
Hey everyone! ::waves::

Cloudy's been bugging me about putting some information about me up here for a while so I guess I should do that now.. ::grins:: Let's start off with the basics, alright?

My name's Zack Fair and I was.. Uh... >,> twenty-three when I died and I was standing at six feet three inches. Two inches taller than Sephiroth man~ ::proud of that:: Just uh... don't tell him that, okay? He'll probably get his Masamune and try to teach me a few more things about killing opponents in one move and I can't do that to him.

Anyway, I was born in Gongaga which is pretty much a backwater place compared to Midgar but I still like it there. I haven't seen my parents in a few years because uh... Well, I tried but then Cissnei was there and she said that they were being watched by the Turks and at the time ShinRa was looking for me so it was a bad idea. And then I died.

But let's not talk about that yet. I want to talk about what happened before that.

See, I kinda sorta ran away from home because mom and pops didn't really like the idea of me joining SOLDIER. Thinking about it they were probably right but I don't regret anything. ::shrugs:: Anyway, I won't go into the boring story about how I had to find a way to Midgar on my own ( actually it's not that boring but I don't think you want to hear about that ) so I'll just get on with it.

So when I finally made it to Midgar, after having gone through Costa and Junon, I was still pretty amazed at all the uh... I guess technology of the city? Remember that I said Gongaga was pretty back water compared to Midgar? Well, it's actually more like uh... We don't have much electricity in Gongaga and Migar is just full of it. And we live in huts... ::shifty eyes:: It's really not that bad because of the climate in the area and everything but, well, Midgar's just... So much awesomer and stuff.

Uh... That's not everything but I gotta do somethings right now. Catch ya later!


Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

Il Reno lI

Report | 01/12/2011 8:18 pm

Il Reno lI

Nothing much. *Holds up folder.* Just gotta drop these off at Tseng's office before he chews me out. Nothing like having the boss man on fire to start the day. *Snickers.* Where ya off to yo?
Il Reno lI

Report | 01/12/2011 8:07 pm

Il Reno lI

Yo Fair, what's good?
Ichi the Shapeshifter

Report | 07/29/2010 2:39 pm

Ichi the Shapeshifter

@~@ I spy, with my ninety-nine eyes... cupcakes! *Flees with them*
Mstr Lestat de Lioncourt

Report | 05/28/2010 7:40 pm

Mstr Lestat de Lioncourt

Quite a few acutely, I'm making quite a name for myself n.n
Mstr Lestat de Lioncourt

Report | 05/27/2010 10:08 pm

Mstr Lestat de Lioncourt

Ok I guess, I've been hanging out in the forums more then anywhere else. *smiles*
Mstr Lestat de Lioncourt

Report | 05/27/2010 7:53 pm

Mstr Lestat de Lioncourt

I was a skunk that ran around and around you telling you that you were as awesome as Bacon.
o-Cloud Strife-o

Report | 05/26/2010 12:20 pm

o-Cloud Strife-o

▬▬ ▬▬ ▬▬

-releases a soft hiss through his teeth, releasing a hand to swat-
i didn`t say that, lighten up..
i was joking.


Report | 05/26/2010 12:05 pm


*Bother Bother*
Il Aeris lI

Report | 05/25/2010 8:43 pm

Il Aeris lI

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
o-Cloud Strife-o

Report | 05/25/2010 4:36 pm

o-Cloud Strife-o

▬▬ ▬▬ ▬▬

ah, not an ear...
-nudges away with nose again to move face away-
yeah, it`s soft...
like you, your nature.
-returns the growl with a playful smirk-