
I LUV NARUTO! IT TOTALLY ROXS MY SOXS!!! Yay NEJI! Yay SHINO! Don't think that bug crazy clans are crazy....

June 27, 2010 (Sunday @ 12:11 PM HST)
HAHAHAHAHA. Oh gosh smile But I said that I would keep that part up. Anyway, my current fandom is a video game - Ace Attorney! Of course, I'm not going to fangirl about it like how I did above. I must have typed that in seventh grade (2006-2007) sometime...

(I''m telling you, I kind of remember writing that last part....and, come to think about it, the 'Yay Neji and Shino' part...)

Anyway, my new(est) one which I've had for almost two years is: miageru sora



It's only going to be around one to five entries.

Whoa. After having this account for almost 5 years....I start a journal.
