A few things about me, yeah? Well, here is a few. . .
Let's try some movies and shows. Movies first then shows? Sound good to you? Yeah don't respond, you'll only be talking to a monitor.
Based on the variety of movies that are out there I believe I will only list genre's.
Horror, Action, Comedy ((Comedy that takes place in the preceding genre's only.))
As for TV shows. Well, I like something that actually holds a story line or peeks my interest as a geek or something that ties into the mainstream media somehow. Such as MLP FiM. I'm not going to elaborate on that, you can look it up.
((Did he just call himself a geek?)) Yes, yes I did. It's a geeks world after all.
World of Warcraft seems to take up a decent amount of my time.
Call of Duty Black Ops as well.
I have a STEAM account and if I know you well enough I will add you upon request.
I don't believe I will list any more games due to the fact that my range is too diverse.
((Don't you listen to music? I mean, you seem like the person that would.))
I do indulge in music, a lot of music actually. I love Metal that you can actually understand what the musician is saying. Such as Five Finger Death Punch. And again to many to list as I don't feel like typing this out all night.
If it catches my ear. I listen to it.
Me mum and sister (in order) -Trelao Seke Verin- and -Dante Mackenzie.- They are my closest family.
I love writing stories, my mind is set upon those stories almost all hours of the day, planning and processing situations and plots and whatnot. Quite fun actually.
Yikiru's Life
The Life and Times of Me
Just a normal journal that I thought that I would be keep.
Any dolt with half a brain
Can see that humankind has gone insane
To the point where I don’t know if I’ll upset the status quo
If I throw poison in the water main.
Listen close to everybody’s heart
And hear that breaking sound
Hopes and dreams are shattering apart
And crashing to the ground
I cannot believe my eyes
How the world’s filled with filth and lies
but it’s plain to see evil inside of me
is on the rise.
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