
Greetings...Salutations Whatever
Hey the name is Zeno and I'm 15 & a sophomore at Crack Addict Academy and stupid people...and I guess I'm going to tell you a couple of things about myself.

First off I do like alot of other gaia members like some anime not all of it. Such as yaoi it's just gross, I'll usually watch the first episode of an anime if it's interesting I'll keep watching, if it sucks I'll never watch it again. my current animes is: Deathnote followed by Bleach. My musical taste is whatever is in the little box down there so no need to explain that at all or get into it much, I like Rock there now be happy mortals!

My character itself is smart when I want to be, lazy, and random sometimes....Uhm I tend to over think things which gets me into trouble..-.- Trust me it gets me into some serious trouble. I have 2 annoying a** brothers who just need to leave me be...those idiots ahem but, anyway I have very few trusted people I guess not the easiest person to get close too, I mostly like to talk whenever I'm bored or if I feel like it. Most of my time is on the computer or outside whenever I get the chance...

I play video games I have a Wii console which amuses me so and hmm I like to help people with problems but it's their own choice to tell me so or not. I tend to be in a pleasant mood from time to time depending on what happens each day. I play Runescape but I'm not getting into that now am I? I don't care what you may think call me whatever you wish but I really don't care at all. I know who I am and what I want and it doesn't bother me a bit. I do have plans for the future such as most people to see or live in Japan go to college and such typical life you could say for anyone nowadays.

Well I guess that is all there is to say considering that's all I really feel like telling you anyway heh get over it. This is me and I'm not going to change for anyone.


Viewing 12 of 14 friends



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 09/19/2010 11:28 am


You should answer that thar phone

Report | 11/01/2008 11:22 am




Report | 10/18/2008 5:11 pm



yo dawg?
x- -KimiTheOtaku- -x

Report | 08/01/2008 4:27 pm

x- -KimiTheOtaku- -x

You catchin' a cold or something? O______o
x- -KimiTheOtaku- -x

Report | 08/01/2008 2:40 pm

x- -KimiTheOtaku- -x

You're always bored lol I'm waiting for Yuuzuki to get her butt over here >.< It's frustrating
x- -KimiTheOtaku- -x

Report | 08/01/2008 2:36 pm

x- -KimiTheOtaku- -x

I'm good I'm leavin tomorrow mornin' ;D and you?
x- -KimiTheOtaku- -x

Report | 07/31/2008 8:17 pm

x- -KimiTheOtaku- -x

Well go bug your brothers or call someone play rs?
x- -KimiTheOtaku- -x

Report | 07/31/2008 7:59 pm

x- -KimiTheOtaku- -x

Yeah! Got it from my friend who says it alot or she did ;o
x- -KimiTheOtaku- -x

Report | 07/31/2008 6:01 pm

x- -KimiTheOtaku- -x

Lol I know :]
x- -KimiTheOtaku- -x

Report | 07/31/2008 5:59 pm

x- -KimiTheOtaku- -x

xD I hate that for ya


Currently it's the only thing I want