
Name: Zidane Tribal
age: 16
Location: Lindblum Theater District
Occupation: Thief/actor
Race: Genome

Hey guys!
I'm Zidane Tribal.
You may have heard of me through the many performances that take place all around the Mist Continent. Yeah, that's right, I'm a part of the infamous band of actors/thieves, Tantalus. Never heard of me? Huh...no wonder your life sucks.
Anyway, I've been busy trying to find out about my home....ya know, the place where I was actually born. All I've been dreaming about as of late is a blue light...but what does a blue light have to do with anything?
Tantalus is supposed to be performing in Alexandria sometime soon. I'm pretty excited...especially since there's a pretty fine looking princess to impress. Best part about this is, I get to kidnap her wink
I just hope that this doesn't turn into some lowly chase...I hate hard work...why couldn't victims just stand there? Why do you always have to chase someone just to get a little gil....Doesn't make sense....hmmm....



The Ramblings of a Thief

By: Zidane Tribal

Here's where I keep my crap. Ya know...day to day junk that will probably hold no interest for you whatsoever....but if it does interest you, feel free to take a peek. =)


Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

Morgan Lightfingers

Report | 06/27/2008 6:56 am

Morgan Lightfingers

that is kiind of u! i did, add u, so will u acceppt? btw, awsome profile!

Report | 06/25/2008 11:59 am


Hey, this is en couleur. Changed my name just in case you saw your friends list and said "who is that...?". razz
Static Apocalypse

Report | 06/22/2008 6:42 pm

Static Apocalypse

ooo that could be it too did you try setting your computer to the lowest possible settings and like ect sometimes things work smoother if you have cleared up some space and have everything on about as lame as can be on your computer lawlz i had to do that all the time to play the sims 2 on the desktop
Static Apocalypse

Report | 06/22/2008 6:14 pm

Static Apocalypse

aww thats sad haha then... make a new thread XD lawlz my laptop is acting a tad bit odd ima see what i can do about it tho

Report | 06/22/2008 6:11 pm


Oh! Wow, he had a son. That's... so hard to picture. lol Well thanks for correcting me, haha. And I'll hold you to that airship ride!

Once I find some clothes I like. razz

Report | 06/22/2008 6:06 pm


Really, Vivi died? I did beat it, but that was so long ago. I thought a scene at the end showed that he had kids somehow or something? Or maybe my memory sucks.
Static Apocalypse

Report | 06/22/2008 6:04 pm

Static Apocalypse

=3 i wanted to very much add a comment and now i have

Report | 06/22/2008 5:44 pm


Hey, at least she wasn't a prissy princess. =P I vote for Vivi! He was awesome. Though I felt sorry for him through 90% of the game. Zidane does have a pretty cool gig going though. I like the thought of a bandit-like thief out to get revenge on royalty. razz

I like how you put the play in your favorite movies though! I thought that very clever, Zidane! razz

Report | 06/22/2008 5:32 pm


Hiya! Thanks for adding me. I love Final Fantasy 9 and Zidane was an awesome character. (Though Dagger was better! But I only say that cause I'm a girl razz ) Nice theme you got going here though. It's interesting.

Report | 06/22/2008 5:13 pm


nice page


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