
Hey! It's Krystal again! I lost the password to my old account, so I decided to just go ahead and make a new one instead of fessing up the cash to change the name again. Since all my items are still on my old account, I'm stuck in noob clothes for now, but I'm working on changing that. i <3 donations just as long as they're not starter items. I'll even except dream avatars as a donation. Make not that the person who donates me a tiara or helps me to buy one will instantly become my new best friend FOREVER.

Anyways, on the things I like: a bit of boyonboy but not to the point where it just gets disgusting. Manga. Anime. Drawing. Singing. Making new avatars {if you cant tell already}. Roleplaying. I can be a literate roleplayer when I try, but I don't have the time to go beyond semi lit. I don't really like japanese music that much but i'll listen to it sometimes.

I'm currently very in love with my bf Ian, so not hitting on me!!!!! {I don't want him getting jealous} He's really sweet even if he's not that much of a looker, and once he gets a gaia I'll put his avii up on my profile, but I don't think he's interested in gaia... *crying*

Anyhow, thats all I'm telling you about me for now, okay? I'm always on the look out for a new roleplay to join so don't hesitate to send me an invite or even a random PM, just for fun. and no, there is no hidden message there that says 'cyber me'. Thank you kindly, but I have a boy friend and don't need text to turn me on.

{btw I want to be a gaian princess, so its going to take me a lot of money to reach my dream. All help is kindly accepted. smile }

Current Goal:

Earning 100k!! and finding a gaia family.

Really Cool Places:
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Viewing 1 of 1 comments.


Report | 02/11/2009 6:51 pm


Thank you!
For your wonderful comment you have made my day.^^
Good news for you I'm planning to turn my skills into a manga. Keep an eye out on www.wirepop.com sometime in the summer or early fall this year. wink


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