
Hey. I'm Megan. You can either call me Night, Heart or Meg. I will not respond to anything else, for you information. I'm kinda mean and violent when people mess with me or my friends or my family so I suggest you just stay the hell away from them if you got anything bad to say about them. I live for one reason. That reason is God put me on his world and he did it for a reason. I'll find that reason later on it life and I plan on looking for it. I've just started believing once again in God and I believe you call that being saved. I don't know. At the moment I'm taken by the greatest guy. I love you Nick.

Well I'm a nice person when I'm not annoyed. If you know me from school, then you probably think I'm an evil b***h all the time, but I'm not. I'm nice when I'm at home or with my friends. I guess I forgot to mention that I'm 13 years old and the youngest in my 8th grade class or so I thought until I found out I wasn't. Yay! Well anyways I love school, except for the known fact I'm stupid until standardized tests.

Well my favorite sports are Soccer, Football, Swimming and Golf, and if anyone thinks I'm a ninny for playing golf they can shove a ******** 9 iron up ur a** sideways. Yes, that would hurt and I would laugh at your stupidity for insulting me. I don't take insults lightly. Just ask my cousin Caleb, well you can't..I won't tell you why either.

I like meeting new people and I believe people would like meeting me. I'm as some people say "To mature for my age, but not looks." Yes I believe its true because my looks differ from my age. I've gotten asked many times "Are you 16?" Its because I'm 5'11'' and well..I won't tell you the rest. Some people get offended about that stuff. I don't wish to gloat because of my looks because to tell you the truth I believe I look ugly. If I grew out my hair and let it naturally curl I would be cute but I just pull it into a ponytail after my shower and head to school.

I hate were I live and really hope I move 2 hours north to my second home town. I love it in the country for many reasons and maybe one being hot guys outside shirtless in the sun working. -begins to drule but wipes it away- Yes I'm a teenager and I love guys. Many people call me gay just because I don't have a boyfriend. The reason for that is my last boyfriend, -name withheld- hurt me and I don't want to be hurt again, so I'm waiting for the right guy.

I must warn you...I'm perverted and sometimes get out of hand. I'm to perverted for my own good, but I've found out that guys like that and its cool.

:.:.:Lost in my own little world:.:.:
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:.:.:Evil Megan:.:.:
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heart -Night Heart- heart


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Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

Tusk Tax

Report | 11/06/2007 5:36 pm

Tusk Tax



you have been ignoring me


Report | 10/18/2007 2:34 pm


hecy yeah i'm gonna shank you for steling my word! well actaully it's paige's word but, whatever.
Tusk Tax

Report | 10/13/2007 9:13 am

Tusk Tax

I to have a life

and it is also awesome

((wtf is with the giant pic?!))
Tusk Tax

Report | 10/12/2007 8:24 pm

Tusk Tax


i know -sigh-

I am just too popular for my own good

i will TRY to be on more

Report | 10/11/2007 7:11 pm


oh rlly? i freakin know that!

Report | 10/11/2007 4:59 pm


Where were u though!?

Report | 10/11/2007 3:57 pm


Close the door, lock it tight

Then I'll know you're safe tonight

That doesn't make me a loser, Megan...

Turn on a song that means the most

Believe I'm there and hold me close

Report | 10/11/2007 1:03 pm


why didn't u go 2 school??

Report | 10/09/2007 7:33 pm


wow i dont know what to say! lolz! remember i get ur story!

Report | 10/06/2007 8:07 am


yea im writing the next chapter of mine!


Bracelet Breaker Story.
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