
Haii tharr.
I love school.
Fifth grade was the best year of my life.
Purple's the BEST color ever. Make me mad and I'll paint chu purple. ;D
I have a sister. And I love her. She's mineeeee. So back off guys. o_0
Thursdays are prone to be bad days. I swear! Ask Erinn.
Pisces, yeahhh! <3
I'm a picky eater.
I love my friends. Not you. Kiddin'.
I'm crazy and weird. I love to laugh. (:
I'm quite the impatient one.
I don't like soda. What's wrong with water? ;B I don't like candy/sweets either.
I have a bad habit of biting my nails. ):
I play the violin and piano. 2 years and 8 years, respectively.
I like to sing for fun. Lalalalalalala. <3
I think girls can be too dramatic and complicated.
I don't have the 'fashion taste' like Erinn does. Or Lauren, or Dani, for that matter.

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Fwends/Special People

Leena: She's kind, caring, pwetty, empathetic, sympathetic, and a persevering person. You can trust her to keep your secret, and she can ALWAYS relate to how you feel. It's unbelievable how amazing and understanding she is. She can always cheer me up, whether it's her silly but cute little poems, or what she says. I love you with all my heart, Leena! I'll never ever ever forget you...even when we have to separate this year. D': You're a one of a kind person...especially your personality and words. I can talk to you all day nonsense, and I wouldn't even get sick of you. YOU'RE MY BEST FRIEND IN THE WHOLE ENTIRE WORLD , MAN. XD And we make up a lot of weird jokes ^^ Oh , and I love this phrase: "It hurts so good!", or "LOLOLOL BRI I'M LITERALLY ROFLING, AND I HIT MY HEAD AGAINST THE CUPBOARD".

Kelly: Kelly is pretty, silly, funny, and can always be crazy with me. We have moments where we're laughing our heads off at literally NOTHING. She's a crazy fast runner too.I bet she's buff from all that running and biking and hard core workout, but you probably just don't know it. ninja We always have fun together at lunch poking at the gross cafeteria food and "cooking" (mixing random stuff together) food. I love you Kellers.

Dani[elle]: Dani, you are the best sister EVER. You're always cheering me up when I get yelled at, or when I'm sad. You have been here for me my whole life. Even when we fight sometimes, it's usually 10 minutes that we're mad at each other, but that's it. I have no idea what I'd do with you. I wouldn't be living if it weren't for you. I swear. I'd be so lonely and solitary without a sibling, I'd just suicide or something. I can talk to you about anything, and you'd know perfectly well what I mean. You're so athletic and skinny it scares me. And you say you're fat. You're made of skin and bones, sistah. Anyways, every time I screw something up, you're there to help me clean up the mess. Partners in crime, babyyyy! ;B I still remember the time we went sliding down the stairs in a laundry basket. That was hella fun. Haha. And I just needa say that it was just TERRIBLE that one week you went to outdoor ed and missed my birthday. Not only were you gone for my birthday, you were gone from my life for a week. And it SUCKED. Oh, and I LOVE being pervy with you. Ahahaha. You rock my life. (: I loveeezed you Dani. <3

Lauren: She's MY cousin. Not yours. So lay off. o_0 Lol. (: I love you Lauren. You're like the best. Not LIKE the best, you ARE the best. And your house is TOTALLY the refuge. (; Haha ily <3. You're the awesomest person ever. Too bad you live 6 hrs away from me. -_- Playing cards with you is especially fun. You and your crazy fast slapping hand. You're the bomb. And I love the stories you tell meh. (: And 10 years from now, when you're on TV as some super crazy awesome rich tennis player I'll be all like YEEEE THAT'S MY COUSIN. SO HA. IN YER FACE. AND SHE'S TAKING ME TO COSTA RICA, NOT YOU. SO THERE. SUCK IT.



Viewing 12 of 42 friends


~Bri's Thoughts, Feelings, Ideas, Inspirations, and more!~

This is where I get to blurb and babble about stuff, express my feelings, thoughts, ideas, vent when I'm angry (which isn't very often), and the story of my life! Enjoyyyy! &lt;3



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 03/02/2012 6:47 am


Its been a long time since you were on Gaia. I don't know if you left for good or not; but, I just wanted to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!! biggrin

Report | 10/16/2011 1:50 am


I like your profile and your personality. Very mature and healthy. biggrin

Report | 03/02/2011 8:17 am


Hi ***!

Long, long time no hear! sad Well, how have you been? I'm pretty sure you've been busy. I just wanted to wish you a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! biggrin

Report | 03/02/2011 12:08 am


Hiya! Gaia tells me it's your birthday!
So Happy Birthday!
Hope its an awesome one! ^_^

Report | 11/22/2010 1:42 pm


Hey girl!! smile whats up??

Report | 10/01/2010 5:46 pm


Hi! Really pissed at a guy in my CLASS! His name's Timothy! He's such an idtiot! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!
Sarcastic Remark

Report | 09/12/2010 11:28 pm

Sarcastic Remark

Mmm, busybusybusy. I'll be graduating early, probably at the end of this semester, then it's off to the community college. After that, I dunno. I was halfway seriously planning on going to college in Texas to be with Corey but he broke up with me last week so yeah. THAT'S MY LIFE FOR YOU.

I hope yours is going better.

Report | 09/11/2010 7:06 pm


Same homework D: But i finished it last night xD
Sarcastic Remark

Report | 09/07/2010 9:20 pm

Sarcastic Remark

scream scream

How's being back in school treating youuu?

Report | 09/06/2010 11:01 am


Whtsup? And Pssssh. No


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