
Hihi! jus to let you know im like sooo ubber kyute and stuffs whee hehe
kay...my names Jeryka!

Javi is M.I.N.E! got it o.o

my nicknames are: Jer-bear, jery (i hate it tho), rave girl, and one other name buh only my awesome bf can call me that x3
im goin to start college soon this fall...hopefully lol and just get started with my life.
im 18 lovin it <3
and well i loves to play vid games (especially with javi hehe my chibi neko) x3
and well hmm i already told you im ubber sweet and kyute i think hehe i loves all kinds of anime so just ask haha woo lets get talking about interesting stuffs
so like hey your mean to me i be mean to you its simple rawr!!
i AM taken peoples rawr heart
anyways yea i dunno what to say anymore....ily javi!

random things that describe me sweatdrop

-i trip up the stairs not
down && i push doors that say pull.-
-i usually always have to be listening to music.-
-i dont likey things that can keep me traumatized o.o.-
-i hate insects.-
-im CLUMSY.-
-i laugh a loooott!.- (so im sorry if at times i get a little annoying). sweatdrop
sometimes im just overly happy. biggrin
-happy person most of the time.- (think i told you that already and yesh its true)
-i love making new friends everyday if i get the chance.-
-sometimes i can take jokes seriously o.o.-
-i drink lots of juices, mostly healthy stuff.- (dont judge me)
-yes i have a cell and if i know you, you can txt me! heart i have unlimited so
yea lol.-
(you need to ask me for my number, incase i dont know you lol)
-i hate it when things get boring :/.-
-i can be very RANDOM...and hyper so dont freak lol.-
-animal lover.-
-&& hello kitty lover biggrin .-



Viewing 10 of 10 friends



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 09/23/2009 6:25 pm


Oh, wow, there's pain?! What kind?
I'm sorry ;(

Report | 09/17/2009 8:08 pm


Oh, no, honey!
What's wrong?!
Talk to meh
is everything ok with the baby?

Report | 09/16/2009 7:51 pm


Ah, it was great, thank you!
How have you been?!

Report | 09/10/2009 6:06 pm


Awe, thank you so much!
But it's not belated, it's today, lol.

Report | 09/01/2009 9:46 am


lol hehehehe
panda harmony

Report | 09/01/2009 9:15 am

panda harmony

Thanks love your 2 its cool the green bunny
Listed Lunacy

Report | 08/29/2009 7:49 pm

Listed Lunacy

yesh : D
panda harmony

Report | 08/29/2009 9:58 am

panda harmony

Yes we can hang out it be cool.

Report | 08/29/2009 8:16 am


lol go to taiwan

Report | 08/29/2009 6:03 am


lol yea^^