
hey if u dont know my name is becca =) i love to meet new people i just resently moved to cannada =P just here for a wile while things cool off at home =/ i miss all my friends back in CT ill see u guys soon edward&bella im sorry for all the drama i caused i hope u guys are happy cause i am =)

Hello! How are you?: becca pacheco

Are you a boy or a girl? gilrl

How old are you? 17

Do you like being that age?um most of the time

Do you like your name?its okay

Do you have lots of friends?no not really

Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?boyfriend xoxo

How long have you been together?3 monthes

Are you a virgin? not anymore

Do you want to have sex? right now? no

Have you ever got into trouble with the law?no

Do you have a job? up

What is it? working at jcpenny's

Do you like it?its okay

Do you plan on going to college? up

if so, what one? If not, why? um idk yet

Do you have any pets? uo

What kinds? just a cat

What are their names? frosty is her name

Do you prefer dogs or cats? cats

Coke or Pepsi? coke

Day or night? night

Life or death? life

Pirates or ninjas? what? lol up pirates

Vampires or werewolves? lmao VAMPIRES!!!! we rule

TV or Internet? tv

Could you live without a TV? probably yea

Could you live without the Internet? probably yea

Do you have a Myspace? no

Do you have a Facebook? no

Do you have AIM?no

Do you have MSN?no

Do you have YIM? what in the hell is that?

What's the first thing you do when you go online? get on gaia

Who is your best friend? dont have one

How long have you known them? just said i dont got one

What's your favorite website? gaia

What browser do you use? (IE, Firefox, etc.)windows internet explorer

What's your favorite TV show? one tree hill

What's your favorite movie? the titanic classic chick flick lol

What's your favorite kind of music? rock

What color is your skin?...white-ish?

Do you like animal crackers?lmao yes acually i do

Do you know what The Game is? no

What's your favorite kind of food? chines

What's the tallest object you think you could jump over?um small dog

What's the highest thing you think you could jump off of without dying or being too scared? the porch

What's your worst fear? dieing with out haveing exprenced love

If you were stranded on a desert island and could only bring one thing you own, what would it be? ipod lol

If you could only bring one person, who would it be? my bf

Does the word Veggietales mean anything to you? lmao!

Who is your favorite actor or actress? angelina jolie

What is your favorite color? pink & black

What is your favorite type of wood?wtf?

What's your favorite fabric? wtf?

What's your favorite fab brick? wtf?

Do you think the last three questions were stupid? yell yes

Do you believe in God?hmmm...

If there is a Heaven and a Hell, where do you think you'll end up?
Where do you want to go on vacation?hawaii

Would you, given the chance, eat green eggs and ham? HELL NO!

Would you, could you, in a car? ....?

Would you eat them here or there? no!

Are you bored of this? this survey? yes

What are you listening to right now? the wind

Which of the ten commandments have you broken the most? i dk what they r not really religious

Which of the Seven Deadly Sins best represents you? idk what they are

What was the last thing you ate? nothing

What's your favorite bone in the human body? what?

Why do you think the chicken crossed the road? lmao idk

Do you have any fetishes? um no

Would you rather win Survivor or American Idol? american idol

Did you answer all of these honestly? yup!



Viewing 2 of 2 comments.


Report | 01/15/2009 7:39 am


hey becca whats up how u been?

Report | 09/03/2008 11:38 am

