Wishful Thinking Shop

Wishful Thinking Shop's avatar

Birthday: 05/27

Wish List



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Have you ever wished or desired something fleetingly? Wished your enemy would just disappear, or your neighbor's boyfriend would be into you instead of her? Wish you'd win the lottery, or get better if you've been battling a long illness? Be it spiteful, malicious, sincere, or endearing, have you ever wondered what happens to those fleeting thoughts or desires?

Recently, a new species has showed up in our world. Empathic by nature, each one is born from a wishful thought recently discarded. Some are more subtle than others. However, the most powerful of these fleeting thoughts can become so strong that they lean towards good or evil in personality. This can make some quite dangerous. Little is known of their goals right now. The scientists of Gambino Isle are baffled. Perhaps more knowledge on these animals will be acquired in the future but for now, would you kindly answer one question for me?

What is it that you desire?

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siriusmermaid Report | 09/15/2016 11:09 pm
Hello lovely.
I couldn't help but notice you are the only one selling s gaia right now.
I was wondering if you would give it to me in exchange for some avi art.
I mean, like a lifetime supply of avi art though!!!!
You see, I really want that shirt, but I dont invest in gaia usually so it would take a long time for me to get.
you can see what my art looks like at instagram.com/aerin.wills
i can draw you anything you want. porn, portraits, cuddly animals. you name it and its yours. just donate that sgaia and save me from sadness. wahmbulance