
Greetings ladies and gents. I'm currently a resident in Texas although I might be moving to Tennessee unless otherwise. I don't like talking about my personal life or giving out my real name on the internet. Unless I've known the other for quite a few years. My personality I'm quite the introvert meaning I usually like spending most my time indoors then outdoors and I'm also a loner. When it comes to meeting new people in real life I'm not at all that talkative at first cause it takes a while for me to open up since I'm not very social. Although I'm easy to get along with cause I'm not at all judgemental about peoples culture, religion, sex life or the lifestyle they live. I do have a strong interest and passion when it comes video games and anime and my hobbies are collecting TCG's and collectible figures of sorts. In my spare time I'm usually reading or drawing. I love sci fi and horror movies and I enjoy reading military suspense novels. The kind of music I'm into is mostly metal and techno



Viewing 3 of 3 comments.

ii Super Nova Boy ii

Report | 11/18/2010 4:07 pm

ii Super Nova Boy ii

That works for me :3
ii Super Nova Boy ii

Report | 11/18/2010 3:50 pm

ii Super Nova Boy ii

Him.. Maybe Damien could get a boyfriend and Keane becomes very jealous?
ii Super Nova Boy ii

Report | 11/18/2010 7:37 am

ii Super Nova Boy ii

Why thank you :3


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