
Hi, I'm Celeste or Zearathorana.
You cannot call me Zear.
You cannot call me Z.
You cannot call me Zeara.
You cannot call me Willis.
It is either "Celeste", "Zearathorana", or "Zea"(ZAY-UH).
I like rainbows.
I love band.
I love marching band.
I love Silent Hill.
I love laughing.
I love to write.
I like World of Warcraft.
I am one very paranoid girl.
I love roleplaying.
I apologize way more than I should.
I get angry WAY too easily.
People say that I'm weird.
I'm not sure if that's an insult or a compliment.
I want that Princess Heart costume from Silent Hill 3.
I love sharing inside jokes with my friends.
I am one very random person.
I love my family and friends.
I couldn't live without them.
I will write more later.

I love you.



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