Disassembled Marionette

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Last Login: 02/03/2010 4:34 pm

Registered: 09/09/2008

Gender: Female

Location: Heart-break Hotel

Birthday: 03/01


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Hyde roentegan stories, secret letters


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My mom used to tell me when i grow up i can be anything i want to be.. so i became a lesbian. :]

Ok, so Im a newborn vegetarian <3 I'm doing great and I really think I can do this, It isn't even hard because meat isn't even appealing to me xD If your a veg head like me, you might like some of the recipes on www.vegweb.com I made the samosa and it was DELISH! I cant believe the stupidity of the world, when I say I'm a vegetarian they are like "why?!" I usually shrug and walk away. But any who once while eating a vegetarian cream cheese bagel someone was like, you know there is animal in that. It made me so angry that I couldnt even eat one thing before someone had to tease me about it. and there is NO animal in a veggie bagel ._.
Either waaaaay I dont eat meat, I dont eat fish, I dont eat shellfish aaaand I do eat dairy products. Yes I eat eggs, now some will ask why?? Some even say its a baby chicken. No eating an egg is quite like eating a womans period, its not a baby chicken at all. its only the nutrients a chicken would eat if it had been fertilized. Yes there is the point that the way the chickens are treated terrible just to get the eggs, but I get mine from a local farm ^-^ no harm done :]

Love is something every man wants but few ever find it, few ever trust its true when they do, and even fewer are able to keep it, but its there, we just have to work for it, to run after it and to keep it near when the cold winds threaten to extinguish it and when the winds succeed when must fan it into existance again and again untill our fingers are numb and we are out of breath, why? because.. love is worth it all.

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THE PAST HAS MADE ME WHO I AM, it has defined who i am not. AND IT WILL ALWAYS BE THERE, taunting, warning teaching and reminding me of my mistakes. - auberdee guajardo


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The dilusioned writing of a forgotten marionete

My scribbles on the wall


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m i s h i i o Report | 12/06/2009 8:36 am
m i s h i i o
Dee-choooooon~ I miss chuu <3
Cannibalistic Draco Report | 11/10/2009 4:04 am
Cannibalistic Draco
my tummy hurts.....

: (
Vanchiko Report | 10/13/2009 6:35 pm
hello Disassembled Marionette,
I'm not sure if you remember me, but a while ago.
I was on a quest, questing 50 hugs. and you happened to be my 50th hugger.
so in congratulating. you shall recieve a bun bun. for being one of the lucky
4 winners~


thanks for helping with my quest ;D
Jordge un Toshi Report | 10/03/2009 1:17 pm
Jordge un Toshi
dork. xd
Jordge un Toshi Report | 10/02/2009 8:57 pm
Jordge un Toshi
Jordge un Toshi Report | 10/02/2009 8:54 pm
Jordge un Toshi
that's actually where I got it from blaugh

yeah I know. I cried at the end and didn't even eat my fresh out of the oven cookie that my little brother amazingly made. I had to take half an hour to calm down before I could eat it. Hyde made a great Kei, and Gackt was amazing as Sho.
Jordge un Toshi Report | 10/02/2009 8:46 pm
Jordge un Toshi
because critics like power and think they are the puppeteers of the world. And in a sense they are because only shallow-minded people who can't think for themselves would listen to them. Moon Child got the same reaction. But then there's the people who think for themselves and they don't give two shits about critics. Did I mention critics are mostly heartless and close-minded too?
Jordge un Toshi Report | 10/02/2009 8:40 pm
Jordge un Toshi
it's a really crazy movie. I mean it's so sad and beautiful. Funny enough it got low ratings from critics but almost everyone who's seen it in real life (like real people) love it.
Jordge un Toshi Report | 10/02/2009 8:33 pm
Jordge un Toshi
yeah i was talking about it the other day. That sad song that someone wrote with a sad fanfic, well teh sad song is part of teh soundtrack to the movie.

Jordge un Toshi Report | 10/02/2009 8:27 pm
Jordge un Toshi
oh i was just watching a scene and it made me sad. I WANNA WATCH THE MOVIE!!!!!!!


"Im a dog chasing cars... I wouldnt know what to do with it if I caught it. " ~The Joker
"This is what happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object"~The Joker

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