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Alright bitches I am going to keep it short and sweet for ya.
Name's Noriko, I'm seventeen, a lesbian, and I am pretty freakin' spectacular.
Let's be friends, kay?
(Trust me...I'm more complex then I appear...HAHA, that's what everyone says)
Now ******** off.


Viewing 8 of 8 friends


Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

Ange Pecheur

Report | 07/19/2009 4:45 pm

Ange Pecheur

Lawlz, hey there, long time no chat. :3 I left because I was emo rolleyes , but nao I'm back!!! biggrin Lesh chat sometime, okies?
[Captain Jv]

Report | 02/09/2009 5:32 pm

[Captain Jv]

...I get the same thing. D:
I wanted to be an archaeologist. Preferably a marine one. Buuut I'm stuck in the army for now. xD
[Captain Jv]

Report | 02/09/2009 4:54 pm

[Captain Jv]

Touch me Im Jesus

Report | 02/09/2009 4:38 pm

Touch me Im Jesus

You're welcome and I was just saying the truth, you are very beautiful.
PonyBoy the Yaoi Grunneh

Report | 02/09/2009 4:25 pm

PonyBoy the Yaoi Grunneh

LOL thank you <3

XD Well then that just proves your point! The kid is just childish razz if he can't tell someone face to face or give them a good reason for why they are acting out then they are no better than children XD Besides, what do kids know about beauty? ;D lol
PonyBoy the Yaoi Grunneh

Report | 02/09/2009 4:20 pm

PonyBoy the Yaoi Grunneh

Oh! Of course he's in good hands, I would sooner die then let him go with someone I didn't trust!
I just get worried cause... I love him D! and I don't want him to get hurt or anything.
I know he's having a good time, he always does with her, but I miss him still >.<;;
PonyBoy the Yaoi Grunneh

Report | 02/09/2009 4:14 pm

PonyBoy the Yaoi Grunneh

D: I know! But I still miss him!
I'm all worried .__.
PonyBoy the Yaoi Grunneh

Report | 02/09/2009 4:10 pm

PonyBoy the Yaoi Grunneh

No, he's out with my friend Amy getting some womanly influence in his life.
PonyBoy the Yaoi Grunneh

Report | 02/09/2009 4:05 pm

PonyBoy the Yaoi Grunneh

X3 yay!

I'm good right now, I guess. A mixture of boredom, sadness, and missing my son T__T
PonyBoy the Yaoi Grunneh

Report | 02/09/2009 4:02 pm

PonyBoy the Yaoi Grunneh

Hi bestie!! <333

:3 I will be your valentine! <3 XD