my name is sofie
my favorite color is black
I love nice people (who doesn't?)
my fave candy is probably gummies
I am hyper!
but can be calm.
and I am very happy!
but I am hurt easily.
I have extremely dark brown eyes
black hair (i dye it)
I am 13
I was born on july 12th
pretty much i am a complicated soul
take a chance!
add me <3
its a lil hard to see, but to the left of this is my avitar. i know, wonderful, huh?
oh, and i totally love to draw. so if i like your avi or if you donate, HEY! you have some art coming your way!
~things to donate~
>wed to darkness<
>jenny doll<
>mona the platypus<
>great old one<
>black wolf<
>dark halo<
>radio jack<
>fremere's guard<
>inari's beard (11th gen)<
>gaia tan<
>chuchip's blessing<
>oisin's blessing<
>actaeon's blessing<
>keytar blade<
>giant syringe<
>gold...lots and lots of gold<
none yet? SHUCKS!
~Donator's avi art~
well, i guess not...
~current dreams~
21,570g out of 574,430g
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