

To Kevin: You're About Me section is empty, so I must go liven it up.


For a while now I said I was going to do this on your profile, once we talked longer.

Well..Honestly I wish we talked longer than this but this is good enough I guess. It's decent. I"ll prolly add some stuff as time passes and we get to know each other better.


Hi everyone... viewing this. I'm Tricia [pronounced trisha].
Most people online just call me Trish.
silly_trishx33 is meh gaia username.
Let me start off my saying...
I love this kid. x3

I met him on this site at a fishing room with his friend Tom, avitar125. I thought they were both pretty cool.

We commented here and there, and then that subsided for a while. Then I lost contact with Tom completely. I never comment/pm first.

But Mister Kevin here decided to pm me for the first time in a long time. So yeah..we pmmed a lot and he got AIM, where I'm always at.

Kevin's MY chef, and ONLY mine, kay? Hehe I can't cook for my life. His specialty is making pie. [I'm not very fond of them to be honest, but don't tell him that.]
Other than that....It pains me to say it because I love him too much b-b-but he can be y-y-yours. He's free and he's looking. He's a good guy, and I don't see why not. *sniffs*

I had a lil crush on him for a period of time *blushes*...Umm...weeks ago.

Oh s h n a p feelings came out O////O

It's all good now, though. I don't have the puppy crush anymore.. I'm just a girl in HS- I change my crushes fast. =P

I usually tell him anything.
How my day is and stuff.
Anything everything...because he handles them well, like a mature person should. He goofs off and jokes around at the right times; but he acts his age mostly.

His overused phrase after I tell him some story is 'hmm'.

He's not a girlfriend. Thank goodness because I already have enough of those. But he also has those things called 'feelings' and he's a little 'sensitive' [But not too much. Just a little]. He says things like *goes in a corner* or *cries* or something, but that's it. It's cute and he doesn't overdo it :3

It's hot when guys are sensitive, because that shows that they're real. I hate it when guys become jerks who acts like they're all strong and tough and big all the time. It's nice to see that guys have emotions too sometimes.

He doesn't go completely girly because he hides some things to himself, like everyone does. I don't really know what he feels sometimes though cuz he doesn't tell me them.

He's a good guy friend to have. He's currently meh online BFF; i love talking to the guy. He gives me something to look forward to when I sign on [someone fun to talk to] o//o

He's really fun to be with :3

He's pretty sociable; he can get along with anyone easily. He can adapt to environments pretty quickly.

"Despite their differences, both friends love risk and taking chances; this is not a boring friendship! Gemini and Scorpio can have lots of adventures together."


"Gemini's excellent communicative abilities balance the strife that can arise from the smoldering, sometimes emotionally inaccessible Scorpio."

Yeah..he calms me down when I go on my moodswings with hugs lol we do that a lot.
And he's like *it's fine....calm down twisha*.
Hehe yey kevin :3
I love it when he does that lol.

He's smart and he studies; keeps up schoolwork and working in concessions at the same time xD

He's a good friend to keep.
Don't loose contact with this one; he gives you someone to talk to.
If you're stubborn like I who doesn't Instant Message people first, he'll go to you. Which is good.

He doesn't talk to people he doesn't know, so I kinda put him in an awkward position one day. He taught me lesson number 1. That I really don't have to show him to everyone =/

Lesson number 2. I don't gotta tell everything; some words are better left unsaid...it puts gross images on peoples' minds.

Lesson number 3- I gotta chill with those moodswings. Lol.

Lesson number 4- Don't say 'he's hot' in front of other guys.

Uh yeah. He's teaching me lotsa things here. Prolly more to come.
He's great.

He has more patience than I and he remixes instrumental songs. He's awesome at them; that's his hobby.

He's respectful and responsible; he has his priorities straight.

He has a good memory and he's objective.
He notices change in things. He's quite observant.
Like one day i'm maad moodswingy and the next i'm all calm right
he goes 'you don't seem to be saddened so easily'
and another day he goes 'you seem hyper'


He plays Brawl a lot.
I was suuper surprised that he made semi-finals on this tournament with 20 people.
Lol I didn't know how good of a player he was till he told me that.
Now I like..believe in him more with video games ;3

He doesn't get mad easily; and when I'm around him it's like everything's okay.

He makes sense of the things I don't understand.
He gives me reason to them.

He's one of my best friends, even though we haven't talked for long x3

He keeps me on my toes. >.>

Being a scorpio, I'm supposed to be mysterious.
He said :

greatchef kevon (10:38:01 PM): the way your mind and thoughts process, yes.. but overall i wouldnt say your mysterious

He's the first person that really got that. I couldn't put it in words but he did that for me. It was well said.

See? He's smart and he knows me enough.

: I love the fact that we met in the fishing room.

-This profile of Yuuma has been hacked by George.


Viewing 12 of 18 friends



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 07/11/2010 3:08 pm


rawr!!!!!!!!!!!! hi. ima bored

Report | 01/31/2010 3:30 pm


CoMmeNt De La RaNdOmNeSs

Report | 06/24/2009 5:02 pm



Report | 06/24/2009 3:50 pm


thx for accepting

Report | 06/13/2009 9:54 am


hola...haven't heard from you in a while.

I'm good, how bout you?

Report | 09/17/2008 5:19 am


Nm you?

Report | 07/17/2008 7:56 am


i put my art in the arena, http://www.gaiaonline.com/artarena/?mode=vote&postid=820903 vote ten plzzzz

Report | 07/15/2008 10:56 am


i updated my profile take a look

Report | 07/15/2008 6:27 am



Report | 06/18/2008 10:23 am


RaNdOm cOmMEnT!1!111!!!


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... because.. why the hell not?

Tell me a story.