
x_wolfraven_x's avatar

Birthday: 10/23


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My Dying Bride - The Wreckage of My Flesh



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AmyAmazin Report | 08/31/2009 7:22 pm
AmyAmazin Report | 08/28/2009 8:07 pm
thank you i hope you have a great bday too!
Aortic Dissection Report | 08/28/2009 9:17 am
Aortic Dissection
If I could find it I so would. I'm a total horror/fantasy movie lover.
Aortic Dissection Report | 08/26/2009 9:45 am
Aortic Dissection
Thanks. I haven't seen the Crow yet but I've always wanted too. =^__^=
SE-Maka-SE Report | 08/05/2009 3:25 pm
your wellcome!
AmyAmazin Report | 08/04/2009 3:27 pm
iiM1keyii Report | 08/04/2009 5:39 am
thanks for joining and your welcome
AmyAmazin Report | 07/25/2009 12:33 pm
LOVE your profile i see we are into the same stuff.

Sarah's Dream


moving on....

I'm moving with my friend to our apartment! I won't have internet then. So I apologise for the delay in the responses for comments and messages.


Power, Beauty And....Death.

Umm...Me? Lets have a look...

-I'm a wolf with black wings. 19 years old female. You can call me Raven.

-I have kind of alienated myself from the real world.

-For my attitude is quite gloomy and my personality is timid may be why I appear shy, sorry.

-I'm strange and unusual. Other words I could be described are: nervous, helpful, sometimes tired, freak, depressing and Gullible.

-I'm a holic of Tim Burton movies.

-I enjoy animations quite a bit. I guess I'm very childish.

-I can weirdly much relate to Lydia Deetz from Beetlejuice so it's nice to have someone who understands me.

-I'd like to live in a castle with Edward from Edward Scissorhands. We are both quiet type, but maybe we could just sit on the floor and keep a company to each others.

-Friends mean a world to me. I want to be by their side on this rocky road called life.

-Let me introduce two of coolest friends I have: The two insane cats. Rose is older and she is cranky. You must have patience with her because she has been trough alot of mean s**t, but she is most adorable and brave cat I have ever seen. Other one Spooky is about two years old. She is dumb but very beautiful and fluffy. She likes everyone and everyhting, Spooky is always happy and that makes me wonder what does she have in those catfood-slimeys she eats.

-I like to draw and I draw ALOT.

-I'm a vegan. Meat is murder.

-I don't have a negative opinion about bi's, lesbians, gays or heterosexuals. I'm lesbian.

-I can consider myself lucky because I don't like chocolate, cakes, cookies, chips or any kind of food that contains loads of sugar and fat. It doesn't taste good from my point of view. (I like liquorice and cocacola zero). I like to eat liquorice ice cream with friends sometimes.

-I likes alot of tea and coffee.

-I like red wine. But I can't stand drunkards.

-I do smoke. It's too expensive tho...

-I can't stand my stupid insomnia.

-and I HATE mornings. Grr...

-let me just sleep and I'm happy.

-well usually I see only nightmares. But atleast I'm not sleepy when I'm in sleep. I'm often tired when I'm awake.

-My wardrobe contains only black clothes and violet socks and one blue skirt and one red skirt. The wardrobe is like black abyss. I don't dare to reach too deep in it because what lies behind darkness and light is none of my business.

-I believe that my imaginary world exist somewhere and I'll find there and then I can live with my creatures. But they'd probably eat me. I taste bad. And I bite back.

-I believe in zombies and ghouls too.

-I live with my dad and brother but I have somehow managed to stay somewhat girly. Even though I dress myself like an shapeless piece of darkness. Most of my clothes are too big for me.

-My favorite characters from movies and books must be: Lydia Deetz(Beetlejuice...duh...), Edward Scissorhands, Sarah or Sherri(from The Crow), Death(The Sandman), Toboe(Wolf's Rain), Cecilia Lisbon(Virgin Suicides), Brigitte Fitzgerald(Ginger Snaps)

-I have been struggling with depression in and out about half of my life. I don't like to be called crazy. But I guess I am a little bit....

-I want to live my dream. And my dream is to be strong and brave.

-I joined here because I was having an horribly boring and lonely day and suddently I needed a place to went. I probably add my poems here in the misty future.

-I love to read mammal, biology and bird books at my spare time.

- Shallowness of people bug me.

-I like music too much. I have recently fell in love with My Chemical Romance, Dir en Grey, and Escape The Fate. Other my very favorite bands are Dismal Euphony, Iced Eearth, Eternal Tears of Sorrow, Moonspell and Nebelhexe.

-I like the atmosphere at gigs. I have been at two. DIO is an old heavy metal band and Kagrra, is japanese angura kei band. At Kagrra,s gig I went with two friends, it was overly fun.

-I'm not as calm as I seem. I can't handle feelings of anger in a right way. I just get sad and distressed when I should be angry.

-I hate people who intentionally hurt or manipulate others.

-I make my own choices.

-I don't really care what happens in the future. Here and now is what is important.

-I'm highly curious of the world and new people. Maybe that's why I get attached easily. And I like to learn new things.

“I’m not the spirit of any age. I’m at odds with everything and always have been! I have never belonged anywhere with anyone at any time!” -Louis.

-"Real love is forever"


Sarah and Eric

The Crow


"Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there, wondering, fearing, doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before." - Edgar Allan Poe

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