Hey wassup suckas. My name is Brady, and I am a Gaia Roleplayer. I am focusing on wrestling roleplays, and am currently in the guild WWE:U. MY guy's name is OverKill, and the song you are hearing right now is his theme. In one of my roleplays, OverKill is in a Tag-Team called DX-Treme. I also roleplay as The Miz and a guy named Nate Fury. Well, heres a list of matches I've been in and the results, in order of which they happened. Any matches in bolts was a championship match:
OverKill vs Bo Brawler vs Harli - Winner: OverKill
[The Miz vs Hiro - Cruiserweight - Winner: The Miz]
[God's Final Testimate vs DX-Treme - World Tag Team - Winner: DX-Treme]
The Miz vs Hiro - #1 Contender Match - Winner: Hiro
[Nate Fury vs Brantley - X-Division - Winner: Brantley]
[DX-Treme vs Stone Cold & Goldberg - World Tag Team - Winner: TBA]
Check back to see my newest matches and if I won them. Hopefully one of these days I'll get a title shot! Also check my journal for a detailed discription of what happened, and also for a link to the actual match!
Also everybody, join X-Division Wrestling, my wrestling roleplay. We're rising straight to the top!
OverKill's Recent Match Recaps
Hey. Here is basically an archive of all my matches that I have been in. I will recap them all, and also put in a link to the real thing incase anyone is interested.
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