesis with metals.

                                Iolite - Allows the bearer to heal faster from wounds.

                                Jade - Allows the bearer a token amount of luck in games of chance. This effect lessens over prolonged amounts of wear.

                                Jasper - Allows the bearer to go overlooked by those who would wish them ill.

                                Lapis lazuli - Allows the bearer to discern if something is truth or lie.

                                Malachite - A stone that can be split into various pieces and set in various objects. All objects from that stone can be used for bearers to communicate while wearing the item regardless of distance so long as their feet touch earth.

                                Moonstone - Allows the bearer to see perfectly in complete darkness.

                                Morganite - Allows the bearer to look different to others than they truly appear. There is no control over what one will look like…They can appear as a child, a crone, a lovely person, or an ugly one.

                                Opal - Allows the bearer to experience the emotions of anyone they have contact with, or force their emotions on others they have contact with.

                                Pearl - Allows the bearer to convince anyone of anything they say.

                                Peridot - Reduces the effects of poisons that the bearer is exposed to.

                                Quartz - Allows the bearer to get along with anyone they meet.

                                Rose Quartz - Gifts one with luck in their everyday lives, whether it is finding something that was thought lost, or coming across some extra coin on the street. The more often it is worn, the less effect it has on the one who has wore it for a prolonged amount of time.

                                Ruby - Protects the bearer for fatal wounds.

                                Sapphire - Allows the bearer to sense when danger is nearing.

                                Tanzanite - Allows the bearer to better identify a plants’ needs for growing and bear fruit.

                                Topaz - Allows the bearer a token amount of extra concentration. The more often it is worn, the less effect it has on the one who has wore it for a prolonged amount of time.

                                Tourmaline - Allows the bearer Inspiration for creative endeavors. The more often it is worn, the less effect it has on the one who has wore it for a prolonged amount of time.

                                Turquoise - Allows the bearer to identify if something is safe to imbibe or not, whether they have knowledge of the ingredients or not.

Divine Muse

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Islands of Nix
    Of Dwarven Rule, it shifts and moves through the sky between Mors and Juno.

Islands of Nox
    Of Human Rule, it shifts and moves through the sky between Sol and Aura.

Islands of Talyn
    Often exchanging hands between Humans and Dwarves through various means, it shifts and moves through the sky between Juno, Southeast, towards the Southern Edges of the mountain ridge around the waters of Sanctuary. It is currently ruled by Sky Lord Turin, a dwarf.

    Neutral, but traditionally ruled by Humans, it hovers and shifts in the sky over the waters that are surrounded by a ring of mountains, and South of Luna. It is the home of The Great Library, which is the deposit of all knowledge of Valar, and a place of learning for those who seek to educate themselves. The Master Scholar makes his home there, with his strange daughter, and can be sought out to gain further knowledge and education at request. Currently, it is held and overseen by Sky Lord Tormach Lochlain.

    Missing, it was the first island lifted to the sky. No one knows where it is, or how to find it, except, perhaps, a Dragon who can bestow the knowledge through a Deal.

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    Ruled by the El-Amin family for the last ten generations, the current patriarch is Lord Vache El-Amin. Luna relies heavily on fishing, and the farming and harvesting of pearls along the shores that embrace the waters beneath Sanctuary. The people work hard, and because of this, they enjoy more wealth than other villages of Lower Valar. It is because of this wealth that they are able to host tournaments each year, and are always the talk of Valar around the appropriate times.

    Mors has been ruled by the Coradon family for the last Nine generations when they won the tournament of ruling when Mors decided to end the democratic system that had become so corrupt. Mors gains its wealth partly from mining and from its warriors for hire. They also loan out specialized "Peacekeepers" to the other cities both Sky and Ground at a fair cost. In Mors culture battle and combat are everything, the people love a good war and it is considered the height of honor to die in battle at the hands of the enemy.

    One of the largest fortified cities in Valar, Aura is considered a perfect spot for defense. The city was built around Tyrley, a castle that is now abandoned and is suspect to be the center of a lot of illegal activity in the third district, or the Crimson District. The construction of the walls that started the city was begun by a powerful and paranoid Noble Lord of long ago.

    Aura is divided into six districts with four main bars that collect tolls and two minor gatehouses. The outer districts, the first and the second, are called the Copper District and the Bronze with the Copper gate and Bronze gate. The third district is the Crimson, the fourth is the Silver, the fifth is the Black, and the sixth is the Gold District.

    The city has eight square towers, and four bars that restrict traffic. Every bar is a self-contained fort with floors capable of being defended separately, four-stories high with the top stories being living quarters, and have an extended barbican. These lead into the city and each district, and are guarded and tolled.

    Breaches can be defended from the walls and gatehouses accessed through the two inner bars of the city and the Silver district's twin towers. An underground tunnel system from these towers in the Silver district and the church in the Crimson district supplies the city with good water and storage. The first two common districts can be sealed off and the rest of the city can still function.

    Professional Guilds such as The Merchants Guild, Masons, Smiths, Artisans, Medical Guilds, Bakers, Bookbinders and Papermakers, Dyers and Wavers, Skinners and Tanners' Guilds have been established in Aura. Membership to the Guilds are dependent upon the guilds themselves, though the stone workers, metal workers and builders are the most sought after in Aura for their prestige and skill.

    Aside from becoming Guildsmen, residents may breed the finest horses and hounds, which will sell to nobility and are able to be leased to The Merchants Guild. They may also raise cattle, pigs, and rabbits. Those who can are able to have their own gardens. Not many native to Aura sail or take to the seas unless they belong to a guild and have a safe passage secured.

The Mountains
    Where the dwarves hold dominion, they orient themselves by the Cities of lower Valar, and place their trading posts along the paths between them. They live in familial clans, and each clan has a specialty.
    The Forests
      The rich forests near the bases of the mountains of Lower Valar, the Fae call this place home. They orient themselves by the Cities that are around them. The Council decides where the Court will keep residence, though most Fae live in Clans throughout the vast green of Valar.

    The Depths of the Earth
      Where Goblins make their home, anywhere in the world, below where Dwarves may try to reach with their mining machines. Goblins live whereever their Gok, or King, decides. Usually it is in the Depths beneath a city that is on the surface of Lower Valar.

    The Depths of the Sea
      Where Sirens make their home, they are in the depths of the seas. They come to the surface as pleases them, and the Emperor decides where the warriors will strike to help bring down humans into their depths for entertainment.

Divine Muse

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                      User Image User Image User Image

                      Name: Altair
                      Title: Goblin King
                      Age: Eighty-two
                      Race: Goblin
                      Ship: vun''n ut um'uok
                      This Person Controls Me: KING-Shiva II

                      User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show. User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show. User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

                      Name: Annakarah Vasuda-Aranmenel
                      Title: Anna, The Emotional Hoarder
                      Age: Twenty
                      Race: Dragon
                      This Person Controls Me: Diandra Moon

                      User Image User Image User Image

                      Name: Annika
                      Title: The Breaker
                      Age: Sixty
                      Race: Goblin
                      Ship: vun''n ut um'uok
                      This Person Controls Me: KING-Shiva II

                      User Image User Image User Image

                      Name: Archon Chronus
                      Title: Archon, Head Councilman
                      Age: Forty five
                      Race: Fae
                      This Person Controls Me: Hack Thornias

                      User Image User Image User Image

                      Name: Asmodeus
                      Title: Councilman
                      Age: Thirty-four
                      Race: Fae
                      This Person Controls Me: KING-Shiva II

                      User Image User Image User Image

                      Name: Bethwyn Llywelya
                      Title: The Huntress
                      Age: Thirty
                      Race: Fae
                      Ship: None
                      This Person Controls Me: Elythaele

                      User Image User Image User Image

                      Name: Casimir Kendrick
                      Title: Lord of Aura
                      Age: Fifty-two
                      Race: Human
                      This Person Controls Me: KING-Shiva II

                      User Image User Image User Image

                      Name: Chasity Blackender
                      Title: Seamstress
                      Age: Twenty-six
                      Race: Dwarf
                      This Person Controls Me: KING-Shiva II

                      User Image User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show. User Image

                      Name: Dinendal Sesora
                      Title: Din, Ranger
                      Age: Twenty
                      Race: Fae
                      This Person Controls Me: Yurick Dornez

                      User Image User Image User Image

                      Name: Droston Coradon
                      Title: Lord Coradon, Lord of Mors
                      Age: Twenty-nine
                      Race: Human
                      Ship: Sword's Edge
                      This Person Controls Me: Hack Thornias

                      User Image User Image User Image

                      Name: Eld Draganov
                      Title: Eld, The Fire Hoarder
                      Age: Ten
                      Race: Dragon
                      Ship: None
                      This Person Controls Me: KING-Shiva II

                      User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show. User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show. User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

                      Name: Fiona Sicily
                      Title: Fi, Lady Sicily
                      Age: Twenty
                      Race: Human
                      This Person Controls Me: Diandra Moon

                      User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show. User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show. User Image

                      Name: Gabrielle Star
                      Title: Gabby, Star, Wandering Storyteller
                      Age: Nineteen
                      Race: Human
                      Ship: The Little Gypsy
                      This Person Controls Me: Diandra Moon

                      User Image User Image User Image

                      Name: Ianto Kendrick
                      Title: Mercenary
                      Age: Twenty-eight
                      Race: Human
                      This Person Controls Me: KING-Shiva II

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                      Name: Kavaughanilith
                      Title: Vaughn, The Favor Hoarder
                      Age: One hundred and twenty-one
                      Race: Dragon
                      Ship: None
                      This Person Controls Me: KING-Shiva II

                      User Image User Image User Image

                      Name: Kendrik Seledrin
                      Title: Ken, Hoarder of Arms and Armor
                      Age: One Hundred Seventy-Five
                      Race: Dragon
                      This Person Controls Me: Gaius Scipii

                      User Image User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show. User Image

                      Name: Layla Akash
                      Title: The Bloody Beauty, Pirate
                      Age: Twenty-two
                      Race: Human
                      Ship: The Bloody Belle
                      This Person Controls Me: Diandra Moon

                      User Image User Image User Image

                      Name: Melisende Drake
                      Title: Mother
                      Age: Thirty-four
                      Race: Human
                      This Person Controls Me: KING-Shiva II

                      User Image User Image User Image

                      Name: Murtagh Aldadel
                      Title: Lower Noble
                      Age: Twenty-four
                      Race: Human
                      This Person Controls Me: Yurick Dornez

                      User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show. User Image User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

                      Name: Naren Daeris
                      Title: Councilwoman
                      Age: Thirty-two
                      Race: Fae
                      This Person Controls Me: Diandra Moon

                      User Image User Image User Image

                      Name: Rain Stone
                      Title: Warrior
                      Age: Twenty
                      Race: Siren
                      This Person Controls Me: KING-Shiva II

                      User Image User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show. User Image

                      Name: Rock
                      Title: The Pretty One
                      Age: Twenty-seven
                      Race: Goblin
                      Ship: vun''n ut um'uok
                      This Person Controls Me: KING-Shiva II

                      User Image User Image User Image

                      Name: Shorkan Kast
                      Title: Lord of Nox
                      Age: Thirty Eight
                      Race: Human
                      This Person Controls Me: Elythaele

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                      Name: Tatsu Enndolynn Bevilaqua
                      Title: Tatsu, The Memory Hoarder
                      Age: Appears 23, is actually 90 years old
                      Race: Dragon
                      Ship: The Bloody Belle
                      This Person Controls Me: [Kishio]

                      User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show. User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show. User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

                      Name: Tormach Lochlain
                      Title: Lord of Sanctuary
                      Age: Twenty-five
                      Race: Human
                      Ship: The Fire in the Sky
                      This Person Controls Me: Diandra Moon

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                      Name: Turin Felliron
                      Title: Lord Turin of Talyn (formal), Ol' Surly (behind his back)
                      Age: Sixty
                      Race: Dwarf
                      Ship: Breath of the Mountain
                      This Person Controls Me: Gaius Scipii

                      User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show. User Image User Image

                      Name: Vache El-AMin
                      Title: Lord of Luna
                      Age: Twenty-Three
                      Race: Human
                      Ship: none
                      This Person Controls Me: Diandra Moon

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                      Name: Victoglyos
                      Title: Vic, The Knowledge Hoarder
                      Age: One hundred twenty
                      Race: Dragon
                      This Person Controls Me: Hack Thornias

Divine Muse

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                        These Characters are currently only used to further the story. These characters may become playable characters in the future, but for now, they are only NPC's. You may have an NPC with permission. PM me.

                      Margaret Vasuda
                        The Master Scholar, he makes his home at the Great Library in Sanctuary, along with his Dragon daughter. He has another son who has little interest in academics, unless it's to torture someone. If someone finds a Crystal and needs an introduction to learn to use it, or to gain further knowledge, he is the one usually sought out, since he is the most easily found. His knowledge of the Great Library is vast, and if he can't find an answer, it either doesn't exist, or must be sought out from a Dragon. Luckily for whoever that happens to, his daughter just happens to be of use in that regard.

                      Lucian Vasuda
                        Eldest child of the Master Scholar, Lucian has a bit of a mean streak in him. It is whispered he's not fond of would-be suitors for his absent minded baby sister. People tend to keep their distance when he's visiting home. He finds torture fun, and while he may only use his current skills to go after enemies of Sanctuary with permission, well...What others don't know will not affect him.

                        Lucian's Lover, and right hand woman, she often joins him in his entertainments.

                      Anthony Dread
                        A noted scholar of Talyn, he has recently been commissioned to seek out clues to where the final missing piece of the Paradise Spyglass may be found, using various research techniques, and utitlizing the Great Library in Sanctuary to do so. It also seems that the Goblin, Annika, has taken a shine to him, and he's quite afraid of her.

                      Liana Myrddin
                        The youngest daughter of a high ranking noble of Talyn, she is poised to take the title over her elder siblings, having shown to be more like her father in working the system, and manipulating those around her from the shadows. Like her father, she is also content to remain in those shadows, where she is less likely to find a target on her back.

Divine Muse

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                      Potential Roles
                        Don't have to be filled, but nice starting places if you're not sure where you could fit someone.

                      Gok / Goblin King
                        The Ruler of the Goblins, he is the most knowledgeable in Kupmo Sug, and his only duty is to ensure Fair Trade.

                      Emperor of the Sirens
                        The Ruler of the Sirens. He is in charge of the warriors, and what goes on in the Depths of the Sea.

                      Sky Lord or Lady
                        One of the Nobles who oversees the floating islands of Nix, Talyn, Sanctuary, or Nox.

                      Head Councilman or Council Woman
                        One of main Leaders of the Fae. Lesser Council Members, and Rangers are also available.

                      Noble Lord or Lady
                        One of the Rulers of Luna, Juno, Mors, Sol, Roma, or Aura.

                        A student of History, Knowledge, Science, Magic, or other such things. They devote their lives to learning, and the journeys that their endeavors for knowledge will take them on.

                        Those for hire, whether for their physical or magical prowess.

                        Those who serve the rulers in the protection of their cities and people.

                        Plunderers and pillagers, they like to make a fuss.

Divine Muse

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                      ~ Artifacts ~

                          Paradise Spyglass

                              A Spyglass that has been broken into many pieces. There is writing on the metal tube, believed to be the ancient language of Kupmo-Goblin. It has been passed down through the generations, each member seeking one piece, then the next, hoping to find, and complete the artifact. It was rumored to have been built by the Goblin which cursed the Dragons to human form, and one of the only ways to find Paradise.

                              Turin is in possession of five of the six pieces of the Spyglass.

Divine Muse

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Divine Muse

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Divine Muse

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