You really wanna know about me? I highly doubt that. But if you really want too..

Current Pix, As of 4-16 Chilling before Band rehearsal
U want my real name? .. Zero should be good enough for now..
I am a 22 year old bass player, who lives for the music above most things..
I've know love, Lost love.. and I'm still here playing the game.. (Yes you just lost!)
I believe In a higher power, I call him God. U don't like that, walk away, I don't need u around anyway.. I am a cannabis user.. It helps keep the chaos of my soul in check.. I love all "good" music. .. You really want to know more? Pick up a PM and ask. How the hell am I gonna read ur mind and know that you wanna know more unless you ask. I do live in Texas, but I'd rather be somewhere else..
I think laughter and smiles are the ultimate medication .. besides cannabis of course.. I may be grown but that shouldn't stop me from enjoying life and having fun even through the darkest nights...
"I’m not afraid of death, I’m not afraid of dying. I’m not afraid of heartbreak and I’m not afraid of crying. The only thing I fear of ever really comming true, is living this fearless life without you." -CZ
I love this quote because it sums it all up so perfectly...
Anyways Peace OUT XD =)
And yes I do have a FB Page. But I think I'll tell u that another time..unless u really really wanna know -grin-
Ok so according to facebook This is the country I should be in XD
What country do you really belong in?
Steven got Canada.
Your Canadian eh? Your different and you say things weird, but at least you have a great sense of humor. You definitely are the life of the party and you're your own person and people look up to as a great role model. People love to be around you, because you always have that dumb smile on your face. You are a cute sexy person flaunt your Canadian personality.
To take this quiz: Click here
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Fun Things I find on the Web
Wonderwall-OasisAngels Undercover-Leming JosiahCrocodile Smile Inc. Come Listen to my bands music, who knows you might like us. =D
Zero Graphix Inc.This is A link to My Music XD Listen and Comment Plz.
Nice People Who've Donated:
Proxy's Law
Dxsciz XD
laykein =D
x_ T r i s t e _x
Skyywalker <3<3<3

Shroom's gotta love em

Ahh, A nice Pix remind's me of my Rping days ^.^

Thanks Sciz

=D Thanks Laykein
If you believe in Jesus Christ put this in your profile. DON'T JUST IGNORE THIS because in The Bible it says if you deny Him, He will deny you in front of His Father in the Gates of Heaven. This is the simplest test: If you love God and you are not ashamed of it, copy this and put it in your profile. God will smile at you ^_^
"I’m not afraid of death, I'm not afraid of dying. I’m not afraid of heartbreak and I’m not afraid of crying. The only thing I fear of ever really coming true, is living this fearless life without you."- Content Zowbie.
Check out DjZ!!! >D YA!!
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