
I'm just a dreamer, I dream my life away
I'm just a dreamer, who dreams of better days...
- Ozzy Osbourne

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Welcome is sleep, more welcome sleep of stone whist crime and shame continue in the land. My happy fortune, not to see or hear: Awake me not hush, whisper now. Now knowing the end of the world is comming I smile as you forget me...

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".....There comes a time for every vampire when the idea of Etternity becomes unbearable. Living in the shadows.......feeding in the Darkness with only your own company to keep rotts into a solitary, hollow, exitence. Imortality seems like a good idea until you realize that you are going to spend it......Alone........" -Lestat

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"Theres nothing like a trial of blood to lead you back home.... theres nothing like a funeral to make you feel alive.... Will you swear on your life, that no one will cry at my funeral.... when you've lost it all, thats when you fianlly realize, that life is beautiful" - Sixx:A.M

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Viewing 12 of 81 friends



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 12/06/2020 5:23 pm


Hey!! Omg I barely go back on here. I go on once in a while for nostalgia haha. I remember you omg! I hope you are doing well, especially with this Covid stuff. Do you have any other social media? It would be amazing to get back in touch somehow. It's crazy it has been well over a decade since we've talked!! crying It's so nice to hear from you! If you have facebook, you can search Erin Cisneros. My pic is me with my bird on my head. If not that, my instagram is mangamaeniac. My pic is my bird. Haha. If neither, then I don't know. crying I still use snapchat but sparingly. I'll log back in here more often to see if you ever respond!! Hope to hear from you again! 3nodding heart
wolfs cry for cookies

Report | 04/25/2010 11:32 am

wolfs cry for cookies

happy b-day biggrin
yay first one
sorry if its not D:
dam gaia sometimes lies

Report | 03/20/2010 2:57 pm


o.o what's a dominatrix?????
wolfs cry for cookies

Report | 03/14/2010 2:23 pm

wolfs cry for cookies

hello =3

Report | 12/01/2009 11:14 pm


ohh! wow a senior!! im only a freshmen >.<! i wanna get a part-time job..to make my own money >_<! wat kinda job u working?? :O

Report | 11/29/2009 11:19 am



Report | 10/24/2009 3:57 pm


omg college?! o.o is it first year for you?! O.O

Report | 08/31/2009 11:09 am


gaahh...=.=; sucha late response..like 2 months late..so sorry X___X !!! umm this summer has been..kinda crazy o.O mixed with so many...crap and exciting stuff XD how was yur summer vacation? ;D i was supposed to start school today but it was canceled cuz of the fire were having here right now..=3= hehehe i missed the first day of school XDD! sweetness~ might start tmrrow though -__-...

Report | 04/25/2009 11:02 am


omg i havent logged on gaia very often x.x
its yur birthday today?!!? =OOOOO
omfgg happy birthday!!!!!!!!!! x333
i havnt talked to u in so long..=(
i hope u log in...>.<;

Report | 04/24/2009 6:11 am


Happy Birthday! biggrin



They should have locked me up by now, for how I've treated you in my mind