
User ImageName ; Tifa Lockhart
Age ; Twenty
Job ; Bar hostess / member of AVALANCHE
Weapon ; Gloves
Height ; 5''5
DoB ; May 3rd
Birthplace ; Nibelheim
Blood Type ; B
Personality ; Bright and optimistic, Tifa always cheers up the others when they're down. But don't let her face fool you, she can decimate almost any enemy with her fists. She is one of the main members of AVALANCHE. She and Cloud were childhood friends, and although she has strong feelings for him, she will never admit it.

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Tifa Lockhart grew up in a small town called Nibelheim. She was a perfect example of what every parent wished their children could be. She got straight A's in school, was polite, obediant, and did as she was told. She was very popular with the other children, and had many friends. She spent her spare time practicing her piano lessons dilligently. She was a shining example, and the apple of her proud parents' eyes.
But, tragedy ripped through Tifa's life at a young age when her mother was diagnosed with a rare disease. After a prolonged illness, she passed away, leaving an empty void in the lives of Tifa and her father. Tifa's life with in shambles. She spent less time with her friends, except for one small boy who everyone else pciked on named Cloud, who seemed to be the only one she could talk to about her problems. She quit playing the piano altogether, and her grades dropped. When a martial arts master named Zangan was passing threw town and offered to give any children lessons, she signed up immediately. Through martial arts she found a way to express her emotions, and she practiced non-stop. Zangan, seeing her extremely strong potential, moved into the town permanently. The pair would practice late into the night, and afterwards Tifa would talk for hours with Cloud at the well at the center of the town. he grades slowly improved, but she never played the piano again. her father was happy she had found something to occupy her mind, but was disturbed at the amount of time she spent with Cloud, who was considered a troublemaker. However, soon Cloud left the town to join SOLDIER and Tifa once again spent most of her time with Zangan.
Everyday Tifa watched the news and read the paper looking for some mention of Cloud, but she found none. Until, one day, she read that Shinra was senting a SOLDIER patrol to investigate the increase of monsters in the area, and that they were looking for a guide. She had gone up into the montains many times, and knew them well, so she signed up. When the patrol arrived, she was crestfallen to discover that Cloud was not amoung them. After the trip to the reactor, Sephiroth, the leader of the patrol, lcoked himself in the Shinra mansion and refused to come out. Tifa thought it peculiar, but didn't really think it was her problem, until late one night she was awakened by the fire alarm. she ran outside and saw the entire town ablaze. Looking for the cause of the fire, she saw Sephiroth kill two men with his mighty Masamune, and walk off towards the reactor. Behind him ran Tifa's father. With tears running down her smoke stained cheeks she chased blindly after her father.
When she reached the reactor she had fallen behind her father. When she entered she saw him laying on the ground with a bloody gash across his chest. Sephiroth's mighty Masamune lay beside her father's body. In a rage she grabbed the massive blade and ran to confront Sephiroth. She had no experience with such a weapon, and Sephiroth easily disarmed her and dealt her a devastating blow to the chest. Zangan later found her and nursed her back to health, and then brought her with him to Midgar. He stayed with her for some time, but then left her with some money and a note of apology late one night. Tifa learned to fend for herself, and got a job as a waitress. She eventually earned enough money to buy a small bar which became slowly successful. Her hate of Shinra never lessened, and soon her bar became a meeting place for others who shared her opinion of the company. One day, a man with a gun grafted into one arm came to her bar with his companion. She served them drinks, but they were very quiet and seemed to be watching her all the time. This went on for three weeks until one day after the bar was closed the man, who's name she learned was Barret, approached her and asked her to join his rebel faction known as AVALANCHE. She accepted immediately, and Barret explained to her AVALANCHE's plan to end the rule of Shinra.
While she was against the methods used she knew it was necessary and helped in any way possible with the guerrilla terrorism. One day she was out walking and discovered the fallen body of a man by the train station. With a shock she realized it was Cloud. After he recovered he told her of how he had arrived there, but she was confused about a great many things. Such as, why he claimed to be in Nibelheim when he hadn't, and how he knew so much if he hadn't been there. However, she had the feeling that if she confronted him something terrible would happen, so she said nothing.
Cloud joined the rebel group as a mercenary, but soon the group and its members, as well as new additions along the way were swept into a battle against Sephiroth and Jenova for the very life of the Planet. But through the entire time, Tifa never ceased to put up a strong front for the others, and never left Cloud's side.



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

Marlene Wallace VII

Report | 03/30/2008 9:15 am

Marlene Wallace VII

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I've had it for a long time >.>

"Please, don't take Denzel away"

Marlene xox ~

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Resuri Z

Report | 02/13/2008 10:47 am

Resuri Z

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‘‘Who’s using my materia?!’’

Lol, yes, but I'm feeling better now! =D
Happy Valentine's day!! heart


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Resuri Z

Report | 02/07/2008 2:59 pm

Resuri Z

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‘‘Who’s using my materia?!’’

How are you?


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Resuri Z

Report | 02/07/2008 2:58 pm

Resuri Z

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‘‘Who’s using my materia?!’’

I'm fine but I'm sick sad


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Resuri Z

Report | 02/06/2008 3:52 pm

Resuri Z

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‘‘Who’s using my materia?!’’

Yay! I'm a princess XD
Lol, don't worry we are all weird XD


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Resuri Z

Report | 02/05/2008 4:26 pm

Resuri Z

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‘‘Who’s using my materia?!’’

Umm.. I meant ''Today''


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Resuri Z

Report | 02/05/2008 4:25 pm

Resuri Z

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‘‘Who’s using my materia?!’’

Wow, Tifa going to school XD
I don't go to school JK!! XD
I'm weird to day -_-'


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Resuri Z

Report | 02/04/2008 4:36 pm

Resuri Z

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‘‘Who’s using my materia?!’’

Really? O.o


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Resuri Z

Report | 02/03/2008 12:29 pm

Resuri Z

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‘‘Who’s using my materia?!’’

Oh, okay. Now I understand!


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Marlene Wallace VII

Report | 02/03/2008 8:00 am

Marlene Wallace VII

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How are you?

"Please, don't take Denzel away"

Marlene xox ~

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Which is it? A memory or us?