
First Name: Kaoru
Last Name: Hitachiin
Japanese Way: Hitachiin Kaoru
Birthday: June 9
Sign: Gemini
Height: 5 feet 9 inches
Blood Type: B
Grade: First Year, Class A
Favorite Subjects: English, Modern Literature
Favorite Foods: Italian, Anything Spicy
Personality: Devilish like his brother, but slightly more level headed, Kaoru rounds out the twins with a caring side. Constantly looking out for Hikaru, he is often trying to help in more ways than one. Alone, he is quieter, but with Hikaru they become almost one in the same. During their hosting, Kaoru becomes the weaker submissive one while Hikaru plays "loving big brother" of sorts.

**Hikaru and Kaoru live in their own, isolated world. Early in their years the two would single out and abuse anyone who tried to get close and befriend the brothers, but after joining the Host Club and meeting Haruhi they had started to open up their small world and befriend people.

** From the viewer's point of view, Hikaru commonly parts his hair to the right while Kaoru parts his hair to the left.

Hi-oo. I do realize my video has nothing to do with anything else in this profile...It's completely garish and doesn't fit...But...I like it. ^^''

Visit my brother and I at Ouran~ We love new guests!


Viewing 11 of 11 friends


Kaoru's Art Journal. (Help Me Fill It Please~)

Super Art Journal

This is a journal of the art's I'm questing for. Please, doodle me and/or my brother and do it for me. It'd be super chouette. I'd love to see some love~



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

Sailor Nana

Report | 10/15/2008 9:34 pm

Sailor Nana

Sailor Nana

Report | 02/22/2008 3:11 am

Sailor Nana


Report | 02/20/2008 7:17 pm


I'm doing alright Kaoru-san...I'm just a bit sick, but I'm on the way to getting better.

Report | 02/15/2008 8:32 am


There's a patch of blue in the stormy sky,

A memory of a brighter time.

When everything was new, and less watered down,

Before the summer turned to brown.

User Image User Image User Image User Image

[D] ear [R] eader,

User Image

Whoo, two hours a day on the computer. 8D;; better than nothin'.

Blah, here, for your journal:

You seen this before, but I repost this to you anyway. User Image

User Image

incerely, [M] e User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

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Don't say you can't believe it now,

That you're almost settled down,

'Cause you'll be right here,

When I come back around.

Report | 02/13/2008 10:28 pm


Hi Karou-san, how have you been?

Report | 02/11/2008 1:16 am



Report | 02/09/2008 8:13 pm


Thanks to my brother, Gaia pretty much IP banned me. He let his friends on and they decided to go around, posting about cybering. And so they banned my account, and my mule account. And all of my friends' {since they usually go on their accounts here or make me}, my brother's, and his friends.

. . . Which was very annoying.


Thought I'd comment ya to say hey, and uh. Bye for awhile. Tonight and next weekend aside, I'm not gonna be on for a long while or something. My mom decided she doesn't care about me, I don't get my cellphone, the computer, can't use the house phone, and that she only loves me "because I'm her daughter", and she otherwise doesn't care if I die. . . . But luffs for you, Hikaru, and all the other hosts. I'm too lazy to retype all this and I hate copy/pasting stuff. 8D So yeah. Whatever.

Ururu Tsumugiya

Report | 02/09/2008 5:20 pm

Ururu Tsumugiya

You have interesting taste in music, Kaoru... What's the band called?

Report | 02/08/2008 10:40 pm


Ohyeah? Well. I can plague harder than you. >:'D

*Plagues harder!*

Report | 02/08/2008 3:52 pm



Tis Vani.

Other account's banned ATM.



~Guess Who's Questing Arts For His Art Journal?~